John Jardine Sr. Diary & Transcription, 1868
John Jardine Sr. Diary & Transcription, 1868
John Jardine Sr.
Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
March to December, 1868
19th Century, Essex County, Tilbury West Township, Ontario
Date Created
March 23, 1868
Is Part Of
John Jardine Sr. Diary Collection
Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription
March 1868
23 | Monday commenced to plough |
24 | Tuesday I Ditched on the consesion |
25 | Wensday I Diched on the consesion |
26 | Thursday I ploughed all day |
27 | Friday I ploughed and Ditched |
28 | I went to Jhn Manings barn raising |
30 | I plowed till a bout three O clock and then I went to the depot and sold my wood for two dollars a cord |
31 | I plowed all Day |
1 | I ploughed in the forenoon and in the afternoon i went for lumber 5.50 feet |
2 | in the forenoon it snowed in the afternoon I ploughed it is very cold to night friday I ploughed all day |
friday I ploughed all day |
4 | satuerday I ploughed in the forenoon in the afternoon a big snowstorm |
5 | sundy was a very cold day |
6 | Monday I ploughed all day |
7 | tusday I ploughed all day |
8 | Wednesday ploughed half a day in the afternoon cleaned and sold 25 bushes of oats 50 cents a bushels and went for a load of lumber 5.70 feet |
9 | tursday I clean my seed oats in the forenoon in the afternoon I plowed |
10 | good friday I ploughed all day |
11 | Satarday I ploughed all day |
12 | Sunday it was a cold day we went to hear Mr king preach |
13 | Monady I harrowed the old meadow for wheat |
14 | tuesday I sowed my spring wheat |
15 | Wednesday I finished waterfurowed my wheat in the fornoon |
in the afternoon i sowed 4 bush of barley | |
16 | thursday I sowed 10 bush of barley |
17 | friday I i finished sowing my barley 1 1/2 bushels |
18 | Satuardy I sowed 13 bush of oats I had Mick 5 days helping me to harrow this week |
19 | sunday mr king preached at 6 Oclck |
20 | monday I finished sowing and oats old man trembly began to boil |
21 | I finished shovling furrows in the forenoon after dinner I drawed rails and somes gums and some wood for the ashery |
22 | Wednesday I hauled 1046 feet of lumb |
23 | thursday I hauled 1905 feet of lumber |
24 | friday I hauled 1974 feet of lumber |
25 | Satarday I hauled wood in the forenoon in the afternoon we dried down black salts |
26 | Sunday I was at home all day |
27 | Monday forenoon I took my salts out in the afternoon I hauled 1317 feet of lumber |
28 | Tusday I hauled 1942 feet of lumber |
29 | Wednesday I spread the manure on the meadow it is raining to night the spring wheat and barley all up nice |
30 | Thursday I went to Joe bowls, barn raising |
1 | friday I took the last of my salts and picked over my potatoes and sold 4 bushels alt 5 shilings |
2 | satuerday I moved the fence to make a lane |
3 | Sunday I was at home all day |
4 | Monday I went to dtched for mitcel Trembly |
1876 1868 1876
1868 1872 1868
5 | tuesday I was cleaning of a peice of ground for potatoes we had a very heavy shower to nigt |
6 | Wednesday I went to Mr Hendersons stable to nigt |
7 | thursday I ditched on the concession al day |
8 | friday I ditched on the concession all day |
9 | Satuerday I ploughed all day for G Trembly |
10 | Sunday I was at home all day |
11 | Monday I was cleaningup the yard |
12 | tuesday I was cleaning up the yard till Super tme after super I commence to plough |
13 | Wednesday it rained all day |
14 | Thursday it rained till about 4 O clock I let of water tll dark |
15 | friday I ditched all day for Edward Trembly |
16 | Satuerday I went to Leolard sale it rained most all day the ground is very wet ditches is all full |
17 | sunday I was home it rained a little |
18 | Monday I piled manure to day |
19 | Tuesday I finished piling manure in the forenoon after diner I sold 238 lbs of pork to H Richerdson |
20 | Wednesday I ploughed for potatoes |
21 | Thursday I was fixing a yard for the calves |
22 | Fridge it was raining I cut my seed potatoes and choped down the big oak in the yard |
23 | Saturday I went to samuel taller barn raising |
24 | Sunday we went to here Mr clarke |
25 | Monday I harrowed the yard for potatoes |
26 | tuesday I planted potatoes |
27 | Wednesday I planted potatoes |
28 | Thursday I went to chatham for my shingle |
29 | Friday I drawing my lumber 807 |
30 | saturday I drawing lumber to day 896 |
31 | sunday we went to here mr bell |
1 | Monday I sawed blocks for the barn |
2 | tuesday I went to ask men to raise the barn |
3 | Wednesday I bilt the fense for the calf yard |
4 | thusday raised the barn |
5 | Friday I fenced a peice for corn heavy storm of wind and rain |
6 | Saturday I let of water in the forenoon in the afternoon the ground is very wet it is raining now |
7 | sunday we went to here mr bell |
8 | Monday I fenced a new peice for buck wheat |
9 | tuesday in the forenoon picked up the roots of the ground, in the afternoon I helped the boys to nail the roof |
10 | Wednesday I cut and drawed loges for my barn bridges |
11 | thursday I helped edward |
12 | friday I went to chatham for a shingles |
13 | Satarday I helped dick dood to plant corn |
14 | Sunday we went to here mr bell |
15 | Monday I harrowed for beens and in the afternoon I planted my beens 15teen |
16 | teusday I finished planting beans |
17 | Wednesday I ploughed for buckwheat |
18 | thursday I hewed the logs for the barn bridges |
19 | friday I finished ploughing for buckwheat |
20 | Satuerday I dident do much of anything |
21 | Sunday it rained all day |
22 | Monday we went to the picnic |
23 | teusday I in the forenoon picked chips in the afternoon I went to vinter to raise the shed |
24 | Wednesday I was making the barn bridges |
25 | Thursday I went to edward trembly barn raising |
26 | friday I was pilling up the lumber around the barn in the afternoon I went to help edward to put the rafters on his barn |
27 | Satuerday I was cleaning up the chips around the barn |
28 | Sunday we went to hear mr bates |
29 | Monday I drawed the last of my lumber 997 feet |
30 | teusday I cultivated my potatoes |
1 | Wednesday I was hoeing potatoes |
2 | thursday I was hoeing my potatoes |
3 | friday I was hoeing my potatoes |
4 | Satuerday I was hoeing my potatoes |
5 | Sunday we went to here mr bats |
6 | Monday I was hoeing my potatoes |
7 | tuesday I was hoeing my potatoes |
8 | Wednesday I sowed my bckwheat and finished hoeing my potatoes |
9 | thursday we went to William Allens and fetched home the wagon witch cost $6.27 |
10 | friday I picked up around the barn and ground my to sythe |
11 | Satardy I commenced my hay |
12 | Sunday we went to here Mr bats |
13 | Monday I drawed in to loads of hay |
14 | tuesday I was cutting my fallwheat |
15 | Wednesday I was cutting my fallwheat |
16 | thursday I began to cut my barley |
17 | friday I was cutting barley |
18 | Satardy I finished cutting my barley |
19 | Sunday we went to prayer meeting |
20 | Monday I drawed my barley in |
21 | tuesday I drawed barley for mitchel trembly Orlo hill commenced for me Jardine |
22 | Wednesday we went and drawed my wheat |
23 | thursday we mowed and drawed two load hay |
24 | friday we finished mowing in the medow |
25 | Satarday we gatherred up and drawed in six loads of hay it very hot and dry |
26 | Sunday we stayed home all day |
27 | Monday we commenced to cut spring wheat |
28 | tuesday we cut wheat all day |
29 | Wednesday we cut cut wheat and Drawed two loads of hay |
30 | thurday I was cutting wheat all day |
31 | friday I finished cutting wheat in the forenoon it rained all the afternoon heavy thunder and lightning |
1 | Satarday I went to the shop in the forenoon in the afternoon turned wheat and cut oats |
2 | Sunday we went to here Mr pitcher |
3 | Monday we commenced to plow in the afternoon cut oats |
4 | tuesday we finished cuting my oats in the forenoon in the afternoon bound and hauled two loads of wheat |
5 | Wednesday I helped Boby Vickerman |
6 | thursday we Drawed Oats all day |
7 | friday we finished oats drawing And all our springwheat |
8 | Satuerday I went to see when I would get the thrashing machine and took in the last bit of my hay |
9 | Sunday we went to here Mr pitcher M.R.V |
10 | Monday we commence to plow and fix the bins for the grain |
11 | tuesday I finished my bins to day Orlo plowed all day |
{upside down} fited 14
12 | Wednesday I plowed all day |
13 | thursday I plowed all day I went to the rases |
14 | friday Orlo plowed all day and I ditched |
15 | Saturday Orlo finished plowing in the forenoon Don the first time ditched, in the afternoon I helped Dick to thrash |
16 | Sunday we went to hear Mr king |
17 | Monday I helped dick to thrash and Orlo ditched |
18 | tuesday Orlo harrowed I ditched |
19 | Wednesday we drawed manure |
20 | thursday we drawed manure and fixed the stack bottom |
21 | friday we drawed manure all day |
22 | Satarday we drawed manure in the forenoon in the afternoon went to thrash for Boby |
23 | Sunday we stayed home all day |
24 | Monday I thrashed for Boby |
25 | Tuesday I thrashed for John Manning |
26 | Wednesday I thrashed for Manning in the forenoon for myself in the afternoon |
27 | Thursday I thrashed for myself sam stayed to help me |
28 | friday we cleaned up 15 bushls of wheat and 16 bags of barley |
29 | Satarday I went to mill with a grist |
30 | Sunday we went to here Mr kenedy |
31 | Monday I went to chatam with barley $2.18 |
1 | Teuesday I drawed som would this afternoon |
2 | Wednesday I log for boby all day |
3 | Thursday I drawed manure all day |
4 | friday I cultivated all day |
5 | Satarday I cultivated all day |
6 | Sunday we went to here Mr Mcconough |
7 | Monday I cultivated and went to boby for my seed wheat and plowed the head lands |
8 | Tuesday I sowed 9 bushels of wheat and cultivated it in |
9 | Wednesday I done nothing it rained all day |
10 | Thursday I went to the shop and got two shoe on dan and ditched in the afternoon |
11 | friday forenoon I ditched in the after to wet |
12 | Satarday I furrowed the wheat with one horse |
13 | Sunday we went to Mr pools |
14 | Monday I shoveled my furrows |
15 | Tuesday I shoveled furrow in the wheat |
16 | Wednesday we went to the picnic |
17 | Thursday I pulled my beens and sowed my wheat and harrowed it in and furrowed it up and shoveled the it |
18 | friday I went and thrashed for hugh |
19 | Satarday I thrashed for John Mcdowell |
20 | Sunday we went to here Mr Mckinis |
21 | Monday I went to thrash for John Mcca{cut off} |
22 | Tuesday I went to thrash for Mr holmes |
23 | Wednesday I cut my buckwheat |
24 | Thursday I cut a few poles for my pig pen |
25 | friday I cut and drawed som poles for the pig pen |
26 | Satarday I went up to Mr pools and cleaned up my barley for Ch |
27 | Sunday we went to here Mr Mckinis |
28 | Monday we went to poole to thrash |
29 | Tuesday we went to chatham with barley |
30 | Wednesday it rained all day |
1 | thursday I choped all day |
2 | friday I went and cut corn for poole |
3 | Satarday I went to chatham with the last barley |
4 | Sunday we went to here Mckinis |
5 | Monday we went to the lenard sail |
6 | Tuesday I thrash my beens and tried to thrash my buckwheat |
7 | Wednesday I ditched and cleaned 30 bushels |
8 | Thursday we went with ina to east tilbury fair |
9 | friday we went to chatham with a grist |
10 | Satarday we came home from chatham |
11 | Sunday we went to here Mr Mckinis |
12 | Monday I turned my buckwheat |
13 | Tuesday I loged for boby vickerman |
14 | Wednesday I went to Jenkens sail |
15 | Thursday I was drawing my corn |
16 | friday I was drawing corn and rails |
17 | Satarday I loged for boby vickerman |
18 | Sunday we went to here Mr Mckinis |
19 | Monday I began to take up my potatoes |
20 | Tuesday in the forenoon in the Afternoon I thrashed my buckwheat |
21 | Wednesday it rained all day and I clean my buckwheat and gran for the fair |
22 | Thursday we went to the fair flora first prize buggy horse 3 prize mare and colt 3 prize potatoes 2 prize |
23 | friday I digging potatoes all day |
24 | Satueurday digging potatoes all day |
25 | Sunday we went to here Mr Mckinis |
26 | Monday asked men to log and whitewashed |
27 | Wednesday tuesday we loged all day for John Jardine |
28 | Wednesday finished taking up my potato |
29 | Thursday I covered my pit of potatoes |
30 | friday I split and piled would wood and lizzie went to buxton with henry and agnes |
31 | Satuerday it rained half a day and in the afternoon we went up home with Henery and agnes |
1 | Sunday went to here Mr Gracy |
2 | Monday I draed home wood |
3 | Tuesday I drawed up wood and commenced to bank the house |
4 | Wednesday I dawed ashed on my meaddow |
5 | Thursday I to truedell stable raising |
6 | friday I drawed ashes on my meaddow |
7 | Satuarday I and boby cleaned up 11 bushels of wheat in the afternoon I went and got my plow fixed |
8 | Sunday it rained all day and all nite |
9 | Monday I oiled my harness it rained all day |
10 | Tuesday I made a floor for the piges and cleaned my horses and went out to the store and went to benwas |
11 | Wednesday I began to do my fall ploughing to day |
12 | Thursday I ploughed all day |
13 | friday I ploughed all day |
14 | Satarday I ploughed all day and watered four |
15 | Sunday we staid home all day |
16 | Monday I ploughed all day at nite it rained |
17 | Tuesday it rained most all day |
18 | Wednesday it snowed all day |
19 | Thursday I killed one pig in the forenoon in the afternoon I shoveled furrows in the wheat field |
20 | friday I shovled furrowes |
21 | Satarday I shoveled furrowes |
22 | Sunday we went to here Mr caven |
23 | Monday I went to the mill with buckwheat in the afternoon I covered my potatoes |
24 | Tuesday I ploughed all day |
25 | Wednesday I ploughed in the forenoon in the afternoon I shoveled furrowes |
26 | Thursday in the forenoon I shovled furrows in the afternoon I ploughed |
27 | friday I ploughed all day |
28 | Satarday I ploughed all day |
29 | Sunday we stayed home all day |
30 | Monday in the forenoon helped R dood in the afternoon I ploughed |
Not to be further reproduced without permission of the copyright owner.
University of Guelph Library
Pleas Credit Archival Collections
University of Guelph Library
Jardine Family Papers
Transcription Progress
John Jardine Sr., “John Jardine Sr. Diary & Transcription, 1868,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025,