Christine Bondy Lucier Diary, 1896-1903


Christine Bondy Lucier Diary, 1896-1903


Christine Bondy Lucier


Harrow Early Immigrant Research Society






19th and Early 20th Century, Essex County, Anderdon Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1896

Is Part Of

Christine Bondy Lucier Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript



Diary for 1896 Mrs Thomas Lucier

January 1st {Colder written in margin} We went to my Fathers and had a good {word cut off} Names of those what were there Daniel Bondy Rose Bondy. Ector Hignac Ida Bondy James Deslippe A. Bondy. Lewis Deslippe Anne Bondy. Dennis Bonday Lena Bondy. Maggie Bondy Bertha Bondy. Elty Bonday. G We also went to Fred Bondy's Babe Deslippe and Theodore Langlis. We drank wine and ate Cakes in those places.

2th {cold written in margin} I went across the road to see little Winnie Aunt Ella and I went to Mrs Goulin Mrs Jacqes Deslippe and Susan Deslippe were there also. Cora and Pearl were here to night Cora was learning to play pedro. Haggia is here to day.

Transcription Progress

In Progress


Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (1).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (2).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (3).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (4).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (5).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (6).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (7).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (8).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (9).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (10).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (11).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (12).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (13).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (14).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (15).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (16).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (17).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (18).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (19).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (20).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (21).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (22).pdf
Christine Lucier diary 1896-1903 (23).pdf


Christine Bondy Lucier, “Christine Bondy Lucier Diary, 1896-1903,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 15, 2025,
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