James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1878


James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1878


James Cameron


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario






19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

February 4, 1878

Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{duplicate of a page transcribed in Cameron's 1877 diary}

Mr James Cameron Island

Feby 16 1878 Went acrofs took Hamiltons Brush home Bought of J Summers Darning neeld oil

17th Went Down to Kit Kit Island Gordon and Tommy Jack here

18th at home

19th at home

20th Drew some Drags went to Hopkins Ben {illegible}uya there

21st Jim and Charlie for the oxen Fixed shafts on the Jumper Brought Plough Whippletree Strap

22nd Drew some Wood Raining

23rd Drawing Wood Forgot to put Down the Rest of this month

1st of March Jim Hopkins To Lancaster for Boards

2ndJim Took the stove to Lancaster got 6 Tin pans Luke and Galerneau going to Lancaster for saw Dust Very Cold Stopt coming Back to Dinner E Wind Frosty

3rd Raining Gordon here

4th Waiting seeing if they were coming for hay Rob Baker

5th Got I Hamiltons Coat Went to Dundee Election in F Covington for Licquour Licence Bill Anonns Poorly took Dinner and Tea at D Suples Got a Fish from D Baker got a Ride Down from Charlie hopkins got some oil of Whiskey from Mrs Hopkins for my elbow

6th Ash Wednesday Got a Coat from Jim Jim went for a Load of saw Dust to Lancaster I went to Summerstown Bought Cotton Binding Brought Johns coat

7th chopping Drawing Wood

8th I went to Hopkins for the Pots got 2 some Potatoes Gordon came Left his axe Isacc Vipond crofsed with a horse Leading Behind ice Getting Bad

9th I crofsed up to Hamiltons the crack opening met me with Roses 2 pots Got flour & Meal from John Hamilton Bought 1/2 lb Tea very hard work to get Back ewnt around north {illegible} of {illegible} Island Jim McDougall here

{illegible} sugar Bush to {illegible}

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Mr James Camerson Island

March 10 1878 ice Jamming Down hens commenced to Lay Fine Day

11th Cold ice Going Down cutting Wood for the sugar Bush

12th fixing an ear for the Pot put a handle on

13th Raining snowing making cedar shorts

14th cutting soft maple for Troughs

15th Making Troughs Got over 40 made new some Trees Tapt a Fine Day for sap Got a cedar stick in the Bay on the ice 3 or 4 canoes Down of Indians for the first

16th first make of syrup made to Day 118 Tapt now made 2 Gallons to Day put out the canoe to Fish sturgeon St Battiance son sheared 1 at foot of Island to day went Down as far as the Kit Kit seen no fish

17th St Patricks Day East Wind Fine and cold

18th First Ploughing of sod found a nail in the mares hoof Fine Frost in the Ground

19th in the Bush Tapt some making Troughs

20th First Day of spring the Grays here made 6 lbs of Sugar

21st Tapping Gathering Boiling some Gordon and I crofsed heard old Mrs McLennan was Buried one of the oldest Residentery of Williamstown Got an Order from AJ Baker for 2 Dollars on I Summers Mr Geddes at J Hamiltons cold Raw Windy some Brought home John Hamiltons Bag Got some sturgeon oil on my elbow

22nd Livinias Birth Day sugaring Boiling Tapping

23rd Boiling Running well Captain Smallman Went to Lancaster I think he Lost his anchor to day high Wind First Trip

24th in the Bush snowing Blowing Freezing Cold

25th Windy Drifting and Fine I Forgot to put Down

26th John H Birth Day

1st of April All Fools Day Good Friday Henry Bosell here a Fine Day Windy Easter {illegible}

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Mr James Cameron Island April 1878

St Marks Raining some and I forgot the rests 1st of May

2nd Went to Hamilton

24th Queens Birth Day at Fences Plough Planting and the Like

30th Old Bushy went for Mrs Bowen him and Gordon Mr Genie came to night at 1:50 from him I and Gordon went to Hamiltons with a Stick Gordon went to store for castor oil

31st Genie went off Ploughing the Potatos

1st of June A very fine calm Day Some Pic nicks very warm the Baby Born the Glorious First of June Went home with Mrs Bowen Randolph and I

2nd Laurie came Dan and Billy Bowen Buck Laurie and Bucky stopt

3rd Laurie Went of I forget the Rest

9th Our Marys Birth Day 1813

22nd Our Dans Birth Day

1st of July Dominion Day Bub and George here yesterday Brought the Pig from Bills Mr and Mrs Bowen here Potato Bus Eating up all our Potatoes shooting all Day P Indepenc Day Fishing

12th of July shooting Firing all Day

26th Dog Days Genin Got a Letter from Day some time this month I got a Letter from London 2 Dollars sent my ashes over

19th July Fernandez Birth Day

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of August 1878 Lammas Day Went to Salmon River with a Tub of Butter had the Old Mans Boat got a Tow Back from Captain Bowen of the steamer Jennie to Hamiltons Island opposition to the Rhoda May Stormy this Evening Kenneth McLaughlin Died some time this month or Last Working at the hay

2nd of August Minnie's Birth Day

6th of Randolph's Birth Day Commenced to cut Marsh hay

19th Bismarck's Birth Day Sometime this month the Viponds Broke Down shut out no'Vote" at Election

Sept 3rd Dans Birth Day 1846 Cutting hay and Drawing Firewood Fishing thrashed the Wheat at mill Got a sack of Cornmeal from Ge Renshaw at I Summers

Autumn commences 22nd

23rd Cut and put in 10 cocks of marsh hay

24th Went to Hamiltons husking Corn Got 3 Bags from John Lissie Mr Lairds Wife and Mr Harpers Girls up from Below

27th at Viponds Roses Careys Wards got Powder from Tom Summers

28th G Renshaw here Drawing Drags

29th St Michael Day

30th I crofsed Found a Bun Boat of I Summers 2 yds of Lining 40 BR{illegible} 25 Bought of Ward Hook P2 spool thread Matches a very warm Day

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Mr James Cameron Island

October 1 1878

Mowing Randolph and I cut 20 Cocks of Marsh hay

2nd put them in the Barn Keeping in the Ram Ram since September

3rd Drawing Wood Thunder & Lightning hail

4th Tearing Down the shed the Great Race on Wednesday Hanlan and Courtney

5 at the shed the old man up from Montreal got a Ride Down with Captain Rankin and G Renshaw helped him Down with his Basket Drawing some Drags Bismarck took up the Turnips as the cattle is coming in

7th Monday Working at the Shed got the crowbar Hugh Ann Watching the Tent Fixing the canoe The St Francis went from Lancaster this this morning Began to run Last night A Great many Boats to Day East Wind a Very fine Day

8th Went to F Covington West Wind Blew hard at Lukes going up took 2 Bushels of Corn to Mill took 53 lbs of Butter to Jo Lemay 63 lb Tub allowed10 lbs for the Tub 14 cents Bought of Jo 4 lbs Pork 9 cents lb 25 lbs of salt 1/4 lb Pepper 7 cents 1 lb of Tea 40 cents Bought of Parker 6 cents of Worm Losenges took Dinner at Dan Summers Bought of Mr Bordeau 10 yds of Calico at 12 1/2 1..25 3yds of Overall Stuf 45 Box of Matches 15 cents 2 lbs of nails 8 cents 1/2 lb crackers 5 cents 4 Plates 20 cents Got a Paper from Bill they had to stop and go the scow as they were too heavy Loaded with Barley on the Houda-a-Nay coming home high Wind stopt at Lukes all night took Jim Halls wife acrofs very windy my Canoe Leakes Bad

9th took Breakfast at Lukes Raining E Wind and heavy Thunder & sharp Lightning clears of Fine East Wind Wind changed to West Blowed very hard Blew Down some Trees Got home in Good Time

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Mr James Cameron Island

October 10th 1878 Hugh Ann McMasters Birth Day Windy West and north Drawing wood Working around the shed went to the head of the Island Randolph and I the Fox after the Hens to night

11th Working at the shed putting post under the side peices and Beams A Fine DAy East Wind and calm some Grains of snow yesterday a change in the moon Full this Morning A Great Deal of shooting on the south side to Day there a steamer over there at anchor the Averils

12th Working at the shed

13th Sunny Gordon Came from Hamiltons they have the Mill for thrashing Lashey I seen at the Lower Point the Averils Over Buying Fish at the Fishermen at the Lower Point A Fine Day West Wind a Great many men Fishing Pickerel on the Water to Day

14th Working at the shed Boarding at the Front part all shut put the Tobacco in the cellar a very fine Day Seen Wild Geese Saturday the 12th

15th Crofsed to go to the Store stopt at Hamiltons to help them at the Thrashing Put in the Buckwheat Tom Jack and I Finished the Buckwheat Thrashed some oats

16th Old Mr William McGregor Departed the Thrashers away for a Waggon I came home this Evening Bought of Ward 31 lbs of salt Bought of I Summers 1 Butter tub 2 lb of nails Hooks & Eyes 2 Window Glass pile 10 yds of Cotton 1 yds of Calico 1 spool of Thread lb of Shot Lead pencil Got a Basket of apples crofsed Back to Hamiltons In case the Wind would be high in the morning very warm weather this time

17 Thrashing Wheat Tom went home with them went up to the store Lecture on the Front the Lost Tribes of Israel very warm Day high south West Wind raining the night Mr Genie here him and Felix

18th Came home took a Bag of Apples raining some

19th Raining very high Wind this Morning from the East chainged through the Day snowed on the Mountains to night working some at the shed

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Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 20th 1878 Sunday some snow this Morning North West Wind some high the Alma Monoro aground at the Lighthouse Mr Hills Light Got aground Last night one of the old Man's son -in-Law here this Morning Batteance Latour From Valley-Field got a Drink of Milk Gave 5 cents and a cent to John H Gave him 4 Plugs of Tobacco of my own Raising a very Fine man seemingly The Spartan went up Traveller coming up with a Good Tow

21st Working at the shed a very fine Day

22nd at the shed covering it Boarding the North End cut some Marsh hay to cover the Top of the shed Randolph cut 10 Cocks Lots of Wild Geese Flying West

23rd Livinia a Birth Day 1868 10 years old To Day Randolph Drew the Hay to Put on Top of the shed Began to Bank the West End of the House E Wind and it Blows very hard to night frome the West it Blew through the night Water Raised and a Blowing Raining some old Gabriel got Pepper Killed 2 Rush Fixing the Boards on the West End of the Banking of the house took some hay from the Back marsh Stack Got in the sheep so we could catch the Big sheep or the Wild South Down I must Kill her as she is the Devil to make the other sheep Bad to Catch

24th Our Hugh's Birth Day Fixing some around the shed Went out the Island covering the Little Back shed of a{torn off} Let out the other sheep emptied the Big Vinegar Jar a Great many Boats going up and Down the Waterfell si{torn off} East nights Big Blow Frost to night near morning

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Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 25th 1878 My Birth Day St Crispins Day all shoemakers holds this Day Lots of Boats Going this morning First Ice this Fall this morning ice in my canoe East Wind I crofsed to Hamilton Got Flour Cornmeal and Buckwheat Flour for helping them with the Thrashing got the news of Johnny Summers Killing a Bear on the Island Mrs Hamilton and Tom Jack to Montreal with Butter Last weed or the Begginning of this week Seen Andrew Rose went to the stone seen the Rhoda May and the Parry Bought of DG Ward 1 Tenneet 1 lb nails 1/2 lb soda 1 spool of Thread Pipe Issacc Vipond scowing wood to Renshaws Gordon in Williamsown At the calf's Pasture Mr Fulton Departed Banking the WEst end putting on chips Raining some Finished the 2 Quilts

27th Sunday Fine Day Calm wind Raised Raining some Gordon Came from Hamiltons stopt all night as the wind is Little high and raining the old man for Tea got it

28th snowed some wind hight turned fine Gordon Crofsed Wind West HughAnn went with my mits to Gordon at the head of the Island Mr Fulton Buried to Day Killed the Big South Down sheep and she was Fat My Back took a very bad pain sent a Peice Down to the Fishermen

St Simon & St Jude 29th Banking East End and taking away stones George and Peggy Bosell came with the yarn spinning 5 lbs of Rolls Gave her lb of Butter and 50 cents cash A Great many Boats a Going to Day churning to day

30th Genie here Went away E Wind Banking

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Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 31st 1878 Holey Eve all hallow Eve Drew some wood to the old men Fishing at the Lower Point cutting an Oak out of the Roots cracking Butternuts to night nust of the Last Year Eating apples Windy and Rain got a Sturgeon

November the 1st All Saints Day John Cameron and Mr Robishaw came Fishing EEls Got the Oak Tree Down West Wind and Rain very wet and Windy weather

2nd All Souls Day Drew the Oak crook home Drew some Drags they Baited the Line with Duck and Cleaned it High West wind and Rain Lots of Boats agoing snowed on the Mountain to night Froze some to night

3rd Sunday John Cameron and Robeshaw crofsed for Bovision to Summerstown Bread and Butter to Loanes 1/2 lb of Butter I went Down to the old Mans Lent Avrils Steamer came Last night to hunt Anchored at Frasher On the South Side Cold to Day and Fine water some high Wind West Cold to Day and Fine water some high Wind West

4th Cutting Stove Wood some Grains of snow West Wind Robishaw started to crofs this Evening turned Back stopt till Morning took in the apples from the Milkhouse as everything freezes putting the milk in the house

5th Guy Fawks Day Robishaw and John Cameron crofsed they got no EEls and they are Going over to hunt Rabbits Fixing the stable Door cold Raw Time West Wind

6th Bohemian and St Francis came up and Went Down W Wind Mowed some hay to put on the Banking Don Pedro Broke the Jumper puttin the Mare in the stable at night not very well this Evening Windy cold

7th Helen's Birth Day snowing stormy W Wind cold and Fine cut the Runner for the Jumper Bismarck and I mowed some Marsh hay Randolph and I Charlie Hopkins and a Man from Montreal I think his name is Drummond Blowed pretty hard they crofsed to Christies Island Left a {illegible} snowed and Blowed W Wind

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Mr James Cameron Island

Nov 8th 1878 Making a Runner for the Jumper chopping stove Wood put in the young calves to night for the first this fall Livinia Bad with the Tooth-ache seen a Raven in the Bush yesterday churning to Day working somea the Tobacco thise nights North Wind to Day some Grains of snow Fell Mr Derishee here for Butter a Good Deal of shooting at Charlie's Island Gave Don Pedro a proud of the 4 Prung fork to night that made him Run for an acre before he stopt 5 or 6 Steamers passed to Day

9th Drew some Wood for the Fishermen Gave Randolph a Sturgeon and a Jacket Pants and Coat A Great many hunting Ducks something wrong with the Black Pig Going to Die wont eat A Good many Boats to Day Wind high a change in the Moon tonight Dont see the Rhoda May crofsing this sometime no wild Geese Just now

10th Sunday a Few Propellers went up and Down St Francis V Bohemian went Down Sparry crofsed to Renshaws wharf another small Boat a hunting Steamer came out and went up W Wind cloudy this Evening some Drops of Rain the change of the Moon Dont change the wind much as it Blows as hard as ever Lots of snow on the mountain no snow here on the ground

11th Took up the Line E Wind Took up the Turnips out of the Bean Place Tried for EEls got none put a spear pole on the EEl spear Raining got some oil

Martinmas 12th some hail high W Wind the old man Brought some tea Got a Loaf of Bread Gave him stick for oars taking sticks of the Bean Fence churning the Alexandra went Down a small steamer with a Barge part Loaded went in to Lancaster a Good many Boats going to Day

13th St Francis and Bohemenian went up and Down Tow Boats and Propellers going up & Down North Wind & West snowing hard Fine sunshine the Men went to Renshaws with their Fish Brought me 1 lb of soda 10 cents Paid them their Bread Back Brought sticks for axe handles to the other mans chopping stove Wood Grinding the axes cleaning Tobacco to night the cows away Last night took the Bell Blary

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Mr James Cameron Island

Nov 14th 1878 Drew a ash Tree for oars Drew a pine Log 13 feet Drew some of the cedar out of the swamp seen a Weasel very white West Wind Don Pedro Roaring Mad this Evening Kept in Black to night splitting the Ash in Oar Stuff and rails Thawing to Day Freezing to night A Fortunate Day

15th Got an Axe helve made Brought Down 9 sticks for Oars Trimed the Butternut Tree Down on the hill piled some of stones on the stone heap Fixing the Stable Door and the Stall put 1 Door on the sheep shed Fixed the step at the Back shed Let out the small Pig a very fine Day not much wind West a Great Deal of shooting to Day a Good many Boats Going up and Down to Day Drew 2 Loads of Wood wind changed this Evening South East a circle around the Sun to Day

16th Roses came for their Heifers had to go Back for Ropes I crofsed stopped at Hamiltons John and I went up to Renshaws for my Bun as he wants it to work at the Bridge helping I Summers to Load his Goods on the scow crofsed to Wards Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 25 cents Horse Shoe nails 10 Oil Pipe Seen Dan Frasher a Talking about the contracts for stones Brought Gordon his sox and handerchief he is at AJ Bakers E Wind Rose high crofsed over with George

17th Dan Cameron Missed the Boat and the ST Francis would not stop or call for him

18th crofsed to Summers Raining Blowing

19th Working at the Bridge at Hamiltons spinks John Tommy Jack and I E Wind some cold

20th Working at the Bridge a Great many Indians chop cord Wood

the 21st Fishermen over GAve my Tea to take home finished the Bridge came home Got some Flour and Cornmeal

{illegible} John on this Day of the month Donald {illegible} Departed 1846

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Mr James Cameron Island

Nov 22nd 1878 East Wind very high Raining some hail went around the Island Randolph and I a very ugly Day no Boats up or Down to Day th Sparry came out of Salmon Rover and went in something rong with her cylinder yesterday as she stopped coming acrofs the channel St Cecelias Day the winds is Raging to night with Rain it s Took the perch up From the Bottom on the shore in the Weeds it Rolled up such Weeds from the Bottom I never seen such Bunches BRoke the Fishermans Sturgeon Pen of Stone and they lost 2 Sturgeon out of it and One they Gaffed outside of the Pen Going off I am Sure there must be accidents other Places

23rd got 4 Oars and schelve from the Fishermen Old John went Down to Valleyfield to Day Drew them some wood Raining Blowing came from the West the Wind The Bohemian and St Francis went up but not so early as usual as the wind was very high last night

24th Sunday A change in the Moon high West Wind Snow on the Mountains Last night a Propeller came up this Morning the Bohemian & St Francis went Down went around the Island Bismarck Randolph and I

25th Killing the Pig Banked the side of the cookhouse A Very fine Morning after 12 it began to snow and Blow from the North East Putting in the cattle to night and Feeding cows & calves Feeding good hay to the Mare the Sparry came out this Morning a Tug went up with 4 or 5 Barges in Tow 2 Men Fishing EEls at the Sturgeon Island

26th A Small Steamer went Down into Lancaster with a Barge or something Like a Yacht in tow W Wind cutting stove Wood to Day snow on the Ground the Tobacco near claned of the stems not Plugged yet not much Frost

27th the Bohemian & St Francis up and Down the Last Trip for the St Francis to Day Mr Genie came to night Brought me a Bag of Potatoes and a Bag of Buckwheat Flour But did not Bring my Big Boat the Fishermen went to Lancaster with their sturgeon to go on the Bohemian {illegible} south east wind and Rain to night

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Mr James Cameron Island Nov 28th 1878 Wind changed high West Wind Steamer went Down with a Barge in Tow Mr Genie went home Banking the house more Got 3 Pikes from old John to day Drew him some Wood put Out some manue the Sparry went in to Lancaster took out Rousseau's scow and had Quite a Job with her this side of the Lighthouse Fine some Rain not Cold very much Bothered with Rheumatism now very windy night Last night

29th Working at Big Shed Door Chopping Stove Wood putting up storest at the oak Log fine

30th St Andrew's Day the Festival of the Scotch a Fine Day North East Wind the Sparry crofsed to Day Made a Rack in the Big Shed Firing some Good shots set 2 Traps the first I set water high (Putting up stones at the oak Log yesterday and Let the water run of the Wet Place a Pond below the house)

1st of December 1st Sunday in Advent Froze a Little Last night North East Wind cool and Fine a scow or Barge came up out of Lancaster a steamer came out of Salmon River this morning Randolph and i went around the Island a Great many of those Gannets went up yesterday Flying very high

2nd cutting Drags Raising the Troughfs very high South East Wind Raining some Drew a hicory the wind Blew Down the old man Gabriel here got Buckwheat Flour Soda and Milk Gave me a Paper Rafter & Desmarteau selling off cheap No Lights up in Mr Hills nor the Floating Light But Johnstons on the Cherry Islands Light is up Did not see any Boats Going to Day But the Sparry crofsed and up to Cornwall

3rd a Yacht or scow sailed Down into Landcaster and they all got up their Lights to night Raining and snowing some West Wind Let out the Ram to Day had the ram 3 months in Feeding salted the sheep cleaned out the calves shed where the ram was in Lost one of my Traps Chain Broke from the Trap the Muskrat must be in it Looked but could not fine it

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Mr James Cameron Island

December 4th 1878 East Wind snowing Sperry took a scow or Yacht out of Lancaster a Tug ewnt up with 4 Barges in Tow no Lights in Mr Hills or the Floating Light But Light on the Cherry Light to night the Fishermen took up their Lines to Day going of tomorrow Put in the young Bull Royal Charlie. a sail came acrofs and went up high Wind I went to the Head of the Island took in my Irons piled up the 2 saw Logs put the soft maple Boards in the Barn Some Ducks but no Geese 1 Trap set 1 Let this morning took up the trap took the Fish Box up on the Bank

5th Gabriel Deroshie and John his brother the Fishermen went of to Day Let their Bun and most of their things till the would come next spring North West Wind some snow Randolph and I took up their Boxes and their Fishing Rigging Got a Gallon of Sturgeon oil from them took their Jolly Boat the Lousia with them a Steamer came up out of Lancaster and went Down with a Barge Mr Smallman came acrofs to Day I think this is the Last Trip for him as I think Salmon River with Freeze to night Feeding the cattle No Lights to night only the cherry Island Light is Lit

6th St Nicholas the Festival of the Germans Froze hard Mr Smallman did not come out of Salmon River to Day with the Steamer Sparry N W Wind snowing some Freezing cold Light on Cherry Island to night set a Trap in a hole for the Fox but I dont think he comes to it now All the cattle in stabling tonight but Don Pedro his is out all alone Took the sheep Down from the upper End of the Island filled one of the ticks with wheat straw to Day took the old Fanning mill out of the stable to the Barn put the Onions from upstairs to the cellar Lots of snow Birds Flying about Dont see any wild Geese some Ducks

7th Kind of Fine cold NW Wind snowing some ice near shore Gathered 230 spoils 80 in the milkhouse 150 in the Bush chopping stove wood put the 2 Cats down in the Tent for the Rats No Lights in the Lighthouses to night

8 Sunday a Very Fine Day

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Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 9th 1878 Piling 1 1/2 Cords of Wood up in the Marsh that was there all Summer cut an Ash for a Little Sleigh Snowing and Blowing East Wind the Hay on the Barn Floor all done to night Commencing to Feed from the East Mow the Sheep comes to the Barn to Feed all the Cattle Picking out in the Day high East Wind tonight

10th Leander's Birth Day Drew up the Old Mans Bun And My Canoe very high East Wind Raining water Raising piling up tose Long peices near the Stable at the Lower End of the Garden Drew some sticks to the Door took a plank up from the Lower Point tried to saw the crooks of the Little Sleigh split them

11th Wind West froze some Last night Went around the Island Randolph and I its terrible the Weeds and Dirt and Minnos Frogs & Dirth the high East Wind throw up on the shore A steamer came up I think its the Anderson or Arctic it it is the Kendrick Blowing hard and snowing Blusterying with snow Working at the Little hand Sleigh

12th Water Rising West Wind Blowing hard Working at the sleight pretty Cold Lots of Dush Black Ducks plenty

13th Finished the sleigh West Wind not much wind some set a Fire in the Marsh Burnt a Strip not Much took up the Trap as the Water is Raising seen the Marsh set Fire over at Mr Bowens I suppose its Luke

14th chopping Stove Wood a fine Day wind East wind Raised high snowed and hailed some to night the 2 Big White Backed Eagles after Ducks some stormy to night I oiled myself for the Rheumatism

15 Sunday A Fortunate Day a Fine Day pretty cold N Wind Freezing some in the side of shore Got a Rat in the Trap in the Milkhouse came up from the old Mans Tent

16th put A Runner in the Little old sleigh went to Pitt Point very cold Frosty and Windy West pretty cold to night with wind

17th Making a cellar Door Broke on a stack of Marsh hay 2 1/2 Tons in it Began to cut hay fine in the Mow a Fine Day but Windy on the Water West

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Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 18th 1878 Drawing Drags of Wood a Fine Day Windy from the West seen the Ram standing still in the field he dont look very well

15th St Thomas cutting stove wood Caught the Ram put him in Fixing the hinges on the Door of the Big Shed and its Windy and Frosty Gordons heifer out to night Set 2 Traps for Muskrats to night seen a Track thought it was a Mink or a very Large Weasel

20th Last Day of Fall or Autumn Oee of the Heifers ON her Back in the Manger of the Big Shed had to Knock Down 6 or 7 Boards to get her out of that but she is all Right Got a muskrat set 2 Traps at the lower point for Mink or weasel not very well to Day Blowing not very cold Got a young Maskinonge in the Back Bay cut a hole in the ice and struck him with the axe

21st First Day of Winter and fine Morning it is Just time enough to Wheel around turned East and Blows hard Turned over the Bun shot 2 Ducks got Drew some wood took up the Traps as the wind is breaking up the ice very windy Time

Sunday 22nd Got a weasel in the Tent Drifting and snowing Blowing very hard

23rd Fixing a handle in the shovel as the Bull Don Pedro Broke it some how or other its very windy time Blows hard every Day the Cattle eats hearty its cold and Wood pile all Drifted up with snow

24th Christmas Eve cutting Stove Wood Feeding the cattle Extra this cold weather something wrong with the Ram nailing a Board in the sheeps place as the Black weather sumps in where I put hay very windy from the West

25th Christmas Day cold Windy Day

26th Cold & Blowing chopping stove wood wind fell and it was calm all night what it was not for a month and a half before this St Stephens Day small Pox Bad around Lancaster

Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 27th 1878 East Wind snowing Fine I crofsed not being acrofs since the 21st of November stopt at J Hamiltons took Dinner caught 14 Turgies Fom Gordon and i for Parisha's Raffle Went up to the store Gordon and I Bought of Mr Ward 1 pair of Boots for Hugh Ann 3 yds of Calico Tea 5 lbs of Rice 1/2 lb soda spool Thread skain Thread Binding to 1 sheep Pelt 40 Rat 10 4 1/2 lb of Butter 58 1/2 oil J Hamilton and I to the Raffle Geese Turkies and Cutter Raffled John got a Goose Mr Ward sick Got 25 lb of Flour From AJ Baker John and the Minister had some Row crofsed on the ice at Roses coming home

28th St Innocents Day Gordon and crofsed from Hamiltons Got 40 lbs of Flour and 8 lbs of cheese Brought over J Hamiltons Axe and a handle as I had it since the 9th of March North West Wind Freezing some told me Mrs Jack Departed heard old Mr Duffeild shot a Mans Horse for not paying for a Bottle of Whiskey in Jail for 6 months Allen McDonald up the Front poorly the Steamer Kendrick went Down from Summerstown on the 27th she came up on the 11th and I thought it was the Anderson or artic John Vipond Back from California a did not make a Long stay

29th Cold this morning the water all in a skim of ice but after it turns warm and snowed some turned cold after it turns warm and snowed some turned cold at night but windy

30th chopping stove Wood Gordon fixed the horse saw and sawing stove wood cold and soft W. Wind very windy time

31st Last Day of the year Drawing Wood making a pair of overalls for Gordon Kind of soft Windy a change in the Moon all the Talk is Jim Grant he Failed and has the creditors in a Terrible way he has Borrowed from Many a Great many ice taken from Renshaws to Summerstown.

Transcription Progress



James Cameron Diary, 1878.pdf
James Cameron 1878, Diary Transcripts.pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1878,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/546.
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