John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1872


John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1872


John Ferguson


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario and Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives


19th Century, Peel County, Chinguacousy Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Ferguson Diary Collection


Scanned Microfilm Manuscript & Typed Transcription


January, MONDAY 1, 1872

A fine bright day, scarcely any snow on the fields or roads, some pretty large snow banks along the fences, there is a great deal of ice, very slippery travelling, splendid skating. The Municipal election took place to day, Chinguacousy Reeve. J. {?} Deputy Reeves J.P. Hutton KJ. Henderson Councillor J. Haggard and Joshua Modeland.


The elections in Brampton yesterday for Reeveship were very exciting K. Chisholm was only 4 votes ahead of J. Boyne, there has been so much bribery used on both sides that the election is void necessitating a new election and two new candidates. Was helping J. Simpson saw wood with a new style of saw driven by one team of horses. {?} at Brunswick {?} $75.00

January, WEDNESDAY 3, 1872

Spent half a day in cutting fall wheat straw with the straw cutter and Jack and Mr F Housis horse power, the straw cut up nice and fine and with a little pea meal sprinkled over it, will make very good fodder. Some soft snow from the East and very foggy to night.


Hauled some 3 or 4 cords of wood from the "other place" bush and 110 white oak stakes. A mild sunny day spent the evening in reading Mrs H. B. Stowes' latest work My Wife and I a very interesting tale. The Brampton Election yesterday was decided in favor of Coyne, he is Reeve for present year

January, FRIDAY 5, 1872

Was engaged all day in hauling rails (old) from the other place which were used for a lane across the Etobicoke to repair the wheat field fence. Spent evening in Brampton at practice for the approaching S. School Convention. The "Christian Guardian" is enlarged to an eight paged journal and otherwise greatly improved. Had a roan C. calf from "Coral".


Prepared a ten bag grist for Mill of 3 parts barley and I part peas. Was cutting wheat straw with the help of John Learment and our two span of horses. A very Keen frost to night.

January, SUNDAY 7, 1872

Drove the sleigh up to S.S this morning. Supt. Pres lesson sets #32 to 41. The new library books were distributed. Misses Jilly Snell and Lizzie McFaul were here for dinner. Heard Rev John Shaw preach at Zion at 2 1/2 PM. Text _ Luke XIII 6 to 9th it was a keen cold day. Monday 8

Was cutting peas with the straw cutter all day it will save the trouble of thrashing with the flail beside making it into a more acceptable state for the stock. J.C. Snell and wife took tea here this evening. Spent the evening at the Temperance lodge.

January, TUESDAY 9, 1872

Spent the afternoon in farming peas. Father took 10 bags of grain to J.W, Maine Stream Grist Mills, Brampton, for chopped feed. Bought a new single sett of buggy harness from Martin Shipley (back mounted) @$20. Misses O. Nichole, R Carter and Eagler were visiting sister Viney this afternoon. A very pleasant day.

Wednesday 10

The Annual school meetings took place to day at the School Houses all over the province according to law. Mr. R. J. Nichols spent an hour with us this forenoon in pleasant chit-chat. Spent the evening reading " Evenings at Donaldson Manor" a S.S. library Book full of love stories.

January, THURSDAY 11, 1872

Was engaged in chopping into cordwood a large sugar maple in the lower bush which was uprooted by the late winds. Spent evening at Hope Chapael at the P. M. Missionary meeting, the Rev J. Guttery from Toronto was chief speaker, he is a fine and intelligent speaker.

Friday 12

Was at pretty much the same work as yesterday. Killed and dressed a Berkshire sow of 200 lbs of pork. Spent the evenings at Brampton at the practice for the approaching convention had a lively and pleasant time until 10 o'clock.

January, SATURDAY 13, 1872

Mailed a letter yesterday to Mrs{underlined} John Ferguson in Missouri, The weather during the week has been mild and pleasant it is very icy under foot and but very little snow, the fields being almost entirely bare. Spent evening reading the ancient current newspaper which are immensely interesting and entertaining at this time of year.


Drove the cutter up to S. School containing 3 of my sisters Supt. Abs. {Superintendent absent} lesson_ {H IV 11 to 16. Spent the afternoon at he Mr. Perry's residence Brampton practicing music and took tea at old Mrs. Kings with Miss S. Trueman heard Rev John Shaw preach text I Kings XIII / 6 to 33 verses. A sharp frosty day.

January, MONDAY 15, 1872 Was engaged all day in "swinging the poverty stick" on the peas, they are yielding a fair quantity of grain, the straw is fresh and bright making excellent fodder. Spent the evening at Choir Practice, Miss Sarah Peacock came up this evening to spend a few days. Had some 2 or 3 inches of snow tonight. TUESDAY 16 Drove to Edmonton to get the buggy shaft repaired & a new neck yoke ironed. Spent the evening at practice in the Wesleyan Church until 8 o'clock and to 10 o'clock at the primitive Church, Brampton The slight fall of light snow had made some sleighing once more. January, WEDNESDAY 17, 1872 A bright frosty day. Spent the day tending to the stock &c, &e, Went to Stanley Mills this evening with the W.M. Choir to a tea meeting given by a Division of Sons of Temperance Addresses given by Rev Shaw Carson and Dennis all leaving on the subject of Temperance. Arrived home at 12:30 o'clock. THURSDAY 18 The first day of meeting of Co. of Peel S.S. association held in Brampton W.M. Church, Today's proceedings have been successful both in the large attendance and the feeling of good will and harmony preaching. Rev Shaw and Armidge W.P L Lavey (from London) {possibly Schving?} (Newmarket) addressed the night meeting, a large crowd.

January, FRIDAY 19, 1872

Mr. E Bunting died suddenly last night @ 10 o'clock after a short illness of the worst form of scarlet fever, The second day of Convention the main meeting of the children of the county took place at 2 PM The church was crammed, addressed by Rev Hartcourt Carson, Laury. A very large meeting at night at which J.C, Snell presided.


Received an additional 6 to 8 inches of snow which has revived the sleighing. The C. P. A society's seasonal meeting was held in the Court House at 2 PM. For the election of Officers. Mrs J. C Snell and two little ones are here all night.

January, SUNDAY 21, 1872

Drove the sleigh to Brampton at 9 o'clock for the pall bearers who are members of I. O. G. Templars for E.A. Buntings funeral took place at 10 o'clock buried at the old Cemetery Brampton, The funeral procession was really 1/2 mile long. Reb J. Shaw preached text Revelation XXI, 4th verse a very impressive sermon. The untimely end of our best neighbour and one of our truest friends Aged 39 yrs. Rev W.W. Carson Preached tonight, text, Matt XXVII 3,4 &3 verses,


Was fanning cut peas. Drew 3 loads of hard maple wood from lower bush makes the finish of the firewood making for the season. Spent the evening at the Lodge, had quite a full meeting, each member revived a story of the Constitution and By Laws of the Templars, 4 were initiated.

January, TUESDAY 23, 1872 Drove the sleigh to Sligo this morning No 2, Caledon for a load of cedar fence stakes bought 146 @ $200 per hundred, they are 7 ft long and of good overall size. The last snow fall has made capital sleighing. The cedar business is quite lively, a great many people are hauling rails


Took the same journey as yesterday and bought 500 cedar rails from Mr McColl, No 3 Caledon, for $20, brought home 85 rails and one gate post stopped at {Clande?} of H. Manning Hotel to feed the team.

January, THURSDAY 25, 1872

Brought 90 rails down to day they are pretty fair size but rather rough and chopped 11 ft long, are all seasoned the swamp being overrun with fire last summer. It was a pretty cold day and very blustering the sleigh track drifted full of snow, making it heavy travelling.

FRIDAY 28 Drew 100 cedar rails from Sligo to day some of which are burnt black making it disagreeable work handling them. Spent the evening at Choir Practice, had an addition to the Soprano of the two Misses Stewart, who are singers in the John Street Pres. Church. A cold day.

January, SUNDAY 27, 1872

Drove to Caledon left home at 7 30 A.M, arrived at 9 o'clock took dinner yesterday and today at Clande, Hotel. brought home 96 rails about 3 PM. J. C. Snell took tea here this evening and sister Viney went home with him. The weather was milder and looks like a storm.


Went to S. School this morning Supt. Abs. {superintendent absent} lesson. Rev I {Chap} spent afternoon at the Brampton W.M. S. School which is largely attended and a very good school J. W. Boyman is {Supt.}. Choir practice at 4 PM took tea at Mr A. Morton’s this evening. W.W Carson preached text Matt XXIV. 44th verse.

January, MONDAY 29, 1872

Went to Caledon this evening it was exceedingly cold facing the sharp frosty west wind brought home 100 rails. Spent the evening at the Temperance lodge, had a full attendance of numbers, the election of Officers for the next Quarter took place making the meeting lively and exciting,


Made another trip after cedar, brought 35 rails making the full compliment and 5 over of the 500 rails which bought for which paid cash $20, also bought 3 gate posts, paid $1.25 for the 4” do, also 25 stakes total number of stakes 170. J. C. Snell shipped to Illinois one of our Berkshires,

January, WEDNESDAY 31, 1872

Exchanged with Mr Hindle 28 bush {bushels} of black oats for seed, ours has been too long on the farm and is degenerating and turning white. Went with W.M. Choir this evening to Streetsville to help sing at a Temperance meeting, was a large attendance had a very lively and pleasant time especially the sleigh ride.

February, THURSDAY 1, 1872

Rather a bright pleasant day W. wind and plenty sharp frost the sleighing is very good except in neighboorhood of Brampton . Our folks went on a visit to Mr A. Dyer's. Nearly 2 o'clock this morning when arrived from Streetsville.

February, FRIDAY 2, 1872

Drove the team over to Hutton's sawmill and bought 150 ? of 1 1/2 inch flooring & 3 seasoned clear planks (for to make a water trough) for which paid at rate of $16 per, in {m?}, alas 5 3x4 inch scantling and an assortment of 3 and 4 inch strips @ $10 & $12 per in {m?}. paid for all $5.61(could also be a 7). Spent evening at Choir Practice. A bright clear day.


Was threshing peas with the flail . Started for Brampton this afternoon in the cutter but in passing a team at No 10 was upset and broke the shaft. Went to Brampton on horseback this evening and visited J. E. {or G.} Wood's Barber shop to be shaved

February, SUNDAY 4, 1872

Went to Quarterly meeting in Brampton at 10 o'clock, Rev W. W. Carson preached text= Luke XXVI 13th verse. had a profitable service. {Pork} dinner at Mrs. Trueman’s at W. Mains. Rev John Shaw preached at 6 text II Corinthians 18th verse. after the public preaching, there was prayer meeting


Spent the day in threshing peas and choring around generally. Went to Brampton tonight and (joined the) or became a member of mechanics Institute untill the end of this year by paying $1.00 and have weekly use of the public library. Spent evening at the I. O. G. J lodge which was held in M. E church

February, TUESDAY 6, 1872

Bro. C.Y. Moore was at lodge last night, he has just come from New York City and gave a good account of his temperance experiences their. Snow 8 or 10 inches of snow fell last night which was needed to help the sleighing. Was mortising pine 3x4 scantling for end pieces for new gates.


Uncle George & Aunt Phoebe {Bunt? (smudged)} came here this evening from Scarborough to visit a few days. Rigged up the sleigh with seats around the outer ridge and gathered a large load of young folks from Brampton and No 10 and drove up to J. B. Snell's party given for Lizzie and Viney about 30 percent, had a lively and pleasant time in games and music.

February, THURSDAY 8, 1872

Arrived home this morning shortly after 4 o'clock after taking the young people home, enjoyed a nap of two or 3 hours pretty thoroughly. It was a warm bright day. Went to Brampton this evening and attended a public Temperance Meeting in W.M. Church, addresses by Revs Shaw Bradshaw, Pringle and Henridge, not a very large attendance.


Drove to Caledon to day for a load of fence stakes, brought home 170! Aunt Lizzie and Eggie spent evening here in social chat. Our visitors spent afternoon at J.C. Snell's. Another warm day, it is affecting the snow considerably on the Centre Road

February, SATURDAY 10, 1872

Brought from Caledon my last load of cedar for this winter consisting of 165 stakes and paid A. {McColl?} $8.50 for the 560. Our Scarborough friends started for home this forenoon. Weather today warm and misty. Spent evening at Melodeon and "{Pul?} Banner". The Assessor (from Hamilton) was here yesterday, and raised the valuation $200. Have my name on the roll for 25 acres.


Went to S. School this morning Supt adr. {J.R. Craig acting in his place) lesson Revelations, II 8th verse to end of chap. a large attendance. Dawson Modeland spent the day here in social converse about his travels in New York. The evening closed in with a drizzling rain preventing my attending church.

February, MONDAY 12, 1872

Each of some half dozen went to Stewart's saw mill {Esqueen} this morning for a load of pine lumber for W. Campbell the blacksmith, who intends building a new shop, about -800ft of pine in each load, took dinner at 3 PM at this place no 1. Spent evening at the lodge Brampton had a very large attendence, {illegible} lively.

TUESDAY 13 Misty and thawing very fast the's two days a steady rain pretty much all day from East. The roads are nearly bare. Spent afternoon in Brampton and I carried a letter from Aunt - Mary (Mereon) , Ms. Bought a rawhide riding whip and some spirits of .

February, WEDNESDAY 14, 1872

A sudden change in the weather very cold and sharp frost. Spent forenoon at Campbells's shop setting a horse shed Went to Brampton this evening to Mr S. Capper's Temperance lecture in W.M. Church, a large attendance lecture lasted nearly 2 hours and was full of funny anecdote's, he sang several temperance song's in good style, a collection amounted too.

February, FRIDAY 16, 1872

Drove to Brampton this morning for the chopped grain, bought 1 1/2 bush of green apples form C. Sawson @ Cocks pea bush. Took the cutter to Campbells' shop and had a new shoc put on it. Received a Valentine from some lady. Bought a piece of street music "thoughts of childhood" @ 40 cts Spent evening at choir practice.


Was engaged in sawing cord-wood with the bucksaw into 2 ft lengths. Father and Mother are spending afternoon and evening at R. Nichol's No 10 Centre Road it is a bright moonlight night and a pretty sharp frost.

February, SUNDAY 18, 1972

Drove the team up to S. School taking all my sisters, Supt. Pres. lesson ; Rev. III 1 to 6. Sept. Last Sunday and he gave each scholar a New Testament and the teacher each a scripture Atlas. Went to Brampton W.M. S. School at 2 PM 105 present a very interesting school. Took tea at Mrs {Ynuman's might not be a Y} and heard W.W. Carson preach text,- I Kings XVIII 21st verse


A bright beautiful day, thawing fast. Spent the day at wood sawing in the wood shed. Spent the evening pleasantly and profit only at Ebenezer with a large turn out of the scholars, teacher and parents of the S. School a fair well social to Rev W. Millard who is leaving the place, J. B. Snellgot up an excellent address and a present of $50.00

February, TUESDAY 20, 1872

Was at pretty much the same kind of work as yesterday. Mailed a letter to Uncle J. Ferguson containing an order for $75 Anne Curry's as a present Mr Hindle, giving half of it; It is for to purchase a horse. Spent the evening at prayer meeting and Choir practice. The mild weather continues.


Took the iron plough up to Quin’s shop for to get a new mouldboard put in and other repairs. Spent the evening at S. S. Anniversary in Rev J. Bingli's Church Brampton as a bass singer in the W.M Choir, a large audience; and a full staff of speakers, a present of 12 large volume given to W. N. Bossie The {supt. I’m thinking short form for superintendent} of the school.

February, THURSDAY 22, 1872

Spent the day in bucksawing, threshing peas and preparing a grist of wheat for to be con-veyed to miel to morow. A keen frosty day and splendid moonlight nights, which is the pleasantest kind of winter weather. Spent evening reading one of the library books History of England. Mailed a letter last night to Mrs John Mason.


Took a grist of Dill wheat to Brampton storm straw grist mills about 18 bush. Heard the sad news of the sudden death of Mrs A. F. Campbell this morning after a short but painful illness. Spent the evening at J. B. Snell's he has been attending the 60 York S. S. Convention held in Markham. Passed the evening in social chat till 10.30 oclock. Mrs {Very smudged} first visit there this year.

February, SATURDAY 24, 1872

Father and mother started for Mr Charles in the buggy with a span of horses. A very warm day leaving the snow away very fast , the roads are quite muddy. Spent evening at home, music and reading and general preparations for Sabbath. The Reform Association met today and chose Robert SMith as their candidate for next election for the house of commons.


Considerable rain during the night the fields are swimming, turned very cold freezing rain. Went S. S School this morning on foot -lesson Rev III 7 to 13th - The funeral of the late Mrs A. T Campbell took place this afternoon in Toronto , ? Rev Mr {Aeridge?} preached it is a sad blow to Alex. Rev W. W. Carson preached in Brampton text, {Psalms} C XIX 9th verse, A very earnest address to young men.

February, MONDAY 26, 1872

Spent the day in the wearisome routine of stock feeding and pea threshing, bright, beautiful weather, a keen frost where the sun's rays do not penetrate. Went to Brampton this evening about 8 o'clock the burning J. Clark's stables and blacksmiths shop caused great excitement. At the lodge about 15 more were added to our member, had a lively meeting.


Fanned thoroughly 16 bush of peas and stored them in the driving house for future use. Put the old Hamilton Combined Reaper & mower on the waggon and drove it to Brampton to Haggert Bros for which we are receiving $30.00. J. Tibble of Amaranth arived here on a visit.

February, WEDNESDAY 28, 1872

Loaned the waggon to Mr S. Bunting for the hard firewood John Tribble started for home this morning in the cutter, they have splendid sleighing in Amaranth but the roads here are really dusty. Was engaged in splitting stovewood. Spent evening reading "A walk from London to John O'Groate House" and no tea by the way.

THURSDAY 29 Was at the same kind of work as yesterday. A cold north wind and very hard frost. Father & Mother were visiting at John Woudhall's. mailed a copy of last week's Banner to Rev. J. F. Dyer, {illegible} containing Rev. W. Millard's resignation. Also today's Banner to Carthage.

March, FRIDAY 1, 1872

Was engaged in splitting the sawed blocks of wood into structure. Sold the first consignment of fresh eggs this season, today 3 1/2 Soy. @ 18 cts. Viney and J. walked to Brampton tonight to a lecture on the "Magic of Science" by Dr. May of Toronto, some of the experiments were very nice but the lecture was slow and uninteresting.


Was threshing peas with the poverty stick all forenoon, fanned 10 bush for storage against next fall. The first young lamb of the season arrived today. J. C. Snell and wife took tea here this evening, he attended the township S. S. Convention yesterday in Cheltenham. An attempt to assassinate Queen Victoria was frustrated.

March, SUNDAY 3, 1872

Walked to S. School this morning Rev Jas Brooke pres. Lesson Rev III 14th book 2, a good average attendance. Heard Rev John Shaw at lion at 2 1/2 o' clock text Mark XIII 37th verse. Heard same preacher in Brampton tonight text Joshua XXII 20th verse, explain practical sermon sister Viney is very sick.

MONDAY 4 A few inches of light snow fell during the night which is flying in clouds today that almost blind the vision it is very cold the mercury is below zero. Spent the evening at the lodge which met for first time in the new Vestry of W. M. Church it is a nice cozy room, had a lively meeting.

March, TUESDAY 5, 1872

If any difference the cold is more intense than yesterday with a driving North West { west has an “ir” added to the end} Had 3 more fine lambs two of which perished with the and third is very delicate took it and the ewe down in turnip cellar, where it is quite warm. Spent evening reading a Instituted library. Received a letter from Uncle Taylor, Oakville


Mr Bardi Snell's Auction sale of farm stock and implement's took place today, some very good articles. W.W. {Roe?} Auctioneer. Spent evening at the Opening of New "Chisholm's Consort Hall" and Concert some of the pieces and songs here were well executed by the {Jarmonts} singers and the Brass Band performed well. The Hall was crowded.

March, THURSDAY 7, 1872

The weather has moderated some what but pretty severe yet. Mother started for Oakville via Toronto, to spend a few days. Spent evening at a surprise party at J. Kleraigs No. 181st line East, about two dozen young folks, had an oyster supper and lots of fun got home at 4 o'clock in morning


Was engaged in buck sawing splitting and piling stove wood. Spent evening at the Annual Soiree in John Street Presb. Church Brampton not a very large attendance, had a good practical address from Rev. Prof Inglise of Toronto on "Religion in Everyday life". A good choir led by {J.W.} Perry and Miss Jesie Morton.

March, SATURDAY 9, 1872

A light fall of snow last night from East, misty all day with snow and sleet. Was flailing peas have the "Golden Vines" about finished threshing. Mr Alexander Campbell Sen. brought his ? and boxes here for safe keeping for the present as ? has given up house keeping and sold the furniture.


Drove cutter to S. School this morning, Mr A. Woodhall acting as Supt. Lesson, Rev V chap. {review chapter 5} J.C. Snell read an excellent letter from Mr. Millard. Mrs. Eliss Snell died on Friday night and will be burried tomorrow at Ebenezer. Heard Rev John Shaw preach to night text, II Kings IV, 26th verse. A very good discourse.

March MONDAY 11, 1872

Spent most of the day at the wood {question}, Mrs Eliss Snell was burried today at Ebenezer. Mother arrived from her Oakville visit leaving the friends in good spirits. Went to lodge tonight in the buggy, had a full meeting and a lively one, four candidates were initiated. Received a letter from Uncle John Ferguson, he has received the cheque for $75.


Stuck at it and put in a big days sawing with "Corporation Fiddle" the latest name for the buck saw, Spent evening in writing a latter to Thomas Mason it is nearly a month since I received his letter, A fine bright day and looking a little like spring.

March, WEDNESDAY 13, 1872

Sold to J. W. Main 42 bush of barley @ 58 cts per bush = $24.60. Mrs ? Bell died suddenly last night of a paralytic stroke leaving a daughter 2 wks old. Her death was untimely and un-expected by her, which is very sad. Spent the evening reading "Oliver Twist" one of Charles Dickens' works.


Went to Brampton and bought of K.C, & Co Store of which Caledonia Plaster @ $7.00 put in bags at Z.J.R. Station and drove it home on the waggon, Mailed a letter yesterday to T. Mason. Spent evening in same manner as last night.

March, FRIDAY 15, 1872

Spent the day at the wood business. Father, Mother and Viney went to Mrs Bell's funeral, Rev Mr Mackay preached was buried on 3{22} line West, she made many friends in life, that was so short. Heard Rev John Carrol preached in W.M. Vestry Text Luke XIX 24th he has a peculiar voice, is an old man.


Spent the day from 6 in the morning to 6 o'clock at Robert Lowess' bee for hauling timber for a {barn} from Esquesing, had the waggon which runs very well. Mr. Alexander Campbell came here this evening, Fine bright days and frosty nights.

March, SUNDAY 17, 1872

Went to S. School this morning. J. C. Snell conducted the pro-ceedings _lesson_ Rev VIII, 9 to 17th verse. W.W. Carson preached in {1 min} this afternoon to a small audience. Heard him preach in the lecture room off the W.M. Church Brampton Tonight _ text_ Josiah .I.V 6th and 7th verses. A powerful appeal to the unconverted.


Spent the day at Sale of Stock and Household furniture of the late Erastus Bunting, a large attendance, the articles brought fair prices. The farm was leased for one year to W. Newhouse for $444, Which is a high rate. Spent evening at the lodge an interesting meeting, Dr Moore gave an interesting address.

March, TUESDAY 19, 1872

Some 6 or 8 inches of snow fell last night which is drifting furiously with a cold North Wester. Brought Mrs J. C. Snell and babies down here to spend two or 3 days. A sleigh load of us went to Brampton tonight to have Rev A. Sutherland of Toronto lecture on Temperance in New Town Hall, a large audience and an admirable lecture.


A very cold day with a strong Nor Wester wind, thermometer 5 degrees below zero. J. C. Snell staid here last night and went to Toronto this morning. Spent the day threshing crown peas. The straw is very short and cuts up a good deal with the flail. Spent evening reading "The Cold Curiosity Shop" one of Charles Dickens' Novels.

March, THURSDAY 21, 1872

Not so severe as yesterday but still very cold. Drove the sleigh to Brampton and brought Aunt Mrs Trueman up to dinner and tea. J.C. Snell came from Toronto was a witness on a lawsuit . J. Kleraig verses, George Miller the latter was victorious it will cost J.Kleraig considerable. J.C.Sn. and family went home tonight.


Was engaged in splitting and piling stove wood. Hired James Hanson for 7 months @ $65.00to commence work on first day of April. Missis R Nichols and wife and John Woodhall and wife spent the evening here in social chat. Went to Choir Practice this evening, had a full attendance

March, SATURDAY 23, 1872

A stormy flustering day wind in the west. Was threshing with the flail crown peas they turn out well to the bulk of straw. Took 11 bags of peas and barley down to J. W. Mains for chopping. Received from Uncle Adam an account of their Social at which they realized $140. Spent evening examining a new note book "The Silver Song" and admirable collection of songs


Spent the morning at S.School J. Kleraig addressed the school on the lesson Rev XXII 10 to 17, The attendance was not large. Heard Rev W.W. Carson preach in the {Vestry}, Brampton tonight text, sets, III 19th verse, a very earnest and impressive discourse, there was a short prayer meeting of the sermons.

March MONDAY 25, 1872

Was engaged in splitting and piling hemlock stove wood. Old Mrs. A Campbell left here this morning for a visit on the 3rd line east. Brought home from Brampton the load of chopped grain and 1 bush of diehl wheat cracked. Spent the evening at the lodge very pleasantly, it grows larger and more interesting, an addition of 7 men tonight,


Received last night a letter from Uncle Taylor stating that Aunt Anne is very ill with sore canker mouth. Was kicked on the instep with one of our horses and am {seareely???} able to walk, is swollen a good deal. Father and mother were at James Heggerts sale of funiture only bought a stand @ 30 cts. Had my coarse boots half soled by John {Cayne}

March, WEDNESDAY 27, 1872

My foot is some better but not able to do any work, the application of {#} tincture of Arnica has relieved it considerable. Finished reading the "Old curiosity Shop" some parts of the book are very nice but the {quarter?} part is nonsense and not at all elevating to the mind. The weather during the past two days has taken a change, is quite warm and thawing fast.


Snow fell steadily and fast all day to the amount of 6 or 8 inches. Sold 22 bush wheat to J.W. Main @ $1.25 = $27.50. Was helping at white washing in the house. Spent evening at Dr Moore's lecture "Memories of New York" as one of W.M. Choir in New Town Hall. The lecture was chiefly able criticisms on the prominent {Divines?} and head men of that city.

March, FRIDAY 29, 1872

A fine bright warm day , snow disappearing as fast as it came yesterday. Spent the day in papering the walls of the dining room with a handsome lilac paper, a neat flower with elongated diamond shaped groundwork and traceries with a richly coloured bordering next to the ceiling. A famous Strike among the printers of Toronto for higher wages and only 9 hours labour per day is causing some excitement and delay in the issue of the newspaper.

SATURDAY 30 Finished threshing the crown peas this forenoon. Was engaged in papering the walls of the kitchen with a somewhat similar pattern to the ones in the dining room, it helps the appearance. Another snow storm from the East is starting this evening.

March, SUNDAY 31, 1872

About one foot of snow fell last night, is raining steadily nearly all day, encrusting all the trees and shrubs with a thick layer of ice. On account of the weather, staid at home all day passed the time in reading good books and music. Miss Sarah Peacock is here since Last night on a visit and is storm staid until tomorrow.

April, MONDAY 1, 1872

Drove Miss S. Peacock to Brampton in the sleigh and received a latter from Aunt Jennie in Missouri. except Viney and I all the folks spent the day visiting at Mr John Snell's. Spent evening at the Temple, had a large attendance over 150 members, had some choice readings and an essay by Bro J. J. Bunting on Temperance and some music.

April, TUESDAY 2, 1872

Cleaned up the crown peas 17 1/2 bush would have more but some have been fed and wasted, they are pretty large peas. Had a look around John Snell's splendid Stock they are all in high condition and reflect great credit on the owner for his skill and attention to them. A social in New Town Hall for "John street S. School". Realized about $60. by selling a pound cake.


It takes nearly all my time in paying attention to the stock at this season especially the sheep a fine shearling here died to day. have now 22 lambs of which there are only two pairs of twine. Started making at plank trough for watering the cattle at the yard. pump the old trough is worn gout. A very hard frost tonight.

April, THURSDAY 4, 1872

Finished constructing the water trough, it is 11 ft-long, 14 inch wide & 10 inch deep fitted in a scantling frame tightened with oak wedges, joints fitted with white lead. Finished the house cleaning and white washing gave the under part of kitchen stoop not a coat of whitewash which helps to make the kitchen lighter. Spent evening writing a letter to Aunt Jennie.


Received a letter from Aunt Mary Mason stating that the Winter out there has been a very cold and protracted one. Went to Brampton tonight and heard Rev {Marly} Benson lecture in W.M. Church on " Across the Contin-ent" an ellegant and graphic account of a trip to California on the "Vision Pacific R. Railroad", he has a musical rich voice and great powers of description he is only a young man.

April, SATURDAY 6, 1872

A sudden thaw started yesterday which has raised old {Etobicoke} very high overspreading the whole flats, {clocked} up with immense cakes of ice 2 ft-in thickness. it is an intensely dark night a heavy mist and no moonshine. A very warm day, engaged in choring around and fixing up things for the coming spring.


Went to S. School this morning in the buggy in company with 3 of my sisters John Kleraig addressed the school on the lesson _ II Kings II chap, 19 to 25, a small attendance because of bad roads. Commenced raining about noon and lasts until night. Spent the remainder of the day at home on account of sudden indisposition.

April, MONDAY 8, 1872

am somewhat on the sick list yet and not doing much today. James Hanson commenced work here today is engaged for 7 months @ $65.00. Spent the evening at the lodge or temple had a good meeting and a lively debate about our duty as good Templars. to use an influence to prevent {Grain} stove getting license to sell Whisky. Rev W.W. Carson resigned his connection with the lodge, he is leaving Brampton.


Sold "Coral Prince" 18 months old to Mr Carson of chinguacousy@ $125. he gave a promissory note here in nine months from present date. Had a short visit from Mr John Jones. Took dinner and had a look around at our livestock. Spent evening at home reading a very nice tale "The Lamplighter". It was a warm day for the reason the snow is nearly all gone.

April, WEDNESDAY 10, 1872

Had a short call from James Crawford, is now Agent for D.W. Beadle's new work on Horticulture. got up in handsome style and sold out {might be a second at} at a high price. Viney and I heard W.S.. Capper's Farewell lecture tonight, Brampton "Beware of the Dog In Temperance" it contained some very good ideas in-terspersed with lively anecdotes. There was a pretty large audience.


Seeded with red clover seed the 10 acre of winter wheat across the creek, 10 lbs to acre, the ground is pretty soft the lower frost not yet being out. Commenced the fencing operation today of which there is a great deal to be done because of the high winds during the past winter. A bright warm beautiful day. The roads drying fast.

April, FRIDAY 12, 1872

Considerable has fallen through the day. Was busy all forenoon in the {unsure} the sheep, it helps their appearance a great deal. Went to Brampton Post tonight and received all the weekly papers, also a letter from Jaime Dixon to Viney, stating that her mother is nearly blind.


Finished up he flail pea threshing yesterday, Threshed a few early peas for seed. Was putting down old fences and assorting the rails and making a new gate. Spent the evening at J. C. Snell's in social chat until ten o'clock . promises a pretty hard frost tonight.

April, SUNDAY 14, 1872

Spent the forenoon at S.School J. Kleraig addressing the scholars in the lesson II Kings II, 19 to 25, rather a slim attendance. Prayer and class meeting at Lion this afternoon, the minister disappointing. Heard Rev Mr {Gough} preach in Brampton tonight text Luke XVI 6 to 9th verse, He is successor to Rev W. W. Carson who is now preaching in Toronto.


Kept as a public holiday throughout the Dominion are a day of Thanksgiving for the Prince of Wales recovery from a very severe attack of Typhoid fever. Rev O.G. Collamore of the M;E, Church preached in W.M. Church, Brampton Tonight. Spent the evening at the Lodge. there were 3 initiated one of them Rev IW Thompson of P.M. Church {Quilt?} a hard frost tonight and very windy.

April, TUESDAY 16, 1972

Mr William Carson came and took away to his home, "Coral Prince". Was engaged in building fence below the orchard meadow on the Etobicoke Bluffs. Bought 105 lbs of fence galvanized hinge @ $ 5.20, and 1 1/2 bush of Early Rose Potatoes @ $1.00 per bush. Spent evening reading, S. School library.

WEDNESDAY 17 Sowed broadcast 1 ton of white plaster on the two meadow fields containing 22 acres, it is a nasty job, the plaster enters your eyes and nose, mouth and ears, is very uncomfortable feeling. Father went to a Railroad meeting in Edmonton which was in favor of the Credit Valley Railroad. Brought home an iron plow, has unit a new "walker" still bound and new sole and share.

April, THURSDAY 18, 1872

This is my twenty first birthday having got beyond the period of what the "cauf" calls infancy, I shall need to put away childish things and try and think and act like a man. Was brushing the meadow with the top of a large red plum tree, for {lossen?} the ground around the grass roots tried the harrow first but through in too severe, it tore up some of the roots.


Had a litter of eleven Berkshire yesterday from the old cow. Commenced plowing clover sod field (North) the ground is very mellow some of the neighbours have been plowing about a week. Had the second team rolling the meadow. Spent the evening at Temperance Reunion in New Town Hall had songs by misses Chisholm & Morton (over)

April, SATURDAY 20, 1872

And excellent readings by Prof Lafferty of Guelph and J. Hughes of Toronto. Had a crowded house. Sowed 9 1/2 acres of black oats on "other place" back field and gave it one stroke with harrow. Mrs J. C. Snell and babies spent the day here. Received from Carthage two papers "Carthage Banner" and the "Missing News".


Walked up to S. School this morning Rev Jas Brooks addressed the school on the _ lesson_ II Kings IV 1 to 7. an average attendance. Had a heavy shower this evening, got a good soaking coming from church Brampton, Rev John Shaw preach text_Luke XVIII 13th verse a very pointed and practical addresses They are now holding Special services there.

April, MONDAY 22, 1872

WAS engaged in plowing sod. the hard frost last night makes it harder work both for man and beast. Spent the evening at the lodge, was a member of a trio committee to investigate three cases of brothers charged with violating the pledge had to adjourn for a week for want of evidence to give them a fair trial.


had quite a snow storm today evening the ground once more with a white mantle, but it even disappeared with a heavy fall of rain. Was pruning the young orchard they are very thrifty looking trees. do not require much pruning they have such a dense growth of roots that they can bear a heavy top.

April, WEDNESDAY 24, 1872

The Country Aztec Society's Show of horses and cattle took place at Brampton and was well attended, the show of horses was good, not so many Short Horn's present as usual. Mr Hugh Clark showed a Jersey yearling Bull. Spent the day in plowing sod and consequently was not at the show. Spent evening reading "Marie Monk"


Because of the frost and rain have not been able to finish the oat field until now, harrowed and run out the furniture, it is still quite wet on the low ground. seeded it with clover and Timothy 125 lbs. Was rolling the fall wheat on "other place" it looks bad. Very warm all day. Put the sheep out for a few hours on the fields.

April, FRIDAY 26, 1872

Rolled the winter wheat which is across there Etobicoke it has rather a better appearance than the other field but it rather above show for a cook. Was at John Snell’s an hour or two this afternoon looking at the stock. Received from Danborn & Co Toronto, per express 12 lbs of orchard grass @ $2.50


Sowed barley in the little orchard and seeded it with a bush. orchard grass and 30 lbs of clover and Timothy Received from Mr Hamilton of Tullamore. 28 apple trees 3 years old (varieties) Wagner 4 red Hilzenburg 2, Roxbury Russel 4 Golden Russel 4. Fox whelp 4, Early Harvest 1. Paid $3.00 on account.

April, SUNDAY 28, 1872

Spent the morning at S. School Rev W. Millard present as a viisitor lesson II Kings IV, 18 to 26th it was quite a treat to have our old Supt. to explain the lesson and illustrate it on the blackboard. Went to Brampton tonight heard Rev John Shaw preach text, Mark VIII 36 & 37th verses. They are now holding special services there and a good many are being converted.


Sowed 14 bush of barley on 5 1/2 ounces of plowing cultivated it twice before sowing. Spent the evening at the Lodge the charges against {?} Martin and Mitch-ell we both sustained they will be reprimandid by W.C. Templar the elections of officers for next quarter. was elected to office of W. Marshall. Brought a new straw hat for everyday wear @ 25 cts.

Was sowing peas on the plowed sod, sowed 8 bush crown peas pure 11 bush of mixed crown and golden vines, they harrow in beautifully the ground being very mellow. The last Lamb of the season arrived this morning. have now 27 allotted of hearty strong lambs. quite cool tonight.


Had a very cold rainstorm this forenoon. Mr G. Hamilton from Tullamore brought the remaining 16 apple trees & each of Northern Spy and Rhode Island Evening. {Card?} him the balance of money for them $3.00. Finished plowing sod and sowing peas {illegible} Went to Brampton tonight and recei-ved a letter from Aunt Jennie, Carthage.

May, SATURDAY 4 , 1872

Visited J.E. Wood's Barber Shop last evening and my locks sheared. Finished harrowing and running the furrows on the pea field also put on some No 12 Galvanized wire on the fence stakes on south side of Etobicoke lane. the weather is cool for this season quite severe frost at night.


Heard Rev Joel Briggs of Georgetown preach this morning at Brampton Heartley meeting text_Matt.V. 16th verse, there was a large turnout from all parts of the circuit and we had an excellent meeting. Took dinner at Mrs {Tremenie's} with Sawson Modelard . Heard Rev John Shaw preach tonight text Rev. XX, 12th. the prayer meeting was largely attended and many earnest seekers.

May, MONDAY 6, 1872

Finished the spring seeding of oats, barley and peas last Saturday, before the great majority of our neighbours, and in good time. Was rebuilding the fences over the cruck between W. Newboure and us also at the foot of the lane to confine the sheep to the woods and give the grass on the flats field a chance to grow. Spent evening at the Lodge, the Installation of the New Offices for the current Quarter (was performed by Bro C. Y. Moore. M.D.) took place, one more joined the Lodge.


Bro J.J. Bunting is W.C. Templar and Sister Jemima Stewart W.V. Templar. Was engaged in hauling manure on the field in front of the house, drew 14 loads and scattered it off the waggon on the on the poorest spots of ground. Had the other team following the same field into ridges 22 ft wide. The weather yesterday & today has been very warm. the willows are just shooting forth their leaves and the early apple trees.

May, WEDNESDAY 8, 1872

Old Mr Peter Chisholm died on the 6th and was buried today in Brampton he was a member of Rev J. Pringles Church and one of the first settlers aged 76 years. Washed the sheep 27 in Etobicoke this forenoon , the water was pretty warm but only about 2 1/2 ft deep. Hauled out 1 {crade} of manure. Rev Mauly Benson preached a power-ful sermon in Brampton last night.


Had a short visit yesterday from Miss Sarah Peacock. Was engaged today in plowing with two teams in the fallow hold, the ground is getting quite hard, plowed 3 1/4 acres. A very high west wind prevailed very warm and dry. The barley and oats are up finely and growing fast. Spent evening reading "The Lives of Great Men" by "Smiles".

May, FRIDAY 10, 1872

Drew out 14 more loads of manure on the fallow. It is very early in the season to be working at the fallow,a great many are busy sowing yet. Miss Susie Campbell spent evening here in friendly chat and pleasant conversation.


Was plowing with the team in the fallow. Father & mother went to Brampton to J.B. Mgurn's Sale by Auction of Household furniture most of the articles sold at full value, bought a small Sett Thomas' Alarm clock @ $2.00 and a new iron tea kettle @ $1.25

May, SUNDAY 12, 1872

Dawson Mudeland came up this morning and accompanied us to S. School, Keraig who is now Supt. was present _lesson_II Kings, V, 1 to 7, Took dinner and spent the afternoon at J.C. Snell's. Rev Mr Gotte preached at Zion this afternoon and took tea here this morning. heard him preach at Brampton tonight _text_Amos , IV 12th verse. The protracted meetings were closed tonight.


Was shearing sheep all day and completed the job, 27 in number reckon there will be about 200 lbs. the sheep look well after shearing are in good order. Spent the evening at the "safeguard Lodge" and accomplished my official duties for the first time with considerable nervousness, five more were added to our number.

May, TUESDAY 14, 1872

Was plowing with both teams and have the field nearly turned over. J.C. Snell, wife and family took dinner and tea here. this day 4 years ago being their wedding day, great changes hath "Old father Time" wrought since that period and several of the little company they assembled here are scattered far wide over the United States.


Finished plowing the fallow, sowed 3 acres of it across the lower end with oats, intended for pasturage if there is enough rain, The weather is warm and very dry. Started cross plowing the potato and turnip ground , it is very mellow and in prime order. Old Mrs John Mudeland came here on a visit.

May, THURSDAY 16, 1872 Finished the cross plowing of the root ground scarcely 3 1/2 acres. Old Mrs J.M or as we familiarly call her Aunt Betsy is smart & lively and very talkative for a woman of her age 77 years, she talks mostly about things which took place 40 & 50 years ago, accounts of which she can give in full de-tail. The leaves in the woods are just coming out, rather earlier than usual.

FRIDAY 17 Turned the cattle on to the grass yesterday for the first. Was preparing the ground and making the drills for potato planting . Spent afternoon in Brampton and brought a new felt hat "style Mints" @ $2.00 and a blue silk {craval?} also ordered a new suit of dark grey {turend} @ R. C. & Co's. Brought 1/2 lbs of arsenic ambrosia and Bannister @ 23 cts.

May, SATURDAY 18, 1872

Was hauling manure from horse stable and spreading in potato drills. Planted 1/2 bush of each Early White & Early Goodrich, 2 1/2 bush of Early Rose, 3 1/2 bush {Gleasons}, and 5 bush of gourmet chilies total 12 bush in 15 drills 42 rods long, the potatoes have all cut into two or more pieces before planting Alex Campbell Sen. came here last night and was helping us today.


Rained mot of last night quite fast and most of today, giving the face of the earth a very fresh lively appearance. Spent the day at home reading and music. Walked to Brampton tonight to W.M. Church heard Rev W Goff preach, Text, James I chap and last verse, the sermon contained some good practical advice.

May, MONDAY 20, 1872

Dissolved 1/2 lb of Arsenic in 7 pails of water and immersed in the solution 26 spring lambs (excepting their heads) 13 of each sex, for to kill the ticks. Was rebuilding fence across in the side of Etobicoke. Spent the evening at Safeguard Temple No 350, had a pleasant meeting, two initiated. Splendid moonlight night. Bought of Mr Dale 1 dry {hophy?} Tomato plants for transplanting.


Turned the stock into the flats for the fried trim this season, horses, cattle and sheep the grass is now growing rapidly. Planted 2 bush of Garnet chili's total 1 bush of this variety and two drills of corn and pumpkin seed each drill 40 rods long. The apple blossoms are just coming out; the peas and plums are in full bloom.

May, WEDNESDAY 22, 1872

Drove the team and was gon over to 2nd line East NO 12 and put on a load of choice evergreens about 3or 4 ft high, cedar nearly all a few balsam, spruce, pine and tamarack. Took them off the roadside. brought them home and planted in the form of an hedge on the N.W. side of small orchard, close beside the fence. Rained steadily all afternoon.


Took the same route as yesterday and brought home a similar load and with help of a few hemlocks finished the hedge 7 rods in length mulched with sand and forest leaves. Went to Brampton tonight and bought home my saw tweed suit. costing $20.00, Bought some maple sugar and oranges for to morrows {engagement }

May, FRIDAY 24, 1872

Spent the forenoon fishing with hook and hook and line in the Etobicoke was not very successful. Spent afternoon and evening at Mr W. Elliot's (No10) playing croquet with a few friends, a very nice game but frequent showers made it disagreeable and slippery under foot. the Township S. School Convention was held in Lion at 2 PM very poorly attended. J. C. Snell and family took dinner and tea here.


the fine showers of this week are making things grow very fast, the spring grain (but for the ravages of the wine worm) looks very well for this season of the year. Was engaged in repairing fences and training and plastering to stakes with basswood bark the young apple tree sold to John Woodhall two ewes @ $7 each.

May, SUNDAY 26, 1872

Walked up to S. School, this morning, J.C. Snell conducted the exercises and A. Woodhall addressed the school, lesson II Kings V chap 20 to 27th . Heard Rev John Shaw preach tonight in Brampton Text I Kings 17 to 40 verses inclusive, a very good sermon full of sound argument and practical advice and solemn warning to those who neglect their soul's best interest.

MONDAY 27 Was engaged in replacing fences on the flats and along the centre Road in which fence there are a good many notices rotten nails replaced those by new ones. Spent the evening at the Lodge had excellent readings from Dr. Moore , R.W. Craig, A. Golding and others making the meeting pleasant and profitable had our initiations Tonight.

May, TUESDAY 28, 1872

Two heavy thunder storms yesterday with some hail, in Brampton they had a severe hail storm which destroyed a great many outdoor plants and a good many window panes. the ground was covered with hail stones as large as marbles. Commenced the statue labor on the Centre Road, had a team and plow and two hands, J. Learment is Pathmaster. Quite cool today.


Was at the same work this fore-noon as yesterday with same tools and hands. they are drawing gravel this afternoon from Bunting's pit repairing the road below No 10. The weather is rather cool, which is checking vegetation somewhat. The apple here are for full bloom a good prospect for plenty of apples.

May, THURSDAY 30, 1872

Was tearing down and rebuilding fence on Etobicoke Heights next the woods, on the lower end of turnip ground. Rolled the oats {soune)in the summer fallow, are up nicely and look well. Our folks spent most of the day at J. C. Snell's. Sarah Peacock received a letter from her mother last night also a money package sent by Express containing &100 greenbacks more than half of it is for Mr. Hindle.


Finished up our share of the statue labour 8 1/2 days, which is 1 1/2 more than usual, 2 1/2 dys on the 25 acres, and I on the hundred. J. C. Snell and family took tea here this evening. Spent the evening in Brampton at Choir practice, the first we have had for nearly 2 months, not a full attend-ance.

June, SATURDAY 1, 1872

Was engaged in building fence and staking the cedar fence next the pea field. Put a new pine 1 1/2 inch floor in the stoop on the South side of kitchen. J. C. Snell was in Toronto today and changed the $100 Amer. Currency into Canadian money $91.87 1/2. A railroad meeting at Edmonton this evening for the C.V.R .Road was well attended and kept up until a late hour.


Went to S. School this morning , Supt. pres. lesson. II Kings VI 8 to 1. Rev Jas Brooks addressed the school. Spent afternoon at Brampton. W. M. S. School the same lesson as this morning the bible class is very interesting with A Morton as teacher took tea at Aunt Lizzie's heard Rev Mr Tovell preach to night-text-Proverbs XIII chap 17th

June, MONDAY 3, 1872

Was clearing the rubbish from the back yard and paving part of it with flag stones. &c, &c, Spent the evening at the Lodge, took down there a sweet smelling boquet of lilacs and honey sinckle for the W.V.T's stand, the "Hafegard Chronicle" was edited by J. M. Reid and was lively and interesting a reading by W. C. Templar called "The Devil and the Liquor Seller".


Completed the fencing next the bush have staked and built about 200 rods this season. Had a smart shower this morning from N.W. and a slight drizzle nearly all day from North the temperature is quite cool. Received a post card from Haggert Bros. telling us that our machine is finished and ready for removal . Spent evening playing the melodeon.

June, WEDNESDAY 5, 1872

Was repairing the Wiggins linefence and clearing up the peices of old nails putting them in a pile on the flats and burned them this evening. The Railway Bylaw is now the absorbingQuesion is to be decided by the next Monday and will be a close vote.


Was plowing and scraping in the lane leading to Etobicoke with team {turnpiking} it slightly, went over it all with the shovels and rounded up neatly making a very good job allowing a fine course for the water. Spent the evening and staid all night at J.C. Snell's. J. Snell & Sons have sent to the old country for some more live stocks by their man Batterfidd.

June, FRIDAY 7, 1872

A wet day raining steadily from the S. E. and very misty. Spent the day leisurely, churning and some other light jobs. Spent the evening at Brampton at Choir Practice members of the Choir not all present another voice in the Bass. (Mr Thomas White Cabinet maker) Spent on hour profitably in Machanics Reading Room.


Was engaged this forenoon in pack-ing up and fixing the wool for market, about 210 lbs. Went to Brampton this afternoon, had a chat with Alick Campbell he is in good health and spirits, Bought from Haggert Bros. a new Combined Reaper and mower, brought it home today $ 120 and the old machine in the first October next to be paid.

June, SUNDAY 9, 1872

Had a very heavy thunder storm at 4 o'clock this morning. Drove the buggy up to S. School. Supt. Pres., lesson III Kings VII 1 to 11th verses, Miss Mary Snell one of Female teachers has been confined to the house with sickness for 8 months was at school for the first time. J. C. Snell and family took tea here this evening. Heard Rev Mr {Gotte} preach tonight, text, Genesis XXXII last six verses of chap.


Was engaged in setting gate posts and hanging a gate on the centre Road leading out of the N. West field opposite the other place gate. The vote on By Law for "Bonus" for Credit Valley R. Road was taken today for this county, was lost by minority of over 200 votes (Bonus was $80000, Spent evening at the Lodge , the Chronicle was edited by A. Morton, very Creditably done. One initiation.

June, TUESDAY 11, 1872

Paid $50 to Haggert Bros on reaper. Paid $50 to K.C. & Co on account. Was rebuilding line fence next to John Woodhall, 9 rails high and locked across the corners. Had a heavy thunder storm yesterdy with some hail and showing most of the day. Sold the wool 211 lbs yesterday to K.C, & Co @ 53 cts per lb.

WEDNESDAY 12 Completed our share of the Woodhall line fence about 3-9 rods, our farm is 124 rods wide across the back end about 6 rods of line fence between us and Henry Carter. The Volunteers of 36th Battalion started to day for Niagra to put in their arrival drill of 16 days, the private received 15 cts per day and rations, the officers getting better pay according to position.

June, THURSDAY 13, 1872 Commenced harrowing and cultivating the turnip ground, was stopped by rain from, West, which lasted until evening. All vegetation is now making rapid strides and their is every prospect of a beautiful harvest. Was engaged early this evening in firing at a mark with bullets out of a shotgun, it carries them trueand very strong.


Father went to Toronto on 9.20 AM train and ought Sarah's ticket for Missouri costing $21.00. Spent evening at Choir Practice a goodly attendence but the leader Mr. Perry, absent. Mr A. J. Campbell came her to night on a visit, it is nearly a year since he was here before at that time his lamented wife was with him. He is a young looking widow.

June, SATURDAY 15, 1872 Was engaged in cultivating turnip ground. A. J. Campbell went home to day. Sarah & Jennie Viney and I went to J. W. Cole's Photograph Gallery this afternoon and had an ambrotype talker of the group, was not very well done, it being rather too late in the day. The weather is quite cool, with a shower almost everyday. Seven window panes in Zion church were broken tonight by some mischievous {?}

SUNDAY 16 Went to S. School this morning. Supt. Pres. lesson II Kings XX 1 to 10 verse, quite a large attendance. Sarah and Jennie Peacock, Viney and I drove over to J. C. Snell's and took dinner and tea. Heard Rev John Hunt of Aurora preach in Brampton to night text Luke XIX 42 to 44, a very good sermon. Rev J. Shaw was present , has just come home from conference at Montreal.

June, MONDAY 17, 1872 Commenced drilling up the turnip ground, drills rather more than 30 inches a part. Sowed with hand drill immediately after plowing. Sowed Improved Purple Top seeds. Spent the evening at the lodge not a large attendance, had lively discussions on certain points of law, safeguard Chronicle was edited by C. Y. Moore, humorous and interesting. Sowed 6 1/2 lbs of turnip seed on 2 5/8 acres.


Sarah peacock started for Missouri this morning. Finished drilling and sowing turnip seed. Sold to H. C. & Co 46 1/2 bush of wheat (Diehl) @ $1.45 cts per bush. A large fire in Brampton Dr Heggies house and stable and Rev J. Pringle's stable, The Wesleyan Church had a narrow escape, it took fire twice but was saved by the exertions of the fireman. A very warm day.

June, WEDNESDAY 19, 1872

Commenced cross plowing the fallow (in front of the house) it is in good order turning up quite mellow, The weather has turned suddenly to intense heat, the mercury rising to 90 degrees in the shade. Spent evening at house, a beautiful moonlight night.

THURDAY 20 Was at the same work as yesterday with both teams. It is warmer than it was yesterday the sun has great power, when plowing in a fallow. The barley is just shooting out in head also the fall wheat is coming out but not very evenly.

June, FRIDAY 21, 1872

the heat this morning was very oppressive but this evening is some cooler the wind springing up from the North. Spent evening at Choir Practice in W.M. Church. had a moonlight chat with J.J. Bunting about Temperance Affairs generally quite a number of Brampton people are spending a day or two at Niagara Camp watching the movements and evolutions of the volunteers.


Completed the cross plowing about 1 1/2 acres. Spent the forenoon in Brampton at J.W. Coles Gallery of Art. Sat for another negative the former one being discharged by the intense heat of the past few days. Mailed a letter to Aunt Jennie enclosing the pictures of little Mary and Johnnie Snell.

June, SUNDAY 23, 1872

Went to S. School this morning. Supt. Pres. lesson II Kings XXIV 10 to 18th. The melodeonist Mr Hening Snell is absent more than half the Sabbaths through sickness, at which times I take his place. Rev John Shaw preached at Zion at 2 1/2 PM and took tea here this evening. Heard rev Mr Reid of meatford preach in W.M. Church Brampton at 1 PM, text II Corinthians VIII, chap, 9th verse.

MONDAY 24 Was rebuilding the fence on the N. end of the little orchard just outside the cedar ledge. Spent evening at the Lodge, one initiation had some interesting readings. walked over to J.C. Snell's after arriving from Brampton about 11:30 PM when I arrived there instead starting to morrow morning for Pickering.

June, TUESDAY 25, 1872 misses. J. R. Craig, J. C. Snell, J.G. Snell and myself started in a spring waggon at 3 o'clock A.M. for Pickering to attend a large sale of short Arm Cattle belonging to John Bell. it was noon when we got to the end of our journey, and just in time for the commencing of the sale, a large number of men present. several form the U. States.

WEDNESDAY 26 Had a very pleasant journey yesterday we started for home at 6 o'clock last night and got home just at day break this morning. Very tired and sleepy , The distance is about 45 miles. Had a jolly ride home, Mr Craig kept the company laughing by telling amusing stories. The township of Markham and Pickering are the handsomest and best in the Province of Ontario.

June, THURSDAY 27, 1872

Went to Brampton this morning brought up to the Steam Grist Mill a grist of 19 bush wheat ground into flower and bran and 3 bags of barley and peas chopped. Drove up to Willow Lodge about noon to J. Snell & Sons Auction Sale of short Horns and Berkshire (I acted as clerk, W.W. Roe auctioning) There was a large crowd of persons pres, short Horns brought good prices, 16 head.

FRIDAY 28 brought $4.400, the most of them go to Iowa. Berkshires sold dull scarcely any demand. Spent this forenoon in the woods, cutting and hauling up to barnyard 4 {leavy} for haymour and a long rafter for sheep house roof. Spent evening at Choir Practice. The {Golontons} returned from Niagara yesterday in good spirits. The weather is exceedingly warm.

June, SATURDAY 29, 1872

Drove over to Stewarts Saw Mill in Esquesing and brought home 900 ft of Culled inch lumber and 100 ft of culled plank paid for total $4.00, it was a very cheap load. The roads are good, but very very dusty, have had no rain for over two weeks, The thermometer going about 85 degrees night and day.

SUNDAY 30 Went to S. School this morning Supt. Pres. lesson, a review of the last 2 (acter's} lessons, comprising twelve lessons, all in II Kings Heard rev John Shaw preach in Brampton tonight - text- Acts X, 29th verse. Today has been exceedingly hot, one feels the heat more severely on Sundays.

Spent the afternoon at Brampton seeing a lacrosse match between 2nd travelers Ontario's of Toronto and Excelsion's of this town, the latter were victorious in 3 straight games. There were some splendid foot races. Spent evening at concert in Chisholm Hall given by P.M. Church for their S. School, the singing was excellent and readings by J. C. Craig and M. Punchon Jr. A very hot day.

TUESDAY 2 Was engaged all day in mowing with scythe the grass around the grain fields, must not let any hay go to waste as the meadows are short. Put a new inch floor in the hay loft oven. the sheep house . The fall wheat and barley crops are filling rapidly the oats just coming out in head.

July, WEDNESDAY 3, 1872

Started mowing with the machine in the orchard field, the {mortiser} makes clean work except some short wire grass. Old Mr R. Rossitch died on Monday and was buried to day at Brampton Cemetery aged 72 yrs. he was only sick 4 or 5 days but suffered a great deal of pain. Had a small thunder shower this evening, the first rain for 3 weeks.

THURSDAY 4 Father took a small lot of wool up to Grahams Factory, Caledon. For carding into rolls. Had a team harrowing the summer fallow. Commenced thinning out the turnips, are not up very even in the drills because of the dry weather. Was horse raking and drew in one load of hay.

July, FRIDAY 5, 1872 Drew in the fence side hay from "other place" and around the fall wheat, 2 small loads. Cut some more grass with machine have about 1 acres mown Mrs John Snell and Mrs J.C. Snell were here visiting this afternoon. sold yesterday to J.C. Snell 4 Berks two of each sex@$10 each and 6 ewe lambs at $15 each.

SATURDAY 6 Received a latter from Uncle Adain, he is in very poor health they are in then midst if wheat harvest. Was heavily in hay all afternoon, have 10 loads in tonight, the quality is good, very fine and packs close in the mow. W. Carson came for the Berks. Sow pig.

July, SUNDAY 7, 1872 Went to S. School this morning Supt, Pres - lesson _ Rom. V 1 to 10. Heard Rev Mr Scott preach at Zion at 2 1/2 P.M/ text II Kings V 12th verse. he is the junior minister for the next year and seems to be a very good preacher. Heard same minister and same sermon in Brampton tonight. Mr J.J. Bunting and Miss S. A. Downing were married on 1st July.

MONDAY Mowed some 4 acres this afternoon and drew in 3 loads of it this evening, it is so dryed by the heat before cutting that it is almost ready to rake as soon as it is cut. Spent evening at the Lodge, was late in getting there for the first time this quarter, had a very pleasant meeting. lively speeches and interesting readings

July, TUESDAY 9, 1872 Finished mowing the 15 acre field and have it all raked up, brought in 3 more loads this afternoon. The weather is somewhat cooler but keeps very dry, the thermometer ranging about 80 degrees.

WEDNESDAY 10 Completed drawing in the hay off the orchard field just about 20 loads of hay of first quality. Spent evening at Ebenezer at a meeting of teachers and senior scholars to study next Sunday's lesson and to practice some new pieces of music out of the "Organ" also for prayer there were 13 present.

July, THURSDAY 11, 1872 Commenced cutting with the mower the 7 acre meadow next Mr D. Wiggins, act over 5 acres and horse raked and cocked it up, it being pretty ripe, did not require much drying. Had the first mess of new Early Rose potatoes for dinner yesterday, small but very sweet. FRIDAY 12 Completed the mowing of hay for this season and raked up the remainder of the field. Hauled in 3 small loads of hay this afternoon. it is fine and sweet, will make excellent fodder. frying hot this forenoon, some cooler this evening.

July, SATURDAY 13, 1872 Finished the hay harvest this evening. Was drawing in all day have nearly 10 loads off this last field making a total of fully 30 loads of hay for this season excepting a little at the {fore} pat of the haying it is all harvested without a drop of rain to injure it.

SUNDAY 14 Spent the morning in searching for a cow and did not get to S. School, Father and Emma were at S. School, lesson, Rom VIII, 6 to 18, J. C. Snell and family were here this afternoon and took tea. Heard Rev Mr Scott preach tonight - text- {Hebrews} XII 28th verse. A very very warm day.

July, MONDAY 15, 1872 Spent the morning in fitting up the reaper changing it from the mower. Was picking cherries this afternoon, they are smaller than usual this season owing to the dry weather. Spent evening at the Lodge not a large attendance, one initiation and some short readings. Received a letter from John Mason.

TUESDAY 16 Joseph White started wok here this morning, hired for 1 month @ $28.00. Commenced harvest by cutting barley it is not very ripe, and very light in weight. Had a fine shower at noon, was hoeing and thinning turnips. they have not come up evenly, not more than 1/4 of the seed has grown.

July, WEDNESDAY 17, 1872 Was cutting and binding barley it is not pleasant work binding it the beards are so troublesome. Started cross plowing, the thistles have gown a good deal since last plowing. Spent evening at Ebenezer Bible Class had a very nice meeting and profitable. Mrs Freeman of Brampton came in last night to spend the rest of the week here.

THURSDAY 18 Very rainy looking this morning but it cleaned off after a light shower. Cut with the cradle about 1/2 acres of fall wheat on the hill side, it is both rusty and midgey. a poor prospect for half are average field. Mrs J. C. Snell and children were here all day. The women folks of the house were making a very handsome coverlet.

July, FRIDAY 19, 1872 Was cross plowing with both teams. Cradled the remainder of the barley in orchard and bound it. The folks were visiting at J.C. Snell's and berry picking. Drove Mrs Freeman home tonight was at Choir practice a good attendance and we had a good sing. Received a letter from Janice Dixon, Amaranth, her mother is nearly blind, her eyes have been affected for a good while.

SATURDAY 20 Was cutting some more wheat with cradle and making roads for the reaper. Went to Brampton to attend a mass meeting of Reformers this evening. Hon. A. McKenzie and Hon Mr McKellar were there from Toronto. The former gave an able address for 2 hours on "Practical Functions of the Day" , a very large crowd and great excitement prevailed. Hon J.A. Cameron was present.

TUESDAY 16 Joseph White started wok here this morning, hired for 1 month @ $28.00. Commenced harvest by cutting barley it is not very ripe, and very light in weight. Had a fine shower at noon, was hoeing and thinning turnips. they have not come up evenly, not more than 1/4 of the seed has grown.

July, SUNDAY 21, 1872

Had two very heavy thunder showers this morning, which has greatly refreshed vegetation. Went to S. School about two dozen present Supt pres. lesson Rom. X 8 to 13 Heard Rev J. Shaw preach in Zion text. Prov Ecclesiastes VII 8th Heard same minister tonight in Brampton, text. Rom XII chap 13th verse.


Finished reaping the 5 acre piece of barley and bound about two thirds of it it is a very fair crop Commenced reaping the fall wheat across the Etobicoke, it is very rusty and considerably lodged and tangled. Spent evening at Lodge, one initiation and two reinstated who had broken their pledge.

July, TUESDAY 23, 1872

Continued the wheat cutting was hindered this afternoon by a light rain from West. The "Dodge Self Rake" on our new reaper works well, it leaves the sheaves generally nice and square, the reaper is a {light?} draft for the team


Completed the wheat cutting, binding and stooking across the creek, it is a Heavy crop of straw, but grain is not well filled because of {?} and midge Spent evening at {Elevense?} Bible Class, quite a large attendance practised several new pieces out of the {?}, for to sing in Sunday School!

July, Thursday 25, 1872 Commenced cutting the wheat and barley field on "their place" about 2 acre of barley sowed where the wheat was winter killed the wheat in every this (?) mety, a heavy nob of barley stew but-it handler light. Was home howing the turnips what (?) is I them are growing that.

Friday 26 Finished naping at "their place" and have bound it all except a little (of?) the barley which was very dry and ripe. Had a heavy wind nearly all day hon Jim ONeal toseing the showers about in allshaker. Went to Brampton this moring was at J.E. Ward's shop. Revived a Carthage Patriot from Aunt Jennie.

July, Saturday 27, 1872 Hauled to pull in the pear with two (hayther?) they are thin on the ground partly on account of the (nauages?) (the?) win-worm they are quite ripe enough for hauling. Had a torn drawing in barley leaves. Mrs J. C. Snell (?) house yesterday home a trip out town he thinks highly of the country.

Sunday 28 Spent morning at school, Supt. Pres. Lesson Romane XII 1 to 8. Dr. Moore & (W.N. Aonn?) of Brampton were present as visitors appointed by (?) & school Convention. They have witnessing addresses and spoke in high among (the?) school and Supt. Heard out J. Shaw (?) to wutg TuET P (ink splash) XIII 10th J.C. Snwll & family were here today

July, MONDAY 29, 1872

Was cutting peas with two scythes, had a team drawing in barley, cleaned one field. J. W. {?} borrowed on {Salinda?} last about 6 bags of Diehl wheat to supply some of the customers with flour. Spent evening at Temple the Election of Offices for next quarter took place several of the old offices retained their places I was selected to same office. W.M.


Was cutting peas {?} noon This afternoon was hauling in fall wheat from across Etobicoke with {two?} teams, brought over 8 loads. Finished hauling the last of the barley from "their place" had 15 large loads off two acres. J.C. Snell brought 7 bush of peas here for to feed to one of the large sows for showing next fall.

July, WEDNESDAY 31, 1872

Was at the same work as yesterday, bringing all of the wheat from across the creek except 8 {?} loads. Miss K. F. Snell spent afternoon here, drove buggy up to Bible Class this evening, had a short meeting not many present.

August, THURSDAY 1, 1872

Was at the pea-pulling again this forenoon. Hauled wheat with two teams from "their place" a shower at tea time stopped the work. Started to drive up to J.C. Snell's this evening, but the horse getting frightened she kicked the dash board all to pieces making a general smash up on the 1st line East.

August, FRIDAY 2, 1872

Drove team and waggon over to 1st line after the buggy and brought it home. Finished setting the 9 acres of peas. Had quite a heavy thunder shower which put a sudden stop to the harvesting. Was mowing the thistle that are scattered over the pasturelands to prevent them going to seed.


Commenced reaping the oats but had to give it up as they are yet too green, the grain is pretty ripe but the straw full sap and vigorous. Had an unusually fine exhibition of "Aurora Borealis" this evening covering almost the entire face of the sky, parts of it a rich pink color giving it a very pretty aspect.

August, SUNDAY 4, 1872

Went to S. School this morning Supt abs. Mr A Woodhall addressed the school, lesson Rom XII 9 to 21. I took Secretary's place and called the school roll, 55 present. The Quarterly Meeting was held at Harrison's this morning. J.C. Snell went to it. Heard Rev Mr Scott preach in Brampton to night, text Isaiah {L?} VII, 15th verse. Eternity - the only time that word occurs in the whole Bible.


Finished hauling in the fall wheat, had 22 loads off 16 acres Spent afternoon at Brampton at the nomination of Candidates for House of Commons at the Election which takes place next week. Hon J.K. Cameron H.R. Smith were the Nominees the business passed off quietly. Spent evening at the Lodge, the Offices were installed

August, TUESDAY 6, 1862

A committee of {le?} members 3 ladies 3 gentlemen (work appointed last night at the Lodge to arrange for a Temperance Picnic to come off in a month from date.) I am one of the latter. Was drawing in peas all day with two teams and completed the work, 15 loads off 9 acres, the straw will be inferior because of the heavy showers last week. A very warm day.


Was reaping and binding oats the grain is quite ripe and the straw is quite green and will take some time to cure it. Spent the evening at a Social given by Ms G. Ferguson who live on the farm just before here, the Brampton Brass Board was there, {that?} was not much equipment. Realized $23.00 for Mrs. {?}

August, THURSDAY 8, 1872

Was at the same work as yesterday and have bound about half the oats the rest are too short for binding, the reaper did not cut very clean. Was mowing with 3 scythes the 3 acres of late oats, are just beginning to ripen. Aunt Lizzie and children were here a {?} I drove them up to J.C. Snell's tonight.


Was drawing manure to fall wheat ground at other place for root oats next year. Drew in the green oats, 3 loads of splendid feed, very heavy to pitch with fork. Spent evening at Choir Practice not a large attendance. Made a copy of this week's {?} Banner {?} Aunt Jennie Harrington

August, SATURDAY 10, 1872

Hauled 4 loads of loose oats from other place, but did not continue drawing as they are rather green. Drew 8 loads of {?} and manure on summer fallow. Had a splendid bathe in Etobicoke to night, the water was warm owing to intense heat of past three days.


Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. lesson. Rom. XIII 8 to end of chap. J.C. Snell and family spent afternoon here. Heard Rev Mr Scott preach this evening in Brampton W.M. Church text. Daniel VI 10th Misses Elsie and Emma Armstrong came from New York last night on a visit. A very warm day.

August, MONDAY 12, 1872

Sent to J. Woodhalls a man and team to help thresh barley and wheat. Commenced {?} plowing the oat stubble on the fallout, it is very dry and pretty hard. Spent evening at the Lodge rather a slim attendance because of election excitement. Smith had an enthusiastic meeting in Brampton to night.


The polling {?} the two candidates for House of Commons to us {sent?} this County, took place to day, {?} in favor of Smith with a majority of 10 votes. An immense crowd of people in Brampton tonight {???} for Smith's victory and music by the band, got home at midnight.

August, WEDNESDAY 14, 1872

Took the buggy down to Brampton to Anthony Bros. to the be transformed into a light waggon. Was crossplowing with both teams. Had a pretty heavy thunder shower this evening. The weather was warm and cloudy.


Was hauling manure all day from sheep pen to other place 12 loads of first class manure. J. Whites time was up tonight, paid him $28.00 according to agreement. Had a visit from Mrs J.W. Main and Miss Elsie Armstrong of New York.

August, FRIDAY 16 1872

Was hauling in loose oats and some sheaves. Spent evening at Choir Practice a good attendance, practised a funeral anthem from the "Harmonic {Sacra?}" "I heard a voice from Heaven say {?} unto me write". A lovely moonlight night and some cooler.


Shoveled "harvest home" this afternoon finished hauling the oats {12?} loads, the straw somewhat discolored by the late rain. The wife of Rev W. McFadden was buried to day, she died on Thursday, Aged 60 yrs. Rev John Shaw preached a sermon Father had J. {Tearments?} buggy to go to Brampton and horse ran away and broke the {buffers?}

August, SUNDAY 18, 1872

Went to S. School this morning Supt abs. lesson Romans XIV 7 to 13. a shower of rain this morning reduced the attendance of scholars. Spent afternoon at Brampton W.M. S School a well conducted school. Took tea at J.W. Mains in his new dwelling house near the G.J. R. depot. Heard Rev J. Shaw preach to night text II Thessal. III. 13th.


Commenced crossplowing the pea field. Separated the ram lambs (11) from the ewes and put them in the orchard field for feed them on cloves and grain. Spent evening at the Lodge, 4 more added to our numbers, two P.M. Ministers and J.D. {Sharick?} two daughters

August, TUESDAY 20, 1872

Was making out the fallow into ridges 22 H - wide, and had the other team cross-plowing. The weather is exceedingly warm and oppressive, with a few sprinkles of rain. Had a visit last Friday evening from W. George Rice of Oshawa.


Commenced ridging up the fallow, the ground is quite damp and turns up quite yellow. Took a small load of peas and oats {?} bush down to Mains Steam Mill for chopping to feed the calves the pasture is getting very short. The Thermometer standing above 90 {degrees} in the shade

August, THURSDAY 22, 1872

Was at the same work as yesterday, have 2 1/2 acres plowed. Collins the Painter called here for the 1/2 bolt of water line he left here about a month ago, we {?} have our barns painted this year because the milk is so hard to get. Exceedingly warm and dry.


Ridging up continued Mrs J.C. Snell and children are here to day, also Misses Emma Armstrong and Elsie Modeland. Spent evening at Clairville Lodge of J.L.G.T., drove there with D. H. Scott of Brampton in a livery rig, 4 buggy loads went over to visit there and make arrangements for a Grand Union {Social?}

August, SATURDAY 24, 1872

Have 5 acres ridged, nearly half the field. J.C. Snell came and took away 7 of our best ewe lambs @ $15.00 each, they intend feeding them up for shows J.W. Main paid us for the wheat he borrowed 13 bush @ $1.35 cts per buck. It was 1 o'clock this morning when I got home, they have a fine Temperance Hall in Clairville.


Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. lesson Rom. XV 1 to 7, Subject, "Help one another". Spent afternoon at home filling up the Class books blanks with names of the scholars. Heard Rev J. Shaw preach in Brampton to night, text. Mark V. 1 to 20, verse inclusive. A very warm day, a few sprinkles of rain this morning.

August, MONDAY 26, 1872

Was ridging all day, but it was tough work, the extreme heat and the flies are very bad on the horses, plowed 1/2 acres Spent evening at the lodge a young man from "Rescue" Temple (Toronto) visited us and gave a short address J.J. Bunting edited the "Chronicle" very ably and humorously.


Had a nice shower of rain last night. Bought {?} John {Coyne?} a pair of long books "{??}" for every day wear Price $4.50. Was at barn work to day as yesterday plowed nearly two acre.

August, WEDNESDAY 28, 1872

Still at the plowing. Spent evening at {?} Bible Class, a larger attendance than usual, had a chat about holding the R.R. Anniversary, decided to have it about the middle of October, a committee to select music, Misses Maggie R. Watson E. Rossiter, H.F. Snell and H. Snell {?} were appointed.


Completed the ridging today at noon. Was grubbing out large stores on the pea field. Went to Brampton this evening and made with J.M. {?} over to Clairville to meet Pierre {?} made some further arrangements very cold driving home at 1 oclock A.M.. Had a nice shower this afternoon.

August, FRIDAY 30, 1872

Sowed {11 or 17} bush of Diehl wheat on 10 1/2 acres of ground, it was very windy making it difficult work to sow evenly the first fall wheat I ever sowed. Spent evening at Choir Practice Rather slim attendance. A great change in the weather cold enough to wear coat and mitts. Bought 1/2 bush of Timothy seed @ $4.00 per bush


Commenced sowing the Timothy after the wheat but gave it up because of the high wind. Finished running the cross and {?} furrows. Got home our new spring waggon, it is light and stylish, also brought up J. Learments buggy, cost us $10.00 for repairs.

September, SUNDAY 1, 1872

Drove the new spring waggon up to S. School. Supt pres. lesson I Corinthians 1. 18 to 25 verses. Heard Rev J. Scott preach at Zion this afternoon, text, "Praise waiteth for Thee O God in Zion" the minister and Eli Crawford {?} took tea here. J.C. Snell and family were here also. Very smoky atmosphere today, from large flies over Caledon


{Dogs?} among the sheep again last night causing the death of a fine ewe lamb, and breaking the leg of a ram lamb, so that ewe had to kill it. Finished shovelling the cross furrows in the fall wheat field. Spent evening at the Lodge had a lively and {?} meeting {cut off} address by Rev J. Bradshaw and "Safeguard Chronicle" by {?} J.M. Reid

September, TUESDAY 3, 1872

Was engaged today in hauling off the large stones from the pea field, harrowing and marking it into 22 ft ridges. Had a visit from Mr and Mrs Joseph {Pearen?} from Springbrook. The weather is very dry and quite cool, had frost last night for the first time this season.


Was ridging up the pea field with both teams. Spent the noon hour at Campbell's "Blacksmith's Shop No 10" in getting "Charley" shod in fore feet, he is very hard to {?}, not standing still a minute at the time. Spent evening reading "Uncle Toms Cabin" and "{penning?} apples for drying".

September, THURSDAY 5, 1872

Have 1/3 of the pea land ridged, about 3 acres for to sow "Treadwell" wheat, getting the seed from J. Wordhall in exchange for one Diehl wheat. Had a visit from Mrs Calder and Mrs McLellan of Brampton drove them home this evening in our new spring waggon 13 {ought?} at A. Dick's book store "The Lamplighter".


Finished the fall seeding by sowing 3 acres of the pea land with 5 3/4 of Treadwell wheat. Had a very nice rain last night which has freshened things considerably. Had a short call from J. {?}, he is just starting for the {?} in the Western States with a large {?} of Berkshires and sheep

September, SATURDAY 7, 1872

Spent part of last evening at Choir Practice and remainder at W. Campbell's NO. 10, in their new house in company with two or three young folks. Was hauling gravel from the creek and filling up some holes in the barnyard. The thermometer stood at 90 {degrees} in the shade.


Went to S. School this morning Supt. abs. A. Woodhall addressed the School lesson I Cor. III 6 to 13 verses. Spent afternoon and took tea at J.C. Snell's. Drove to Brampton this evening and heard Rev J. Scott preach text Jeremiah - "Is there no balm in Gilead" "Is there no physician there". A very good sermon

September, MONDAY 9, 1872

Was threshing peas with the flails this forenoon, they are a very fair sample but will not yield well according to {straus?} Was taking the stones out of the sheep-pen well intend digging it some deeper. Spent evening at the Lodge, the Safeguard Chronicle by A. Morton Got at Institute Library "Our Mutual Friend" by Charles Dickens.


Spent most of the day down in the well, took out a foot of dirt, it is very hard, can hardly get it pryed up with a pick "red rock". Spent evening at home peeling apples for drying. Had nice rains both yesterday and today, the wheat is coming up but not very evenly.

September, WEDNESDAY 11, 1872

Spent the day at Mr {?} Heath's helping to thresh wheat. Spent evening at Ebeneser practising music for the Anniversary, made a selection of 8 or 10 pieces out of the S.S. Organ. The weather is warm and misty.


Was working at the well nearly all day, the rain came on so heavily in the afternoon that we had to give up work, have sunk the well 2 ft deeper, but there is only a limited supply of water in it as yet. Had an extra heavy rain fall, the fall wheat is making great progress.

September, FRIDAY 13, 1872

Completed stoning up the well my first experience at the work cannot say I fell in love with the job. Spent evening at Brampton at Choir Practice they have accepted an invitation to sing at Mount {?} on 23rd inst. Mrs {?} Ferguson is going to move to Toronto on Monday next to live for a year.


Was digging a ditch from the unver drain (that drains the surplus water from the front lane) {?} the sheeppen well, filled the new drain with coarse gravel, instead of making a stone drain, that the water may be purified before entering the well.

September, SUNDAY 15, 1872

A lovely day, the sky of the deepest blue, a cool bracing air. Father, mother, {?}, Emma & I drove spring waggon over to Naval Camp Meeting, held in pine bush of Mr J. Foster, commenced on Thursday evening last, the largest crowd I ever saw at a Camp Meeting Rev Dr Greene of Toronto preached text. Heb. VI. 18th. Rev W. McFadden preached text I. Cor. 1st, 22nd verse.


Commenced plowing fall wheat stubble ground at other place with both teams, the recent heavy rains make the plows run well. Spent evening at the Lodge, one invitation, the "Safeguard Chronicle" by Brother J.J. Bunting was instructive and amusing. Spent half hour at Mr J.D. Shenick's house practising music for tomorrow night.

September, TUESDAY 17, 1862

Drove spring waggon up to Mr John Snell's this morning for Miss K.F. Snell, started from Brampton at 11 o'clock with 8 passengers, in company {^ with} Several more teams headed by Brass Band for Claireville to attend the "Temperance Demonstration" spent a pleasant afternoon with games and listening to able speeches by some of the ablest advocated of Temperance in Ontario, R. Smith M.P. Mains.


Spent last evening at a Concert in Claireville "Templar's Hall" Miss Freema from Toronto was best singer the rest of them were from Brampton Got home about midnight of a splendid moon light night I was plowing all day with both teams Had a heavy thunder shower this evening.

September, THURSDAY 19, 1872

Had some heavy rain early this morning. Was helping Ambrose Woodhall to thresh wheat and barley. J.C. Snell was here this evening, they are making great preparations for the Exhibition in Hamilton. Spent evening at home pairing apples. Received copy of "Carthage Patriot" from Aunt Jennie.


Drove to Brampton this morning and shipped for J. Snell to Hamilton the Berkshire sow we have been feeding for them. Had a splendid time at the Reform Picnic held in Mr Stork's orchard. Brampton this afternoon a great crowd present and a host of speakers, McKenzie, McCellar, Paterson, Diamond, Blaim, Bolton & Henning.

September, SATURDAY 21, 1872

There were 3 brass bands present yesterday and bagpipes, the weather was beautiful and all enjoyed themselves extra well. Finished plowing the field at the other place. Sold to Mr. Stewart of "King, {?}" a raw lamb $15.00 and to Mr. Williams, "5th line West", one @ $10. John Snell's {herds?} and flocks started for Hamilton Exhibition yesterday.


Went to S. School this morning Supt abs. A Woodhall questioned the school, had a short practice of the anniversary tunes. Went to Brampton this evening and heard Rev Mr. Point of Toronto preach. text. Job XIX chap. 25 to 29th verses. A very warm day and showers, lesson this morning at S. School I Cor. XIII.

September, MONDAY 23, 1872

A rainy morning. Started for Hamilton Prov. Exhibition {?} Toronto per G.T. Railway & G.W. Railway. Spent two hours in Toronto, about noon, saw a powerful dredging machine at work in the bay cleaning mud out of the bottom of the lake, arrived at Hamilton at 3 P.M. and quickly found my way to Show Grounds.


Was busily engaged all day in dressing and feeding up the sheep of J. Snell & Sons, and in showing them for prizes, of which they took a good many, and Prince of Wales Prize for best flock of {?}, there was keen competition, the show of sheep being the longest & best that has ever been in Canada, mostly imported from England.

September, WEDNESDAY 25, 1872

In the Short Farm Class they were also very successful, gaining the majority of first prizes and the two largest prizes offered for best herd of Short {Farm?} Cattle this class was largely represented with splendid animals, they also gained some prizes on Berkshire swine, the show in all other departments of the Exhibition was particularly good.


The Governor General of Canada and Lady visited the Exhibition today and {?} after them large and admiring crowds, Lord Dufferin is plain and also able and his wife very handsome. Large crowds of people on Fair Ground today but nearly all strangers, very few present from this County of Peel

September, FRIDAY 27, 1872

Did not have any opportunity of looking around the City during the day time, but had a stroll in it every evening, it is a very pretty place, the ground in the neighborhood is very rolling and soil sandy, the scenery is grand, there are several beautiful fountains and gardens in the heart of the City, some very fine buildings and churches.


The Exhibition farm ably broke up yesterday, although the greater part of the {flocks?} was not moved until to day. We shipped out stock for Guelph via {Galt?} and Armstrong for the Central Fair held there next week. The scenery along the road from Ham. to Guelph was the finest I ever saw. It was just dark when we arrived

September, SUNDAY 29, 1872

Came down from Guelph this morning by the 4.A.M. train J.C. Snell and I and got home at 7 oclock, tired and sleepy with a very bad cold. Today is showers and spent it at home. Rev J.C. Scott preached at Zion to an attentive audience.


{Missrs.?} Guy Bell & John Campbell threshed for us to day with their old machine, about 200 bush of oats, fair sample and weight, but small yield per acre (9 acres), started the fall wheat. Diehl & Soules.

October, TUESDAY 1, 1872

Finished threshing the rest of the fall wheat, have 230 bush only a midling sample, made a small stack of wheat straw but have all the rest in the barn and a great pile of chaff threshed barley this afternoon about 300 bush, which finishes our threshing for this year.


Was engaged this forenoon in washing the ram lambs with warm soft-water and soap, there are 8 of them left uet. Spent afternoon at Mr David Wiggins, Jr. helping to raise a log stable. Walked up to J.C. Snells and staid all night with them

October, THURSDAY 3, 1872

Commenced ridging the pea land 22 ft ridges. Was digging the early potatoes and storing them for further use, about 20 bush of all varieties of early potatoes. Father spent the day at Guelph Central Fair, J. Snell has been successful in carrying off the largest and best prizes.


Was at same work as yesterday County Peel, Agrie J {??} hold their Animal Show today and to morrow, the Fair Ground is enlarged and greatly improved. The weather is fine and dry pretty severe {?} frosts at night. Had an arrival of a small litter of Berkshires only 4, they are well marked.

October, SATURDAY 5, 1872

Another son for Mrs J.C. Snell Spent the day at Brampton Fair, the day was warm and dry and the crowds of folks assembled immense, the show in live stock was not quite up to some former years for quantity but quality was very good, the Show of Implements and Carriages was large and good.


Spent forenoon at Ebenezer {Union?} S. School, Supt abs. Mr A Woodhall addressing the scholars on the lesson Psalm C XXXVII, subject the captivity of the Jews in Babylon. Spent afternoon at home writing and making up S. School Roll and {?}. Very heavy thunder storm this evening.

October, MONDAY 7, 1872

A heavy rain last night and this morning. Was engaged in {?} barley, it came dirty from the {?} so that a great deal blows out of it now. Sold to K.C. & Co 51 bush barley @ 58 cts per bush, which is 2 cts below market price because of the lightness of it. Plucked the apple crop this week have about 20 bushels.


Started this morning just before daybreak 4:30 o'clock for Port {?} with 61 bush barley got 66 cts per bush {?} the market has fallen a little several of the {?} had loads down. Sold a ram lamb to Mr Robert Carter @ $10.00 and one to James Brown @ $8.00.

October, WEDNESDAY 9, 1872

A beautiful day, just warm enough to be pleasant. Spent the day at Robert Smith's M.P. helping to thresh wheat and barley. Settled in full the remainder of the payment on the new reaper at Haggerts Office $68.00. Spent evening at the Lodge, (had no meeting on Monday on account of 13.8.8 party) Safeguard Chronicle by J.J. Bunting.


Was engaged in ridging up in the pea field, plowed 12 acres. Sold a ram lamb to Mr Jacob Scott of Luther Township @ $10.00. J. Snell & Sons have been again very successful in taking prizes at London (Western) Fair to the amount of $250.00 Spent this evening at Ebenezer Practice for Anniversary

October, FRIDAY 11, 1872

Started this morning at 7 o'clock for Charleston Fair in light waggon, father, J. Heath and B. Watson, arrived there at 10 o'clock distance 13 miles, a very good show in all departments for a township fair, about 2500 persons present and Brampton Brass Band, father was one of the judges on cattle The day was cold, a few flakes of snow. Got home at 8 P.M.


Completed the plowing in pea field and shovelled the cross drains intended for spring wheat. Had corn and pumpkins harvest today a full waggon box of pumpkins and some quantity of corn stalks. Spent evening seeing a sad sight, the burning of J. Simpson's barn and stables nearly everything destroyed. Insurance $500.00.

October, SUNDAY 13, 1872

Went to S. School this morning Supt abs. J.C. Snell addressed the school on the lesson Dan. I 8 to 17, subject "Daniel's {Temperance?} Society". Heard at Zion this afternoon Rev Mr {Joliffe?} of the Streetsville {?} preach text, Acts, IIII chap 10th verse. A rainy evening, staid at home and practised music


Commenced plowing the barley stubble next the root crop, the ground is in fine condition perhaps a little too damp the {?} scarcely clean itself Spent evening at the Lodge had quite a variety of readings and recitations and songs. Got a library "The Pickwick Papers" by Charles Dickens.

October, TUESDAY 15, 1862 [sic]

Was at the same work as yesterday with two teams. There is a disease similar to a very bad cold, just now very prevalent among the horses, and has proved fatal in one or two instances, but our horses are a little affected with it. Spent evening and staid all night at J.C.S. he being away "west" on business.


Finished plowing the barley ground and run the cross drains The weather is pretty cold with hard frost at night, had a light snow storm yesterday. Spent this evening at singing practice at Ebenezer, a good attendance sang some pieces out of the "Pure Gold" and S.S. Organ

October, THURSDAY 17, 1872

Started the harvesting of late potatoes this morning but was stopped by a heavy East rain which lasted the entire day. Prepared a grist of wheat and some grain for chopping. Subscribed on Monday last for the "Casket" a weekly Temperance Paper publi. at {Napance?} @ $1.00 per year.


Was picking stones off the fall wheat stubble, there is a good catch of Timothy and clover on it "across the creek". Spent afternoon helping J. Simpson put up a temporary horse stable. Spent evening at Ebenezer practice a large attendance and better music than ever.

October, SATURDAY 19, 1872

Was helping J. SImpson again this forenoon. Was harvesting the potato crop, have about 30 bush of "Gleasons", they are a fine potato and yield well. Mr Carson called here to day and paid his note of $125.00, made him a present of a ram lamb. Spent evening in Brampton bought 2 copies of "Pure Hold" for our S. School.


Spent the forenoon at S. School Supt pres. and gave a short description of St Louis S. Schools. Rev J. Brooks addressed the school on the lesson, Daniel II 1 to 19, "The Furious King". Heard Rev John Shaw preach in Brampton to night, text. Ecclesiastes XII, 1st verse "Remember thy creator in the days of thy youth".

October, MONDAY 21, 1872

Finished the potato harvest, 40 bush of Garnet {?}, 28 bush of Gleasons and 12 bush of Early Rose and Goodwick, they are all good sound potatoes and pretty fair size. Spent the forepart of evening at the Lodge and the remainder at S.S. Anniversary in P.M. Church, excellent music by the Choir and addresses by Revs {Q?}. Guttery, J. Edgar, J. Shaw and Baipre..


Spent the day at the stone prepping job. Bright warm weather yesterday and to day Spent evening at Ebenezer Singing Practice, a large attendance I had to play the melodeon in the absence of Hewey Snell. The teachers and officers, made some necessary arrangements for next Thursday.

October, WEDNESDAY 23, 1872

Completed the job we were at yesterday, there were a good many stones in those fields. Was plowing the potato ground. The horses are doing poorly, and are losing flesh and spirits very fast.

Rev. W. Millard sent a nicely written motto in large letters "The Seed is the Word" "We sow in faith" to be put up in the Church for tomorrow night.


Spent the forenoon assisting to to build a platform in Zion and make some other arrangements. Drove all my sisters up to the S. School Anniversary Party, the attendance of visitors and strangers was not so large as last year but we had a very pleasant party, Revs Brooks, Millard, Henridge {?} Scott and W.N. Hossie addressed the meeting

October, FRIDAY 25, 1872

Two of the Officers of our S. School were married yesterday Mr Robert Thompson and Miss Mary Snell. Spent forenoon in cleaning out and fixing up the churches in their usual style. Intended having a Social this evening and a lecture by Rev J.G. Scott but it rained steadily all evening, a few of us met at Ebenezer for an hour and had tea, then quietly dispersed.


Have threshed thus far about 25 bush of peas of this year's growing. Was farming wheat for market. Had a short visit from Mrs Robt. Gardener. Spent two hours in Brampton this afternoon. J.C. Snell took tea here this evening. It has rained increasingly for 24 hours and more or less for 48 hours and no prospect of clear up

October, SUNDAY 27, 1872

A drizzling rain still prevails but has cleared off this evening. Walked alone up to S. School this morning, Supt. abs. only 16 present. A. Woodhall addressed the School on the lesson Daniel II 21 to 35. "The Interpreter", Rev J.G. Scott took tea here this evening on his way from Zion, where there were only 3 people. Heard him preach tonight in Brampton text Ephesians V. 14.


A bright beautiful day, but very muddy. Was pea threshing and choring generally. Started to fatten our hogs on Saturday 7 sows and 2 barrows, 7 months old Spent evening at a public Meeting of the Good Templars, speeches by Revs J. Shaw and J.G. Scott and readings and recitations by other members and some good music a large attendance.

October, TUESDAY 29, 1872

Sold 85 bush of Diehl wheat to J.W. Main @ $1.19 per bush. Commenced pulling the turnips by hand, a very thin crop. Spent afternoon at the raiding of a barn for Mr Robert Lowes 1st line west, had a lively and pleasant time. Mrs J.C. Snell and family are spending this evening and to night here.


Was pulling turnips this forenoon and drew in 5 loads of them Father drove Mrs J.C. Snell and children home this afternoon and visited Mr J. Snell, Sen. who is very, very sick. Brought home 4 bags of apples for home use from J.C. Snell's. Spent evening at home reading S.S. Libraries and peeling pumpkins

October, THURSDAY 31, 1872

Completed the turnip harvest have rather more than 200 bush 7 1/2 loads, they are good solid turnips and of medium size. The past month has been an unusually mild one and the past few days grand, clear and warm and not very hard frosts at night. Sold yesterday a ram lamb to Mr Duckworth @ $8.50. This is Hallow E'en night.

November, FRIDAY 1, 1872

Was engaged this forenoon in helping J. Learment slaughter and dress his hogs. This afternoon commenced operations on the barnyard well by taking out the stones, it is a heavy job, very hard on the fingers. Spent this evening at Choir Practice a large attendance. John Snell Senior died this evening, aged 63 yrs after a rather short illness. He died very easy.

November, SATURDAY 2, 1872

Continued the operations on the well. Lost a valuable yearling heifer, last night by eating too many turnip tops. Sold the hide to J. Wigley for $3.18. Father and mother drove up to Mr Snell's ("Willow Lodge") this evening to sympathize with the bereaved friends. Received the first copy of the "Casket" - a paper devoted to Temperance pub. at Napance $1.00 per year


Spent this morning at Brampton Quarterly Meeting, Rev J. Shaw preached, text, Hebrews XII 1st & 2nd verses, a most excellent and deeply affecting sermon, a pretty large attendance. Walter Gardener and I walked up to Willow Lodge this evening and spent an hour there with the friends and relatives of the deceased.

November, MONDAY 4, 1872

Spent the afternoon at the late John Snell's funeral it was a very large one, Rev J. Shaw preached in the house, text. Ephesians. "Today if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts", he was buried at the old Zion burial ground on 1st line. Spent the evening at the Lodge, election of Officers for next quarter, I was elected of W.F. Secretary


Spent the forenoon in the well and sunk it about one foot, the work is very hard, it is slow work Spent afternoon at Township Plowing Match on lot 19{?} Road, at Mr A. Giffen's, the attendance not very large, either of the plowmen or spectators. Mr W.{?}. Brown of Toronto {?}. took first prize in 1st Class. The ground was in fine order and some fine work done

November, WEDNESDAY 6, 1872

Finished the well digging by striking two or three small springs, it is nearly 16 ft deep the water about 3 ft deep. Commenced stoning the well this afternoon and done about 1/3 of it. Sold the last ram lamb of this season to Mr Drinkwater Senior @ $8.00 each. Spent evening writing a letter to Mr Thomas Mason


Finished stoning the well and got the pump in it once more, it is a heavy job building the stone wall. The weather keeps very mild for the lateness of the season, have had very few heavy frosts as yet. Killed and dressed a Berkshire barrow 1yr old, weighed 140 lbs.

November, FRIDAY 8, 1872

Was fixing the under drain that carries the water from driving house roof into the well, it is one half stone drain and the other half an inch pine box. Took 6 bags of apples up to Mr John Campbell's and made 20 gals of cider with his mill. Spent evening at Choir Practice at Brampton W.M. Church.


Paid to James Hanson $48.00 the amount due him out of $65 for 7 months, had several days lost time, and had received many at different times, he is going to live beyond Hamilton 18 miles. Commenced plowing the turnip land, it is pretty stiff plowing.

November, SUNDAY 10, 1972 [sic]

Spent forenoon at S.School Supt pres. lesson Daniel, III 19 to 26 "The Young men in the fire" A few words of parting was given to the Hanson family who are going to leave the neighbourhood Heard Rev John Shaw preach at Zion at 2 P.M. text, Daniel, III 19 to 26. Heard him preach the same sermon in Brampton to night, J.C.S. and family took dinner and tea here


Was plowing turnip ground with both teams and finished it except headland. Mailed a copy of the Peel Banner to Aunt Jennie Harrington, it contains Mr Snell's obituary notice quite a lengthy history of his life and doings. Spent evening at the Lodge in Old Town Hall, 4 were invited and Officers Installed for Quarter ending January 31st 1873

November, TUESDAY 12, 1872

The Annual Meeting of Grand Lodge of I.O.G. Templars for Ontario meets in Hamilton today and next two days Rev J. Shaw and Dr C.J. Moore are going to represent "Safeguard" Lodge No 350, Brampton. Was shovelling cross drains and doing some other necessary jobs for the approaching winter. To night is beautifully clear moonlight and the atmosphere quite mild.


Father mother & Viney drove to Brampton this morning and visited Dr Patullo to consult him about Viney's health. Rode "Pollie" the 5 yr old lay mare and sold her to a Mr {blank} from Toronto for $125, received $5.00 on the long air he is buying and very good prices.

November, THURSDAY 14, 1872

Appointed by Lieut. Gov. Howland as a day of thanksgiving to Lord for the bountiful harvest for the Province of Ontario, and to be kept as a public holiday. Took the gun and spent forenoon shooting in the woods, but did not see much game. Took dinner and tea at J.C. Snell's J.M. Jones and wife were there.


Led our mare (5 yr old) "Pullie" down to Brampton and delivered her to Jas Grand who bought her and received the balance of the pay $120.00 from him for her. Spent afternoon killing and dressing turkeys and ducks for market. Spent evening at S.S. Teachers Meeting, to dispose of the Tea Party funds of $15.00

November, SATURDAY 16, 1872

Last night appropriated $8.00 for copies of the "Christian Advocate" to be distributed among the scholars. Sold to H.C. & Co, 12 turkeys which weighed 114 lbs @ 8 cts per lb, and 10 pairs of ducks @ 50 cts per pair, trial, $14.12, which sum was spent for 1 day of white handled table knives and nickle {sic} silver forks and other articles. Was hauling in the remainder of straw stack into barn.


Went to S. School this morning Supt pres. lesson Raniel III, 26 to 33, subject "The outcast King" Father & mother drove up to J.C. Snell's for dinner and tea; they have some visitors from near Ottawa. Heard Rev John Shaw preach in Brampton to night text, Habbakuk III chap. 4th verse. A clear sharp frosty day.

November, MONDAY 18, 1872

Sold our 6 yr old ram "Champion" to Mr Harris of Derry West for $20.00 cash. Spent the evening at the Lodge, it was held in the Odd Fellows Hall (over Wilkinson's Store), there were five young men initiated, had some information about the Grand Lodge held in Hamilton last week Mailed a "Guardian" to Aunt Jennie


The weather continues dry and cold, the ground has been frozen up all this week. Spent afternoon in Brampton sat for two {?} at J.W. Cole's, they are pretty fairly executed. Spent evening at J.C. Snell's in chit chat he started tonight for Whitby to a Sale of Short {Hams?}.

November, WEDNESDAY 20, 1872

Was engaged in hauling gravel up from the banks of the Etobicoke for banking up against the stone wall of the house and mould to cover some plants and flowers for the Winter. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's sister Viney in there this is week made her a present of a gold ring worth $2.00


Was lining the buffalo robes with woolen carpet for to make them {?}. Sold to H.C. & Co 22 bush barley @ {$80?} and bought 10 bush of corn @ 62 cts per bush. Got 10 bags barley chopped at mam's. Mr {?} Fox spent the evening here. Received last Friday a letter from Aunt Jennie with photo of uncle John H and his sons

November, FRIDAY 22, 1872

J.C. Snell brought Viney home she has been there all this week J.C.S. bought a cow at Thompson's Sale for $910.00 on Wednesday. Spent this evening in Brampton hearing Prof. {Lowan?} of New York lecture on Courtship and Marriage and seen him mesmerise a young man so that he had him entirely under his control, it is a wonderful sight.


Was hauling on the sleigh (there having been a slight {flung?} of snow) chip manure from the door yard into the front lane, in piles for trees next spring planting also put some around the young apple trees hauled 8 loads. The weather's some milder today Have been feeding the stock for about a week, 4 horses 14 cattle 28 sheep 12 Berkshires

November, SUNDAY 24, 1872

Spent morning at S. School Supt pres. lesson. Daniel.V. 22 to end of chap. subject, "The hand writing on the wall". A large attendance of scholars the weather being fine and warm. Heard Rev J.G. Scott preach at Zion at 2 1/2 P.M. text, Micah II chao 10th verse, an eloquent sermon J.C. Snell and family spent part of the day here. Staid at home this evening.


Was splitting black ash nails in the "other place" bush, they are difficult to split because of the frost in them making the wood very brash. Spent the evening at the Lodge, had a pleasant meeting, "Safe Guard Chronicle" by Dr. Moore and a song from {smudged} Braid "The Old Man's drunk again". The weather is pretty cold.

November, TUESDAY 26, 1862 {sic}

Was at the same work as yesterday and have about 60 ash nails split and some cord wood. Spent evening writing a letter to Aunt Jennie and send one of my Photos and a {?} to her and Johnny Harrington my cousin, Ciney is writing to Sarah Peacock.


Drove to Brampton this morning with mother and VIney on shopping business and other matters. Heard Rev Mr Russell of Detroit lecture on "Prohibition" this evening in Court House Brampton, he is a very humorous and able speaker and is R.W.C. Templar the highest office in America belonging to I.O.G. Templars.

November, THURSDAY 28, 1872

Was chopping firewood in the woods and cut my foot bus not seriously, made a fearful gash in my boot. Spent evening at Zion hearing Rev Mr Bradley of England lecture on Temperance but it was only very plainly done and not at all interesting, only a few present. Had quite a snow storm but did not last long. The roads are splendid, as level and smooth as plank


Was chopping all day. A bitter cold day, measuring nearly down to Zero. J.C. Snell bought 8 imported shearling ewes {?} in Markham @ $600. Drove up to J.C.S. this evening for mother, she has been visiting there a day or two.

November, SATURDAY 30, 1872

Was at the same work as yesterday, cut a large dry beach tree. The farm of the late Erastus Bunting was sold by auction at 2 P.M. to a Mr. Armstrong for $5,020, rather a low price, it ought to have brought another $2,000. Received from Aunt Jennie a "Carthage Banner"

December, SUNDAY 1, 1972 {sic}

Our folks went to the funeral of Jonathan Pearson's child 2 yr old. Rev J. Shaw preached. Spent forenoon at S. School, Supt pres, lesson Dan. VI, 4 to 10, subject "The Conspiracy against Daniel". Heard Rev J. {?} Scott preach in Brampton tonight, text, Luke XII 48th verse, he spoke strongly against the evils of intemperance and dancing.

December, MONDAY 2, 1872

Was chopping dry beach in the lower bush, spent evening at the Lodge, three were initiated. "Safeguard Chronicle" by Bro M. Shipley, had a degree meeting after the lodge adjourned about 14 have taken the three degrees there are several passwords and signs and a great many ceremonies.


The weather is moderate and some light snow flying now and then, about two inches on the ground at present. Was at the same work as yesterday there a good many dry beaches in that bush. R. Smith, MP spent the evening here in social chat and some lively jokes.

December, WEDNESDAY 4, 1872

Spent an hour at Willow Lodge this forenoon, looking around, they are digging wells, they have a splendid flock of 30 imp. Cotswold shearing ewes, spent the reading some of the writings of Washington {?}, Sold to J. Woodhall 3 lamb skins @ 2.50.


Was at the chopping again today Spent the evening at Mr John Wiggins, No 13, 1st line East, in company with some young people in chat and games chequres and dominoes interspersed with wit from Mr D. Ledlow, the party broke up at an early hour.

December, FRIDAY 6, 1872

Killed and dressed for food 5 Berkshires 7 months old, which average 140 lbs each, it is first class pork, sweet and tender. Spent evening at Choir Practice a large attendance preparing for Missionary Meetings next week. R. Crawford from Whitby is here on a visit.


There has been several meetings this week at different places in the cause of the new railroad scheme, it is creating a great deal of excitement. At No 10 shop, got the horses shack shod on front feet, one span only. There is scarcely enough snow to make sleighing.

December, SUNDAY 8, 1872

Spent forenoon at S. School Supt pres. lesson Daniel Vi 10 to 24, "In the den of Lions" a very interesting lesson, Rev B. Sherlock preached at Zion at 3 P.M., text, Isaiah XXV, 6,7,8, it was the Missionary Anniversary sermon, the Choir sang aon after the piece from the "Organ". Heard Rev W W. Rose of Toronto preach in Brampton tonight, text, Acts, XI, 26th verse


The vote for the {?} of $70,000, to the G.T. Railway was taken today and was carried by a majority of III. Spent the evening at the Missionary Meeting in Brampton W.M. {Chuneh.?} speeches by Revs. Ross, Starr and Sexsmith and music by the Choir. Great rejoicing over the vote, had a large bonfire and a free supper.

December, TUESDAY 10, 1872

The weather is very cold. Was chopping dry beach in lower bush. Mrs J.C. Snell and her little folks are here for a couple of days on a visit. The opposers to the G.T. Railway are very much displeased and cannot see that the road will benefit them, but they are blind to their own interests.


Was helping Mr Wan. Newhouse to thresh barley and wheat. Had a head {?} for threshing but it was a lovely day clear and frosty. It was dark before we finished and had to have a lantern in the barn.

December, THURSDAY 12, 1872

Chopped, split and piled about 2 cords of dry beech. {Davson?} Modeland came down from Seaforth on a short visit is going back on Monday next. J.C. Snell offered us $100, for 5 of our best ewes but we refused it. Bought of John Learmont a fine 3 yr old ewe @ $10.00.


Was at the same work as yesterday. Took a sleigh load of our folks down to Brampton tonight to hear Rev A. Russel of Detroit lecture on "The Relation of Prohibition to Political Economy", he is an able speaker and quite humorous, the Concert Hall was not quite filled,

December, SATURDAY 14, 1872

Steady cold weather just enough snow to make poor sleighing. Drove sister Viney to Brampton this evening on business, had my hair docked at J.E. Wood's shop. Spent rest of the evening at home reading the news, Mr J.D. Armstrong of New York came to Brampton with his bride, on a visit R. Crawford left here today


Spent forenoon at S. School Supt pres, lesson, Daniel IX 16 to 23, "Prayer and Answer" the lessons for this Quarter have all been very interesting and instructive. Heard Rev W. McFadden preach in Brampton text, Isiah IV. lovely verses.

December, MONDAY 16, 1872

Was drawing on the sleigh rails, which made fence between the two fields across the Etobicoke up into a pile behind the barn the two fields thrown into one make 10 acres. Spent the evening at the Lodge, two initiated, several readings, Safeguard Chronicle by Sister M. Robb and pretty well edited.


Finished the job of yesterday about 300 nails, a good many of them inferior quality mostly Hack ash. Started hauling up the firewood from lower bush. Mrs Grimshaw and Miss J.C.F. Snell and Viney went to High School Examinations today. Spent evening reading "Self Help" by {Smiles?}

December, WEDNESDAY 18, 1872

Was busy all day in drawing firewood and pilling it 8 ft high, close in front of the wood shed. Received a letter from uncle Adam containing $10.50 {greenbacks?}, for to pay the taxes on his {?} farms, he has sold his Missouri farm to James Tompson, 4th line East, @ $30. per acre, 80 acres - $2400.

December, FRIDAY 20, 1872

Had quite a big snow storm last night about 10 inches on the level. Drove my sisters over to school with the sleigh, today is the examination it passed off well and is the credit of the teacher Miss S.A. Smith. Spent the evening in Brampton at a meeting to organize an Association of all the S. Schools in the town for the Mutual improvement of the teachers, to have weekly meetings to study the lesson.


Completed hauling all the wood that I have chopped in both the woods about 13 cords, have 4 cords of dry wood at the house left over from last year, making 13 ends. Martin Shipley had an Auction Sale of Harness and sold a great deal at good prices, bought a whip @ 65 cts and a {?} comb @ 15 cts.

December, SUNDAY 22, 1972 {sic}

Went to S. School this morning Supt pres lesson, Daniel XII, subject "The Glorious Resurrection" Heard Rev John Shaw preach at Zion at 2 1/2 P.M. text Psalms XXXVII, 37th verse, "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace". At daybreak the mercury sank 14 degrees below zero, it was intensely cold all day.


A very cold bustering day. Spent part of the day at Edmonton in John Hall, the nomination of Reeves and Councillors for next year. J. Bowles was elected Reeve. J.P. Hutton, J. Holtby and J. Henderson were nominated for Deputy Reeves only two requires: E.J. Haggard and Joshua Modeland elected Councillors. Spent evening at the Lodge, had speeches and readings.

December, TUESDAY 24, 1862 {sic}

The weather has moderated some but still very cold, a little below zero. Went to W.K. Graham's Dental Office, Brampton, and had 3 teeth filled, one of them had been filled before but had come out, fee $1.50, paid 25 cents for a box of powder for to clean teeth. Bought $2.00 worth of presents for Christmas for my sisters.


A strong cold N.E. wind all day with fine hard snow, made it very disagreeable sleigh riding. Drove to Brampton this morning and brought up Jennie Peacock J.C. Snell and family came down to spend the day and to Christmas dinner. Spent the day and evening at home quietly and pleasantly.

December, THURSDAY 26, 1872

The storm has not yet abated its fury, the mercury below zero, a strong N.N.E. wind with hard dry snow makes it very uncomfortable being out of doors. Drove Jennie Peacock to Brampton and got the Christmas number of the "Christian Guardian". J.C. Snell and family staid all last night here because of the storm.


Mr Christopher Faux came here last evening to spend a day or two. The snow has quit falling and is now drifting with a high West wind. J.C. Snell came after his wife and children at noon today. {?} Ferguson has been here all week. Spent the day in threshing peas with flail and cleaning them 7 bush.

December, SATURDAY 28, 1872

The weather is pleasant once more. Father drove {?} Faux to Brampton and got the news papers and a large pane of glass for to light up the poultry house. The vote yesterday on the upper part of this County for to grant a bonus to the Hamilton & N. Western R.R. was lost by a majority of 400. Bought the "Canadian Almanac" containing a great deal of information, 160 tapes.


Went to S. School this morning, Supt pres. lesson, Psalm, C XXXVII, "A review of all the lessons of the past Quarter", showing the many good qualities Daniel had. The "British Workman" and the "S. School Advocate" were distributed among the scholars of our school. Heard Rev J.G. Scott preach in Brampton tonight, text John VII 68th.

December, MONDAY 30, 1872

A mild bright day. Was boiling in the large furnace pot barley, peas, and potatoes, for hob feed. Egerton and I drove "Charlie" in the cutter up to J.C. Snell's and to Willow Lodge to inspect the live Stock, which are all in good trim and heart for this season. Brought down from J.C.S.' the Dee, number of "Ladies Repository" for own perusal.


Spent last evening at the Lodge in the Wesleyan Vestry, had a visitor, Mr Robert Cooley, of "(smudged} Lodge" he gave us a short recitation "Safeguard Chronicle" by Bro C.Y. Moore on the history of Good Templarism. Spent this day in fanning barley for chopping and seed next spring, and at other needful jobs about the barnyard. A mild cloudy day.

Wheat sold during the year

22 bush @1.25 = 27.50

46 ½ “ @1.45 = 66.83

14 “ @1.29 = 18.00


87 “ @1.19 = 103.00

170 $ 215.33

    Gristing 55 bush	

170 bush sold

 55 Gristed	


Spring seeding 25 bush peas 36 “ oats Sheep

Ram lambs $108

Ewe “ 105

Wool Skins

Fat sheep 133


Berkshires -- $100.

Barley sold during year $ c

42 bush @New .58

51 “ @ .58

61 “ @ .66

22 “ @ .58

196 “ $ 108.50

chopped for feed

100 bush barley

 20 for seed

316 bush barley


Prince -- $125

Cow Hide -- 43


Horses Porlic (?) -- $125.






To M. Shipley for buggy harness

$ cts




“ J. Coyneon acc/ for pr of girls boots & sundress




From J.C.Snell for 6 Berkshires

50 00


To J.C.S. subscion for Co. Gentleman and Copy of Annual Register of Rural Affairs


2 30


For 500 cedar rails to A. McColl


20 00

“ “ Do for 4 gate posts


1 25


50 00

48 55


48 55


Cr $

1 45






Took to Steam Mill for chopping -- --

8 bags



2 do








$ cts

$ c


To j.P. Hutton for 400 ft Cumb


5 67


Membership fees to Mechanics Institute good for 11 months


1 80

Quarterly dues to “Safeguard Lodge”




A. McColl for 500 stakes


8 50

Travelling expenses while hauling cedar


2 50


Sheet Music and sundry other articles


2 00

16th& 17th

Gristing apples, Music and sundry articles


10 00


29 47






$ C

$ C


Sent to Osborn Missouri to J. Ferguson


35 00


Donation to Mr. Millard -- ---


2 00


Cash for 1 sheep skin for W. Hurst

1 75


1 75

37 00


Balance rot over


29 47


66 47


Payments in excess of Receipts -- --


64 72



Took to Stream Mill for chopping

8 bags



4 do



Took to Stream Mill for Gristing

18 bush







Received for 42 bush barley from J. W. Main @ 58cts

24 60



For 1 ton of plaster


7 00


To Miss S. Snell Coll.t for W.M. Missionary Society


5 50


At Buntinge Sale for Dried Apples


1 50


To Magnum and Bannister for Wall Papers &c.


2 50


From J.W. Main for 22 bush wheat @ 1.25

27 50


52 10

16 50






Took to Stream Mill for chopping --

8 bags



3 do


and 1 bush wheat to crack for mush



Cash Receipts in excess of expenditures

35 60






$ C

$ C


From William Caesar his note due in 9 months from date for $125.00 for “Coral Princes”

125 00



From J. Fallace for a sheepskin

2 75



From J. Learment timothy seed 35 lbs


3 00


From K.C. & Co timothy and 55 lbs


4 25


Sundries from K. Chisholm’s Store


8 00


To Danbarn & Co Toronto Wholesale dealers in seeds, fruits, &c. for 12 lbs orchard grass


2 50


To Hamilton for apple trees


5 00


2 75

23 75






$ C

$ C


Sowed 27 bush oats



Do 14 bush barley


May 1st

Do 6 bush barkey






$ C

$ C


From J. Fallace for the cow Pink 7 years old and calf 7 weeks old

41 00



For horse bits and other sundries


2 00


To G. Hamilton for trees


3 00


To J.B. Magnum for a small alarm clock


2 00


To Haggert Bros for iron tea kettle &


2 00




5 00


To K.C. & Co. for Dry Goods


14 00


To Leslie for ½ bush of Garnet Chilis


1 00


T0 Dawson for 1 bush Early Rose


1 00


For two fat ewes

14 00



“ glass and nails


4 00




35 00






$ C

$ C


Chopped at Main’s Stream Mill 6 bags barley and two bags peas


2nd& 3rd

Sowed 25 bush peas



Sowed on fallow 9 bush oats


18th& 24th

Planted 14 bush potatoes on nearby ¾ open acre


Cash Receipts $

55 00


Cash Payments

35 00


Balance $

20 00


Transcription Progress



John Ferguson Diary, 1872 Part 1.pdf
John Ferguson Diary, 1872 Part 2.pdf
John Ferguson Diary Transcription, 1872.pdf


John Ferguson, “John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1872,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025,
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