Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1867


Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1867


Courtland Olds


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Norfolk County, Woodhouse Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Courtland Olds Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Courtland Olds’ (1844-1896)
1867 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers
Spent the forenoon in cuting wood in the wood shed at which Snively helpd me. He did a few
chores around in the afternoon. I started for Bowlby en route for the Tea Meeting at the
Methodist Church in Simcoe. Broke down on the road to Dover and did not get there until
late. Put my horse in the stable and went up with Mr Bowlbys folks. Met with Richardson and
Well Carpenter besides several others of my old acquaintances. Got back to Dover about 12.
Stayed all night last night at Mr. B's and before I could go home had to get this old buggy
mended which I did by eleven o'clock. Started for home as soon as possible got there about
twelve. Found everything all right side up with {cow?}. Snively cut wood all day in the bush
while I spent the afternoon in husking corn. Attended prayermeerting in the old schoolhouse
to night and had a very proffitable time of it.
Ma and myself started for Dover this morning early. I went to mill with a grist of wheat and
buckwheat. Ma and I took our dinners with Mary Jane and in the afternoon I went out in
search of a young lady to go with me skating. Was lucky enough to find one at the first place
at which I stopped. Had the honor of waiting on Miss Bowlby the afternoon and was of
course delighted with my afternoon's skate on "silver lake." It was a beautiful afternoon. Got
home about nine.
I spent the forenoon in working at Snively's shanty, which, after a long time I have finished. In
the afternoon I hund {hung} a door in the corner of the east shed on roolers. Finished it in a
good season and did some patching or fixing in the cow stables. Snively cut up wood in the
forenoon and in the afternoon drive it up to the house. Mother and I went to spend the
evening at George Matthews, had a pleasant time.
Snively and myself spent the forenoon in cutting wood at the woodhouse, while in the
afternoon he cut wood again in the woods. I spent the afternoon in filing my wood saw and
also the cross-cut saw etc. Had my bath as usual.
To Make Radway's Ready Relief
Put 3/4 oz. ciana. pepper; 3/4 oz. camphor {grease?}; 3/4 {tspn?} Ammonia or {Haidshorne?}
into a quart of Whiskey. Allow it time to dissolve and settle before bottling. From Maj. M. Hoyt
Ma and I went out to church this morning to Dover. Heard the Rev. Mr. Messmore preach an
old fashioned sermon this morning. After church we went home again and had our dinner. I
then went to meeting at the schoolhouse. The preacher did not come; but we had a very
excellent class meeting. Captain McFell led the class for the first time and the manner in
which he did it, augurs well of his future usefullness.
Started for Dover this morning as early as possible. Gave in my note and then went after
Miss {Higmans?} and my Boss. They came home with me and we had a very pleasant little
ride with the two old-maids. They came to spend a few dys with us. I husked corn most of the
afternoon but towards night I went to work and built a shelter for my old ewes back of the
barn. Snively put up wood most of the dy. for himself.
Snively and I cut up a big pile of wood at the house this forenoon. And in the afternoon
Snively cut wood in the chopping. About eleven o'clock J. B. Carpenter's Brother came here
to see a cow which I had offered to Mr. Carpenter for one of his thoroughbred Durham Bulls.
He concluded that he would take up my offer. I husked corn most of the afternoon and did
some other little chores about the barn. Mr. & Mrs. {Wall?} came and stayed until eleven.
Had a great old fashioned visit with them.
I set Snively at husking corn this this morning. & in the afternoon he cut wood in the bush. I
husked corn until School meeting time. When I went down to the school meeting and was
unhappily appointed Trustee & Secy. for the remaining term {illegible}. After dinner I took
Mrs. and Miss Higmans home. Had a pleasant little visit at the Higmans. Went to the store
for a few articles and from there to Mr. G. Bowlbys {illegible} I was persuaded to spend the
evening and spent it very pleasantly with a lot of Bowlbys.
After doing my chores, Ma and I started for Simcoe. Got there about noon. Saw an old friend
at Mr. Willoughbys (Mattie Burke). Went to Mr. Wells to get our teeth mended and I had two
front teeth filled with gold. Stopped Walter Ods. on the way home and took him with them.
Started home about eight and on the way stopped at Ed {Kniffins?} to leave the tax money.
Got home about ten and found everything all right side up with {cow?} etc.
As soon as we got our chores done, Snively and I went out to the woods & cut six sawlogs
before noon, in the afternoon Snively cut wood in the bush & I husked corn most of the time.
Young Robt. Riddell was here just before night. About six o'clock Asford Bowlby with his two
sisters Hellen & Louisa & Miss Anna Douglas came to spend the evening with us. I had a
pleasant chat with them. They went home about eleven or thereabouts. When I went into
dreamland as usual.
Got up in good season this morning and after doing my chores Snively and I went to work at
cutting sawlogs to take to mill. Got about a {dozen?} rady for drawing too day. George
{Buck?} was at the house when I came from work. We had a good little chat on various
matters and things. Cut my Sunday wood in the dark too night and felt very tired when I got
through with it. Carried water from the cistern and had a good bath.
After doing up my chores I cleaned up and put on my Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes and
afterwards spent the forenoon in reading the Pilgrims Progress. The Rev. Mr. Laird was here
to dinner and he and I had a good old chat together about church matters, etc. Went to
church or to meeting in the Schoolhouse. Mr. Laird gave us a proffitable discourse. Stayed to
Classmeeting. Mr. {Stringer?} lead the class for the first time. Spent the evening in reading
After doing my chores and giving Snively orders and after getting ready Ma & I started for
Brantford with the cutter. We stopped at Mr. Howard and took dinner. Got to Brantford about
three o'clock. found the folks all well and in comfortable circumstances. Spent a very
pleasant evening with Mr. & Mrs. Hoyt. Went out with Mr. Hoyt in the course of the evening to
the soldiers hospital which Mr. Hoyt had been repairing after a fire.
Took breakfast this morning about nine. Spent the forenoon in walking around the town and
in getting a negative taken at Parks Gallery. Had a nice little talk with Miss Lewis. In the
afternoon I walked around town, visited with Mrs. Smith & Mr. Hoyt and about five, went
around to Mrs Elliots. Miss Elliot was not at home so I concluded to go back again after a
little while as they said that she would be in soon. Called on Miss Louise Elliot again about
seven o'clock etc
Found Miss {inserted: Louise Darling} Elliot to be rather a pleasant girl. We had a very jovial
old fashioned talk with her about our adventures during old college days our fictitious
correspondents etc. She gave me an invitation to her the following evening but alas!! I could
not go. Ma and I started for home again about nine. Stopped at Mr. Howe's to {warm?} & got
home again about two o'clock. Found everything all right. Snively had been cuting & getting
up wood doing chores &c. since I went away from home.
I went out to Dover last night and attended the Presbyterian Tea-meeting. They had a very
good tea and afterwards a good variety of speakers Such as the Rev's. Messrs. Swain,
Craigie, Burns, {Gunner?}, & Laird. Got home & to bed about nine. Snively & I cut wood in
the forenoon and in the afternoon we husked corn. I spent the afternoon in visiting with Mr.
Howell and had a very pleasant time talking with the old gentleman. He said that he would let
me have money to pay Grandfather Olds. Good.
As soon as I had finished my chores this morning I went to see if I could not get John
Matthews to come down and help me kill the beef; but he could not come. Leonora played a
few lines on her new organ which is a very fine one indeed. Snively & I got ready for killing
the beef before noon. I killed it after. We got along very well considering our little experience.
Finished up our job about six by which time I was pretty well chilled through.
Snively and I cut up the beef this morning. Got started for Simcoe about eleven. Took a
quarter of beef to Mr. Willoughby. Took dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Willoughby, after which we
went to Donelys & paid him for my books. Went to Colonel Wilsons office to see about
getting a probate for Pa's will. Stopped at Mrs. George Matthews for H. {Misener?}. Got
home about dark. Wrote a letter to Springer and had a good bath.
Got ready and started for church this morning with Ma; and Mrs. Howell who has been
staying with us for the last few days. Heard the Rev. Mr. Laird preach. After church we went
to Mr. Bowlbys for dinner. Stayed there until church time to night. I spent the afternoon very
pleasantly talking and reading, with the girls. It stormed so furiously when we got ready for
church that we concluded that we had better go home and, we acted accordingly.
Did not get up this morning until nearly eight o'clock, as I did not feel real well on account of
having a bad cold. Went to George Matthews to sharpen a Buck Saw and Hand Saw.
George rather surprised me by saying that I owed him fifty five dollars for threshing; "whew"!!
Snively husked corn before noon and he and I cut up some wood in the afternoon. Spent the
evening in writing a letter to W. H. {Rawnd?}
Finished up my chores about nine, after which I took the hide off from a dead sheep and
dressed it and cut it up. In the afternoon I cut up two quarters of the beef and put it away. Cut
wood towards night at which Snively helped me. He {Broke?} roads and drew up a couple of
loads of wood. Spent the evening in writing a letter to my friend John Saunders And in talking
to Walter Olds who is stopping with us right at present.
Carried up the sheep sack this morning and got ready to go to Dover. Started about eleven. I
took some hides to Lawson's tannery and went from there to Francis Wares. Had a good visit
with him. Leonora went out with us. In the afternoon I went over to town on a little business
with Riddles and Mr. Lawsons. Took tea at Mr. {Marrs?} and started home afterwards started
Stopped until the mail came in. Got home about eight and found everything all right.
I felt very unwell this morning from having a bad cold. Made up my mind this morning to
starve my cold but I had to have the haystack drawed in for the stock. Had to take dinner in
consequence. Snively helped me to draw in hay--got in four loads before night. I payed off
Jane Lewis to-day and expect to be obliged to do all the churning and milking after this. Had
to put off both too night. Leonora and Walter are still with us.
Walter built fires for me this morning & when I got out of bed I found myself pretty sick. Ma
was complaining too we both kept getting worse and about three we sent Snively after the
Doctor. He soon came and said that he was afraid that my fever would hang on me for some
time. But he did not think that Ma's was quite so bad. Stuart gave me an emetic which I took
and it made me as sick as a dog. Went to bed about one. Fortunately Walter & Leonora still
are here.
Remained in bed the whole of this forenoon as I did not feel able to get up. Walter milked my
cows for me & Leonora got breakfast for him and waited on Ma and I very nicely indeed. Got
up at twelve and after dressing and cleaning up etc. I read some. Took dinner about four
when Walter came back to cut Sunday wood for me. Mr. & Mrs. Wilsons came out towards
night & helped me to do up my chores etc. Later Dr. came and to night he said Ma was doing
I felt pretty sick this morning but had to milk and do some other little chores notwithstanding.
Mr. Wilson helped me some and Mrs. Wilson made up the beds, got breakfast etc. Ma still
improves & I think we will both soon be well. I laid around the forenoon and Lydia Matthews
came down in the afternoon and got up a very excellent dinner for us of beef soup etc. Felt
much better after eating of it. Unckle McFell was up to see us this morning; we had a good
I started out this morning to work notwithstanding my ill health. Snively and I shovelled roads
and cut up a load of wood by dinner time. In the afternoon we cut up wood in the woodhouse
etc. About dark Frank Springer turned up. Personally, I enjoyed the evening talking with him
very much; although I had to churn and work butter and sundry other little jobs. Got to bed
about twelve.
Did not get up until daylight this morning. Got breakfast and fixed up things about the house.
Springer helped me milk after which we started off for a girl for Ma. Hellen Mcfell promised to
help us a while, or until Ma got better. We got to Dover all right & took dinner with Mr. & Mrs.
Laird. In the afternoon we called on Mr. Hane's folks; on Mary Jane & on Mr. Bowlby's. At the
last place we had a very pleasant time. Got home about sundown.
Walter Olds built fires for us this morning. I spent most of the forenoon in cutting down and
cutting up an oak tree with my man. In the afternoon Frank Springer helped me to saw up a
tree with a cross cut saw while Snively got up a load of {wor?} or so. Felt very uncomfortable
today from my cold which gave me a bad headache. At night my friend & I had a real
pleasant time talking about old college days, smoking etc. This has been a very beautiful day
although it was a very cold one.
Franklin and myself started for Simcoe as soon as I could get my chores done and get ready.
Got in Simcoe about noon and after doing some shopping started for J. B. Carpenters.
Found them all well and spent the afternoon talking and reading the news. Went with Ed and
Min to Mr. Duncan McCall's party. Found Mr. Bowlby's folks there from Dover. Louise among
the rest. Had an exceedingly good time during the evening. Did not go home until after
midnight had long past.
It took Frank & I from midnight until daylight to finish chatting with the young ladies and to get
home. Felt rather blue all day to day but knocked around at work mostly all day. Mr. & Mrs.
Sweetlove came about noon and made us a nice little visit. They went away about four.
Franklin Springer and myself went down to the Port too night to spend the evening at Mr.
Bowlby's. Had a very pleasant time if I did feel sleepy. Got home by eleven o'clock.
Felt some better this morning than I did last night as well as Frank. Ground up my hay-knife
and when I had finished Mr. Allen Culber & family came together with Unckle Homes & wife.
It rained real hard nearly all day and froze nearly as fast as it came. Had a pleasant visit with
our folks who went away about five or thereabouts. Snively sawed wood most of the day.
Had a good bath tonight as usual.
Was a little lazy this morning in my feelings so that we did not get out to church. I[t] stormed
very bad. However, Frank & I spent the forenoon in reading some of our old letters at which
we enjoyed ourselves well. We started out for Dover towards night and went to Mr. Herrells.
Frank and I {joc?} to {Lea?} with them. Went to church and heard the Rev. Mr. Ware preach
a very good discourse. Got home again about eleven. Found things all right.
Walter got up first and built fires this morning. I helped Snively to cut up the old "oak tree in
the lane." In the afternoon I cut up wood in the woodhouse and churned for Ma at which
Frank helped me. We started for the port about five and went to Mr. Wares to spend the
evening. I had a good time talking with Mattie Burk & Miss Howell. Saw them home of
course. Sparked the Miss Ella Jones & Frank {here?} until two or so. Cut out some of the
poor boys.
George Buck came over this morning. I started for Unckle P. Wykoffs as soon as we could
get rady. Got there all right about noon. Took dinner with them & went over to see Miss Bell
McCall afterwards, but unfortunately the dear lass was away from home. We went home
about five and concluded that I would take a good nights sleep. Snively cut up some wood
and drew up a load of s--.
At about nine we started off for another visit. Ma went along with us this time and we went up
to Allen {Eaubvers?} for our visit; found the folks at home. Spent the day very pleasantly.
Frank put in a good time singing etc. with Miss Culver to the edification of the rest of us.
Started on our way home about six stopped at the Missionary meeting in Dover. Before
which Frank & I had a good smoke together. Got home & to bed about twelve.
My old friend started for home this morning about nine. I felt a little bad to see him go, for we
have enjoyed our visit together so well. I went to work at drawing in the remainder of the hay-
stack. Snively helped me at it. Got in four good loads by night--which took it all in. Felt a little
lonesome too night but Walter came in and took tea which cheered me up some. Felt pretty
tired after pitching hay all day.
As soon as Snively and I had finished our chores we started with the big white-faced cow for
Carpenters Mead farm. Had a rough journey going out as our cow got away from us and we
had a hard time catching her. Saw an awful run-away on the gravel just above Beaupres.
Started for home with my thoroughbred Durham bull about one. Fell in with my sister's cow
on the way and drove her home too. Got home about four all right only I felt very tired and
Snively and I spent a good part of the forenoon in cording wood in the woodhouse. We
husked corn the remainder of the day. Have about one day's work yet. After doing my chores
I had to churn for Ma and do sundry other little jobs. Had my Saturday evening bath as usual.
Sorted over a lot of apples etc. This has been a very stormy blustery day. The snow & wind
come from the southwest.
This was a very windy cold dreary morning so much so that Mother and I made up our minds
not to go to the quarterly meeting which was at Woodhouse today. Stayed at home all day
and occupied my time in reading etc. Had a very proffitable and happy day religiously. I have
endeavored to consecrate myself ^ wholy unto the Lord and He has blessed me with an
outpouring of his spirit. Truly it is good to wait upon the Lord and to walk in his paths. My
sincere prayer is that I may never depart from there.
It was pretty cold this morning but the wind blew strong from the South. After doing our
chores Snively and I cut wood until noon after which we I put up a door on the west shed for
the sheep to go through. Husked corn the remainder of the afternoon at which my man
helped me. Caleb Matthews was down {here?} too night. I spent the evening reading,
cleaning up my face etc. The weather is becoming a good bit stormy.
The weather begins to moderate. The South wind blows up warm too-day. The forenoon
Snively drew up some wood and I helped him to draw up a load of rails and boards. He
husked corn in the afternoon and I made a shelter or pen for the chicks under the west shed.
I settled up with Snively this evening, we came out all fare and square. Had to churn
afterwards. Walter stopped with us again too night. This has not been an extra day religion
{cut off}
Did my chores this morning first thing after breakfast. After which I made a feed box for the
cattle. I went up to John Matthews for dinner as this was his birthday. Went up to Georges in
the afternoon to sharpen my saw. Bob {Lorrie?} was there and gave me my hay knife. I had a
{spear?} talk with George about his account of threshing against us. Came to the conclusion
that I had better pay him. Ma and I got home all right and found things serene.
Got my stock fed in good time and Ma and I started for Dover about ten. I took a grist to mill.
The creek was very high down by Smiths on account of the great rain and thaw yesterday.
The sleighing was very poor in places. After doing our little chores we went to Mary Janes
and took dinner. In the afternoon I called on Mr. Howell to see about some money and had
good success. Had my horse shod and we started for home about four. Found all right.
After doing my chores I went out to show Snively where to cut some wood for himself and
helped him some. Afterwards I went to work at a sheep rack. Helped Snively to load some of
his wood after dinner and then went to work again at my sheep rack. At about five I started
for Bucks, got there in good time. Had a good talk with them on matters and things. Got
home about nine. This has been a windy cloudy day.
Walter sharpened my saw this morning before he went away. I went to work at the sheep
rack after doing my chores. Got it almost done by noon. In the afternoon I went to look after
my boom across the creek under the bridge by Browns. It had broken loose and gone away.
{Louise?} Ryerse was over this afternoon. I helped Snively to thresh peas most of the
afternoon. Threshed two florins with the horses. It rained this morning. Very windy since.
I went over to the Millright church this morning for a change. Heard their crack preacher, the
Rev. Mr. Sumner preach. I was perfectly disgusted with the sermon and made up my mind
that it would be some time before I would go there again. Heard Father Messmore in the
afternoon after which I stopped to class. Had a pretty good time. Father Messmore stopped
all night with us. Had a pleasant talk with him.
Father Messmore went away home this morning. Snively and myself worked at cutting wood
in the corner of the field by Browns. I went to the port towards night with the horse and
sulkey. Took Turner some flour and did a little shopping and came home again. After I had
got home I had to churn and do my chores. Got through about ten. This has been a very
beautiful day just like Spring. I still feel the Lord precious to me.
We have had a cold North East wind too day all day. This forenoon my man and I shoveled
snow in the lane, so that in the afternoon we managed to draw up some wood. I cut wood in
the afternoon while Snively drove the team. I had to become churning maid again too night
not unconciously either. I would not like to be the hired girl. If such was the case missus and
I'd fall out.
Did not make a move this morning as soon as I would like. "Early to bed & early to rise" is my
motto, if I do find it hard to put it in practise at all times. Snively and I cut some wood in the
wood house this morning and in the afternoon he threshed peas with the horses. I broke my
bay colt to lead and afterwards helped Snively at the peas. Ma is quite unwell too night with a
cold. I spent the evening pleasantly in reading, "My farm of Edgewood," etc.
Mother was pretty sick this morning, so that I had to get breckfast and wait on her most of
the forenoon. It commenced snowing pretty hard towards noon and by night we had good
sleighing again. Mr. Strand{?} and Mr. Shearer{?} were here just after-noon to see about
starting a cheese factory. Threshed two florins{?} of peas afternoon and in the evening I
washed dishes for Ma and did other little jobs for her.
I had to get my own breakfast this morning as Ma was very sick. I had to wait on her most of
the night. This morning I went up to Wilkinsons to get a girl but did not succeed very well.
Elizabeth came home with me to stop a little while. In the afternoon I went out after the
Doctor for Ma and after Mary Jane. While my sister was getting ready I went over to Mr. B's
to get a look at my "ducky." Saw her of course and had a pleasant little time of it. Received a
letter from {friend?} Springer. Got home by nine.
Had a very good night sleep last night, and this morning mother was a good deal better. The
dr. said that she had every symptom of inflamation of the Bowells. This forenoon I helped
Snively at the pea threshing and we got done by dinner-time. In the afternoon we cut some
Sunday wood and cleaned some of the peas through the fanning mill. Unckle McFell & wife
came to spend the evening; had a pleasant time.
Mother was very sick last night; about two in the morning I went up to John Matthews after
Lydia to come and wait on Ma. Mary Jane is still here and is going to stay until Ma gets
better. I stayed at home to day until towards night when I went out after the Dr. for ma he
said that she would soon be around if she did not catch cold and took her medicine properly.
Went to church. Heard Laird preach. Saw my "ducky" of course but could not talk with her.
I was permitted to have a good night's rest last night and felt all right again this morning.
Mary Ann Wilkinson came last night and we got her to stay a while with us. My sister and her
attended to ma last night. Snively and I cleaned up the peas this forenoon and carried them
into the Constables. In the afternoon we cleaned and sifted a lot of tymothy seed, cut wood.
Ma was a considerable better this morning, so I went to work with a hopeful heart. Snively
drew up wood before noon while I went over to Peter Ryerse and to Browns to see about
cows for the dairy. Did not succeed very well, as their cows were but few. In the afternoon I
took Mary Jane to her home and while in Dover called on Mr. Howell. Had a pleasant chat
with the old gentleman. On my way home I stopped at Mr. {Strand?} a little while. Got home,
and found ma not quite as well as before.
My mother was not quite so well this morning but her sickness seemed to be in spells.
Snively and I drew up two loads of hay this morning and in the afternoon Mr. Howell together
with numerous other visitors. Unckle Homes & wife came etc. I was brought three hundred
dollars by Mr. Howell. Laird was here and Mr. & Miss {Noll?} etc. etc. Unckle Homes went for
the Dr. for mother towards night.
Got my chores done this morning in good time and afterwards I went to Dover after some
medicine for my mother. I paid up the store account of Wares and wrote a letter to Mr. Hoyt
to inquire about those photographs. Stoped at my sisters on my way home. Got home about
noon I found ma about the same. Snively and I cut up some trees in the saw ground for the
drag-saw in the afternoon. Mother was not quite as well to night. She complained of being
very sick
I was very uneasy last night about ma. She was so very sick. I sent for the doctor about ten
at night. Towards morning she gradually improved. The Dr. staid all night. In the morning I
took aunt Maria to the Port. While there I got several things for ma and after dinner called on
Miss Louisa. Had a good time. At three I started for home with my sister. Found ma a good
deal easier, than when I left her. This has been a lovely day.
Mother was pretty bad this morning. And as for myself I began to feel the effects of being up
nights. But Ma is certainly geting better so that I will have a chance to sleep again before
long. Laird was out this morning. I went down to pay Grandfather some money to day. gave
him two hundred and forty six dollars. I came home with the conviction that he had tried to
cheat me out of $100.00 & that I must see him again on the subject.
I was called up this morning about two, to see ma who was very bad again. Stayed up with
her the rest of the night with my sister. This morning she began to get better and about
seven was quite easy. Throug the day there was a great many {one?} to see her
notwithstanding the cold wind and storm from the East. Did not enjoy this Sabath as well
religiously as I would like but hope that I may be more devoted in the future Went to bed
farely early to night. Farewell.
Ma was a good deal better this morning. As soon as I had got my chores done I went down
to Grandfather's to see about the Mortgage. Had a seedy time with the old gentleman who
tried his best to cheat me out of my eyes, almost. Got through at last, gave him my note for
ninety dollars. Payable in six months & took the mortgage. Took Mary Jane home this
afternoon, & while I was waiting for Miss Howell I went over to see my ducky.
{handwritten: Thursday} I found it snowing pretty hard this morning so that the threshers did
not come until nine or ten. I went over to James McBrides this morning to get his help but did
not succeed. I made out to get John Snively about noon. Got to work after dinner and
threshed the cloverseed of from the {shaw} in about three hours. I had a dusty place and
when night came it felt as though I had the chill fever.
After doing my chores this morning I helped Unckle Homes at fixing the Wood-house We
managed to get the stairs up and the sleepers in and by night the floor mostly laid. In the
afternoon I cleaned out some barrels and filled them with pork. I have some good times
talking to the {sendies?} etc. of whom we have a goodly number with us at present. The
machine came too night but it is snowing & I am afraid of tomorrow.
I had a pretty good time at Mr. B’s last night. Afterwards I went over to Mr. Howell and found
Miss Burke there. Had a very pleasant little time. I saw her home and spent some time at Mr.
Lairds pleasantly. Miss Howell went home with me. Snively and I got up four loads of hay to
day. Unckle Homes and Aunt came to day. He worked at the stairs in the afternoon; in the
evening I went to see about the threshers.
I set up with mother last night and this morning as a consequence I feel somewhat sleepy.
Went to threshing cloverseed again about nine and got done about noon. In the afternoon
Unckle Homes & I cleaned up some cloverseed & hung a door at the waggonhouse. Visited
with Mr. Howell most of the afternoon and with John Matthews. This has been a beautiful day
but the snow has not yet gone but will be soon I fear.
Snively and myself cleaned through the cloverseed this forenoon and cut some wood. In the
afternoon I went out to Dover and took Miss Howell home. I went out in the cutter but, as
fortune would have it, we had to go on bare ground most of the way. My sister came back
with me. It has been a very beautiful day, and what snow there was on the ground had to
suffer destruction. Got a letter from Mrs. Hoyt.
SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1867
I had to set up last night as a consequence this has been a sleepy day. Spent the forenoon
in cleaning up and sleeping. Rev. Mr. Laird was here just before meeting. I went down to the
school-house there was not enough of a congregation to have service, on account of the
snow. Mother became a good-deal worse towards night so that I had to go for the doctor. He
came out in good time and seemed to think that he could soon check Ma's disease.
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1867
I went down to Mr. Wooddricks this morning to look for a girl for ma. Had pretty good luck.
Made some pickle for my pork, after which I took my sister home again. The roads were very
bad. While in town I called on Mr. Halls folks. Had a pleasant little chat there. I did some
shoping and then went to Mr. Laird for a little while. Saw Mr. Willoughby. Had a nice time.
Saw Miss Bowlby on the streets with Miss Douglas.
Mrs. Coppway came home with me last night to stay with ma. I went over to P. Ryerse after a
clover sieve this morning. Cleaned up cloverseed the rest of the forenoon. Afternoon I split
some wood and worked around the woodhouse. Gave the School teacher an order on Mr.
Craigie too night. John Matthews came in too night. Mother is still gaining slowly. This has
been a warm day but cloudy. We put Charly into drawing wood for the first time. He went first
I was permitted to have a very good nights rest last night; Mrs. Coppway waited on mother
for me. I cut some wood this morning and pickled the pork. Snively drew up a few loads of
wood before noon. In the afternoon we cut up a lot of elms etc. ready for the drag saw. It has
been a pretty blustery day and cold. Caleb Matthews was here to night after grass seed.
Mother does not seem to get better very fast.
I stayed up last night to keep fire and to wait on mother. This morning I went over to Samuel
Ryerses to him to saw up my {samwares?} wood but he was not at home. Went after John
Snively afterwards but he was not at home. Went home again and cut wood until noon. After-
noon Snively & I cut some more logs for the drag saw until towards night. This has been a
very cold day & blustery. Mother is beginning to improve quite fast.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1867
I went over to Samuel Ryerse’s this morning first thing to see about getting the sawing done.
I then went over to James {McBride?} to get him to help but he was not at home. After
Breakfast Sam. & I went back to pick out a place to saw. I then went over to Billy Austins to
see if he would run the saw. Snively carried some corn to the woodshed & I cut wood etc.
towards night I found another {swope?} & then went to Dover.
I was at a great debate last night in Schofield's hall did not get home from it until midnight.
Stayed up and kept fires the rest of the night. I went over to James McBrides this morning
and did some little jobs around. I sent Snively after a {crotch?} to draw logs one for the drag
saw. In the afternoon we killed a sheep and dressed it. I went over to J. Barnhardts to get my
hair cut. It has been snowing hard most of the day from the east.
SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1867
Had to keep fire last night again for mother. This morning as soon as I could get my chores
done and get ready I started for Dover with Mrs. Coppway got there and to church in time to
hear the Rev. Mr. Laird preached. After which I went to Mr. Bowlbys to dinner & from there I
went to church in the evening. Had the exquisite pleasure of seeing Louisa to church and
home again and in the meantime we had a very pleasant talk together.
MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1867
Kept fires for mother again last night and this morning did not feel in very good trim for work.
I had to go after James McBride, John Snively & Brown in the morning. We got to sawing
about ten and had very good success for by eight we managed to cut up about all our logs
that were cut. Ack. Bobby was here in the afternoon a little while. Got {Jimmy?} to take the
horse-power away for me after we had finished It was a very favourable day.
I was permitted to have an excellent nights rest last night but this morning I was about half
sick with a cold. Mother is gradually recovering from her sickness This forenoon Snively and I
drew up wood & also in the afternoon. We upset once and spilt out our wood. Frank Ryerse
from Port Ryerse was here to dinner to day. He came after clover & tymothy seed. It has
been a beautiful day a considerable warmer than of late.
Kept fires and waited on mother last night but in the spare moments I took some sleep.
Started for Simcoe about nine this morning too see about selling my clover & timothy seed.
Rode the pet colt (Charly) up for the first time. I took dinner at Mr. Willoughbys and after
started for Dover to try my luck there. On my way I stopped at Eber Decons to see a girl.
Made a bargain with Schofield for the sale of the grass seed & then went home.
It commenced storming this morning & too night there is quite a coat of snow on the ground.
Snively got up wood in the forenoon I busied myself at cleaning up cloverseed spliting wood
shelling corn and sundry other little jobs. This after-noon we split wood in the woodhouse on
account of the storm. Towards night I sorted over some apples toward night. Mother is geting
along nicely so much so that I was permitted to have a good nights rest last night.
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1867
Had a good nights rest last night. It snowed nearly all day to day from the northeast. The
foreman Snively and I cleaned up a grist of wheat and this afternoon he drew up wood while I
carried my tymothy seed to the barn and cleaned it with the mill made it nice and clean.
Towards night I went up to George Matthews after a cloverseed seive. While there I filed my
wood saw. Stopped to John Matthews and got my boot mended. Went to Sam. Ryerses
afterwards and found a seive.
I sifted my cloverseed this morning as soon as I had finished my chores. Caught a pig for
Andrew Smith. Helped Snively draw up wood until noon and this afternoon we drew up three
loads, after which I got ready and started for Dover. Rode Charly out and had a very rough
time with him. He did not throw me off but came pretty near it. Called at Mr. Halls a few
minutes. Going home I had a rougher time than coming.
SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1867
This has been a very stormy day. The Rev. Mr. Laird was here notwithstanding the rain. He
took dinner with us. After noon or at three I went to the School-house to meeting. There was
only a half dozen or so there so that we did not have preaching but class-meeting we had a
very good one. I spent the rest of the day in reading the Guide and doing chores etc. This
has been rather a lonesome day on account of the rain, besides I wanted to go to church to
MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1867
Commenced this new week with somewhat better feelings than usual religiously. Snively and
I finished up drawing wood about the middle of the afternoon. I then cut down the straw stack
for the sheep’s bedding etc. Afterwards we split a little wood. Spent the evening in writing
and afterwards I had a wholesome bath. I am now a little more encouraged about my work.
than before, as we have now our Summer wood up.
Got up in good time this morning and prepared myself for a trip to mill. I to Dover with my
clover- and tymothy seed. Went over to Bucks before starting to find out the Simcoe price.
Got to mill about noon & sold the grass seed to Schofield for the cash. In the afternoon I
called at Mr. Bowlbys where I had a pleasant time, also at Mr. Howells. Took dinner at Mary
Janes. Left two hundred of flour {florin?} at my customers & drove home in the cold wind.
I found a couple of lambs this morning for the first. During the forenoon and afterwards
Snively and I split wood in the woodhouse. Got along very well. Towards night after doing my
chores I went to Caleb & George Matthews to pay my threshing bill. While at George's I saw
a young Matthews a few hours old & a fine boy too. Went to the prayer-meeting afterwards
where we had a very profitable time. Got home about nine.
It was a very cold night last night for March, but there was no lambs frozen to death so that it
made no difference with us. Snively and I got up hay again to day from the hay-barn. Got
four loads during the day. Spent the evening in looking over my books of etc. etc. Afterwards
I took my usual smoke which afforded me of course a wonderful amt. of comfort. I must
either get me a companion or else smoke more than I do at present.
FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1867
Made myself scarce this morning from my bed in good time. After doing my chores I started
for George Bucks with the horse & cutter. I took some clover & tym. seed for him in the
cutter. Worked nearly all day at Georges at making some feeding racks for his sheep. Did not
get quite done by dark. Went home after dark and found things all right side up. May Ann
Wilkinson talks of leaving us; Alas!!
This morning I went over to Bucks for the purpose of finishing up the sheep racks for George;
got done about noon. In the afternoon I started out in search of a girl in place of Mary Ann
who went home this morning. Got to the Port about four and found things all serene. Going
home Miss Flora went with me and on my way I stoped at Mr. McFells and prevailed on
Hellen to go with me home for a week or so.
SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1867
This was a very beautiful warm sunny Sabath. In the forenoon I stoped at home and read a
few pieces in the Guide. William Wilkinson & wife were here to dinner and after dinner we
went to meeting at the School-house. It was Mr. {Symbumun?} appointment but he did not
attempt to preach but allowed us to have a longer meeting. We had a very good time. Was
quite disapointed in not getting out to the Port to night to church as I wanted to see Louise.
This is April fool's day at last and a very stormy wet day it was too Tended to my sheep etc.
most of the forenoon but towards noon I went to see after my booms along the creek. Found
one and made it fast but the other had made off. Found him below the steam mill. In the
afternoon Snively and I split wood in the woodhouse. Got one big pile done across the
woodhouse. There was two lambs came too-day they got along nicely. Mother is not very
well too night I am affraid she will be sick again.
I found my lambs all right this morning, and myself also, as a natural consequence. Snively
and myself split wood too day. Got quite a good bunch split up before night. We have now
almost filled the woodhouse wood & hope it will dry some time. Lost another lamb too night, I
am afraid, from my carelessness in not looking after them as I should. I will do better too-
morrow. This has been a lovely day. The {Dundass?} man was here too night.
Mr. Westin from Scotts implement factory of Dundas stopped all night with us last night. Had
a pleasant chat with him. I took my mother & help Flora up to John Matthews this morning.
The roads are very very bad. Snively and I split & piled wood again too day. Finnished
another pile. Had the ill luck to lose two fine lambs too day. Hang the luck. I attended prayer-
meeting too-night. There was only a few there but had a good time.
After seeing to my lambs, doing my chores etc. I started for Dover to get some medicine for
ma. I rode Charley out. The roads were very bad. Before starting home I stopped to see Mrs.
Hall had a very pleasant little visit with her. Recieved a letter from Springer in which there
was a photograph. Got home by noon. It rained in the afternoon so that I had a chance to
visit with Mr. Howell who was here on a visit.
It was still raining this morning. Found my sheep all right except one lamb which had kicked
the bucket not long since. Talked with Mr. Howell most of the forenoon and did some little
jobs arround the barn. This afternoon I tore loose the old fence by the woodhouse. George
Buck & I went up to Matthews towards night. Saw George's big boy. Spent the evening at
home at churning and reading etc.
Worked a while at my fence this morning. Towards noon I went over toe Mr. Woodricks to
see after a girl but she was not well enough to work yet. I went from there over to Bucks had
all the sugar I wanted to eat and my dinner too. Towards night I went to the Port to see after
a man. Took Charley to Mr. Bowlbys. Got some advice from him. Saw my {mare?} & came
This was a beautiful morning, & a very lovely day. After I had washed myself and dressed I
spent my time in reading mostly until three. When I went to preaching at the School-house.
The Rev. Mr. Laird was there. We were favoured with a good time at class meeting. I went
out to Dover to church this evening & took Miss Flora Wilson home. Heard {Work?} & Laird
preach again too night. Had an awful time going home the old plank too night.
Felt rather blue this morning after my awful ride last night. Went out to the Port this morning
to hire a man. I agreed to give him fourteen dollars and fifty cents per month for six months.
Before going home I got Charly shod before I went home in the rain & found Haris and
Samuel Ryerse there to ring my Bull and pigs. We soon did the job after which I went to see
Sam's horse and made a trade with him.
Snively and I went to work at drawing in turnips this morning. My new man Thos. Grant came
this morning and worked too day. We got in one pit of turnips and the mangels and carrots.
Samuel Ryerse and I changed horses this morning. This afternoon I took the meat out of the
pickle and hung it up today and smoke. Tended to my sheep and pigs etc. and then went up
to Matthews after a turkey hen.
Got up in good time this morning. Hereafter I have concluded to get up at five instead of six.
My man found a considerable fault about board this morning and said that he guesed he had
better leave. I told him he had better stay a little while yet for I did not know weather I could
get another man or not. It rained most of the day. We could not do much on account of it.
Snively, John was here too night, he has not yet a place so good bye old man.
Thomas Grant my new hired man went away this morning. He was rather to green an
Irishman to answer my purpose so I started him. I hired John Snively yesterday so that I am
sure of help yet. He will be on soon. Snively spilit rails too day, in the chopping. I worked
arround the house most of the day at a picket fence from the woodhouse to the lane. I had to
churn to-night which I did not relish very well as I was tired beforehand. This was a beautiful
FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1867
This was another beautiful morning. Snively split rails to day. In the afternoon I went up to W.
Wilkinsons and had my jacket full of sugar. It was excellent. Mother, and Hellen went up in
the morning. I rode my new mare too day for the first tie. She is a frisky beast and very full of
life. Andrew Smith was here and set out a grap vine for me too day, for which I am to give
him a peacock.
I felt a little better this morning than usual so much so that I did some heavy jobs before
noon, build fence, puting up {bases?} etc. After dinner I took mother out to the Port for the
first time in about three months. Attended the conservative meeting, and towards night went
over to Bowlbys but found the folks all gone except Hellen who gave me some music. Left
mother at Mary Janes and got home myself about eight found Hellen all right.
SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1867
It looked a little like rain this morning, but I started to the Port and got there and got my horse
just out in time for church. After church mother took dinner at Mr. Howells. After dinner I run
in to Mrs. Laird and to Mrs. Halls and finally to see Miss Bowlby who I found at home & alone
in all her glory. Enjoyed myself very much especially at the latter place. Saw Miss Burke just
before starting home. Ma went home with me.
MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1867
It has, this morning, still the appearance of rain. but it did not commence fairly until the
afternoon. Snively did not work this forenoon but this afternoon he washed {hens?} & helped
me in the woodhouse at my picket fence. I spent the forenoon in geting things ready for
seeding. but did not succeed in geting my drill in working order, but the cultivators and one
harrow are all right. It is a splendid growing shower.
It has stopped raining this morning although it is still cloudy. I started out to help Snively cut
up some wood. this morning for himself but Mr. Wright came for some wheat so I had to go &
clean it up for him. Let him have five Bu. for $1.60 per Bu. This afternoon I set a couple of
gate posts and afterwards went up to George's to sharpen a saw and make a chisel handle.
It is actually raining, again.
This was a beautiful morning and day, and we had a very drying wind. John Man and {us?}
fixed a couple of booms accross the creek between him and us. After we got our job done
Snively and I went to drawing up lumber and edging from the old water sawmill. Andrew
Smith worked in the garden too day cleaning currant bushes etc. Mrs. Matthews took dinner
with us too day. Went to prayer meeting too-night. Had a good time.
Another beautiful morning, than which we could not have a nicer. Truly we should be very
thankful to God for his great goodness. I had the fence arround the calf pasture made a little
higher so as to put the bull in after a while to have him {hurry?}. We got in a hole of potatoes
this after-noon and I opened a long under-ground drain back of the barn which had been
stoped up for a long time at the lower extremity.
FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1867
I went to Dover this morning as soon as I could get ready, to sell my eggs, before Easter.
Was quite surprised to see the stores all closed but soon found out that it was 'Good Friday.'
It took me until about five o'clock to get what groceries I wanted; my news-papers etc. In the
mean time I called on Miss E. Jones and also on Miss Howell & Miss Burke where I enjoyed
myself as well as usual.
The season is far advanced for the seed-time but God has promised a seed-time & harvest;
as of course it will come. Too-day I started two teams on the oat-field by McBrides. My two
colts went very well indeed. The earth was somewhat hard, which doubtless comes from the
abundance of rain which we have had of late. George Buck was here for dinner. I have felt
the witness to-day & have been happy in the Lord.
SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1867
This is Easter Sunday, the day on which some eighteen hundred years ago the Resurection
of our blessed Lord, it is said, took place. Surely we should praise the Lord with all our hearts
for his great love in laying down his life for our sakes. I did the work for mother this morning,
mostly {Sick?} Buck was here for a while. In the afternoon I took mother out to Mary Janes,
to take care of {Nilla?} who is sick with the measles. Was dissappointed badly too-night.
MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1867
I was troubled last night with a touch of the blues but I have concluded to cast all trouble
aside and make the best of my disappointment. It has rained nearly all day and with-all it has
been pretty cold. Snively and I cleaned out the wagon-house and prepared our cultivaters
drills ploughs etc. for work. This afternoon C. Matthews & I went to Smiths to consult on
hiring a School Teacher for this Section. Mrs. {Cheily?} is a candidate.
John Snively came to day for the first. I have hired him for six months at sixteen dollars per
month. I sent him after a girl this morning. We spent the day in leting off water, and sundry
other little jobs. I hope that we will be able to go at our seeding again too-morrow, if it doesn’t
rain we will, D. V. I am tired of keeping bach. and am glad that it is so nearly at an end, as I
expect the girl in the morning. Spent the morning in reading, & writing to Springer.
I started both teams to work this morning on the oat-field but it commenced snowing about
ten so they had to turn out. I hung a gate before noon, and after-noon all hands of us went to
geting out earth from under the wagon-house where I intend to make an under-ground
shelter for sheep, I went to Dover too-wards night but ma did not want to come home until
she had seen the doctor so I had to walk home & such a walk.
I worked at the fence in the door yard nearly all day. In the forenoon Snively and his man
John got up three loads of hay from the ten acre lot. In the afternoon they worked the one at
ploughing and the other at cultivating. I expected ma from Dover this morning but lo! she did
not get home until afternoon. John worked the two colts together this afternoon for the first
time. They went very well. Spent the evening in reading and writing, etc. as usual.
FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1867
This has been a beautiful day but did not get much work done. John did not come & Mr.
Snively spent the forenoon in doctoring his old cow, for the hollow horn. He ploughed in the
afternoon. I worked in the forenoon at doing chores and leting off water etc. In the afternoon
dug a few ditches and finished my fence in the door-yard did the chores at night. It looks like
rain too night. Hope it will not come.
Snivelys old cow was pretty sick this morning and towards night she went the way of all the
earth. I did chores most of this forenoon, as usual spread manure etc. This afternoon I dug a
ditch to let off a pond of water back of the barns. Snively ploughed all day. James McBride
came too night with a cow. I had to churn after my other work was done which is a little
unpleasant when tired.
SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1867
This has been another beautiful day, although it has been rather cold. Spent the forenoon
mostly in doing chores cleaning up etc. G. N. B. was here a little while this morning. In the
afternoon I spent a few hours in reading the Guide etc. Went too the school-house too
meeting at three. Heard the Rev. Mr. Ware preach. Had class-meeting afterwards. Captain
McFell was leader. Had a very good meeting.
MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1867
I scratched out of bed in good time this morning. John came too day so that I could set both
teams to work on the oat field. They got done cultivating a little after noon when John went to
drilling oats with the colts. Got about two acres and a half done. I spent the day in doing little
jobs arround one place and another. Made a pair of {bans?} in the afternoon. In the forenoon
Clarke was here after Tym. Seed. It looks very like rain too night.
It rained this morning so that we could not do anything more at our seeding. John and I went
after some black rasp-bery bushes and we next went down the creek to see about a boom.
We found it, floated it down the creek and brought it home with the horses. In the afternoon it
cleared off so that we went to work again. Mr. Snively to ploughing and John to drilling in
oats. I put up a pair of {bans?} and fixed the fence by the wagonhouse.
TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1867
This has been a very disagreeable day. We have had a very heavy rain against and the
ground is soaking wet. In the forenoon John did not come but his father went up to George’s
to get some plough irons sharpened and this afternoon he spread manure etc. John & I got a
couple of booms up the bridge by Browns. This forenoon I went down to Mr. Smiths to see
about hiring a Schoolteacher. Too night I went down to prayer-meeting. There was only one
besides myself.
It was a very cold morning this morning, in fact it was about like winter. John Man was here
with a cow. My two oxen both ploughed all day in the field back of the barn. I spent the
forenoon in digging ditches, talking to John Man, etc. This afternoon I made a frame for Ma's
honey-suckle and did several other jobs. Spent the evening in writing out an agreement
between us Trustees and our new School Teacher.
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1867
It was a very cold morning this morning for this time of the year. There was about 3/4 inches
of ice out of doors. It was a pretty cold day. John & his father ploughed this forenoon and
afternoon Mr. Snively and I drained the oat field while John finished up sowing or drilling in
the oats. In the evening I went over to John Mans to do some business about school matters.
It took all the evening or until about ten o'clock.
It still remains cold but before night it became quite warm and it has been raining a little. The
two Snivelys both ploughed all day. In the afternoon I went to the Port with mother and after
doing my business I went to Mr. Lairds and took tea. Met with a number of strange incidents
in my business {Jones?} of {Hal Jones?}. I had company home as John McBride rode home
with me in the dark.
SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1867
This is the Sabath of our last Quarterly Meeting but it rained this morning so that it looked as
though I would not be able to get out. But I went out in the rain & heard part of the sermon.
After preaching I saw Mr. Laird dip two {young?} men from Mount Zion in the lake. Took
dinner at Mr. Howells & went over to Mr. Bowlby to tea with Mother. We started home before
church on account of the rough roads and dark nights.
MONDAY, MAY 6, 1867
It still continues to rain & to all human eyes it would look rather unpromising as a seed time.
But God's promises are sure & certain. Oh! how great is his goodness I feel that I can say
"Praise the Lord oh my Lord praise ye the Lord." We worked at a gate in the forenoon & in
the afternoon John went to Jarvis. While his father & I got in the last hold of potatoes. They
were saved splendidly.
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1867
Got both teams started at the plough this forenoon again. but Mr. Snively & I got in the
remainder of the turnips first. John & I went to Dover in the afternoon with a load of wheat.
We took the colts out for the first time and I was much pleased with their actions. Got $1.90
for my wheat at the Miller. Had a cold ride home but got there all right about nine. Recd. a
letter from my old college friend {Rowsom?}.
John & Mr. Snively ploughed all day in the field back of the barn. They almost finished the
field. I did little jobs as usual all day; such as dig ditches, spade in the garden and in the
afternoon I managed to get the boom chained up at the bridge at Browns. I went to prayer-
meeting too-night where I had to act as leader for the first time. It was rather hard but
It is now geting dry enough so that we can proceed with our seeding. John & Mr. Snively
finished ploughing the hill north of the waggon-house and harrowed a while before night. I
spent the day in fixing fence arround the door-yard. did not get my job near done before
night. Spent the evening in reading "My Farm of Edgewood." I still find that my hope is fixed
on Jesus.
FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1867
It still continues fine weather so that we get along nicely with our seeding. Mr. Snively & John
harrowed the piece of round north of the wagon-house and towards night John went to
drilling. I worked arround the barn most of the forenoon and this afternoon did some more
little jobs arround the house etc. Mary Ann Wilkinson was here too-day. I had to churn again
too-night and afterwards I read some.
SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1867
My men both continued on at the seeding. John finished up the field back of the wagon-
house before noon and afterwards they both harrowed back of the barn the rest of the day. I
got the drain back of barn partly fixed again in the forenoon besides cleaning up some barly
etc. After dinner I went to Dover on foot and coming back I got a chance to ride with James
McBride. Here ends another week another week nearer etc {illegible}
SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1867
I have asked God to bless this day to my souls glorified wellfare & He has done it, for which I
bless his most Holy Name. I have not felt very well too day from my own carelessness
yesterday. In the forenoon I read mostly in one of the old Guides. Attend meeting after dinner
and although I did not feel any great desire to go yet I was richly blessed. It is my most
ardent desire to live nearer to God & to be more useful.
MONDAY, MAY 13, 1867
It commenced raining this morning about five & kept raining off and and on most of the day.
We finished a gate this morning and afterwards John & his father went to ploughing until
noon in the potatoe patch. This afternoon they cleaned up some wheat and then we went to
work at fixing up some booms along the which kept us until night. I have been troubled with
the toothache some for a while back & must have the dentist to work at it before long if it
don't stop.
TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1867
We were favoured with an old fashioned rain last night so that we could do nothing much to-
day, so I sent John to mill and his father went with him. Mother and myself went up to
Woodhouse while there I went to Unckle {Glower's?} where we took dinner and tea at John
Gilberts. I leveled the plot of ground where pa was buried and made it look a little better. It
has been a very cold blustery stormy day like March. Got home all right.
There was a rainbow this morning & as a matter of course we had a very stormy day. John
and his father ploughed the potatoe patch this forenoon and in the afternoon John harrowed
in the field back of the barn while his father ploughed the strawberry patch. I spent the day as
usual in doing sundry little jobs arround the house such as clean out the cellar fill the back
etc. Went to prayer-meeting too-night where there was only two of us.
THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1867
My two men both worked at harrowing too day in the field back of the barn. They got it ready
to sow by night, but it has much the appearance of rain too night. I tore down the old beach,
moved it & filled it with ashes for {and?} this forenoon besides I carried a lot of leached ashes
away into the garden. Salted the sheep and found them all right excepting a lack of pasture.
George Buck brought my papers from Dover and a letter from Granger.
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1867
It looked very much like rain this morning however it did not rain until after John and I had got
the seed wheat from Smiths and got nicely too work drilling. The rest of the forenoon we
worked arround the barn cut some pigs etc. In the afternoon John went to drilling again and
Mr. Snively to dragging the straw-berry patch and afterwards to sowing cloverseed. I dug
some in the garden and set out strawberry plants, and set out the Chillian wheat.
SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1867
Here it is, Saturday once more. Mr. Snively finished sowing cloverseed this morning and then
he ploughed his garden. He then commenced ploughing the pea-ground by Browns. John
got some seed wheat from Worth this morning and then finished sowing. In the afternoon we
went to the Port. I too {took} another small bag of wheat to the miller. Mary Jane came home
with us too-night with her family. It is warmer now than it was.
SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1867
Mary Jane and her man were here last night & stopped until too night when I took Mary Jane
home. My man had a colt last night ("Jessie") and a fine one too. Mr. Laird took dinner with
us too day. I went to meeting after noon at the schoolhouse. Heard a good and proffitable
sermon & had a refreshing time at one class-meeting. Took Mary Jane home too-night & had
to come back in the rain. Got back all right however.
MONDAY, MAY 20, 1867
It had stopped raining this morning but the ground was wet so I sent John to Jarvis to get the
plough sharpened while his father ploughed in the field by Browns all day. John rooled the
barley-field in the afternoon. As for myself, I had to clean up some wheat for George
Matthews who sent after twelve bushels. In the afternoon I worked at fixing up fence along
the creek. I have made a new start on my journey home. May God help me to keep it.
TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1867
John worked at rooling wheat most of the forenoon while his father ploughed. In the
afternoon it rained very hard so that we could not work out. As a consequence we carried on
the work of excavation under the wagonhouse. I got the fence fixed up so as to keep the
cattle out of the oats and springwheat. I have not enjoyed much of the love of "God" in my
heart too day and I begin to think that there must be a deficiency somewhere, which I am
asking my Heavenly Father to show me.
It still had the appearance of rain this morning and it commenced again about nine. John did
not come too day. Mr. Snively and I shelled corn before noon, and in the meantime had quite
a conflab with Caleb Matthews about Anexation. This afternoon we worked at cleaning up
corn & wheat, and afterwards we worked at making gates until after four. I have not felt much
of "Gods" grace in my soul to day, but feel that it is my own fault.
THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1867
It rained all night last night and it has continued raining nearly all day. This forenoon Mr.
Snively and I got out more earth from under the wagonhouse. Towards noon we went out
and fixed up the fence around the field by Browns. In the afternoon we worked under the
wagonhouse. John did not work to day but went to Dover. He got our mail for us. Spent the
evening in reading and cuting Canada Farmers etc. Enjoyed the blessing of my Heavenly
Father too day more than yesterday.
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1867
This is the birthday of Her Majesty and as such I suppose must be kept sacred. Mother and I
started for town about ten but did not get there in time to see the performances of the
{Buttonart}. Spent the day in visiting our friends generally and enjoyed it very much of
course. I was favoured with a very pleasant walk with Miss Hattie Burke in the evening. Got
home about eleven.
SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1867
As soon as possible mother I started for Simcoe got there about eleven. Went to Mr Murphy
and had dinner. Settled up some little accounts with H {Missence?} & Dr. {Goverston?} in the
meantime. Went with ma to Mr. Wells in the afternoon and afterward did a little shopping. We
had a very heavy shower of rain about six o'clock and as a consequence we had a very
muddy ride home. Got there all right however.
SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1867
This was rather a beautiful morning after the storm but we could not go out to church on
account of the bad roads. Spent the forenoon in reading and such like; in the afternoon I
attended meeting at the school-house where Mr. Ware preached. After meeting we had our
class-meeting as usual; had a pretty good time. Spent the remainder of the day in reading in
St. Johns Gospel with great proffit.
MONDAY, MAY 27, 1867
John came this morning He and his father went to ploughing in the sod field by Brown's.
Continued at it all day. I started of with Jessie to take her to the Stallion. I first went to Jarvis
and then up to Isaac Wycoffs where I found him. The horse belongs to Isaac and is a fine
one. I had a muddy time going home as I went through the sideroad from the town line to my
place. Had to swim the creek.
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1867
John and his father went to ploughing this morning but it soon commenced raining so that
they had to turn out. They went to ploughing again this afternoon. I righted up a boom up by
Browns this morning. Mr. Laird came in the afternoon or rather took dinner with us. He came
to see about getting a horse in exchange for his own runaway mare. I hung a gate in the
The weather was quite a good deal warmer this morning and has been improving ever since.
John & his father ploughed too day. Peter Snively helped with his horse & plough. I have
employed this day in doing a great many little chores etc. To night I went to prayermeeting,
but it so happened that I alone constituted the whole congregation; however I was proffited
by going.
THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1867
My two men ploughed again too-day, but in the forenoon John furrowed out the potatoe
patch prepared the carrot ground etc. They have almost finished ploughing the field for
Brown. This forenoon I fixed a fence across the creek by McBrides. Dr. Sovereign
{Loversign?} was here this morning after seed potatoes. I gave him a bushel. I planted the
carrots this afternoon and also some other jobs besides.
FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1867
Mr. Snively finished ploughing in the field by Browns while John ploughed {illegible} {Bart?}
Snively in the big field. Towards night Mr. Howell came from Dover to let us know about a
surprise party for Mr. Laird to night so mother and I went out and had a good time. There was
quite a number present and Mr. Laird was presented with a purse of nearly thirty dollars.
Mother and I did not get home until after mid {illegible}
It was cold last night but no frost. I harrowed with one horse while the old jentleman sowed
peas. Mr. Ware came about noon to see about geting a hay mow. We soon made a trade--he
agreeing to give me $15.00 to boot. John & I hitched up the new horse after dinner but he
baulked so I took him back. Haw agreed to give me $30 to boot and said that the horse was
true as a nail.
SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1867
We have had another beautiful rain for making things grow, as it was very warm. Truly God is
Good. We did not have our minister to discuss with us to-day however he gave us an
excellent sermon notwithstanding our little number on account of the rain. I have been much
proffited too-day at reading the blessed Bible & my Saviour has been pleased to manifest
himself to me in an especial manner.
MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1867
We washed the sheep this forenoon at which my two men and Jessie McBride helped. We
got along nicely. This afternoon Mr. Snively & John harrowed on the pea-ground while I
ploughed potatoes etc. I have been enabled to keep my vows with the Lord this day, for
which I bless his most holy name. I have felt much of the {love?} of my maker and have
much peace and happiness of mind
Mr. Snively and John finished up geting in the peas this forenoon and in the afternoon they
helped me to plant potatoes. I worked at planting all day. We did not get quite done. I have
felt much of the goodness & love of my Saviour too-day and I feel {that?} I am growing in
grace. I believe that I never felt so much peace of mind as I have enjoyed during the last
week or so, & I think I never felt such a dread of sin.
Nell foalded last night. The colt was very weak and we had had to lift him up once in a while
all day. Mr. Snively & John & I finished the potatoes and John ploughed the garden. This
afternoon they did not work. I went to mill & took a grist together with some wheat to mill. Got
back in good season. Weastbrook was there to-day & Mr. Murphy. Have had some precious
sessions of prayer to-day for which I feel thankful.
Mr. Snively started for Dorchester this morning. John did not come to-day so that I am alone
at present. Spent the day in doing chores arround the house. In the morning I put up some
fence and stopped some hog holes etc. It has been a very warm day to-day and things are
growing finely. I planted a lot of manzel seed too-day. I have not felt as much of the love of
God to-day as is my privilege.
FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1867
John came this morning & worked to-day or rather this forenoon. in the afternoon he went up
to Boston. We fixed up some fences and planted a lot of mangels. This afternoon mother and
I went to Dover. The weather is at present very warm & has been for some time. I called on
Miss Hattie Burke this afternoon & had a pleasant time. Have not felt well to-day and I have a
bad cold.
I started for Simcoe this morning I had Grandfather to go with me to have the mortgage
discharged but did not get the job done as we did not have a transfer from {Henry?} to
himself. We took dinner at the North American Hotel. On the way home I called at Mr.
McFells for ma got home before dark. I have this day a spirit of Thankfullness to my God for
his goodness & tender mercy.
SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1867
This was a beautiful morning in fact the whole day has been very lovely. Mother and I went
out to Dover this morning to church. We came home right after church. Spent the afternoon
in such a sleepy way as not to make it very proffitable. I have not enjoyed as much to-day as
have before, but I confess that the fault lays at my own door. I still feel the necessity of
becoming more holy.
MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1867
I went up to John Matthews & from thence to Caleb & George {illegible} on business. Got
home again about ten. Spent the remainder of the forenoon in fixing fences and a pair of
{farrs?}. This afternoon I visited a good part of the time with Mr. Howell but I managed to fix
the fence back of the barn in the lane. I have not felt much of God’s love today and too night.
Feel quite sad about my waywardness.
TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1867
Got up some {grass?} for John. {himself & C & Henry?} this morning and afterwards went to
Dover. Got my horse shod and business finished and a great many other jobs done. Got
home about four or five & then took up a horse to “{illegible}” for him to go after his sulky
with. Have not had much enjoyment to-day religiously speaking but still trust in God.
We were favored with a beautiful shower this morning. First thing this morning we fixed the
fence accross the creek. We then got up the sheep and got to shearing after noon and by
eight we got about 32 done. Both John & his father helped me to day. I have felt much better
today than yesterday and have been favoured with some blessed seasons of prayer.
Mr. Snively and John helped me to finish shearing the sheep this forenoon and this afternoon
The old jentleman & I took Charley to drive single. This afternoon John did not work but
harrowed his pease. Towards night I took the two mares up to Irwins & did not get back until
dark. I have not enjoyed very much of the spirit of my Heavenly Father too day.
FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1867
This morning I started for {Nelson?} with Charley he went along first rate and took me
through in good time. Stoped at Caledonia for dinner one hour or so and at Hamilton on the
mountain for water etc. I was very fortunate in finding the road through in fact it seemed as
though the Lord lead me. I have felt much of his goodness tooday & too night & feel very
grateful for the many {illegible} which he gives me.
Frank took me over his place this forenoon and after dinner we started for the Camp-Ground
we did not get there in time for service and started for home again just night. I got acquainted
with Franks sisters & a number of others and had a very pleasant time. The {illegible} were
not altogether ready for the meeting from all appearances, as they were not all settled down.
SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 1867
I remained on the camp ground last night & slept with old {Nelson?} Springer got up in good
time this morning and attended the prayermeeting at six. Helped the girls get breakfast and
afterwards to wash dishes etc. Heard two sermons this forenoon one delivered by the Rev.
Dr. E. {Ryerse?}. There was two other sermons in the afternoon. The ground was so awfully
crowded that we could not take much comfort or good of the {illegible}.
MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1867
I remained at the ground again last night and had a pretty good nights sleep. The sermons of
too-day were very good in fact excellent. but their good effect was most effectually
newtralized by the retiring minister of the circuit Mr. Turner who is very fond of showing his
authority. The Rev. Mr. Laird was on the ground too-day. Frank came up too-night about
TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1867
I was very much taken up with the singing of the birds this morning. There is a lot of very
delightful singing birds in the woods here. It was very cold last night. The services of too-day
were spoiled by Mr. Turner as usual. The spirit of the meeting seems to be spoiled by him.
My work too-day was pleasantly done in fact I like to wait on the girls so much that it don't
seem to me like work.
I helped the girls to get their work out of the way, which is of course a pleasant task. We had
a very excellent meeting this forenoon in the absence of the notorious Mr. Turner. The most
important feature of the morning's meetings was Frank's re-conversion which was a Glorious
time for myself as well as for Mr. Springer & the girls. We {illegible} home too night. Frank &
the girls & myself got home about twelve.
The Campmeeting folks did not get home last night until twelve and as a consequence we
slept rather late this morning. As soon as we could get ready we started for the
campsmeeting. I had the good fortune to have the company of Miss Springer on the way up.
Of the high moral standing of this young lady I am very highly impressed. We saw the camp-
meeting close & then went home again. Clement went with us. Had a good time visiting.
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1867
Started this morning for home But before starting I had a very pleasant time with Frank and
his sisters, the latter more especially. Took my departure about half past nine. In going
home-ward too-day I went up the Dundas street as far as I could go and then turned
southward and got on the Governors road and kept it to within four miles of Beauxford. Got at
Mr. Hoyts about four spent the evening pleasantly.
I remained at Mr. Hoyt's last night and this morning started for home again this morning and
had the good fortune to get there by noon found things all right. Mother had gone to Dover to
see Mr. Laird about my safety. Spent the the afternoon in doing chores salting sheep cows
etc. Found the things in good condition. John Saunders has been here in my absence. & I
think that I will go down to see him too night.
SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1867
I stayed all night with my old fried John Saunders. This morning we went to meeting at
{Lancaster?}. John had to preach. We took dinner at a Mr. Livingstones. I took my sister and
little Netty out home too-night and afterwards went to church where I heard the Rev. Mr.
Laird preach an excellent sermon. I have enjoyed the exercises very well and my private
prayer has also been very precious. I can now say of a truth that "I am the Lords & he is
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1867
I did not get home from church last night until late. Saw Hattie Burke for the last time as she
is soon to be married. Spent the forenoon in working arround the house hived a swarm of
bees but after dinner they went off. Mother & I did up the wool. Mr. {Loversigh?} and lady
were here this evening and made us a nice little visit. John ploughed on the orchard too day
& Mr. Snively {illegible} arround the apple trees {illegible}. I have spent a happy day too-day;
the Lord has blessed my soul abundantly.
MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1867
Started for Dover this morning with my wool. Got along well with it. Sold it to Schofield for .30
per pound. Got home again by noon. This afternoon I cleaned off the buggy & afterwards
went down to Grandfathers after a {transfers?}. John ploughed too-day in the orchard while
his father dug arround the trees. I have felt much of the love of God to day in fact I have been
happy in his love.
TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1867
All hands of us went to work this morning at our strawberry vines corn and potatoes. John
cultivated out the potatoes before noon. We almost finished out the potatoes before night. I
can now say as I never could say before the last few weeks or since the camp meeting, My
whole purpose is now to glorify my maker in all that I do and I feel that he blesses me with a
clean heart. I now feel his presence all the day long and my soul is indeed happy.
Mother and I started for the carding machine about seven. Mother started for stopped at
Robert {Culkers?} & I did the carding business. Took dinner at Roberts and then went to
Simcoe called at the Registry Office on business. Charly got frightened at Mr Wells while tied
there and broke both {tills?} It was from an old squeaking wheelbarrow. We got home alright.
My men worked on the Road to-day.
FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1867
We had to work on the road too-day by night. we put on seven days out of twelve. Both John
& his father helped me of course. Mr. Laird & Mrs. {Copper?} were here too-day & made us a
good long visit. Hattie was {here?} married a few days ago at Mr. Lairds to a Mr. {illegible}. I
have not enjoyed my religion too-day as much as I might have enjoyed it. O that the Lord
would help me to overcome my weaknesses {entirely?}.
As soon as possible I got started for the grist mill. On the way I took E. Andersons sulkey
home. While in Dover I went to see Mary Jane and several others. Got home about three
o'clock. My men both worked on the roads too-day. Mrs. & Miss Howell were both here too-
night. Too-day I have enjoyed much of the fullness of the spirits. The Lord has indeed
blessed my soul. I am fully determined to be holy with the Lords help.
SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1867
Spent this forenoon in endeavoring to improve my spiritual knowledge. The Rev. Mr. Laird
was here to dinner. Attended church in the afternoon where I was considerably profited. We
had a good classmeeting afterwards. Spent the remainder of the day in writing a letter to E.
S. and also in reading the sermons of William Carvosso. I have felt felt much of the goodness
of God to-day. He still gives me the same peace which he gave me yesterday.
MONDAY, JULY 1, 1867
This is the first day of the Confederated Provinces of Canada. Mother and I started for Dover
about eight. There was an incredibly large crowd of people there during the day. There was
about {500?} Volunteers present also the {Gunboat} {Briliance?}. The Soldiers were put
through their drill and afterwards fired "Feu de Joye." Spent the day in looking on of course.
Took dinner at the Bowlsbys & had a pleasant time. I have felt well too-day religiously.
My men worked at hoeing out mangels & carrots to-day. In the forenoon I helped them. This
afternoon I put together the mower and went up to George Matthew's to get some repairing
done for the mower and horse-rake &c. Spent the day also in a happy frame of mind. The
Good Lord has been very near to bless my poor soul and to make me happy. It is indeed a
good thing to serve the Lord.
Got to work with the mower this morning in pretty good time and cut down two pieces of
clover before night. Mr. Wilson & his lady were here the afternoon & to tea. Mr. Snively hoed
& {wed?} carrots too-day & John cut arround stumps with the scythe. I went to prayer
meeting too-night but there was no one there. I have enjoyed my religion much too-day.
I went to work this morning with the mower this forenoon cut about four acres in the field in
front of the house. Mr. Snively hoed carrots beforenoon & this afternoon he worked in the
hay-field. John cut arround the stumps this forenoon & this afternoon raked hay with the old
mare. It has had the appearance of rain this forenoon in fact all day but it has not come yet.
The Lord has been with me too-day, and blessed me abundantly.
FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1867
Mother and I started for Dover this morning. I had to see about getting the mortgage
discharged. Had a {illegible} successful time with my business. We took dinner with Mr. Hall's
people & spent a few moments with them very pleasantly. We were favored with a very
beautiful rain last night and it is raining again too-night. Surely the Lord is good and to his
mercies there is no end. I have not enjoyed as much today as yesterday.
Mrs. Chesly came over this morning and wanted me to help her make out the half yearly
School report. It took us the whole of the forenoon and then we did not finish up the Report.
John Snively went up to the carding mill to-day after his rools. The old jentleman hoed most
of the day. I went down to Smiths and up to Caleb Matthews to get their signatures. I have
felt very happy part of to-day while praying & contemplating the goodness of God.
SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1867
Mother & I staid at home to-day expecting to have father Messmore to preach for us. But he
did not come. For reasons which I cannot tell. Spent the day in trying to grow in grace to in
the knowledge of the truth, as it is in Jesus. I have not felt well to-day, having suffered much
with the tooth-ache. But notwithstanding all I feel that it is indeed a good thing to serve the
Lord, "for his yoke is easy & his burden light."
MONDAY, JULY 8, 1867
As soon as I could get started this morning I went to work mowing for Peter Snively on Bucks
place. In the meantime he worked for me in the hay in my place. I cut about six acres and a
half when I had to quit work on account of rain. My men did a pretty good job to-day, they got
me three loads besides raking & putting up about four or five acres. I have enjoyed much
confidence too-day in my maker for which I praise him.
John did not come this forenoon. I sowed the orchard with Buckwheat and Mr. Snively
harrowed it in today. This afternoon I cut {pease?} with the mower in the field in front of the
house. John cut around the fence. Just night an awful accident happened me. The mower
upset while going around the hill and never broke a thing excepting the seat. O how great is
the goodness of God How manifold are his mercies.
I had to repair my mower a little this morning before I could go to work. Finished up the field
in front of the house by noon. Mr. Snively rooled the orchard this forenoon and John cut
around fences & stumps raked after the {windows?} etc. This afternoon we all went to getting
in hay. Got in four loads by night which finished up the clover hay. I have felt much of the
{richus?} of the grace of my heavenly father to-day. and can still trust in him with all my heart.
I suffered very much last night with the toothache and have made up my mind that if it
deprives me of another night’s sleep I will go to the dentist. We all worked at drawing in our
hay too-day and got all in that was raked up or {redy?}. We have now eleven loads in
altogether. We are having a beautiful shower too-night. The Good Lord has entered my poor
soul too-day with refreshing showers of His divine graces. Blessed be his holy name.
FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1867
Mother and I started for Simcoe this morning about eight. While there I got the mortgage
discharged at the Registry office. Mother had her teeth fixed etc. Got home a little after noon
and found things all right. John cultivated the potatoes out this forenoon and his father
planted some turnips & this afternoon he helped me to cock up hay. The grace of God has
been given me without measure too-day & so {illegible} it bein alive,
I went to work this morning at mowing in the new ground field. Cut until noon. John cut
thistles and his father put up hay this forenoon. After noon we all went to work at drawing in
hay. Towards night ma and I went to town. I called on Mrs. Laird and found her pretty sick
went to several places while there and had some pleasant little chats. Got home about ten.
SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1867
Mother and I went out to meeting at Dover this morning. Heard the Rev. Mr. Messmore
preach an excellent sermon from "What dos’t thou here Elijah." We took dinner at Mr.
Howells and as mother wanted to stay to night service we went over to Mr. Bowlbys for a
while. Heard Mr. Craigie preach too-night. I have felt too-day that the Lord was still my
{function?} and hope. {She?} the blessed fullness that there is in Jesus.
MONDAY, JULY 15, 1867
I had to go over to Bucks too-day with the mower. Had a very rough piece of ground to cut
got along pretty well excepting a few breakdowns. My men worked at drawing in hay too-day
until the rain which commenced about two. Peter Snively helped helped draw in hay. I have
had a few trials though the good Lord has brought me through. I have been more careless
too-day than usual. The Lord help me to be more watchful.
TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1867
Mr. John Man and George N. Buck came this morning in answer to request, to value the
loose property prior to getting our Probate. John & his father cut thistles this forenoon. This
afternoon they went to work raking & picking up hay in the new ground field. I got the mower
home from Buck to cut down about three acres in the new ground field. I have made a new
effort at serving the Lord & he has blessed me.
This forenoon I finished mowing the new ground field. John cut around the fences & stumps
while his father racked after the {winsons?}. We drew in the afternoon, got in three loads.
Andrew Hall and his mother came out this afternoon & we had a pleasant visit together. They
are going down to Kentucky next week. I still can trust in the Lord by faith although I have not
the fullness which I like.
We got in two loads of hay this morning which was all that we had ready. I then went down to
Smiths on business, and wrote a letter by dinner time to B. Clement. This afternoon I went to
mowing in the ten-acrew field broke down twice driving the afternoon but nothing very
serious. John & Mr. Snively put up hay in the new ground field. I went to John & George’s to-
night. The Lord has favored me with his presence. My soul has been happy in his love.
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1867
As soon as I could get started this morning I went to mowing on the ten-acre-field. cut down
a good piece before noon. John cut arround the stumps &c. while his father cocked up hay in
the new ground field. This afternoon we got four loads of the new-ground-field. Mr. Howell
was here this afternoon. I have been enabled to cast myself upon the Lord too-day & I have
felt much peace of mind.
Mr. John Man & George A. Buck came this morning in order to finnish the Inventory of loose
property. Mother & started for Simcoe afterwards. The executors were there and Aunt Lydia
as witness so that we got our probate or {cut?} to get it next week. Mother and I took dinner
at father Messmores and had a very pleasant little time. We then went home & from there to
{Forest?}. The Lord has been with me to-day.
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1867
Spent the forenoon in resting and reading the Life of Carvosso which is very proffitable. This
afternoon Mother and I went to meeting at the Schoolhouse where Mr. Ware preached. We
had a pretty good class meeting afterwards which Capt. McFell lead. Mother advised me to
go to Dover to meeting but I did not commence to get ready in time for which I am sorry. The
Lord has blessed me too-day.
MONDAY, JULY 22, 1867
I went to work this morning at mowing the last remaining piece of grass in the ten-acre-field.
Got done by noon. John & his father cut thistles this forenoon and this afternoon we went to
drawing in hay, got in four loads and are geting anxious to go into the wheat as it is ripe for
the harvest. I have felt much of the goodness of God to day and have filt happy in his love. O
what a blessed thing it is to serve the Lord.
TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1867
We went to work this morning at geting in hay got in one load and then John went to raking
hay & Mr Snively and I to raking and cocking up the hay. Got it all raked and cocked up by
night and one load home besides. I sold the jenny that I got from Mr. Ware too-day to Pierce
Flanders for fifty-five dollars. The Good Lord has been with me too day and I have been
happier than usual in his love.
Mr Snively & I {ground} the cradle scythe and went to cuting wheat this forenoon. This
afternoon we put the machine together and got ready for reaping. John did not come tooday
and that put us back again with our work. I went over to John {Groves?} too night and wrote
a little note for Mrs Chesly to the {Coventor?}. Had a pleasant time. The Lord has been as
precious to me too day as ever. It is such a sweet service to serve him. Truly His yoke is
easy & his burden is light.
It rained last night and too-day too, so that we could not do anything at our wheat. This
forenoon John & his father helped me to do some chores arround and I wrote a letter before
dinner to E. S. and after dinner to Willie Rowson. Mother and I went to Dover this afternoon
and while there we called and took tea with Dr. Stouart & lady. Had a very pleasant time. I
still feel that the blessing of God is still with me.
FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1867
As soon as the dew would dry off ennough to allow us to go to work we went to cuting wheat.
John threw off and his father cut arround the stumps bound &c. We got about two or three
acres done by night. We cut with the reaper and then bound a while. Mr Chesly was here
too-night on shools business. Mrs. Chesly was successful in geting a certificate and is going
to continue teaching our school. I have had some precious seasons of prayer too-day.
We finished reaping the wheat this forenoon and afternoon we worked at binding and seting
up etc. John & his father helped me. After tea I went up to {forwins?} on the town-line with old
nell. Did not get back until nine. I felt still as though I could spend and be spent for Jesus,
and such is my determination, with his help. I have had some precious seasons of prayer
SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1867
Mother and myself went out to church this morning. There was no service in the one church
so we went to hear Mr. Craigie. We went home as soon as meeting was over. Mary Jane &
her man went with us. I went to meeting this afternoon in the School house. Rev. Mr. Laird
preached. We had a good class meeting. My faith in My heavenly Father is still strong. He
helps me to put my whole trust in Him. I felt that to live for Jesus is all my desire.
MONDAY, JULY 29, 1867
The men and myself went work at geting in the remainder of the hay, from the ten-acre field.
We finnished it before night, Having brought in forty loads. I have felt the same determination
in my mind too-day as yesterday too press my way onward to higher and still higher
attainments in the Christian life. May the Lord strengthen and lead me to do his whole will in
TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1867
John and I hoed in the mangels this morning until the dew was off when we went to work at
drawing in wheat. We got all in, but two loads by night Gave Mr. Chesly our order on the
Local Superintendent too-night. The Lord still gives me to feel that I am a Pilgrim in a strange
country, & am seeking a city. I am all weakness, but my daily prayer is that he may turn my
weakness into strength.
My men worked at it hoeing mangels & carrott too-day While I went to mill with a grist. Took
Mrs. Laird a hen and some chickens & had dinner with her. Got home again by six o’clock.
Went to prayermeeting too-night. but there was none of our members there so that we had
none. I have felt happy and contented too-day in the Love of my Maker. O may he shed it
abroad in my heart more abundantly.
Cut barly for Peter Snively this forenoon, on the big field. This afternoon Mr. Snively & I hoed
potatoes. John went up to the carding mill too-day and brought his rools with Mothers. Miss
Anderson was here to-night a little while. This forenoon the Good Lord filled me abundantly
with his Love. O how sweet it is to walk in his favour. May he lead me on to greater hights
and depths of the riches of his grace.
All hands of us worked at logging up a new piece of ground by Snively's house we finished
the hollows by night. There was a man here too-day to look at my sheep & lambs did not sell
them to him however. Too-night I feel much cast down. O I am so liable to do wrong & to
make mistakes. May the Lord help me to do better & be more watchful.
My two men worked at pulling and hoeing weed from amongst the potatoes too-day. I reaped
barly in the big field for Peter Snively too-day. Mr. Dixon the butcher was looking at my sheep
too-day but would not buy them at my price. My whole purpose is still to continue in the paths
of righteousness. Such joy and peace as is brought by walking therein is more than language
can express.
Mother & I attended Church services at Dover this morning and also this evening. The Rev.
Mr. Laird preached both times. I had my dinner at Mr. Howells & Mr. Laird gave me an
invitation to go up to Woodhouse with him where he had an appointment at half past two. I
went of course and had a pleasant time. Mr. Laird gave me some good advice about geting a
This forenoon we reaped our crop of barley which was only three acres. Afternoon the men
and myself logged up the hillside next to the creek on the new ground. We finished up our
job and had them all fired by night. They burned rapidly. John Snively is talking about leaving
but I have not told him that he should go yet & I don't think I shall. I feel that same comfort &
grace which the Lord only can give.
All hands of us went to drawing out manure from the barn-yard. We took out thirteen loads by
noon. This afternoon we went to drawing in barley. We took in three loads during the
afternoon which almost included the whole of one crop for this year. I think some of
abandoning this crop almost altogether for a time at least. We are working our best now to
get ready for seeding.
We got in the remaining load of our barley this morning and afterwards we went to drawing
out manure from the barnyard. It has been an excessively warm day and too-night I feel quite
exhausted. I arranged to get to the prayermeeting, however, but there was no one there save
myself. I feel a stronger determination than ever to seek after things heavenly rather than
{fuller?} things of earth. O that the blessing of perfect Love might be mine from day to day &
from {illegible} to {illegible}.
John did not come too-day so that Mr. Sinvely & I had to work at geting out manure alone. I
am altogether out of {consate?} with John he is so unsteady and now he wants to go away
threshing. I think some of leting him go and hiring an Englishman in stead. The Good Lord
has been with me too day and has tried my trust in him. O may he always help me to be
strong to resist temptation.
This morning John came, so we all went to work at the manure. I worked some at trimming
trees before noon. Afternoon Mother & I went to Dover. While there I called at several places
for inst. at Mr. Howells, Mr. Higmans and at Mr. Sovereigns where mother & I took tea. Spent
a half hour or so very pleasantly with the {Dr.?} I met with Jack Boss from Kincardine.
This morning John & myself went to reaping oats we had the very good luck to get done
about dark when we were tired enough to quit work. Mr. Snively cut arround the stumps,
made a hay-stack. I have felt much more of the love of God in my heart too-day than usual. I
bless & praise him with all my heart for his goodness. How sweet it is to be a humble &
devoted follower of Jesus.
The Good Lord has wonderfuly blessed my soul to-day. In the first place Mother & I went up
to the Quarterly meeting at Mount {Jone?}; we were there in time for Love-feast which was a
delightful time for my soul. The Lord helped me to give in my feble testimony, for which I
bless his name. Oh! that I could praise the Lord more, to do more for him. He has been so
very good & gracious to me, that I always feel ashamed of my feeble efforts to serve him.
My two men bound oats too-day and I went to Jarvis with the ploughs to get them sharpened
for work. Cut barly for P. Snively part of the afternoon. Never in my life have I spent a happier
day, in the Lord, than too-day. I have been enabled to exercise faith with regard to a perfect
salvation from all sin & uncleanness. He has thereby greatly blessed my soul. Yea! I rejoice
with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
It looked very much like rain this morning. I bound oats with my men a little while but it did
not rain so that I went to work and finnished cuting Peter Snively’s Barly in my big field.
finished about noon. Peter helped me bind oats this afternoon. We did not get our job of
binding done. My oats is a splendid crop. As good as ever I {illegible}. Surely the Lord has
not only blessed me in spiritual things but also in temporal.
My men and I finished up the binding oats and got them set up by noon. This afternoon we
got in five loads of oats. I went to prayermeeting too-night but there was no one there but
myself, although alone the Lord was with me and blessed be his name. He has blessed me
abundantly. I have enjoyed much in contemplating the goodness of God.
We continued geting in our oats too-day and by night we managed to get in eight loads which
took all but a small {jay?}. I went to see about geting Threshers this morning, up to
Matthew’s. After dinner I wrote a leter to {Elector?} Come I have been strengthened too-day,
much. The Lord has been with me. I still find it sweet to hold communion with Him, and to be
guided by his council all the day.
This morning we got in our last load of oats and afterward cut and dragged together an old
elm which had fallen across the road by the woods. Mr Snively brought up wood for himself
next and afterward went to Dover. John commenced ploughing in the big field. The ground
{mows?} up very dry. Mr. Murphy & wife took dinner with us and towards night Mr. Howell
came out and took tea with us.
John & his father both went to ploughing this morning in the big field. One of John’s horses,
“Jenn” had to balk and we had a sweet time with her. We got her to go towards night. I cut
pease most of the day. Too night I went too see A Lang {illegible} to about working for me,
too night. I have been enabled by the grace of God to live by faith in the blessed Jesus both
too-day & yesterday. But my work has been unusually anxious.
Mother & I went up Simcoe this morning to Quarterly Meeting. We heard the Rev. Mr. Philp
preach an excellent sermon from, "Christ is all and in all." This sermon did me much good.
And I could {realize?} by my feelings, the perfect truth of the text. We had our dinners at Mr.
John Mr {illegible} where we staid until about six in the evening on account of the great heat
of the weather. Did not spend the afternoon very proffitably.
John Snively and his father went to ploughing this morning& worked at it all day. I cut pease
until about ten when the Rev. Mr. Laird came we had a pleasant visit together. They
remained with us until about five o'clock. I then cut pease until dark, or nearly that time. I
have not enjoyed as much of God's presence today as heretofore, but I can, and do, still put
my whole trust in him. O how sweet is that trust.
My two men continued ploughing too-day and are geting along nicely. Mr. Broderick helped
me cut pease too-day until the middle of the afternoon when he went home to fight fire.
Spent the evening partly in writing to Andrew Hall &c. Surely we need not fear to walk with
Jesus for surely he keeps his own through every thing. O for more & more of the Love of God
in my heart every day.
John cut arround the spring wheat field this morning and we then went to work reaping. Mr.
Broderick and Mr. Snively worked at binding. We broke down in the middle of the afternoon
after which we went to work with cradles. John is going away now as I have hired an
Englishman in his place. He is going to thresh with George Matthews. O, may the Lord be
my director in all my doing, for I want to do all to His Glory.
This morning we went to work at cuting and binding spring-wheat. We cut nearly finished by
noon. My new man commenced work too-day for the first. Just a little before noon a load of
visitors came consisting of the following Mr. & Miss {Ault?} from Seaforth. Miss Douglas Miss
& Hellen Bowlby from Dover. They stayed most of the day and I enjoyed my visit with them
very much. I have had some blessed seasons of prayer too-day.
Received a letter from the Rev. John Saunders last night who is now preaching at Owen
Sound. We worked at our pea cutting too-day, my new man & Mr. Snively helped me. We did
not get done quite. John Snively has surprised me by finding fault with my a/c {accounts?}
which I gave him last night. I have tried my best not to overcharge him but still he found fault.
May the Lord help me to rise above dealing dishonestly with my fellow man.
John Mr. Snively and myself went to geting in the spring wheat this forenoon. There was only
three loads from eight acres, on account of the dry weather. We took the Buck lambs away
from the old sheep after dinner. My men then went to {pedling?} peas until night. Mother and
I went to Dover towards night. The first copy of our new paper, the New Dominion, was given
over too-night.
This morning after cleaning up I had a happy season of prayer. The Lord has been with me
blessed be his holy name; his rod and his staff they comfort me. For atime this afternoon I
have been lead to doubt some of the promises of my Heavenly Father and I have had a
season of despondency. But surely the Lord is my strength and my strong tower, for I cried
unto Him and the tempter left me. I feel that the Lord is helping me to grow in grace more
and more, week after week.
This Morning my men both went to thresh for Mr. Brown. We expect to thresh to-morrow, if
nothing prevents. I went after hands this morning to help thresh found them in good time,
afterwards I cleaned out the granary for the new crop. This afternoon I cut peas. I can still
say that the Blessed Lord is my all, and in all. Glory be to his holy name, I will praise him for
his wonderful mercies and blessings for my soul.
My men both helped Mr. Brown to finish his threshing. I cut peas this forenoon and this
afternoon we went to threshing. We did not get started until half past two or thereabouts. My
Spring wheat tussled out better than I expected. There was thirty-nine Bu. Of Barly there was
fifty five bushels. The Lord has been with me too-day and still I feel that He is my rock and
my strength, and that without him I can do nothing good.
This morning we commenced threshing about eight got along pretty well and finished about
five. My grain turned out as follows: Fall wheat, 87 Bu. from five acres. Barley 55 Bu from
three acres. Spring wheat 39 Bu. from eight acres and Oat {367?} Bu. from eight acres. O
the goodness of God in supplying all our wants and desires. He has been with me too-day
and I have rejoiced in the blessed hope which I have, of eternal life.
This morning we went to work at geting in our pease. We succeeded in geting in five loads
by night, although it rained some in the afternoon. I have no almost finished up my harvest
and am ready to put in my fall wheat. My happiness in the Lord has not been so great too-
day as yesterday but blessed be His Holy Name. I can still put my whole trust in Him & feel
safe in his care.
Mr. Snively worked at ploughing too-day while John helped me to get ready this morning to
go to mill and then he cut cloverseed the rest of the day. Mother went out with me this
morning, we took dinner at Mary Janes. This afternoon I went too see Captain McFells boat
the D. Sharp. We {prough?} our new sofa home too-night I have felt he Love of the Father of
mercies too-day. Glory be to his Holy Name.
This morning we went to work at drawing in our last two loads of pease. We did not do much
else beforenoon. Afternjoon Mr. Snively and John went to ploughing again. The ground is
pretty hard and the plough runs accordingly. I went over to Bucks this afternoon to help
thresh but had not been there long before Ware and Laird came to get some oats, so I had to
go home and accommodate them. We had quite a jolly time going from Bucks.
This forenoon my time was spent in reading the Life of William Carvosso. This afternoon I
heard Father Messmore preach at the School-house. We had an excellent class-meeting this
afternoon. Father Messmore came home with us and as usual I was much interested and
strengthened in my Heavenly journey by his Godly conversation. O, the Lord has been so
near and clear to me too-day, Truely it is a heaven below my Redeemer to know.
Both of my men ploughed too-day. The ground is geting so hard that I am affraid we will have
[to] give up some of it until we get rain. I visited with Father Messmore this forenoon. He
started away about ten. I then set fire to some stumps until noon. This afternoon I spent
some of the time in salting the sheep and cattle, afterwards I cut went to cuting clover-seed
with the cradle. It is hard work for one.
This forenoon and this afternoon my men worked at ploughing in the big field. Commenced
ploughing the pea-ground to-night. I have been cuting clover-seed the most of too-day. but
the wind blew so hard that I had to quit. I have had a very blessed season of in prayer too-
day, & this afternoon the Lord has blessed me wonderfully. I have been favoured with a
sweeter communion with my Saviour too-day than for a long time.
We were favoured with beautiful shower last night which has done a great deal of good. My
men went to harrowing the big field for sowing wheat. They worked at it all day. I have been
doing sundry jobs too-day Such as firing a few sheep and fixing up the drill for use, I finished
cuting the clover-seed. I have been enabled to trust in my Saviour too-day; but I have not
enjoyed as much of his love as I would like.
This forenoon my men both continued harrowing the wheat field. After-noon Mr. Snively
commenced drilling in wheat. He got over five acres. Mr {Honsil?} came out this afternoon on
a visit. I enjoyed my visit with him pretty well and went out home with him in order to cast my
vote in the morning. Attended prayer-meeting too-night in the Dover Church. Had a blessed
Mr. Snively kept on drilling in wheat in the big field while John continued to harrowing. I spent
a delightful night last night. My I did not sleep much but laid awake. My mind was occupied in
contemplating the Divine things. O how sweet it is to put ones whole trust in Jesus. I received
a paper too-day stating that Miss E. B. Cone was {drowned?}. This forenoon I gave in my
vote & this afternoon raked up cloverseed.
Mr. Snively did not help me too-day but prepared for his Quarterly {service?}. I drilled in four
or five acres too-day & John harrowed and furrowed out the ground. This has been a good
day with me although the tempter has given some unpleasant feelings & thoughts. But I am
beginning to look for temptations and trials as my daily bread. I am more and more
convinced, flowery beds of ease & happiness will not take me to Heaven.
Mother took me to Dover this morning and that too rather against my will, but there it is hard
to go against my mothers wishes. We heard Father Messmore preach this morning and in
the evening Mr. Laird. We took our dinners at Mr. Bowlbys and also spent most of the
afternoon there. I have not have much proffited by my intercourse with others too-day. I feel
more and more anxious to spend the Sabbath in a more careful manner.
John and Mr. Snively went to ploughing in the big-field, for wheat. They have almost finished
it too-day. I have spent the day in cleaning out ditches and just got done in time for the rain,
as we being blessed with a beautiful Shower just now. I have been enabled to realize the
{fuitures?} of the Holy Salvation which is provided for us. What blessings has not the blessed
Jesus purchased for us? It is our full privilege to enjoy pardon holiness and heaven.
My men both ploughed this forenoon. They finished up the big field. Snively did not work this
afternoon. He is lame, and I am affraid he is going to be laid up with his leg. I ploughed in his
stead this afternoon. This forenoon I finnished raking up the clover-seed. Sold a sheep too
night to N. Mandeville. I have had my trials too-day for which I bless God. It is a proof that He
Loves us to be chastened by Him.
Mr. Snively was not able to work yet, so I had to take to the plough. John & I ploughed this
forenoon & this afternoon. all hands of us went into the cloverseed. It took us all the
afternoon to get one load on and off, the bunches were so small and scattering. Mother &
Barbery went off berrying this afternoon. I have felt a blessed fullness of the spirit of my
Heavenly Father this afternoon. attended prayer meeting too-night.
John and Mr. Snively both ploughed this forenoon and Mr. Snively this afternoon. John went
to Dover to get his shoes mended. I went down to {Colt Smiths?} this forenoon about School
Matters. This afternoon Mother and I went to Dover. Recd. a letter from Andrew & one from
Frank Springer. I am learning more and more the necessity of living by faith, from moment to
moment on the blessed Jesus. One moments blessings does not suffice for every moment.
Mr. Snively and John both worked at the ploughing this forenoon in the pigfield. I spent the
forenoon in cleaning up some seed-wheat for E. W. Smith. This afternoon all hands of us
worked at cleaning up the barn floor etc. on account of rain. The Lord has been pleased to
be with me another day And oh! it is so sweet to have the abiding witness of the blessed
spirit I feel that the sweet promise the comforter has indeed been given to me.
My two men worked at preparing the remaining portion of the big field for sowing they got it
sowed by night. According to the drill the big field only contains about 10 ½ acres, instead of
14 as we thought. This forenoon I did some chores arround such as burn brush in the garden
fix the drill etc. Not a cloud has been permitted to hide me for a moment to day from the
shining of the Sun of writeousness upon my poor soul.
Spent this day at home with my dear mother. Little Nettie is with us now and it is such a treat
to have her with us here. I have spent the day in reading the Memoir of that Man of God,
William Carvosso. I have found in it a great many of the Glorious things of our Holy Religion,
explained in a very clear and forcible manner. I have not felt much joy & happiness today;
but I am beginning to see the necessity of trusting in the merits of the {atonement?} of Jesus
weather I enjoy the {illegible} or not.
This forenoon John & Mr. Snively and worked in the barn at cleaning up barly on account of
rain. This afternoon they got to ploughing again. I spent the forenoon in writing a letter to
John Saunders. This afternoon I have worked at pulling beans hoeing strawberries etc. I
have never felt a greater sense of weakness and of my own nothingness than to night. O
may I be ever kept at the feet of my dear Redeemer, What am I that He should deal thus
mercifully with me.
John worked at harrowing, too day, in the field by Brown's. Mr. Snively went over to drill in
some what for Brown too-day. This forenoon I cleaned out some furrows & ditches in the big
field. And this afternoon hoed at the strawberries. I have not experienced much joy too-day,
in serving My Maker. I have feltbeen visited by the "old adversary," but blessed be God He
still gives me grace sufficient for {my day?}, and as he has promised to do always.
Mr. Snively kept on dragging or rather John did and Mr. S. went to drilling in the wheat field
by Browns. He finished sowing all that we had ready, about four acres in all. This forenoon I
went down to Smiths after some peaches. got a couple of market-baskets full, for mother. I
had quite a feast eating them. This afternoon I finnished hoeing out the strawberries &
cleaned out some ditches in the wheat-field. The Lord has been with me too-day & I have felt
much peace of mind.
John and Mr. Snively ploughed in the field by Browns too-day. Peter Snively also ploughed
with his team. They nearly finished ploughing the field by night. I have been ditching and
burning clumps all day in the same field. Had to churn for mother to-night, in the absence of
our hired girl. This has been a good day with me. My peace has indeed “flowed like a river”.
Too-night feels as though the Good Lord had taken me {another day?} much nearer
My two men continued preparing the field by Browns for sowing. They worked at it all day. I
went to Dover this morning on foot. Saw Mrs. Hall who had just returned from Kentucky. I
came very near geting wet coming home as it rained quite hard at times. Mr. Howell and his
daughter came out this afternoon, so I had to visit with them. It is still my whole {pure?} and
desire to think and to do every-thing with an {ye sin?} of my maker. O may I always feel thus.
John put in the last of his month this fore noon at after which I paid him off and let him go.
They both harrowed this forenoon and this after-noon Mr. Snively started the drill, he finished
sowing the field by Browns all except about an acre. I have been ditching & burning stumps
all day. I have felt much satisfaction too-night in contemplating one of the blessed promises
of the {illegible}. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be
It is just one year ago to-day since my dear father was called away to his reward. How I good
has the Lord been to me since. He has been more than a father to me, in that he has lead
me into paths that I knew not. And yet how unworthy have I been of all His blessings and
mercies. This night I rejoice in hope of the glory off God. I rejoice that the blood of Jesus
cleanses me from all sin this moment. What a mercy that such a man should be recieved in
the fold of Jesus.
Mr. Snively finnished drilling in the field by Brown's this forenoon & this afternoon we
finnished the field ditching etc. & then he went to firing stumps. I went to market this forenoon
with a load of barly and recieved eighty cents a bushel for it. Too-night I went over to Bucks
to clean and divide the barly which grew on my big field. The good Lord has been with me
too-day, and blessed me.
As soon as possible I went over to Bucks, this morning. We finnished cleaning up the barly
and got started for market about noon. Took dinner at Peter Snively's. We recieved eighty
center per Bu. for our barly, Peter took his barly at the same price. Mr. Snively is laid up with
a sore {breast?} and I am affraid he will not be able to work again for a while. Words cannot
express the joy and peace which the religion of Jesus has given me too-day. I can now say
from experience that it is a "Heaven below, my Redeemer to know."
Mr. Snively went to Dorchester this morning on a visit. I have now no help but expect to get
to work at the remaining piece of wheat ground. This forenoon I set fire to a lot of stumps.
The wind blew pretty bad and the fire gave me some trouble. This afternoon I grubbed out
roots on the new ground by Snively's house. Mrs. {Lawson?} & Mary Jane were here all day
too-day. I am still ennabled to rejoice in the rock of my salvation.
This forenoon I worked at digging out roots and stumps on the new-ground. This afternoon I
have had visitors; so, of course, I could not work. {illegible} Homes Matthews & wife together
with Mrs. John Matthews & Mrs Smith from Port Ryerse were here. The afternoon passed by
very pleasantly as some of these ladies are {seriously?} good talkers. They went away about
dark. The Lord is still leading me on in the Heavenly Journey. I have felt a great hungering &
thirstiness after righteousness too-day. I bless God that this need not be done in vain for he
says that wish shall be filled.
I have been working at geting out stumps and roots again too-day. Managed to get out one
very bad stump in the new-ground by the tennant-house. The last four months have been the
happiest season of my life; the freest from trouble and anxiety. Surely, I would rather be a
doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. I have placed
everything in the hands of the Lord and am endeavoring to do everything with an eye single
to his glory.
Continued working at grubbing out roots & stumps on the new-ground. Took one very bad
nest of roots this forenoon. After noon mother and I went out to Dover. We made Mr. Laird's
a short visit & took tea with them & Mr. Burns and lady were there also. Spent the time with
them very agreeably indeed. We arrived home about nine. The Lord has not withheld any
good thing from me too-day. I feel that the precious promise is realised although not as much
as is my privilege {illegible} We will {illegible} in {illegible} you and up with you and make me
{illegible} with you.
Too-day mother and myself stayed at home. Father Messmore and Miss Giffen came in time
for dinner. He preached to us this afternoon from "Unite my heart to fear thy name." His
sermon was an excellent one. We had an excellent class meeting afterwards, of which father
Messmore was leader. The Lord has been pleased to manifest himself in an extraordinary
manner to my poor soul. I have spent a proffitable evening in conversing with father
Father Messmore and Miss Giffin started for home this morning about nine. John Snively
was here after seed-what, but I have none to spare. Sold one of my suck lambs this morning
for two shillings to Mr. Wooderick. I have spent most of the day in preparing the new ground,
by the tennant house, for sowing with wheat. Have not enjoyed that blessed nearness to my
Master too-day which I have enjoyed in days gone by. But I am endeavoring still to put my
whole trust in him.
This forenoon I continued my efforts on the new-ground and this afternoon also. I have now
got it about ready for ploughing. This evening I killed my first calf and that without any
assistance. I had help to dress it however. The blessed Lord has been pleased to make his
presence manifest to my poor soul too-day. Surely it is "A heaven below, my redeemer to
know." With the Psalmist my prayer is, "Unite my heart to fear they name."
Peter Snively came and ploughed on the steep field next to the creek. His father helped him,
or drove his team for him. It rained a little this forenoon but not enough to do much good.
Mother and I went out to Dover this afternoon. I peddled out pat of the veal and sold some
hides. Sold my sheep and lambs this morning to a drover. Took tea at Mr. Halls too-night. I
have not lived as closely to my Saviour too-day as I should have done. O may he help me to
resist evil inclination of my {nature?}.
Peter Snively finished ploughing the hill-side too-day and did a good job. His father drove for
him all day. I went down to Mr. Mans after a scraper and afterwards did some cleaning or
logging and then went to work at ploughing and scraping a water-course through the hollow.
Too-night I met with the other trustees at John Mans to see Mrs Chesly about a disturbance
which we were told had taken place in the school. but it proved false.
This forenoon Mr. Snively went to ploughing & scraping. Peter came and ploughed this
afternoon. I have been working at picking up, burning and digging too-day. Mr. Howell came
this afternoon on business which somewhat startled me. He actually wants to take my
mother away from me. We had quite an animated talk on the subject of matrimony etc. The
trustees were here too-night to make out the Assessment Roll for the season. Got along first
Mr. Snively ploughed this forenoon on the new-ground & this afternoon I helped him. I took
my the weathers and lambs, which I sold the other day down to the Dog's Nest. Several of
the neighbours drove down sheep at the same time. I have enjoyed a sacred nearness to
Jesus too-day. He has filled my soul again with a happiness and peace, such as words could
not possibly express. The same longing desire to know more of Jesus, which I have have
had for some time past is still with me.
About midnight last night John Man & William McBride came and waked me to take Mrs
Smith up and send her to jail. So this morning I went up to Caleb Matthews and we then went
together to the Majistrate John McBride who could not act alone so we all went to Dover and
found another Majistrate when our business was soon accomplished, The quarter part of this
day has, in consequence, been unproffitably spent. Mr. Laird preached this afternoon an
excellent sermon which I enjoyed much. But the class-meeting aftewards was better.
Snively and I worked at ploughing in the New Ground wheat Field too-day. We finnished our
job a little before night and then got some remaining logs and chuncks together and set
things on fire etc. Unckle Homes was here too-day after a lamb and some peaches. I am
very grateful to my Maker for the blessed desires which he gives me. My determination to
keep my face Zion-ward is becoming stronger, day after day. Oh, that my pathway may still
continue to brighten.
Mr. Snively sowed the hillside next to the creek this morning, by hand. He harrowed and
sowed with the drill the remainder of the day. I worked at dragging all day, also. We have
now a fair prospect of finnishing our seeding to-morrow. D. V. Caleb Matthews was here to
get the use of my drill a half day or so. I have not enjoyed as much of my Redeemer's
presence too-day as in days gone by. But still the Good Lord gives me to feel that He is my
only hope. May He ennable me to walk in a manner, worthy of the blessed calling with which
He has called me.
This forenoon Snively & I finnished sowing our new ground wheat field. I got the ditches done
by noon. Mr. Snively went up to Caleb Mattews with the drill to sow his wheat for him. It has
been raining since this afternoon, but Mother and I went out to to Dover and attended Mr.
Laird's social. We enjoyed ourselves pretty well as there was a nice company of our friends
there. We are staying at my sisters too-night. I have felt much happiness too-night, in the
Service of the Lord.
Mother and I did not get home this forenoon until about noon. I got the old horse shod and
did several little business errands arround here. Spent the afternoon in geting ready to start
for Niagara. Was up to John Matthew's too-night. It still rains occasionally, but I don't think it
will hinder us from starting for the Falls in the morning. Have been blessed with a sacred
nearness to my Saviour too-day while attending to my closet{?} devotions.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1867 {handwritten} October 19
I went after Smith this morning to help me dig potatoes. Also to Caleb Matthews to see about
the Assessment Roll. Spent most of the day in fixing the hog-pen. Mr. Snively has been
drawing rails this forenoon and this afternoon spliting them. Mr. Horton & wife came back
too-night. Mr. Horton and I went to the singing school too-night. I have experienced some
happy seasons too-day in the Lord.
It commenced raining this morning about daylight and continued raining more or less all day.
Spent the day in reading and visiting with Mrs. Horton's folks. Velma gave us some nice
music. She plays well considering the time she has been pracising. Mr. Hortons farm
appears to be of a soil somewhat similar to our own but his buildings are rather old and
dilapidated. His cattle and sheep etc. are not any better than mine.
We did not get up very early this morning but managed to get ready for meeting. Attended
service in the old Presbyterian church at North Pelham. Heard Rev. Mr. McGlasplan give a
sort of Report of the late Sabath School Convention in Toronto. After meeting I went down to
Mr. {AB?} Lea Mattias, about one mile distant. Found Ira at home. He appeared to be very
glad to see me. I enjoyed the afternoon with him very much. He spent the evening with me at
Mr. Horton and wife, Mother and I, started for the Falls this morning about nine o'clock. We
went through Fort Hill Annaville and Drummondville. We arrived at the falls about noon, & did
not get to see them from the American side neither did we get to see the spension bridge. It
is certainly a grand sight to see such a great sheet of water leaping with all madness into the
gulph below. Surely the works of the Creator are great beyond all human comprehension and
his ways past finding out. We took tea with one of Mr. Horton's friends Got back to Hortons
about eight.
I started for St Catharines this morning about nine o'clock. Mr Hortons son {Seavence?} went
with me. Saw Ira De Sea-Matter in the road with his "Jemima." St' Catharines is quite a
respectable looking place both as to size and appearance. Saw Hugh McClive, an old
{Cobong?} lad, who is practising law here at present. Got home again about four. Took tea at
Chandler Holcombs, where they were raising a large building. Spent the evening pleasantly
at Mr. Horton singing with {illegible} Thomas & Horton.
I got out of bed this morning about three o'clock We had our breakfast about half past four
and were ready to start for home about sunrise. Mr. Horton and family came with us. It has
been a beautiful day consequently our ride has been very pleasant. We took our dinners at a
Roman Catholic house in Cayuga. our dinner was better than we expected. Arrived at home
about dark, all safe and sound. Had a job to do to night for the benefit of the L. Y. {bris?} to
calculate the school tax.
I found things all right this morning. Sinvely has been spliting rails since we went away most
of the time. Mr. Horton and I went out to see the wheat this morning. It begins to look well.
Hired Peter Snively for a year this morning. We all went up to John Matthews towards noon
on our way to Dover. Had our dinners there. We got to Dover and while there visited the
factory and took Mr. Horton arround the town.
I have been visiting so long that I do not feel much inclined to go to work again. Mr. Horton,
his family{?}, and my mother, went out to Townsend visiting too-day. Mary Jane and I stayed
at home all alone. I have been doing a multitude of little chores too-day. such as starting up
my peaches & fixing the pen making some fences arround the new ground & too-night I killed
a lamb. My mother and I went up to John Matthews too-night & spent the evening pleasantly.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1867 {handwritten} October 11
Mother and I started for Pelham this morning about eight. We took some yarn to the
weavers on the road. Passed through Deconsville, Cayuga, Welland Port & Fenwick besides
a number of other little villages. We kept the Caneboro road until we came to the village of
Fenwick when we went in a north x north-easterly course for about three miles. The country
from Jarvis down appears to be of a very heavy level soil, so level as to make drainage very
I went with Mr. Horton to the Messiah Church this morning and a wonderfully mixed up mess
as {Telmia?} called the sermon. Attended our own sermon or rather, meeting this afternoon.
Mr. Ware preached a better sermon than usual too-day. At the class meeting this afternoon
the Good Lord manifested himself to my poor soul in a wonderful manner. I could scarcely
speak for joy while endeavoring to tell of this goodness to my fellow-class-mates.
Snively has been spliting and drawing rails too-day and I have been building fence arround
the new grounds. Mr. Smith came this afternoon and we finished up the Assessment roll. Mr.
Hortons went over to Clines too-day and too-night all hands of us went over to John
{illegible}. Spent the evening pleasantly. Got home again after twelve. The Good Lord has
impressed upon my mind one of his blessed promises too-day. Viz. The generation of the
upright shall be blessed.
Snively and I finished up the fence arround the new ground wheat-field this forenoon. Mr.
Horton and his family left us this morning for home. I felt bad to see them go away after
having spent such a pleasant time visiting with them. However, the best of friends must part.
I have been writing a letter to Frank Springer this afternoon. Mr. Howell of Port Dover made
us a short visit this afternoon. The Lord is still with me.
Snively went to after apples too-day, for himself. He brought a grist from the mill for me. I
have been picking apples and sorting potatoes all day. Mother went up to the the plains with
John Matthews folks. Never have I enjoyed a sweeter communion with my Maker than too-
day. I have had some delightful seasons of prayer. O that I could do more for Jesus. Surely it
is no more than an reasonable service, to give ourselves entirely up to hisservice work.
Snively worked at drawing out mannure too-day into the field behind the barn. I spent the
forenoon in sorting over and pilling {pitting?} potatoes. They are strangely infected. The rot
consists of a little black core in the center of the potatoe. A rotten potatoe may look as pure
and {illegible} as any in the {illegible}. I have been picking apples this afternoon. Too-night I
went up to Matthews & to Smiths after help.
My man worked at drawing out manure this forenoon and this afternoon we both worked on
the road as we have three days to put in yet. I went down to Mr {Kells?} too-night with the
school assessment list, which he has aggreed to collect. I have enjoyed a blessed nearness
to my Saviour too-day. I can testify that, of a truth; it is a heaven below my Redeemer to
know. O, may this always be my privilege.
Mr. Snively and I finnished up our road-work this forenoon and this afternoon he covered my
potatoes and did some other little jobs. Mother and I went to Dover this afternoon found my
sister all right as far as one could see outwardly. May the Lord lead her to seek for the
salvation of her soul. I am asking the Lord daily to save her. I have still the same purpose
before me of striving to do all to the Glory of my Master.
Spent the forenoon in preparing some {lines?} for use in our meetings. Father Messmore
came about one He preached to us this afternoon. We had an excellent time in our class-
meeting. The Lord was with us. O what a mercy that God should condescend to manifest
himself to creatures of such low estate as we are. Spent the evening greatly to the building
up of my poor soul. Father Messmore's advice and conversation does me me much good.
He is indeed a man of God.
Snively drew up wood too-day and brought one load of corn from the field. I have been
picking apples all day and have more than another days work yet. Father Messmore went
home this morning. It is raining too-night for the first time in a good while. I have still that
longing desire to be ever found in the paths of duty & righteousness. O that I could do more
for Jesus, that I could be more fruitful of good.
Peter Snively came this morning for the first. I have hired him for a year at two hundred and
twenty dollars. Mr. Snively and him ploughed in the field back of the barn too-day. I have
been picking up apples too-day and puting them away. Took my colts away from their
mothers this afternoon. Peter Gilbert came too-night. We had quite a time talking. He stayed
all night.
Peter Snively did not work this forenoon. His father drew up wood while I went to Jarvis with
the plough to get them sharpened. Got back by noon but was unfortunate enough to come
home without getting one of the shears mended and will have to spend another half day in
taking it to the blacksmith. My men both ploughed this afternoon in the field back of the barn.
I have been picking up apples again.
This forenoon Mr. Snively ploughed again in the field back of the barn also this afternoon.
Peter got up a load of corn and too wood this forenoon, and this afternoon he dug potatoes. I
picked up apples again. This forenoon and this afternoon went to Dover to get a ploughshare
mended; got home by sun-down. The day has not been spent by me in as great enjoyment
as I could wish but those who near the crown must come up through great tribulation.
Both my men worked at ploughing in the field back of the barn tooday. They are geting along
well and will soon have the field done. I sepperated my ewe lambs from their mothers this
morning and put old Jack with the old ewes. Spread some manure before noon. Killed a lamb
too-night. William Wilkinson was here to-night after {illegible} I am still striving to ward off the
repeated blows of the enemy and the and the Good Lord still gives me strength.
My two men continued ploughing this forenoon in the field back of the barn, but had to give it
up on account of the hardness of the ground. They ploughed in the 'big flat' this afternoon.
There has been a great wind yesterday and too-day which has set some woods arround us
entirely on fire but fortunately for me, I have no fires, out. Cut off my whiskers this afternoon
& Mother says that it makes me look frightful.
The wind is still blowing from the east as hard as ever, but no rain until too-night when the
wind shifted arroun to the west and soon brought rain. Mother and I went out to the Quarterly
meeting at Dover this morning. Heard Our Minister preach an excellent sermon. There was a
crowd of people there. We went to Dr. Loversigne for our dinners. But I happened to get
mine at Mr. Bowlbys where I had the pleasure of dining with Miss Douglass {obscured}
Peter Snively did not come this forenoon so that his father ploughed on the "big flat" alone.
He came this afternoon, however. I went up to George Matthew's this morning and
sharpened a plough share and got a {not?} mended for another. This afternoon I have been
doing sundry little chores. Too-night I have been oiling up my old clock. The service of the
Lord still continues to be a delightful service to my poor soul. There was a very high wind last
My two men continued ploughing too-day on the "Big Flat." Peter Snively and I {spear?} up
our accounts too-day, and too-morrow he commences to put in his year at eighteen dollars-
a-month & board himself. I went over to Burks this forenoon to see about some barly due me
from George. This afternoon I have been digging potatoes. Never before have I been
ennabled to value the Word of God so highly. It is now the most precious thing on earth to
my soul.
Mr. Snively and Peter both worked at ploughing too-day; on the Big Flat. They are nearly
done with their job ploughing there. I have been digging potatoes all day and too-night I felt
the results very much The weather has been beautiful too-day and still looks like dry
weather. The Good Lord has permitted {illegible} to enjoy some happy seasons of prayer too-
day; and my poor soul {illegible} much strengthened thereby.
My men continued their work at ploughing on the Big Flat. They finnished up ploughing about
eight acres which is all that I intend ploughing this fall, there. This forenoon I fixed up fences
and did sundry other chores. This afternoon I finnished up digging potatoes for this year. The
potatoes have not yielded as well as usual on account of a dry rot which infects them.
Peter Snively went to Dover to {illegible} something about a grist at the mill. His father got up
wood for himself this forenoon but this afternoon both of them worked at getting out manure
from under the Horse Stables. I went up to George Matthews's to get a waggon and from
there to Jarvis with my two ploughs and one of Georges. Got the ploughshares etc. all laid
and got home again by dark. The Lord has been with too-day, of a truth.
This morning I went to Decons with my cider apples, to get them made up. Went from there
to Dover. Took dinner at my sisters and got home again about dark. Mr. Snively has been
drawing out manure too-day on the new-ground next to Lane Ryerse's. Peter gathered
Mangels for me this forenoon and the afternoon he went to Simcoe on business of his own. I
have been still endeavoring to walk in this {mars?} path but the Good Lord has not been so
precious as yesterday.
Mother and I went to church at Dover this morning and heard the Rev. Mr. Wellmot from the
Nanticoke circuit preach an excellent sermon from XXXI Chapter of Deuteronomy 12 and 13
verses. He showed in a very forcible way how important it was to parents to sow the seeds of
righteousness in the hearts of their children. And that, to do this, was their bounden duty.
Heard the Rev. Mr. Ware preach at our appointment an excellent sermon also, from "Behold,
what manner of Love, the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons
of God."
Mr. Snively and I drew out manure too-day into the ten acre new ground field while Peter
took care of the last of the mangels. I went up to De Cous this morning after my cider. It was
not made as I expected but he had to make it after I got there. Got home about four. My cider
is excellent. I have had some very sweet and precious seasons too-day in contemplating the
great blessings of God to His own people.
Mr. Snively & I have been drawing out manure too-day from under the west shed. Peter
commenced ploughing the new-ground sod on this side The Ten Acre field. It ploughs very
nicely as dry as it is. We had visitors too-day; Miss Maggie Martin Grandaughter of the brave
Captain Brandt of the Six Nation Indians was here, also John Matthews & wife also Mrs.
Man. This young Indian woman appears to be quite amiable and intelligent. She is a splendid
alto singer.
Peter has been ploughing again too-=day in the sod field. Mr. Snively and I drew manure too-
day. I loaded and he took it to the field and unloaded while I loaded. We took it all out from
the Sheep house excepting about one load. The drouth still continues and our prospect for
water is decreasing as our well and cistern at the barn are both getting low as well as the
creek. I have not been as happy in Jesus to-day as yesterday.
Peter continued to work at the ploughing in the sod field and Mr. Snively worked at it too-day
also. Mother and I started for Simcoe this morning. we found Mr. Willoughby very low, but
recovering slowly from a very severe fit of sickness. We took our dinners with Mrs.
Willoughby with whom we had a pleasant little visit. I settled up an old account with Lyon's,
this afternoon.
My two men continued ploughing in the new-ground-sod too-day. I spread manure most of
the forenoon. Went down to Man's after some lime as Unckle Homes came this morning to
do some patching up arround the house. This afternoon I helped him some besides
spreading some manure. Mother and I spent the evening at John Matthews where we found
Miss Martin the young Indian woman. We had a very pleasant evening.
My visit last night made me feel rather sleepy too-day, as a natural consequence. Peter
Snively ploughed too-day in the new ground sod. Mr. Snively threshed peas this forenoon
and went to ploughing again this afternoon. I went up to Georges this morning and
sharpened a plough-share. Unckle Homes Matthews & wife took dinner with us. I have been
spreading manure this afternoon and doing some other little jobs.
Mother and I stayed at home too-day or rather this forenoon. Spent the forenoon in reading
the guide. Rev. Mr. Laird took dinner with us. He gave us a few excellent observations on a
portion of the VIII chapter of Matthew relating to the stilling of the tempest by our Lord Jesus.
In conclusion he observed, that ofas the blessed Jesus saved his disciples from destruction
by the tempest, so would he be not only able to but even readyprepared to save his people
from the fiercest attacks of the enemy. The Lord was with us in the class-meeting & blessed
our poor souls.
Mr. Snively ploughed again too-day in the new ground Sod. Peter and I got up wood, this
forenoon, and this after noon he went off in search of a girl to take care of his wife after her
confinement. I have been spreading manure this afternoon gathering cabbage, and fixing
fence etc. and too-night I killed a lot of chickens for ma. I am still endeavouring to pursue the
king Highway of Holiness and the blessed Saviour is with me which I count the best of all.
The old jentleman ploughed again too-day in the sod field. Peter did not work too-day as he
has not yet done with his running after girls etc. I have been picking over apples and puting
them away this forenoon and this afternoon I have been cuting wood and seting it up for
winters use. Miss Maggie Martin came here too-night and Mrs. Chesley & Leonora
Peter worked at {turning?} the potatoes to the pits too-day. I helped him this afternoon. Mr.
Snively ploughed again too-day. I sharpened the ploughshare this morning, spread some
manure etc. Tom. Murphy and wife came too-night on a visit. I met with the other trustees at
John Mans too-night to settle up with Mrs. Chesly. We managed to get through without much
trouble. The Good Lord still ennables me to to continue on the Heavenly Journey.
Mr. Snively continued to work at the ploughing too-day and Peter chopped and put up wood,
back on the new Ground. I went to Dover this forenoon. Took dinner wtih my sister. After
dinner I drove up to Ainsleys and hitched my horses before his shop. Went away to the
barbers accross the street and when I came out my horses were gone. They were frightened
by a butcher, Cruikshanks, who came along the sidewalk with a pig, but little damage was
The old jentleman continued ploughing in the sod field. He has almost finnished the field too
day. Peter and I filled {filed} up our axes this morning and worked at cuting cord-wood on the
chopping. I broke my axe handle a little before noon But managed to get it mended with
another one. I have not lived as closely to my Saviour too day as I should have done. but the
Lord does not always lead us in the sunshine of his glory. But clouds and storms often Hide
the Light of righteousness from our vision.
Mr. Snively threshed a flooring of pease this morning and afterwards finished ploughing and
furrowing out the new-Ground Sod. Peter and I have been chopping and puting up wood
again too-day on the new-ground, or slashing. The weather is now quite warm, and as dry as
ever. I have had some very precious seasons of prayer since last night & I felt indeed that I
was holding comunion with God, blessed Source of all good.
We did not get ready for meeting this morning so as to get there in time. Mother and I went
however & I went to Church. We took, little Nettie home. I went over to Bowlby's to dinner & I
had the pleasure of seeing Miss Bowlby. She has just returned from a long visit to Windsor.
We got home about five. I have not enjoyed the presence of my Divine Master too-day as
much as is my privilege. O Lord, pardon my heart-wanderings, & help me to renew my
covenant with Thee.
Mr. Snively took a scraper home this evening and got a load of edging from Mans Mill to the
School House. Afterwards he ploughed in the field back of ther barn. Peter cut wood in the
slashing all day; at which I helped him this afternoon. This forenoon I did several chores this
afternoon forenoon. It is still very warm and the wind continues to blow from the south. And
that without bringing much rain. However, it is raining too-night.
Mr. Snively finnished ploughing the field back of the barn this forenoon. and this afternoon he
ploughed a strip along the creek, where I intend to plant willows. Peter cut wood this
forenoon and this afternoon he got up wood for himself with my teams. I spent the forenoon
in geting ready to kill my hogs and this afternoon in cuting cord-wood in the slashing. This
has been a high day with my poor soul for the Lord has blessed me with His divine presence.
We got ready for killing our hogs about nine. I had Peter, Mr. Snively, and John Matthews to
help. We killed ten hogs and got done about four. They wre not very fat but fat enough to
make good provender. Spent the evening mostly in puting a top on my old {berlin?}; which I
have been puting in a state of thorough repair, for a few evenings and mornings back. My
purpose is still to continue in the narrow way & I hope always with God.
Mr. Snively cut up my pigs this forenoon and this afternoon he went off in search of a {barn?}
for himself. Peter has been cuting wood to-day in the slashing. I went to Dover this morning
with our surplus pork. Sold five hogs for ninteen dollars and thirty-six cents or at four cents @
pound. Our pork has not brought more than half what it coust to fatten it this year. I received
a letter from Frank too-day. He is still striving to continue on in the way to Heaven.
It commenced raining this about six o'clock. It continued to rain all day. Mr. Snively made me
some axe handles too-day and Peter cut wood this forenoon in the woodhouse. In the
afternoon we moved the calf stable from one corner of the west shed to the other, in order to
make it more {convenient?} for a sheep pen. Spent an hour or so this evening playing my
violin for the first time in almost two years.
There was quite a sudden change in the weather last night. This morning it is as cold as
Greenland. Mr. Snively did not work too-day but went to Quarterly Meeting at Nanticoke.
Peter cut wood this forenoon in the slashing & this afternoon he worked at banking up our
house and the tennant house. I have worked like a beaver too-day, geting things in a proper
shape for winter.
Was much proffited this forenoon in singing the praises of My God, and in reading of his
goodness and tender mercies toward the children of men. Heard Mr. Ware preach this
afternoon from the verse of the XXXV Chapter of Exodus. "And the Lord said My presence
shall go with thee and I will give thee rest." This was said to Moses while journeying from
Egypt & is analogous to the journey of the Christian from the state of bondage to Glory.
{illegible} promise to those who love and serve Him.
Sent Mr. Snively to mill this morning after a grist also to the blacksmith-shop to get the
horses shod. Peter has been cuting wood most of the day. He helped me do some chores
arround the house. This morning, I have been doing a lot of chores again too-day such as
fixing the gate at the road making a wood-box for mother shuting my old sows up & making a
place for them. We had a large increase last night some six new piggs and one calf.
Peter has been moving into my tennant house too-day. Both families are now living to-
gether. Mr. Snively has been cuting wood too-day. Mother and Miss Martin went to Dover
this morning. This forenoon I hung a door under the west shed. This after-noon I have been
helping Snively cut wood. Spent the evening in preparing to an instrument of agreement
between the School teacher and the trustees.
Peter got up wood this forenoon but this aftenroon he did not work. Mr. Snively and I have
been cuting wood most of the day too-day. William Matthews was here to-day after a half
Doz. Sheep which I have let him have in shares. I have been over to John Mans too-night on
trustee business again. As a consequence I could not attend to the prayermeeting. The Lord
is still leading me, sinful as I am.
My men chopped wood too-day in the old slashing. Mother and I started about nine for
Walter Olds near Simcoe. We arrived there about eleven. Before dinner I went to the village
of Bloomsburg after some B{illegible}s for mother. Took dinners at Walters and afterwards
had a pleasant visit with them. Got home again about six. It has been very cold too-day &
has every appearance of snow-storm, too-day.
Mr. Snively made a fence arround the straw-stack this forenoon and this afternoon we all
worked at choping and spliting wood in the slashing. This evening, the wind has blown so
hard that the two doors of the waggon-house were both blown off the rollers and mashed up
a considerable; Besides the building, on our premises, which corresponds to the Parliament
Buildings of Victoria College was blown over.
Went to work this morning with all hands, repairing fences mending doors etc. My men
worked at puting up fence, threshing etc. this afternoon. Mother and I went out to Dover this
afternoon. Spent the afternoon in doing some shoping and in talking with several of my
friends. We took tea with Mrs. {Sawson?} but did not enjoy it much as my teeth ached
painfully. Read a letter from my old College friend John San {obscured}
It was very cold this morning. After doing my chores I read some and after dinner went to
meeting at the Schoolhouse. Heard a {journey-man?} preach, whose name was Austin. He
has just commenced his career as a local preacher. He preached from those memorable
words of our Saviour, "It is finished." His discourse was delivered in a forcible and quite fluent
manner and augurs well of his future usefulness.
Peter and Mr. Snively covered the potatoe pits with manure this morning. Afterwards Peter
went to mill with a grist of his wheat. He also took some wheat and some grain to get
chopped, for me. Mr. Snively and I mended the waggonhouse door, cut wood & made a pig-
pen too-day. I received a summons from attend Court tomorrow this afternoon. Repaired the
stove-pipe at the School-House too-night.
Gave orders to my men this morning concerning chores and work during my absence at
Court. Started for Simcoe about eight o'clock, with Charley. He went along pretty well
considering, but going from Simcoe to Walter Olds I had some trouble with him. Took tea at
Walters & afterwards went over to J. B. Carpenter to spend the evening. Had a pleasant time
chatting with him about farm matters, etc. Got back to Walters about 8
Walter Olds and I walked to Simcoe this monring. Went to court and staid arround there most
of the time until noon I then went to Mr. Murphy's for according to invitation and had dinner.
Our little affair was settled up about Mrs. Smith after dinner after which I started home with all
haste. Charly went along first rate. Arrived home at dark. Found things all right as far as I
could see.
We have had a cold and very severe East wind too-day, and part of the day it has been
snowing. Mr. Snively put in the last day of his year too-day. He made axe-handles for me.
Peter and I cut wood in the wood-house, and got up my lambs too-night. I have only a little
over twenty four dollars to pay Mr. Snively for his years work. The remaining amt. having
been paid mostly in provisions etc. through the year.
Peter and I fixed up the sheep-pen this morning and put the sheep in their lodgings. We also
made a bridge to the old stable door and made a calf pen and shut our calves up for the
winter. This afternoon Peter did not work for me but got his sheep ready for winter, and got
up some wood for himself. I sharpened my Buck-saw this afternoon. I have had a humiliating
season too-day. O that the Good Lord may keep me from the paths of sin and {illegible}
Settled up with Mr. Snively last night. We got along without any trouble. Peter got up wood
too-day. Mother and I went out to Port Dover this forenoon, but before we started I put a lock
on the Schoolhouse door and fixed the stove-pipe. Spent the afternoon in doing some
business and calling on some of my friends. Had a pleasant time. We took tea with Mr. G.
Wilsons. Got home at eight.
Peter went up to Port Ryerse too-day and took the cutter without asking for it. Mother was
prevented from going to meeting in consequence. It has been snowing most of the day, so
that the sleighing is now pretty fair. My feelings too-day with refference to religion have not
been so bright and happy as in times past. But the Blessed Lord has been amongst us at our
meeting this afternoon where we had a proffitable season.
Peter threshed a flooring of pease this morning and the rest of the day he got up wood.
Mother and I went down to Jarvis. She remained there, visiting Mrs. Lambert while I went on
down to the weaver's Dicks, after some cloth but did not get it as I expected. We drove
Charley. We He went along first-rate. I got him shod at McMicken's in Jarvis. The Lord has
been with me too-day and has been pleased to manifest himself to my soul.
Peter and I mended a gate this morning and fixed the stable for the bull. Afterwards we went
to the slashing and chopped wood the rest of the day. We have just finnished cuting the
smallest of the wood and we have perhaps ennough cut to keep us going a year or more.
The school master Mr. Weston made us a visit too-night. I have again enjoyed the sunshine
of the Christian life too-day. for Lord has blessed me.
My men got up wood too-day while I spent the day mostly in doing chores and fixing up some
arround the barn. Fixed up some fences back of the barn and and made a fence arround a
hay-stack, cut some wood etc. Attended prayer-meeting too-night. There was only one there
besides myself, but the Lord was with us. I have been abundantly blessed with the presence
of my Redeemer too-day. I am again ennabled to put my whole trust in Him.
Peter drew up wood again this forenoon but this afternoon he went to weigh out some hay for
his father etc. Mother and I started for Dover about ten. Went to Rev. Mr. Laird for dinner and
visited there most of the day or rather, when I was not doing my town business. Saw Mr.
Burns for the last time as he is going to Milton to teach Grammar School. We drove Charly
too-day. He went first rate.
Peter worked at drawing wood most of the day. The weather has become much milder since
last night. There was a fall of about four or five inches of snow last night but I am affraid it is
going off again for the south wind is blowing very warm. Have not done much too-day. Have
felt very uncomfortable from a cold and am trying to cure it by starving it out. The school-
master was here too-night to make out the school report.
Peter got up wood too-day excepting a little while this afternoon, when we brought up a load
of straw for bedding for the cows etc. I have been doing chores and preparing to go to
Nelson next week. It is snowing again too-night very furiously. This storm is from the east. I
have been reading Fleetwoods Life of Christ. His explanation of the parable of the wise and
foolish virgins is certainly very plain as {illegible} {obscured}
We were favoured with a heavy rain last night, which will be a great blessing to many. THe
Good Lord has been pleased to show me my own nothingness in a wonderful manner too-
day. I find that with all my efforts at serving Him I very many times grieve his Holy Spirit and
come short of His glory. O what a mercy that he still bears with my deceitful heart so long.
We had a good service in the School house this afternoon. The Lord was with us to bless us
and to do us good.
It was quite blustery this morning, and all day the wind has been blowing quite hard. Peter
has been spliting wood this forenoon and this afternoon he has been puting manure on
mother's flower beds. I have been a little unwell too=day with a cold and consequently have
not done much in the way of work. cut some wood this afternoon and this forenoon did
chores etc. Spent the evening in hunting out some {lume?} for meeting.
I sent Peter to the blacksmith-shop this morning with the horses to get them shod. I went out
to Dover as soon as I could get my chores done this morning. Drove Charly to the buggy, He
went very well. Took dinner at Mary Janes. Got home again about three. The school-master
came over too-night to help me finnish up the school report for the last six months. It has
been very blustery too-day.
Mother and I went out to Dover this morning. Attended service in the Episcopalian Church
afterwards we took dinner at My sisters. Called at Bowlbys this afternoon and spent a couple
of hours very pleasantly in chatting with the girls and etc. We arrived home after dark. I
attended prayer meeting too-night in the school-house and had it all to myself. However, it is
always proffitable to wait upon the Lord.
Peter and I worked at cuting up some old pine trees for kindling-wood too-day, back in the
chopping. The weather is still very mild, indeed, the past day has resembled a fine day of
April or May much more than one of December. The snow has all disappeared and mud is
fast coming in its place. The prospect of my going to Nelson is rather slim at present,
especially with the cutter. However I have no doubt but that the weather will be more
favourable before many days and then I'm off, of course.
My man cut wood in the wood-house too-day on account of the rain. Towards night we made
a dam below the waggon-house to back up water for the cattle & horses. Last night we were
visited with a regular Summer Thunder shower. The weather still continues very warm and
the frost is about all out of the ground. In the way to Heaven I have not made as good
progress too-day as I might have made. O Lord, help me in my extreme weakness that I may
arrive safely home at {obscured}
My man split wood too-day in the chopping. After doing my chores I went to Dover on
horseback. Took dinner at Mary Janes. Got home about two. Spent the afternoon in geting
ready for my journey to Nelson. I went over to the Messiah Church too-night Where they
were giving an entertainment of music & then recitations of Sabath School Children. It went
off pretty well.
Attended Meeting in the School House this afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Laird delivered a very
excellent discourse by which I was much proffited. He told us of the necessity of being
constantly ready for that great and notable day of the Lord when all men shall be judged
according to the deeds done in the body, weather they be good or evil. Of a truth one is very
dangerously exposed {who?} is out of Christ every {obscured} one moment, for we {illegible}
what a day or an hour may bring {obscured}
Started for Nelson this morning about seven. Peter took me as far as Jarvis where I took the
stage. Had a rough time down as the road was terribly rough. Got acquainted wiht a young
Dr. Faber on the way down from Caledonia. We started for on the train for Toronto together
at seven. I stopped at the Square and had to walk up to Mr. Springers. To My great surprise
Frank, Emily, and Alice had gone up to Jerseyville only a few hours before. Oh! dear what
will I do.
Spent this forenoon in visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Springer and Elisa. The time passed by
pleasantly of course. Walked down to the Square Station about noon, and took the train for
Copetown "we work" for Jerseyville. Had to get off at {dumtown?} as the train did not stop at
Copetown. Happened luckily to get a ride almost to Jerseyville Arrived at Mr. {Reed?} Howell
about six. Frank had gone to a party but Emily and Alice were there. Spent the evening very
pleasantly Young Donald Sutherland was there.
No year of my life has been so abundantly fraught with mercies and blessings to my poor
soul as the one which has just pas't. During the first six months of the year the Lord lead me
more and more to see the necessity of entering into a closer walk with God. About the First
of May I was ennabled to give myself up both soul and body to the dear Redeemer, but as
yet, without any
perceptible change in my religious enjoyment. About the middle of June I was permitted to
attend a camp meeting at Mill-Grove on the Wellington Square circuit in company with the
Springer family. On the occasion of Frank's re-conversion I was favoured with a wonderful
blessing from my Heavently Father, and from that time until the present I have been
ennabled to reckon myself dead indeed unto sin and alive unto God.
{hand written} Sunday Nov 22nd {1868?}
I have this forenoon been reading the last of Carvosso's Memoir. By it I find that I have
almost unconsciously been doing that which grieves the Holy Spirit. I have for some time
been lacking in faith, indeed, it has at times seemed as though it was impossible to take God
at his word. I have trusted too much to feeling, and works and altogether too little to the all
atoning blood of Jesus. but bless God that He does at times show me shere I am and gives
me to feel a sense of my danger. It seems as though I was sailing on an immense
Oceanunder bound for a port country of which I know nothing. Only as I am taught by Him
who is King of that country and who has given a chart by which we are to avoid dangerous
rocks and shoals. For there are many such and multitudes set out on the voyage but by dint
of carelessness and negligence {illegible} to consult the chart, soon guide their ships from
the right course and ere long are swallowed up in some dreadful {illegible} or shipwrecked
before they have again recourse to the Chart. Another source of my has been that I have of
late spent too little time in co{illegible}ing with my Saviour O that I could pray always without
ceasing and in everything give thanks And instead fo trusting fully in him I have breen drifting
away into the dangerous waters of self conceit. But now in {illegible} and the deepest humily
{humility?} I speak with the poet "not but I yield I yield I cannot any more." There are no
desires of my heart so strong as the the desire to be entirely conformed to the will of God.
And withal{?} I do want to be use- {writing is cut off}
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Courtland Olds, “Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1867,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025,
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