Franklin McMillan Diary & Transcription, 1933


Franklin McMillan Diary & Transcription, 1933


Franklin McMillan


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






20th Century, Halton County, Nelson Township, Burlington, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1933

Is Part Of

Franklin McMillan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



year 1933

Jan 1st Sunday a big change in the weather this morning nearly zero all last week very mild. Christmas day was very mild. like spring home alone all day as we are holding our new years Dinner Tomorrow

Jan 2nd. A bright clear day and getting milder again. Had Grandma B & Harry & John .Donald & Edgar & Mrs Braett for dinner none ov them would stay for supper

Jan 3rd Fine & mild again thawing some. called on Hicks Ida has been sick with a cold

Jan 4th Very mild, no snow at all and every thing dry. burnt the grass in the ditch along the road, very unusual at this time of the year.

Jan 5th. Mild yet . froze a little last night, cloudy and looks like snow flurries Geo Filman elected Reeve & Len Scott deputy by acclamation in East Flamboro, in Burlington. J. O. Ryckman elected mayor. Geo Harris Reeve. Jos Brecken Deputy & Councillors Craig John Blair Will Bell. McGrath. John {Grimson}. Dan Barrett. nearly a new Council from last years

Jan 6th. Mild again today thawing all day.

Jan 7th. Very windy again blowing the straw off the strawberries again turning cold tonight froze up solid.

Jan 8th. Cold & cloudy looks like snow. home all day.

Jan 9th Some rain in the night. cloudy all day and some cooler tonight

Jan 10th. Fine & mild got Car License $7.00 Drivers Permit '100 Car License no P. 7253

Jan 11th. Fine today but turning cold tonight freezing hard

Jan 12th. Real cold this morning must be down to about 10 above

Jan 13th. not quite so cold this morning but cloudy and looks like snow the ground has been bare since before Xmas.

Jan 23rd. Mother. Doris and I have all been in bed for a week with the flu just getting around now but all feeling shaky. the weather has been very mild the whole last ten days no snow at all. quite a lot of rain and terrible high winds blew barn door off last week & blew down lattice fence and also Radio

aerial last night. am not able to go out yet to fix any thing. The paper says the Thermometer was up to 50 degrees last Saturday.

Jan 24th & 27th Weather fine & mild certainly a fine January. mother back to bed more cold & flu.

Jan 28th to 30th. A little cooler, frosty at nights but clear days and no snow. mother still in bed. Doris went to school today was away 11 school days this month. Mrs Wilcox of Hamilton died about a week ago

Jan 31st Mild. very warm some rain, the mildest January that I can remember ever having

Feby 1st. still mild & cloudy. ordered some seeds from Stokes also from John Allen

Feby 2nd Cloudy, some colder, with strong west wind: dont think the ground hog will see his shadow today.

Feby 3rd. Colder & Cloudy ground frozen up again

Feby 4th Colder again a few Snow Flurries and getting real cold tonight

Feby 5th. Very cold down to 10 this am. cold west wind mother still in bed.

Feby 6th. Cold this morning but getting milder, tonight will likely be cold in a day or two as it is 40 below zero in Winnipeg

Feby 7th Milder & cloudy snowed a couple of inches in the night.

Feby 8th. Very cold. down to about zero tonight

Fey 9th Coldest day this winter 2 to 4 below zero this morning with strong north wind blowing.

Feby 10th. Extreme cold this morning & last night heavy north west winds and about 10 below zero Hamilton reported 6 below the coldest for some years Winnipeg 46 below near Kenmore 56 below

Feby 11th. not quite so cold today. about 20 above zero. but paper says cold again tomorrow

Feby 12th. Sunday, some colder again nearly zero.

Feby 13th Warmer again thawed some in the afternoon.

Feby 14th. Still mild & cloudy, turning colder tonight.

Feby 15th Cold & windy car of manure arrived for hotbeds.

Feby 16th Fair & cold have another peach of a cold. some milder this afternoon but windy from South West

Feby 17th. Fair & milder men unloading car of hotbed manure.

Feby 18th. Still fine & mild. men finished unloading car of manure

Feby 19th Got rid of the nurse again. cost $40 this time still fine & mild

Feby 20th Rained in the night. mild & windy today.

Feby 21st. Turned cold in the night. very cold today north west gales with snow flurries

Feby 22nd the men have the hotbeds up ready for Pepper & Cabbage Seed moderating again today

Feby 23rd. Fine & mild again now no snow at all since christmas.

Feby 24th. Fine & mild just like spring. John & Brown sowed Pepper & Cabbage Seeds. 10 ozs Worldbeater Peppers 2 ozs Harris' Early Giant & 1 oz California Wonder 2 ozs Copenhagen Cabbage

Feby 25th. Snowed some in the night & rain today very soft & sloppy now In the Senior 6 Ha . 1st place won by Hamilton marlboro's of Toronto 2nd Port Colborne 3rd. Niagara Falls 4th

Feby 26 Fine but colder frozen up again.

Feb 27th. Fine & milder again. the snow going again.

Feb 28th Fine & mild the snow all gone now muddy. but will likely freeze up again tonight

March 1st. went down to the Dr Weavers. both feeling no good. Blood test down to 60. Madges 75

Mar 2nd Cloudy and a little cooler

Mar 3rd not much change in temperature and cloudy. In Senior 6. H .a Semi Finals Port Colborne Beat Hamilton in the two games. 3 to 1 Niagara Falls beat Toronto Marboros 4 to 3

Mar 4th. Cloudy & not very cold Sowed 6 ozs Tomato Seed. Cabbages are up now & Peppers Starting to come up

Mar 5th. Sunday Fine. had lots of visitors Mr & Mrs {illegible} & Bill and Stan & Harry.

Mar 6th. Cloudy and not very cold. NewMarket won from Toronto nationals in Junior 6. H.A. Semi Finals 3 to 2. on the round. game last Saturday

Mar 7th. cooler & cloudy raining & snowing tonight.

Mar 8th. Looks like winter today. a couple

of inches of snow. but mild & thawing this afternoon. Ordered 5000 x 11 qts bshls at $34.20 per 1000 4000 covers at $15.20 per 1000 2000 x 6 qts at 28.25 1000 x 6 qts covers $14.25 5000 qts at $4 75 5000 pints at 438 cash price Paid by cheque today $346.50

Mar 9th. Very cold today strong west winds & snow flurries

Mar 10th A very cold night nearly zero.

Mar 11th not quite so cold but still wintry

Mar 12th. Sunday milder thawing again today & Cloudy this afternoon.

Mar 13th. A little bit of soft snow fell in the night but is mild today

Mar 14th. very mild lots of water on the ground both snow & rain

Mar 15th. Colder again very cold wind John says peppers damping off in hot beds no sun for days

Mar 16 Milder but windy from South West. Started unloading car of manure have to draw from Freeman now. Burlington people don't like the smell. Big Earthquake in cal on Mar 9th & 10th. Long Beach hit the worst. also Los Angeles damaged about 150 killed 3000 hurt.

Mar 17th Mild & cloudy. men unloading manure & making hotbeds. Newmarket Juniors won the 6. h. a championship from Stratford. which took four games to decide. Stratford won the 1st. 3 goals to 1. the 2nd game tied (30 minutes overtime) 2 to 2. 3rd Game newmarket 4 stratford 3 4th & final game last night newmarket 3 stratford 1 Got a load of 11 qt bshls in yesterday.

Mar 18th. Cloudy & very cold East wind & frozen up again. Niagara Falls won Senior 6 H a last night from Pt. Colborne 2 games out of three last nights final game N.F.1 P.C. 0

Mar 19th Sunday. Weather awful today. Snow. rain. ice over every thing and cold besides.

Mar 20th. Cloudy & rainy all day. great weather for hotbeds

Mar 21st. mild but cloudy lots of water around got two loads empty berry crates at Uptons (236). Spring started officially early this a.m. cloudy & strong west wind turning cooler tonight

Mar 22 Cloudy & cold with strong winds.

Mar 23rd still cloudy & cool Newmarkets Jun. 6 H. a. champions won from Sudbury (last years Canadian champions). last night 2 games out of 3.

1st game score Sudbury 1 - Newmarket 1- 20 over time

2nd game Sud Newm. 2 Sud -1

3rd game Newm. 1 Sud -0

transplanted cabbage about 3000. not growing many.

Mar 24th. Niagara Falls (SN Q.H.A. won from Ham. Pats in play downs 4-2 on the round weather fine this afternoon first sunny day for along time

Mar 25. Back to clouds again today with strong West East Wind. Starting to snow this afternoon, still snowing at bed time

Mar 26th Sunday. a few inches of snow. looks like winter again cool tonight.

Mar 27th unloading 3rd car of manure snow all gone already cloudy this afternoon looks like more rain or snow.

Mar 28th Some milder but a cold wind unloading manure & making hotbeds Niagara Falls Sen. 6 H.a won both games from Ottawa in the play downs. 1st Game in Toronto 2 to 0. second in Ottawa 6 to 1.

Mar 29th. Fine & mild today have another cold. Newmarket Junior 6Ha. won both games from Ottawa in playdowns scores 1 to 0 & 3 to 0 the last game in Ottawa last night

told our men we would have to cut their wages from $1200 a week down to $900. they dont seem to like it but nobody else paying any more. We paid $1200 & lots only Paid $9.00 & $10.00 last year

April 4th Toronto Professionals Hockey team won the National League Championship this morning. from Boston. in Toronto.they played 5 Games. scores. Ist. Game Chicago 1 Tor 0. 15 minutes overtime

Second Game Tor 1. Chic 0. 15 minutes overtime

3rd Game Chic 2 - Tor 1. 5 minutes overtime

4th Game Tor 5 Chic 3

5th Game Tor 1. Chic 0 started last night at 830pm. finished a quarter to two this morning. they played

60 minutes full time and then 104 minutes 46 seconds overtme total 164m. 46 seconds Ken Doraty scored the only Goal of the Game.

April 5th men unloading 4th car of manure

April 5th unloading manure and making hotbeds weather mild

April 6th. cloudy & mild & raining all afternoon.

April 7th Newmarket Junior 6H.a champions won the Dominion Championship last night won the finals from Regina in Toronto in two straight games. scores 2 to 1 in each game the last one 30 min overtime at the End of the game some of the Regina players mobbed the referee.

{Side note} Had two of these star players injured were out of the last game.

April 8th. Colder & cloudy today. still have a cold. John has one also. men working at hotbeds.

April 9th. Sunday Fine & mild Had Laura May for the weekend.

April 10th. Fine & warm men Transplanting peppers yet. expect to finish tomorrow they say

April 11th. First thunder storm of the year here about 430 this morning cloudy & some showers most of the day. Moncton beat Saskatoon Western Senior Hockey Champions in two straight games. Scores 3-0 2-0 The first time the Alan cup was ever won by the {illegible}

April 12th Fine & mild. Finished transplanting today. 3000 cabbages Hot peppers sweet peppers and tomatoes

April 13th. men topping Raspberry bushes and Hoeing out sod out of them

April 14th. Good Friday mild & cloudy looks like rain. N[ew] York Rangers won the final game of Pro Hockey last night in Toronto. 1 to 0 in overtime. and wins the Stanley cup. 3 games out of four. Now Baseball has started. Toronto lost first 2 games at Baltimore they started on Apr. 12th.

Men putting Fertilizer on berry bushes ( 1 ton of. 2 – 8 – 10. Cost $25.80

April 15th started spraying Pear trees this afternoon. with oil. 4 gals Oil to 100 of water. other trees they use 3 gals oil to 100 of water. Got a 42 Gal bll. oil cost 659 gal. Got 3 half tanks on this afternoon.

April 16th. Easter Sunday. cool & cloudy. In the morning very little wind. east what their is of it. Raining all afternoon from the East.

April 17th. Cloudy & cool East winds. foggy and some light rain at times.

April 18th. Fooling with spray machine all afternoon. pump got frozen last fall. Virtue welded it but no good. sent it to Hamilton tonight to try again a new part would cost $23.50

April 19th Spray machine. no good. worked all afternoon on it.

April 20th Started uncovering strawberries. cool & windy from North East.

April 21 Spray machine no good. men uncovering strawberries they look pretty good so far coming nice and green.

April 22 Cold again today after a warm day.

Yesterday. Spraying again today.

April 23rd Sunday. Fair but a cold wind have another peach of a cold

April 24. men still spraying pears. seems to be to late but spray machine won’t go half the time. finished spraying pears tonight used one large bll & 1 small barrel cost.

April 25th. Finished drawing straw off strawberries & started to transplant tomatoes 2nd time. & sowed some Cabbage seed out doors. for second early ones

April 26th cold & wintry with some snow flurries froze ice & ground frozen also

April 27th. Still very cold with strong north west winds a few Snow flurries

April 28th. Cloudy & some milder & some rain finished transplanting tomatoes. about 8000 half of them in 4 ½ boxs started digging strawberry plants.

April 29th. Fair but not very warm. Cleaning strawberry plants a worse job than digging them

April 30 Sunday. Partly cloudy and milder home all day. but the children went to Sunday school.

May 1st. Real summer up to 78. digging & cleaning strawberry plants.

May 2nd not so warm today partly cloudy and a few showers also a thunder shower in the night but not very much rain.

May 3rd. Digging. planting strawberries. a big job getting plants ready

May 4th. still cool today but clear & bright. East wind.

May 5th Still at planting strawberries. cloudy strong East winds & very cold. expect to finish planting tomorrow. About a week earlier than last year.

May 6th Finished planting strawberries. about 5 acres 20 Rows Glen Mary next Cemetery 39 Rows Gibson 20 Rows Premier on far side a few Rows in the orchard for plants. Weather very cold. East winds & cloudy a few sprinkle rain

May 7th. Sunday. clear & bright & mild. had Geo Hammond & family for supper

May 8th. A change in the weather real cold. party cloudy and strong East wind. Getting ready to plant beans & corn.

May 9th. still cloudy and very cold. A few sprinkles of rain. planted some Early Corn (20 lbs seed)

May 10th Planted about 10 rows Beans our own seed weather fine John. Don & Edgar at Kingston Don graduated as an . Engineer

May 11 not so warm and cloudy planted more Beans 10 lbs Davis Wax and 10 lbs. Black Seed, Pencil Pod. About 15 rows:

May 12. Planted 10 lbs more corn. also cut first Asparagus. 4 x 11’s & 1 x 6. Sent to Toronto sold at 175 per 11 qts 125 for the 6 qt.

May 13th A light shower last night and a change of wind and weather today warmer

May 14th Sunday fine & warm Had Hicks & Stan & Harry in the evening.

May 15th Fine & warm had 7 x 11. 1 x 6 Grass. shipped to Toronto. a big ring around the sun all morning. guess it is going to storm. Sold at £100 per bshl

May 16th Cold east wind again and cloudy likely rain tonight hoeing strawberries

May 17th Cleaning up and getting warmer hoeing strawberries

May 18 Fine & very warm hoeing strawberries

May 19th Still Fine & warm cleaning manure from around hotbeds

May 20th A little cooler and a few showers got 3 bags certified P. E. I Cobbler Potatoes. Paid $1.25 bag

May 21 Sunday. Fine but a little cooler.

May 22nd Hoeing strawberries this year. a lot dead again.

May 23rd still hoeing new strawberries

May 24th. Fine & warm started planting Tomatoes out. was up to Hammonds for supper.

May 25th. Finished planting tomatoes about 75000 fine & very warm warmest this year

May 26th. started planting peppers. Warm. with a shower starting about 6 p.m.

May 27. Planting Peppers cloudy a few showers

May 28th Sunday started yesterday to paint the house. of course it rained. I went to see the Rock Gardens at Ham.

May 29th. Planting peppers. another good shower in the afternoon.

May 30th Still planting peppers. will have about 38 000 when we get them all in. warm & windy today

May 31st Finished planting peppers & got started 2 30 to spray got 4 tanks on. about 6 lbs Lead and 3 ½ Gals. L. Sulphur.

June 1st. Weather fine spraying got 10 tanks on. looks like very few Bartlett Pears no Burbank or Red June plums. but looks like lots of Shiro. Bradshaws Monarchs. Reine Claude & monarchs.

June 2 still spraying weather fine. 9 tanks

June 3 spraying cherries today. Crop fair some trees very light in the big, or old orchard others look loaded. 10 tanks

June 4th. Went to Dundas Park. also saw McMasters University & Sunken Gardens some showers in the afternoon

June 5th Got the last load of bshls in from Dalton he charged us to much. $39 for 11 qts 30 for 6 qts Glovers was £34.25 & $ 28.75

June 6th. Very warm today still spraying. machine working fine got about 10 tanks on each day.

June 7th Finished spraying about 9 oclock. about 54 tanks. it took 4 bll & 10 gals Lime Sulphur 330 lbs lead. A Bad Thunder, rain & wind storm just at noon rain came in Torrents a few trees blown down in the orchard. Poles. trees. silos & Barns blown down.

all over South western Ontario. and Niagara district. another big thunder & rain storm in the evening but no wind. but every thing flooded now

June 8th Very warm today. hottest of the year.

June 9th. another hurricane and thunder storm around Ingersoll district blew over more barns yesterday. Very hot 94 in the shade in Hamilton. Picked first strawberries 2 x 36 pints & 2 x 24 pints. Sent to Toronto they sold at 10¢ only

June 10th Very warm hoeing beans some job. awful weedy.

June 11th Sunday extra hot. went to La Salle Park. Just got home ahead of a big thunder shower

June 12th Picked 25 x 27 Sberries. sold 17 crates at $4.00 per crate shipped 8 to Toronto. sold at $3.00 per crate

June 13th. Turned very cold down to 46 from 96 on Sunday. planted cauliflowers

June 14th. Picked 40 crates strawberries sold here at 12¢ qt

June 15. Fair & cold no picking today hoeing & cultivating.

June 16. Picked 87 crates SBerries sold at 12¢ The Gibsons are a very poor sample this year

June 17. Fair & cool men working cleaning Earth off hotbeds.

June 18th. Cloudy & still cool. looks like rain. Went to Gage Park.

June 19th Warmer today a big day at picking 244 crates sold 85 crates at $200 112 at $185 & shipped 47 to Toronto. sold at 59 & 5 ½ a quart.

June 20th no picking and extremely hot about 95 in the shade

June 21st. Picking again but berries nearly burnt up. and very small Picked 86 x 32 & 64 x 27. Sold Upton them at 4¢ a quart some price.

June 22nd no picking today. Hoeing.

June 23rd Picked again today very poor sample sent to Uptons 92 x 32 38 x 27

June 24th Saturday. no picking weather warm. was at Hamilton berries plentiful on the market from 5 to 15¢

June 25 Fine & warm home all day having a rest.

June 26th. Picked until about 4 oclock had a shower pickers wanted more money to pick but we are still only paying a cent a box, as we are only getting 4¢ box

June 27th Extremely hot done picking about 2.30 PM.

June 28th Hottest day this year about about 100. in the shade. very dry. two or three thunder showers went around but none here yet. 102 in Hamilton

June 29th Still hot & dry picked 59 x 32 SBerries

Also first peppers of the year. 27 x 6. Hots. shipped to Toronto. sold at Mauser Welb McBride 17 at 50 9 at 75 1 at 65¢ Have picked (987 x 27. S total) strawberries and I guess they are done.

June 30th. started spraying cherries this afternoon got 4 tanks on.

July 1st spraying cherries men run over the gun with the sprayer only got 6 tanks on. has been pretty windy

July 2nd Sunday cool & cloudy went up to Carman Bells his barn was burned Friday morning with 18 young Cattle 2 bulls and 20 pigs

July 3rd Fine & cool finished spraying. Picked 7 crates SBerries for the last. also 50 x 6 qts Green peppers they sold at. SBerries $150 a crate. Peppers 50¢

July 4th Very warm & dry picked 24 x 6 Richmond cherries shipped to Toronto sold at {left blank}

July 5 Sold Scott 20 large crates Cabbages at 75¢ & 34 x 6 qts white cherries at 25¢

July 6th Picked 40 x 6 Black cherries sold in Toronto at 40¢

July 7th Very warm & dry every thing burning up sold 39 bshls Beans at 43¢ shipped 72 x 6 peppers sold 25¢ to 40¢

July 8th. a few light showers. Hoeing peppers & cultivating

July 9th. Sunday not so warm took a drive over the beach up the mountain at Stoney Creek and down to Grimsby and home.

July 10th Warmer again sold 6 crates Rasps at 10¢ 16 Beans at 40 26 sweet cherries 45¢ 37 x 6 Monts at 22¢ & 5 x 11 Monts at 37¢

July 11th. Picking cherries sold 200 x 11 at 35¢ & 50¢ sweets 40¢ & 65 x 6's at 22¢ & 65 at 20¢

July 12th. sold 200 x 11's at 37 32 at 35¢ 10 x 6's at 22¢ and 255 at 20¢

picked first toms 2 x 6 qts sold at 75¢

July 13 Picke dRasps 12 crates only last year we picked 40 and 50 crates at a picking no rain yet. Sold 60 Black cherries at 43¢ and 10 toms at $125 & 2 no's at 75 {Dom written under no's}

July 14th. Not picking any thing today. no orders at all for sour cherries.

July 15th. St Swithin's day. a few sprinkle of rain every thing burning up. weather has been warm & no rain picked 27 crates Rasps for Walons & 95 cherries 32¢ 4 toms $125. 10 Pepp 45¢

July 16th Sundays went with Hicks to Dundas Park on a picnic had a good big shower there also here.

July 17th. Picking cherries 553 x 11 qts 33¢ 6 Sweets Sold at 30 & 32 cts.

July 18. Picked 45 crates Rasps and 340 x 6 qt cherries & 133 x 11 qts.

July 19th our biggest day on cherries 636 x 11 qts. Sold 35¢ & 37¢ cherries picked so far to date. 289 x 6 sweet cherries 807 x 6 Mont " {was ditto mark under the word cherries, Mont are Montmorency cherries} 1858 x 11 " " {was ditto marks under the words Mont and cherries}

July 20. warm again today. picked 619 x 11 cherries today. they say 96 in the shade

July 21 sold 125 cherries today at 42¢ balance at 37¢. 288 bskt total today & 34 crates Rasps. had a big rain at just quiting time tonight 530

July 22nd Very hot again today picked 325 x 11 cherries 5 toms

July 23rd still very warm Had Stan & Harry over for supper

July 24. nice & cool today Picked 417 x 11 cherries until 3 PM. then started Raspberries Picked first corn 17 toms 65¢ 60 doz 20¢

July 25. Picked Rasps last night & this am had 40 crates. Picked 207 x 6. cherries 22¢ 351 x 11x at 37¢ & 38¢ 40 doz corn at 20¢ 100 doz at 15¢

July 26 Picked 2 x 7 x 11 cherries today & 42 bsks tomatoes 45¢

July 27th Getting very warm again. Picked 187 x 11 cherries sold @ 35¢ & 38¢ 40 tomatoes took them to Scott. he set no price on them says price is shot.

July 28th. Finished picking Raspberries & cherries today Picked 194 x 6 cherries 21 4

which made a total for the season of 1500 x 6 qts & 4500 x 11 cherries picked 57 x 11 tomatoes very low in price Scott making nothing on teket will have to take what he likes I suppose about 30¢ Picked first Black Berries 1 x 24 & 1 x 36 at 7¢ 9 Hampers. Transparent apples 80¢ aslo sold 30 Swt green peppers at 50¢

July 28. Very hot about 99 or 100 in the shade yesterday & today picked 60 toms sold to Scott at 25¢

July 29th. Very hot yet & dry. went to Ham. Thermometer about 100.

July 30th Sunday Very warm reorts in Ham 102. in Burlington 106

July 31st Picked 26 bskts shiro plums for the first at 40¢ Tomatoes 25 & 26¢ peppers 50¢ still very hot & no rain.

Aug 1st still hot & dry about 98 yesterday and this morning. but had a shower this evening will freshen things up.

Aug 2. Cooler this morning the family that picks cherries for us. (Freddy). have moved to 72 Keith St near Wentworth

picked 9 x 36 Lawtons sold at $225 a crate - 125 toms at 30 to 35¢ 86 shiro plums at 37¢ & 40¢

Aug 3rd Raining all day started in the night nothing doing at all

Aug 4th Picked 100 toms at 35 to 50¢ 105 shiro plums at 40¢ 11 crates Berries $225

Aug 5th. Fine & not very hot. nothing much doing only picked 21 bskts toms at 40 72 doz corn 84

Aug 6 Sunday Fine and not very warm Had Stan. Simm & Bell over in the afternoon

Aug 7 Only picked 87 toms sold at 33 & 35¢ 25 x 6 Shiro plums 25 10 x 11 at 35¢. 24 x11's 45¢ 40 doz corn 8¢ / 2 crates Lawlons - $2.00 a crate. Jim Davison died yesterday in Hamilton.

Aug 8th. Picked 130 bskt Shiro plums 72 x 11 cukes at 20¢ & 25¢. 22 x 11 Sweet peppers at 57¢ 35 x 6 Red peppers at 35¢ Fine & cool--

Aug 9th. Picked 94 tomatoes today 35 to 38¢ 34 plums 40 - 1s Red peppers 35 - 15 x 11 Sweet greens 55 - 8 crates Lawlers $200 & $225. 19 cukes 25¢

Aug 10th not much picking today only 90 doz corn @ 10¢

Aug 11th. Picked Americas plums. 57 x 11 at 38¢ had bskts before at a total of 63 bskts Red Junes we had 5 bskts all together

Aug 12 Sat picked 112 toms adn cut first 5 doz cabbage from late patch @ 50¢ doz

Aug 13th. Had two or three terrific thunder & lighning storms in the night but fine and a little cooler this morning.

Aug 14th - Picked 200 bskts tomatoes @25¢ 26 Brad plums 35¢ 27 x 11 Red peppers 75¢ 4 crates Berries $2.00

Aug 15th. Picked 100 tomatoes 10 Red peppers at 75¢ - and picked our Clapps Pears had 225 bskts sold at 40¢ also 5 crates cabb 75¢ Weather fine & not too warm

Aug 16 Fine & warm but very heavy dews in the mornings makes it bad for picking picked 125 Gage, 40 Brad. 183 toms at 15¢ to 25¢ 40 crates Cabb @ 55¢

Aug 17 Not so much doing picked 36 Burbank plums at 50¢ 8 blues at 30¢ 95 x 11 Green toms - 22¢ 38 x 11 Ripe 15¢ 4 x 36 Berries $200 10 x 6 Red peppers 35

Aug 18th. Thunder showers in the night. wet again this morning. Picked 158 toms price away down 15¢ to 20¢

Aug 19 Sat. a busy day sold Scott 368 bskts plums. 102 bskts toms 27 x 6 Red peppers & 6 doz cabbages

Aug 20 Sunday fine & cool. went to La Salle Park.

Aug 21st. A busy day about 200 toms & 200 plums 35 crates cabbages 40 x 11 Red peppers.

Aug 22nd 100 toms 100 plums 25 doz cabb at 50¢ 10 doz Large " " {ditto marks under cabb at} 65¢ Raining this evening from the East.

Aug 23 Wet this morning got 129 plums & 106 tons 59 cukes for Bullock & 10 crates cabbages. Big rain & wind storms along the U.S. Coast in New Jersey & Virginia

Aug 24th - a few light showers today but not many orders any way. only 100 Bradshaw plums for Scott at 19¢ (not covered) and 10 crates cabbages

Aug 25th about 200 toms & 150 plums today & some cabbages

Aug 26th 150 toms. 10 plums 73 x 6 Red peppers at 30¢ T 37¢

Aug 27 Sunday Fine & warm. Had Heiks in the afternoon

Aug 28 Childrens Day at the Ex. left at 8:30 am. home at 11 30 PM. they had a big day picking S greens 106 tons. 70 plums 50 cukes and alot of Cabb about 60 doz

Aug 29. Still busy at plums& peppers just about finished up cabbages one truck got 74 doz at 45¢ also 15 crates small ones at 50 a crate.

Aug 30 Picked 150 toms at 16¢ & 17¢ 50 plums 32 Green peppers 30 68 Red " 50 20 Cuke 25

Aug 31 started to pick Bartlett pears. got over 100 bus picked

Sept 1 Picking Bartlett pears all day. about 200 bush. they are very sticky an outbreak Pear Sylis.

Sept 2nd. Sold Bullock 100 bskts Barletts at 45¢ and have picked to date 487 bushels. sold one load to Scott at 3¢ for no 1's 2¢ for no 2's & 40¢ bus for culls. the rest to Davidson at 2 1/4¢ lb down to 2 inches.

Sept 4th Finished Bartlett pears. totaled 497 bus. and 100111 qt. bskts.

Sept 3. went on a picnic to Brantford at Mohawk Park also saw the Bell Home were the Telephone was invented.

Sept 5 Busy all day picking peppers and plums for Uptons. Lombards 126 bskts at 1¢ a lb.

Sept 6th. Picked 115 Green peppers at 25¢ 20 x 6 qts Reds 20¢ 10 x 11 qts sweet reds 45¢ plums 20 8 Mon at 18¢ 60 Reine Claude 21¢ 10 Grand Dukes - 23¢ a few showers in the evening.

Sept 7. Picked 157 bus tomatoes for the canners at 25¢ bushel. 25 sweet peppers 3 crates Cauliflowers 32 Gage plums & started for Davidson on Reine Claudes got 62 bskts tonight

Sept 8 Very heavy fog all night. soaking wet this morning could not pick plums until noon. Charlie Davison died last night.

Sept 9th a shower early this am. not much doing sold Scoll 70 bskt & the canners got a load of pumpkins $4 per ton. Went to teh funerale of C. Davison.

Sept 10th cool & windy went to Riverdale Park in Torongot to see the zoo it was pretty good

Sept 11th Very cool this morning. Picked 25 x 11 cukes & 20 peppers for Bullock and picking Reine Claude plums for Davison. 56¢ bskts Have used 4112 x 11 qts this year beside what we stored last winter

Sept 12 Still cool picking Reine Clauds 572 bskts today. 50 baskts Duchess Pears at 30¢

Sept 13th Finished Reine Claude plums had had 1877 bskts this year

Picked 60 no 1 Howells at 40¢ 10 Dom at 30¢ 45x11 peppes 15 cukes for Bullock. 201 6 qts Monarchs at 11¢ and 6 prunes 50¢ & 4 crates Caul. $125 for Scott ( a busy day)

Sept 14. not much doing rained early this am. picked 6 prunes & 10 Sweet peppers.

Sept 15. Picked Scott 127 x 6 Mon plums 11¢ 30 x 11 Mon at 17¢ - 17 Red S Peppers 25¢. 12 quince 30¢ & 27¢ x 11 G. Dukes at for Davidson

Sept 16. a little warmer it has been cool for

the last few days. Picked some peppers for Scott. 10 Red Hots 25 25 Green Sweets 15¢ & 25 Green Hots 17¢. 15 Duke plums 20¢ & 5 crates Cauliflowers #125. some prices.

Sunday Sept 17 back on Standard time this morning. Fine & warm Had Hicks over in the afternoon & stayed for supper

Sept 18th Had a big day. picked 624 bshls of Grand Dukes. 30 x 11 Red Peppers at 30¢ 5 bus Greens at 50¢ 25 cukes at 15¢ 10 Red Sweets P. 40¢ 102 Howell pears @35¢ windy & cooler.

Sept 19th Finished Grand Duke plums. had 1040 bshls this year picked our peach crop had 24 baskets. picked 62 prunes at 50¢ & 44 G S Peppers 20¢ light rain started about 330 PM

Sept 20th - orders slowing up picked a few peppers & Cauliflowers

Sept 21. 50 pears. 25 prunes 25 peppers & a few cauliflower.

Sept 22 100 x 11 Prunes at 50¢ and a few Cauliflowers

Sept 23rd 25 Prunes only.

Sept 24. Went in to Chapams for supper a fine warm day.

Sept 25. showery this am Bullock got 35 bshls Pears Scott 50 G. Peppers 2 Caul Benior 2 Caul shipped 15 Red Sweet Peppers & 5 cauliflowers

Sept 26 Rain again this morning & picked 125 Peppers 15 to 20¢ 15 Prune 50¢ & 13 crates Caul $1 25 after dinner

Sept 27 no orders shipped 20 prunes to Toronto sold at 65¢ net 51¢

Sept 28 Raining again this am - shipped a few peppers. Caul

& Pears to Toronto to try them.

Sept 29th. Picked some more punes for Toronto a big order sold 65¢ to 75¢ from Scott 1 crate Caul. the gang have been a week cleaning out Rasps havent on patch done yet.

Sept 30. Nothing doiong no orders at all ordered 10 bus. Rye at 70¢ bushel.

Oct 1st Sunday Fine & mild home all day

Oct 2nd no orders started shipping to Toronto 50 prunes 75 30 pears 25¢ to 35¢

Oct 3rd shipped some more Pears Peppers & Caul. to Toronto

Oct 4th Fine cool this am. but warmer tonight & looks like rain shipped some more pears 20 & 25 qt Cauliflower 30 ¢ crate & peppers & 5 bskts Crab apples sold 4 at 15 ¢ 1 at 20 ¢

Oct 5th nothing doing picked peppers most of the day. John has turned the farm over to Donald & Edgar for next season I hear.

Oct 6 Finished Picking some peppers in bushels. no sale for them now. intend to plow down the rest.

Oct 7th Finished picking apples. men gone to Caledonia Fair this afternoon

Oct 8th cool & cloudy a few showers.

Oct 9th. Brown ploughing & sowing Rye

Oct 10th to 12th weather fair & not very cold no frost yet. sold our Greening apples to Hyslof canners at 25 ¢ per bushel.

Oct 14 to 20th Regular weather. a couple of heavy frosts some rain. some warm days. starting trimming dead branches out of cherry trees. Have some pears peppers & apples in the barn & no sale for them

Oct 21 Charlotte's 13th Birthday mild & showery (thunder showers) went to Hamilton to try & sell some pumpkins & apples no results

Oct 22 Sunday Fair & cool

Oct 23rd. Fair & cool pruning a few plum trees taking out dead branches

Oct 24 Raining all day first heaving all days rain this fall. Soft snow with rain tonight

Oct 25 to 28th. dug out about 75 Monarch plum trees. no money in them at 17 & 18 ¢ a bshls and only a crop every other year

Oct 29th Sunday. not very cold but cloudy the heavy frost last Wed morning froze a lot of apples. Mae Smith they say lost 3 carloads & Altridge at Waterdown 1800 barrels Spys.

Oct 30 Fine & milder.

Oct 31st. Fine & very warm Indian Summer I guess. Sold 13 1/2 tea chests apples at $1.00 a chest. snows Spys & Delicious (some Juice) Marchments address in Toronto now is 26 Queen St E. Toronto No 2

Nov 1st 2nd & 3rd & 4th weather fine & mild. work all done but covering strawberries

Nov 5th. Colder & cloudy freezing hard.

Nov 6th. Ground covered with snow this a.m. but all gone before noon.

Nov 6th to 10th moderate cold weather but colder today & snow on the ground.

Nov 11 Armistice Day a real snow storm from the east all day

Nov 12th. Sunday cloudy & milder. must be 4 or 5 inches snow this morning looks like more snow or rain coming.

Nov 13th. cold & cloudy afew snow flurries

Nov 14th. snowing all morning. thawed it nearly all off about noon and turned very cold in the afternoon.

Nov 15th. Very cold down to 14 in Hamilton this am. & not above 30. Colder than that here I guess. down to 7 in Toronto coldest Nov 15th in 50 years

Nov 16th. Still colder last night B must have been near zero.

Nov 17th. a little milder this morning but another snow storm this afternoon

Nov 18th. not so cold thawing & freezing in turns all day cooler & some snow flurries tonight

Nov 19th. not very cold but snowing nearly all day. 2 or 3 inches on the ground tonight

Nov 20th. Fair & cold started unloading two cars of manure both arrived at same time.

Nov 21st milder today started raining about middle of afternoon. heavy rain from 5 oclock during the evening

Nov 22nd snow all gone again. mild

Nov 23 cold again men finished unloading the two cars manure nearly 71 tons on the two Freight is down to 704 a ton if car weighs 30 ton or over & 90 ¢ under that. the manure was $1.75 a ton. the two cars cost $170.70

Nov 24 Frozen this morning some light snow turned to Rain John & men planting Raspberry bushes.

Nov 25th covering straw berries with manure here (old beds)

Nov 26 Sunday milder a little rain but turned very cold tonight

Nov 27 A Real cold winter day. men covering strawberries

Nov 28 Covering new strawberries with straw $900 per ton got 5 ton 600 lbs some milder again

Nov 29th mild. cloudy with light rain big thunder storm in the evening & high winds from the south west all night.

Nov 30th. High west winds cloudy & some cooler.

Dec 1st. Cold again this morning but fine & clear.

Dec 2nd. Getting milder looks like rain tonight

Dec 3rd Sunday. raining all day. had Blair & Simmons afternoon & night till 1 oclock

Dec 4th to Dec 8th. mostly fair & not very cold but turning cold tonight

Dec 9th Very cold this morning with strong north winds. frost all over the windows

Dec 10th not quite so cold but cloudy & looks like snow

Dec 11th snowed a few inches in the night & very cold today with high north west winds drifting the snow.

Dec 12th Very cold again today. not much wind but cloudy.

Dec 13th still very cold men trying to cover strawberries with straw

Dec 14th Extremely cold today with a few inches of snow nearly zero.

Dec 15th Rained & sleeted in the night every thing icey this morning. thawing this afternoon.

Dec 16th. Very icey this a.m. (on the roads) but thawed all day and the highway is clear tonight

Dec 17th Sunday Cloudy & mild the snow nearly all gone & it looks like rain

Dec 18th & 19th. fine & mild finished covering strawberries with straw paid $2900 more besides last load total about 9 tons. Had the Gang over also Mrs Cultress played card until 1.30 am.

Dec 20th a peach of a day rain & sleet & snows trees all frozen with ice

Dec 21st trees all covered with ice went to Hamilton for more presents and a Xmas tree.

Dec 22nd. cloudy & cool

Dec 23rd. Moderately cold. north east wind looks like more snow picked up Christmas tree.

Dec 24th Sunday. Rain snow & sleet. every thing covered with ice roads nearly impassable

Dec 25th. Turned colder roads all ice Down to Johns for the day.

Dec 26th. About another 6 inches of snow on top of the ice and very cold.

Dec 27th. down to zero this morning reports from north & West say

as low as 58 below zero.

Dec 28th. not quite so cold this morning but turning cold this afternoon Went to Hamilton & got a goose 16 lbs 2 ozs. 18 ¢ a lb. $2.90.

Dec 29th - coldest night for years this mornings Globe says 17 below in Toronto and the west from 40 to 64 below the 64 below was near Sudbury. The Papers say Toronto 22 below Hamilton 15 & 24 on the mountain Burlington 26 below coldest in 19 years they say. at 10 oclock this morning 12 below in Ham.

and stayed below zero all day. at noon in Toronto 16 below zero moderating a little at night at 11 oclock it was 8 below. The average for Toronto for the 24 hours was 15 below zero. 39 degrees colder than the average for Dec 27th. The fruit growers of Stoney Creek are afraid of their Burbank plums & peaches they say they will only stand 15 below while it was 17 below there. what about them here. 26 below also rasps & Blackberries

Dec 30th Cloudy this morning and a little milder. quite mild tonight & looks like rain.

Dec 31st. Raining & thawing all last night & today snow mostly gone but lots of ice yet.

1934 Note Hundreds of Pear & plum trees were winter killed. we lost nearly all our Bartlett pears all the Duchess. pears & peaches. Red June plums and alot of Remi Claude and other plums. Rasps. frozen badly. one patch done for. Blackberries frozen to the ground

1933 Total

Sales of fruit.

Mauser Welb Toronto 226 21

McBride Toronto 154 59

Sold at Farm 2631 27

Alan Davidson Ben. 1482 84

Carpenter, Winona 216 61

Uptons Hamilton 951 58

Ontario Canner Burl. 11 25

Ontario Canner Burl. 78 12

Weiner Grimsby 78 75

Galloway Burlington 250 50

Scott Aldershot 2582 71

Muskoka sales 50 00

{TOTAL} $8,714.43

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Transcription Progress



Franklin McMillan 1933 Diary Part 1.pdf
Franklin McMillan 1933 Diary Part 2.pdf
Franklin McMillan 1933 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Franklin McMillan, “Franklin McMillan Diary & Transcription, 1933,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 8, 2025,
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