John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1869


John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1869


John Ferguson


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario in addition to Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives


19th Century, Peel County, Chinguacousy Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Ferguson Diary Collection


Scanned Microfilm of Manuscript & Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

John Ferguson (1851 – 1931)
1869 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers
Containing A Blank Space for Every Day in the Year,
Friday, January 1, 1869.
Was cold and stormy, spent the day at Mr. Mason's pleasantly, had a sleigh ride in the evening to
Derry West.
Saturday 2
Nothing particular taking place, was working hard all day, threshing peas with the flail
Sunday 3
Went to Sunday School in the morning and heard J. C. Small read a good letter from our
superintendent exhorting the scholars to trust in Jesus. was at "Zion" in the afternoon
Monday, January 4, 1869
There was a change in the weather today and the snow has nearly all disappeared. Spent the day
hauling firewood, was at Brampton in the evening for medicine for my aunt Mrs Peacock
Tuesday 5
Was building a fence in the bush on the "other place" and was at the Division at night and had a very
good meeting although the attendance was small.
Wednesday 6
The thaw still continues so that there is little or no sleighing. Was engaged in splitting rails at the
"other place". Jane was at our place all day and John C came down in the evening.
Thursday, January 7, 1869.
The weather to day was very pleasant. Was at the same kind of work as yesterday. Took Jane home
in the evening and spent it at their place.
Friday 8
In the morning was in Brampton at Mrs J.D. Armstrong's funeral and heard Mr McFadden preach an
affecting sermon. The evening set in very stormy so that I spent it at home in reading.
(to Mr A. Saturday 9 Drinkwater)
(Miss E. Cheyne was married yesterday.) The snow storm of last evening has turned into rain this
morning and the thaw continues. Nothing particular has transpired today, was engaged in building
fence, in the evening made preparations for Sunday.
Sunday, January 10, 1869.
Was at Sunday school in the morning where superintendent was absent had two new scholars in my
class. Went to Zion in the afternoon but we were dissappointed of a preacher, and spent the evening
at home.
Monday 11
Was chopping cordwood all day. Went to the teacher's prayer meeting in the evening, there were
only three present still we had a good meeting and it is the earnest prayer of the teachers that God
would revive his work with school.
Tuesday 12
The weather today was very fine the sun shining brightly all day, was at the same kind of work as
yesterday, went to the division in the evening as there were only three of of the members present the
division was not open yet.
Wednesday, January 13, 1869.
The weather today was quite warm and pleasant, was engaged in splitting the last oak tree on the
"other place" into stakes. Spent the evening at home.
Thursday 14
The weather continues very fine so that the winter so far has been unusually pleasant, was at the
same work as yesterday. Nearly every member of the family is sick with colds except myself.
Friday 15
In the forenoon was hauling out manure around the old appletrees went to Brampton in the afternoon
and beside the other newspapers obtained a copy of the Weekly {deal Telegraph this paper contains
a great of reading matter.
Saturday, January 16, 1869
My father has been so very sick today with a bad cold that he was confined to the house. John C.
brought Jane down this morning and she spent the day with us. (J.C. has also been very sick all this
week). Mr Smith and Mr Nichols came up and spent the evening at our place.
Sunday 17
Was at Sunday school this morning Mr. Millard occupied the whole time at the school in the talking
about Sunday School missionary work and that Mr. McDavie's application to be missionary has been
accepted. Went to Zion this after noon and heard Mr. Sutherland speak about holiness.
Monday 18
Put the load of clover hay for seed on the waggon and hauled it over to Mr. Mason's for to be
thrashed. Went to the teachers prayer meeting in the evening, there were five present and we had a
profitable meeting. Mr. Millard read a portion of scripture and a short sermon on it.
Thursday, January 19, 1869
Nothing particular took place today. the sick folks have all got better again. Went to the division this
evening, there being no one present but myself I went over and spent the evening at J. C. Snell's.
Wednesday 20
Went to the Gore mills with a grist and peas and oats for to be chopped. Mr. Mason was there
distributing the bills for his sale which takes place on the second of February.
Thursday 21
Nothing particular took place today. The Sunday School convention is going on in Streestville
yesterday and today. Spent the evening at home as usual.
Friday, January 22, 1869.
Was engaged in building bush fence (all day) at the "other place" Mr. R. Chisholm called here at
noon to see about handling gravel on the Center Road and arranged to start on it next week. Went to
Uncle Adam's this evening and accepted the Melodeon Agency.
Saturday 23
The weather continues warm and the roads are getting dry & dusty. Nothing particular took place
today was handling wood and rails. Received a letter from Uncle Thomas this evening, he is doing
well in business.
Sunday 24
Was at Sunday School this morning. Mr. Millard had a nice illustration of the lesson 24th Chap.
Joshua. Went to Zion in the afternoon the Rev. Mr Fletcher preached the missionary sermon. J. C.
Snell & wife were down and spent the evening at our place.
Monday, January 25, 1869
Father shot our dog "Rover" this morning. Went to Mr Mason's this afternoon to help to thrash the
seed out of the clover hay. He has Mr. Dolson's clover mill hired.
Tuesday 26
Was at the same work as yesterday. Went to the division this evening as There were only five
present the division was not opened.
Wednesday 27
Finished the threshing that I have been engaged in. we have about 3 bush. of seed and Mr. Mason
nearly 50. Went to Missionary meeting in Zion this evening the attendance was small. Mr. Rev
Cochrane of Toronto & Rev. McFadden addressed the meeting.
Thursday, January 28, 1869
Nothing particular took place today. Jane came down last night and is going to spend two days with
us. Went to Missionary meeting at Hope Chapael to night, the house was nearly full and Mr. W.
Elliott was chairman and three P. M. ministers addressed the meeting
Friday 29
Was at Rev. McFaddens wood bee hauling sawed wood from Mr. P. Holtby's to the parsonage.
J.C.S. called for Jane this evening and took her home. Mrs. Fletcher Hall died on Wednesday 27th
and will be buried tomorrow.
Saturday 30
This afternoon was engaged in hauling gravel from E. Bunting's pit on the Centre Road. Met Mr.
Snell's carriage coming from the funeral and Sarah looked at me so pleasantly that she almost won
me over again.
Sunday, January 31, 1869
Went to Sunday School in the morning the attendance was small, went to Mr. Mason's for dinner and
to Zion this afternoon and heard Rev. W. McFadden preach about the four kinds of fools mentioned
in the Bible.
Monday, February 1
The last month has been remarkable for warm & pleasant weather there has been little or no snow
and roads have been dry and dusty. Was engaged all day in hauling gravel to the Centre Road.
Tuesday 2
Went to Mr. Mason's sale in the morning and acted as clerk all day. We had very good sale and
amounted to about $1700. Staid all night at Mr. Mason's. The evening set in with a snowstorm
Wednesday, February 3, 1869.
This morning is very stormy and there has fallen nearly a foot of snow. Spent the forenoon in
straightening Mr. Mason's accounts. Went to the surprise party at Mr. J. Wiggin's this evening did not
enjoy myself as dancing occupied the whole time, got home about 3 o'clock the party broke up at
Thursday 4
The weather today is cold and blustering, there is good sleighing now. Nothing particular took place
today, spent the evening at home. {On the 30th January sold 6 sheep (4 ewes and 2 ram lambs)
@$7 and $6 apiece to a man from Ohio.}
Friday 5
Went over to Mr. Mason's this forenoon with a sleigh and brought over their luggage to be sent to
Missouri. Was at Brampton this afternoon and bought a new watch from W. A. Mitchell for $20.
Saturday, February 6, 1869
the weather is mild today. Was enaged in hauling fire wood and rails. Uncle adam sent away his
luggage and Mr. Masons by freight. Willy Mason brought his horse "Titus" over to Uncle Adam's and
is going to spend two weeks in Canada yet.
Sunday 7
Went to S. School in the morning subject of lesson "the unfortunate widow, Luke VIII." Ms. Millard
was present and destributed the January number of "childrens papers." Ms. M Shipley was up this
afternoon and we went to Brampton church to night.
Monday 8
Was at Brampton with a load of spring wheat received 92 cts per bush. Received by mail a copy of
Dr. Pollick's new medical book. Went to teachers prayer meeting this evening the attendance small
had a good meeting
Tuesday, Feburary 9, 1869.
The weather continues very mild. Was engaged in hauling gravel to the Centre road. Mr. Mason
came home today from Ohio. Spent the evening at Uncle Adam's with W. Mason and Anne
Wednesday 10
Took Mr. Mason & William Large down to the station early this morning in the waggon on their way
to Missouri. Was at the same occupation as yesterday. J.C. Snell and wife were down and spent the
evening at our place.
Thursday 11
The roads are now quite muddy Am still hauling gravel on the road. Jane stayed with us all day and
J. C. S. came down this evening and we all visited Uncle Adam's. Mr. P. Grahams hotel and stables
in Brampton were burnt down to night.
Friday, February, 12, 1869
The weather today is like spring and we had a slight shower of rain this morning. Was at the same
work as yesterday having now more than 3/4 of a lot gravelled spent the evening at home in reading
the "Ladies: Repository. "
Saturday 13
There was some slight showers of rain today. Went to Georgetown this morning and then to
Stewarttown trying to sell Melodeons did not make any sales. The night has set in with a rainstorm.
Sunday 14
The weather is very stormy today snow and sleet from the "East", On account of the weather spent
the day at home in reading. The storm continues after dark. This is the first Sunday of /69 that I have
spent entirely at home.
Monday, February 15, 1869.
Was engaged in hauling elm cordwood on the sleigh to Brampton for Haggert and Bros. Hauled 3
Cords today for which I received $2 per cord in trade. Spent the evening at home in reading the
Tuesday 16
The weather today is pretty cold with frequent snow squalls. Was engaged at the same work as
yesterday. Spent the evening at home. R.F. Snell and Esther Wiggins were at Uncle Adam's to night
visiting Willy Mason.
Wednesday 17
It has turned warmer today and the snow is fast dissapearing. Was at the same work as yesterday.
Spent this evening at Uncle Adam's and received Mr. Mason's notes to keep them till next fall.
Thursday, February 18, 1869.
Finished hauling wood to Brampton for Haggert Bros having hauled 11 cords @ $2. Mrs. Trueman &
Mrs. Featherstone were up and spent the day at our place and went home tonight.
Friday 19
The weather today was cold and blustering. Uncle Joseph Dixon came down from Amaranth this
afternoon. Uncle Adam brought his notes over today. Was at Mr. R Lowes'es social tonight-had a
pleasant time.
Saturday 20
Uncle George Burke and wife came up yesterday on a visit. Went to Brampton in the afternoon and
put an advertisement in the Peel Banner respecting the melodeon agency to be left in for four
months - price $3.
Sunday, February 21, 1869.
Very stormy morning went to S. School Mr. Millard first used the blackboard-subject-the rich man
and Lazarus. Went to J.C. Snells with Pockesing folks this afternoon and with them and Uncle
Adam's to Uncle Williams tonight. Met Bella Lowes there and had a pleasant time with her.
Monday 22
Uncle Adam's folks were busy all day packing up for to start tomorrow morning. I took their baggage
to the station this evening. Jane was down and spent the day at home and I drove her and J.C.S.
home in the cutter
Tuesday, 23
Willy and Johnny Mason slept with me the last night of their stay in Canada. It was very stormy this
morning and was up very early and drove the Missouri folks down to the station. The storm passed
away this afternoon and it is a beautiful moonlight night.
Wednesday, February 24, 1869.
The weather is very cold and stormy and I am afraid that the Missouri folks will be delayed by the
snow obstructing the cars. Drove Sarah Peacock up to J.C. Snells last night (where she is hired)and
spent the evening there.
Thursday 25
Nothing particular took place today on account of the bad weather. Went to Brampton Baptists S. S.
Anniversary the number present was not as large as usual Miss Lowes presided at the Cab. Organ.
Received 3 copies of the Marriage Guide.
Friday 26
Went to Brampton this afternoon and purchased 8 bush. of Corn @ 70 cents per bush. also received
my first letter from Andrus Bros. promising to send me a number of price lists
Saturday, February 27, 1869.
The coldest day we have had this season. Was engaged in threshing peas all day. Spent the
evening at home in reading the newspapers and preparing for Sunday
Sunday 28
Went to Sunday School in the morning and Mr. Jordan questioned the school on the Lesson Judges
VII. Was at the P.M. Church Brampton and heard Mr. Boyle preach text-Romans XV, 13, their new
organ is louder and harsher than at W.M. Church.
Monday, March 1
The forepart of this last month was very mild but the latter part has been cold and stormy and at
present there is a good deal of snow on the ground. Went to the T.P. Meeting this evening there was
an average attendance 7. Mr. M. not present had a very good meeting
Tuesday, March 2, 1869.
Was engaged in hauling gravel with the sleigh mine being the only team at it. Went to the Division
(tonight)(which broke down) there were only 8 present. the funds are to be deposited in P.D. Savings
Wednesday 3
Finished hauling gravel to day having hauled 7 days in all. Went to Brampton this evening and heard
Mr. Kennedy the Scotch Vocalist,in the Courthouse which was very much crowded, was well
pleased, the entertainment which last 2 1/4 hrs.
Thursday 4
This has been a very cold day. Was engaged in feeding stock and cutting stovewood. It is just 4
years today since my conversion and I regret that I have grown colder in religion than I ought to. This
Sarah Snells birthday age 20
Friday, March 5, 1869.
Went to Brampton this forenoon and brought home my mother who staid all night at Uncle Williams.
Drove her up in the cutter to J.C. Snell's this afternoon and had a look at Mr. Snell's stock, they are
in good condition.
Saturday March 6
The weather still continues very cold and blustering. Nothing particular took place to day was
engaged in cutting stovewood. Spent the evening at home.
Sunday 7
Was at S. School this morning Mr. Millard was present and used the blackboard subject - Christ and
the young. Went to Zion in the afternoon and heard Mr. Walker preach Text- Deut. IV. 9. There were
only ten present.
Monday, March 8, 1869.
Was engaged in threshing peas all day. Father went to Chilholm's Mill with a grist of 23 bush. of
mixed fall and spring wheat. Went to the Teachers Prayer meeting this evening there only four
present including Mr. Millard.
Tuesday 9
There is a great change in the weather to day turning quite warm. Jane and Mrs. J. Snell were down
this afternoon visiting. Instead of freezing to night it is thawing. Spent the evening at home.
Wednesday 10
Very stormy all day from the North-East considerable snow has fallen and the sideroads are nearly
blocked up. Drove my sisters over to school this morning and brought them back this evening in the
Thursday, March 11, 1869.
The storm of yesterday has cleared off leaving the snow in huge drifts. Was at the same occupation
as yesterday namely-driving the children to school. Spent the evening in writing Walter McClellan,
Friday 12
Went to Brampton this afternoon and saw a letter that Aunt Anne had received from Uncle John who
is now in St. Jo. Brought over the scholars and took Mary Nichols home in the sleigh
Saturday 13
Was employed this forenoon in breaking in a colt-Polly-who is 2 years old next spring, had very little
trouble with her. Alex came up this afternoon which is the first time for six months. Elizabeth C. is
going to live in Toronto.
Sunday, March 14, 1869.
Very stormy morning. Did not go to Sunday School but drove Alex up to J.C. Snell's and spent the
day there. Took Alex part of the way home in the cutter and heard Mr. McFadden preach in
Brampton at six oclock-text-John 4-14
Monday 15
Went to old Mrs. Bunting's funeral today she was buried in the old cemetery at Brampton. Mr.
McFadden preached an excellent sermon from 2 Peter 3rd Chapter 14. she was 83 years of age.
Was at the teachers prayer meeting tonight there were only 3 present.
Tuesday 16
Was engaged in hauling gravel on the Centre Road, it being now finished up to the blacksmith's
shop. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nichols were up and spent the evening at our place.
Wednesday, March 17, 1869.
The weather continues very cold and there is about 2 feet of snow on the ground. Went to the Gore
Mills today with 27 bush. of corn, peas, and oats mixed for chopping. Spent the evening at J.C.
Snells. Received a letter from Uncle Adam in Missouri.
Thursday 18
Was engaged in enrolling the militia for the west half of the township from No.10 to No. 20 which is
one half of No. 6 Company Division. Joseph Snell is now engaged in enrolling the east half.
Commenced on the C. Road and finished to the west 21st line.
Friday 19
Finished enrolling the militia today which has been a disagreeable job on account of the deep snow
which is now nearly 2 feet deep on the level and very much drifted. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's
and gave him the enrollment as he is the Captain
Saturday, March 20, 1869.
Went to Brampton this afternoon and my mother received a letter from Aunt Jennie and I a letter
addressed to Uncle Adam from Schomberg. Mother went up and is going to stay all night at J.C. S.
Sunday 21
Went to Sunday School this morning Mr. Millard illustrated the lesson Matt. XX to the 18th verse on
the blackboard. Was at Zion in the afternoon and heard Mr. Brosfield preach text-Watch, therefore.
J.C.S. and wife and S. Peacock spent the day at our place.
Monday 22
Finished threshing our peas today which have not turned out very well. Was cold and windy all day
from the east set in stormy this evening Spent it at home in reading Sunday School libraries.
Tuesday, March 23, 1869.
The storm of last night has passed leaving 4 inches more of snow. Was at Brampton this morning.
Spent the evening in writing to Uncle Adam. Father and Mother spent the afternoon on the 3rd line
east at Joshua Modeland.
Wednesday 24
Was engaged in threshing oats with the flail. We had a visit today from Isaac Modeland, his mother
and wife. Went to Brampton this evening and mailed a letter to Osborn Missouri.
Thursday 25
Was busy all day in hauling gravel to No. 10 and putting it in a heap for use next summer on the C.
Road, hauled 14 loads. Spent the evening at home.
Friday, March 26, 1869.
There was a great change in the weather today it being very misty and some heavy showers of rain.
Was up at J.C. Snells this evening and received a copy of Ashworth's Strange Tales from him for to
Saturday 27
Is a bright beautiful day and the snow is thawing very fast. Mr. Wixon from Albion and his son
stopped at our place this morning on their way home from Missouri. I drove them as far as Tullamore
in the sleigh. They are well pleased with the country.
Sunday 28
Went to S. School this morning in the cutter with 3 of my sisters and Tilly the lesson was in the 10th
chap. of 1st Samuel. Heard Mr. Sutherland preach in Zion this afternoon Test Mathew XXVIII.6.
Uncle William & Aunt Lizzie were up this afternoon at our place.
Monday, March 29, 1869.
Very wet day raining steadily all the time from the east. Was engaged in hauling manure around the
young appletrees. Mrs. J.C. Snell gave birth to a daughter today. Spent the evening in reading
"Ashworth" which is very interesting.
Thursday 30
The weather to day was quite warm with frequent showers so that the 'Etobicoke' is overflowing its
banks. Was busy part of the time in taking away the snow from the mouth of the house cellar drain,
which closed it up not allowing the water to escape.
Wednesday 31
Was engaged in cutting stovewood. This month on the whole has been unusually cold and stormy,
and I there is more snow on the ground at present than there has been for 4 years beside being
nearly as cold as January.
Thursday, April 1. 1869.
Was busy all day sawing cordwood with bucksaw for summer use. Father and Mother went up to
J.C. Snells to see the new comer. Spent the evening at home & father wrote to Uncle Thomas.
Friday 2
The weather continues cold and disagreeable. Was at the same work as yesterday. We had a visit
this evening from (big) Joshua Modeland who has been out in Iowa two weeks in January. He thinks
it a good farming country.
Saturday 3
Went to Brampton this afternoon on horseback as the roads are very rough and received a long
letter from Alex. Walked up to J.C. Snells' this evening across the fields on the crust of snow and
saw for the first time their daughter.
Sunday, April 4, 1869.
Was at Sunday School this morning, Mr. Millard was absent and Mr. Jordan examined the school on
the lesson-Matt.XX 14 to 30th. Went to Zion in the afternoon but was dissapointed in the absence of
P. Holtby Spent the evening at home reading a S.S. library.
Monday 5
Was engaged in sawing cordwood with the bucksaw and washing the young appletrees with
soapsuds to kill the lice. Drove Mother up to J.C. S. in the buggy and returned 'Ashworth' Jane is
getting quite better and the baby is growing fast
Tuesday 6
The snow is gradually disappearing Was at the same work as yesterday woodsawing. Spent the
evening in writing a letter to Alex who is expecting one in four days from the time I received his. Our
fodder for the stock is getting scarce.
Wednesday, April 7, 1869.
Was at the same work as yesterday. Father went to Brampton this afternoon and received two
newspapers from Aunt Jennie(A weekly Carthage & a Spiritualist pub. in Chicago. Spent the evening
at John Learmonts my first visit-passed in general conversation.
Thursday 8
Am still at the same work. My Mother was up at J.C.Snells this afternoon with Aunt Jennie, Jane is
getting quite well. John Learmont was over this evening and we had pleasant chat, he condemns the
idea of going to the States.
Friday 9
Went to the bush today and tapped 30 Maple trees and was busy all day at it and making sap
troughs. The sap ran very fast and we obtained a good many pails of it. J. Learmont was over and
spent the evening at our place.
Saturday, April 10, 1869.
Was at the same work as yesterday and commenced boiling sap this morning with two pots and
made over a gallon of molasses, besides tapping 10 more trees. Aunt Anne has received another
letter from Uncle John, he has made up his mind to stay in Missouri and buy a farm.
Sunday 11
Went to S. School this morning on foot (roads are getting dry) Mr. M. was there and used the
blackboard-Lesson-1st Sam.XII chapt. I received a copy of the C. Messenger from J.V. Snell. Was at
Zion this afternoon Mr. McFadden preached text Hosea X 12 verse. Spent the evening at home.
Monday 12
Started early this morning (1/2past 5) and was busy all day boiling sap and tapping, have 50 trees
tapped made 7 qts. molasses. Went to T. Prayer meeting this evening there were only 3 of the
teachers present beside Mr. S. Watson's 3 children.
Thursday, April 13, 1869.
Was at the same work as yesterday. There is a good deal of snow on the ground yet around the
fences and in the lanes. The days are warm and very frosty nights. Spent the evening at home in
reading Dr. O.W. Guthrie's "Our Fathers business".
Wednesday 14
Was at the same work as yesterday and made ten pounds of sugar. Went up to J.C. Snell's this
evening and gave them a small cake of sugar, and was also up to Mr. John Snell's and gave them
another small cake. Received a letter from Uncle Adam, staid all night at J.C. Snells.
Thursday 15
Our hired boy Samuel Bunting spent the day in the bush in boiling sap while I sawed wood and
helped father dock the sheep. Joseph G. Snell started for Kentucky this morning and intends staying
there until Christmas, he will be very much missed at home.
Friday, April 16, 1869.
Was engaged in sawing wood the sap has nearly quit running. Uncle William & Aunt Lizzie came up
this afternoon and had a good feed of maple molasses and sugar. Spent the evening at home.
Saturday 17
Went to Brampton this afternoon-they are busy enlarging the post office and making a great many
more letter boxes, for the first time I saw a velocipede belonging to Mr. Mahaffey it requires a great
deal of practice to ride one.
Sunday 18
This is my birthday being 18 years old. It is a very nice day and the roads almost dusty but as I have
a boil on the back of my neck I have to stay in the house all day. This is the second Zion day that I
have spent entirely at home this year.
Monday, April 19, 1869.
About 1 o'clock this morning we had a heavy thunder storm and has raised the Etobicoke very high
and carrying away a number of swing poles. It is very close and warm today and the grass is
commencing to grow. Was sawing wood.
Tuesday 20
It has been a very wet day but it keeps warm. Father took a load of spring wheat to Brampton to day
and received 85 cents per bush. bought 6 bush. of peas at the same price. Mr. William Carter was
plowing which is the first done this season.
Wednesday 21
Finished sawing wood to day, we have about 24 cords of wood split up into stovewood. J.C. Snell
brought Aunt Mary Peacock down to day from his place. Spent the evening at home in reading.
Thursday, April 22, 1869.
Was engaged in building fence on the "other place" between us and John Learmont, making it with
stakes at the corners and wires instead of caps. Spent the evening at home in reading a daily paper
from St. Joseph Missouri.
Friday 23
Commenced ploughing sod to day it was pretty soft. We sowed a ten acre meadow field with plaster.
(Our opinion is that he is referring to adding lime to the soil) Spent the evening at John Learmonts in
reading "Boro Bells" and talking about things in general. It is a beautiful moonlight night.
Saturday 24
Was at the same work as yesterday. Father and Mother went to Brampton this afternoon and
received a newspaper from Uncle Thomas published in Carthage. Spent the evening at home.
Sunday, April 25, 1869.
Spent the day on the 3rd Line east at Isaac A. Modeland's, drove Aunt Mary Peacock there and Tilly,
had a pleasant time, it being the first time I have been on the place for 13 years. Came home in the
Monday 26
Was busy all day in plowing sod. Father sowed 4 acres of oats this is the first seeding we have done
this year. John Learmont and his sister Susy were over and spent the evening at our place they are
pretty good company.
Tuesday 27
Was at the same work as yesterday and have now about 5 acres plowed. The weather continues
very fine with occasional showers. Spent the evening at home in reading the newspapers.
Wednesday, April 28, 1869.
Went to Brampton this morning to the spring fair and received the 2nd prize for our bull "Clifton"
there was a pretty good show of stock and implements also a horse hay fork for loading hay in the
field, being fastened to the waggon. Sowed our carrot seed this afternoon.
Thursday 29
The weather continues fine and a good growth. Was engaged in sowing oats this forenoon,
commenced sowing barley this afternoon. Spent the evening at J.C. Snells in reading and
conversation, walked over there through the fields. got home at 10.30
Friday 30
Was engaged in sowing barley. Jane, Mrs. Snell and Kizzie were down for a visit. Miss Graham from
Toronto St. was here for me to go down and repair their melodeon. I intend to go after the seeding-
This month has been rather backward compared to last spring. But it cannot be called a very late
Saturday, May 1, 1869.
There is a change in the weather today, a cold rain from the east which is turning to snow. Was
engaged this morning in cultivating the barley ground. Went to Brampton this afternoon and mailed a
letter to Uncle Adam. Spent the evening at home.
Sunday 2
Went to Sunday school this morning, the attendance was small on account of Bad weather. Our
supt. was absent subject-Luke XIX 1-10. Was at Zion this afternoon the congregation was small-9-
(A. Bowsfield dissappointed). Spent the evening at home reading about Calvin.
Monday 3
Was engaged in harrowing the barley ground and plowing sod. Isaac A Modeland and his wife were
over all afternoon at our place-they brought Aunt Mary over and are going to keep Tilly for some
time. Spent the evening at home. The last of our green apples were eaten.
Tuesday, May 4, 1869.
The weather has been quite cool since the rain of last Saturday and there is quite hard frosts at
night. Was engaged in sowing clover and timothy seed on the barley ground. Mother walked across
the fields to J.C. Snell's today. Spent the evening at home.
Wednesday 5
Finished rolling the barley field. We constructed a home-made spear with wrought nails and speared
eleven suckers in about an hour averaging two lbs. each in the Etobicoke. Spent the evening at
home as usual in reading.
Thursday 6
Was engaged in plowing sod. Bought 720 lbs. of hay of William Heath @ $14 per ton our hay and
straw being nearly all fed up. Sarah Peacock came down from J.C.S. and went to Brampton. Spent
the evening in reading the April number 2 Ladies Repository
Friday, May 7, 1869
Sowed our peas to day on the sod plowed this spring. The weather is now quite warm and the buds
are beginning to swell. Spent the evening at home as usual in reading general literature. We got a
letter from Uncle Taylor this week, he has removed to Oakville.
Saturday 8
Finished seeding to day. Went to Brampton this afternoon and bought a new coat @ $8.50 also a
pair of gaiters @ $4.00. Spent part of the time in the 'Banner' store and in J.E. Wood Barber shop.
Spent the evening at home.
Sunday 9
Went to Quarterly Meeting this morning and heard Mr. McFadden preach text- Hebrews. 12th
Chap.1,2. Spent the afternoon and evening at Aunt Emeline's with D.M., G. Armstrong and Johnnie
D. it is some time since I have been there before.
Monday, May 10, 1869.
Was engaged in digging and preparing the garden, we have nearly all the garden vegetables planted
and sowed the horse chestnuts we planted last fall are coming up and growing fast. Mrs. Snell and
Jane called at our place this evening on their way home from Brampton. Lizzie Bennet commenced
work today. 11.00
Tuesday 11
The weather has turned very warm and the spring grain is all up green. Was engaged in rolling the
meadow and planting early potatoes. Bought 280 lbs. of hay of Mr. J. Heath making 1/2 ton We
turned out our cows on the grass Turned our cattle on the grass for the first
Wednesday 12
Was engaged in picking stones off the Alsike clover meadow and finished planting our early
potatoes. We sold "Old Jim" to James Sewell for he sold her to J. Anthony for a silver wattle worth
$18. Spent the evening at J. Learmonts. (Miss Julia Heath was married today.)
Thursday, May 13, 1869.
Finished digging our garden and pruning and manuring the fruit trees Commenced raining this
afternoon with thunder. Went to Brampton this evening after my Mother who was at Aunt Anne's
visiting... She (A.A.) intends starting for Missouri on June 1st.
Friday 14
J.C. Snell and wife came down and spent the day at our place it being the first anniversary of their
wedding. Was ploughing S. Buntings garden this afternoon. Spent the evening at home in reading
the Globe. Jane stayed all night with us on account of the rain.
Saturday 15
Was hauling manure on the turnip ground this forenoon and washed the sheep this afternoon. S.
Bunting Sen. helped me we have 26. Drove Jane home this evening in the buggy and took her 5
hens and 1 cock. J.C. Snell was there a while, got home at 10 oclock
Sunday, May 16, 1869.
Commenced raining about seven o'clock this morning and lasted untill ten so that I did not get
S.School. Went to Zion this afternoon and there were 8 present and no preacher. Was at Brampton
this evening and heard D.G. Sutherland preach Psalm CXXXIX, 7 to 10 verse.
Monday 17
It has turned quite cold since the rain and some frost at night. Was hauling manure on the turnip
ground hauled 14 loads to the six acre field across the creek. Spent the evening at home reading the
"Youths Magazine" of 1844 A.D.
Tuesday 18
Planted out some early tomatoe plants and got a load of spring wheat ready for market. Sowed some
plaster on the barley which looks very well and promises a nice even crop of sixteen acres.
Wednesday, May 19, 1869.
Went to the Gore Mills this forenoon in the waggon 4 bush. of peas & oats for chopping. Rode down
to Alek's on 'Frank' this afternoon and called at Mr. Thos. Graham for to repair a melodeon. Staid all
night at Alek's who is keeping "bachelors' hall"
Thursday 20
He has bought a French Mare for $85. He is now living on the 3rd line east at Mt. Charles and is
comfortably situated. Came home through Brampton this morning and got a new glass for my watch.
Father and Mother were up to J.C. S. this afternoon and brought me $10 for enrolling the militia.
Friday 21
Was plowing all day at Mr. Gumerson for barley and J. Learmont was also plowing. The Royal
Canadian Bank suspended payment this morning. We had only $2, they are worth 80 cents apiece.
Spent the evening reading the "Sea News"
Saturday, May 22, 1869.
We sheared the sheep this forenoon, J. Learmont helping us there were 3 of us shearing, the fleeces
averaged 7 lbs. apiece. Went to Brampton this afternoon and bought some every-day summer
clothing. Spent the evening reading the "London Illustrated News"
Sunday 23
Went to S. School this morning the supt. was absent, there was large school-Lesson, 1st Samuel
XVIII 7 verse to 9. Was at Zion this afternoon and heard Mr. Russel our new preacher text J.C.S. and
wife came down and spent the evening at our place.
Monday 24
Spent the day in the bush around Eldorado Mills shooting, with William Woods G. Dawson J.
Modeland, had a splendid boat ride on the Credit river. Took dinner and tea at J. H. Main's, on the
whole I enjoyed the days sport very well.
Tuesday, May 25, 1869.
Yesterday and to day has been pretty warm. Finished plowing the turnip and potato ground to day.
Aunt Anne came here this evening on her farewell visit before going to Missouri. I felt very tired after
yesterday's tramp. Spent the evening at home.
Wednesday 26
Was hauling manure on the potato ground putting it in the hills. It is quite cool again the last two days
have been the warmest of the season. John Newhouse called here today he is going to Missouri
next week.
Thursday 27
Planted our potatoes to day, there are four kinds-Early White, Cups, Garnet Chili and Peach Blows.
We also planted a few rows of corn. Was very sorry to hear of the Rev. R.L. Gabies suicide caused
by too hard study at college, he shot himself with a pistol.
Friday, May 28, 1869.
Commenced working on the roads this morning but the afternoon was very wet and is still raining
this evening. All the garden fruit trees are well loaded with blossoms. Father was in Toronto on the
cars for to change Aunt Jennies's money into greenbacks.
Saturday 29
It is warm and pleasant after the rain and there is good growth. Went to Brampton with 33 bush. of
spring wheat @ 82 cts per bus. I saw Alex and had a talk with him. Bought a copy of Bow Bells for
May and Lovell's Geography.
Sunday 30
Went to S. School this morning our supt. was absent. Lesson-Matt.XX 1-17. Was at Zion this
afternoon and heard Mr. John Hatson preach text-Luke 13th Chapt. 24 Went to John Snell's Sen.
and spent the evening pleasantly pleasantly with the girls. Staid all night at J.C. Snell's
Monday, May 31, 1869.
Was hauling gravel on the Centre Road with the waggon, drew 12 loads. There were some nice
showers of rain to day and all the grain is growing very fast. Mr. George Elliott was buried yesterday
with military honours.
Tuesday, June 1
Was engaged in using the road scraper this forenoon and finished the road work. I drove over to Mr.
M. Cation's in the buggy with a beehive for to get a swarm into it, the hive will be left there until fall.
Spent the evening at home.
Wednesday 2
Commenced hauling manure on the summer fallow hauled 25 loads, James Sewell helped me to
haul it. It has been a very warm day. J.C. Snell and wife came down shis evening and are going to
stay all night.
Thursday, June 3, 1869.
Was at the same work as yesterday and hauled the same number of loads. The weather during the
months of May has been very favorable for the crops. Was down at E. Buntings this evening jumping
with some of the boys I jumped 14 feet.
Friday 4
J.C. Snell and wife went home early this morning. Done the same amount of work as yesterday. I
went to J.C.S. this evening and took them a cow Sarah Snell was there during the evening. Staid all
night up there.
Saturday 5
It has rained all night and this forenoon. Set out fifty cabbage plants & some tomatoes. It has turned
quite cool since the rain which has done a great deal of good to the crops. Spent the evening reading
Sunday, June 6, 1869
Went to S. School this morning (supt. absent)lesson 1 Sam. XXII chap. Went to Zion this afternoon
one of the P.M. ministers preached text Isaiah XXVIII chap. 10 verse. it was the largest congregation
we have had for months. Spent the evening at home.
Monday 7
Was hauling manure on the fallow, hauled 21 loads. Commenced raining at teatime and is a wet
night. Spent the evening at home in reading.
Tuesday 8
Sold a cow and calf this morning for $30 to Mr. Williamson. Was plowing sod for summer fallow
plowed an acre, it is pretty hard plowing but it is in good order. Spent the evening reading
Wednesday, June 9, 1869.
Was at the same work as yesterday. Sarah and Jennie Peacock were up at our place and staid all
day they are both living in Brampton. J.C.S. called at our place tonight on his way to Mr. Christie's
sale at Brantford
Thursday 10
Am still at the same work this morning was quite wet but cleared off and was very warm at noon and
we had a thunder storm this evening. Mother went up to J. C. S. to day and is going to stay all night.
Friday 11
Was at the same work this forenoon as yesterday but had to give up work this afternoon on account
of another boil on the back of my neck. Drove up to J.C. Snell's this evening and brought Mother
Saturday, June 12, 1869.
The weather keeps very cool for the season with frequent showers. John Newhouse called at our
place on his way home from Missouri, he was well pleased with the country and is going to live there
as soon he can get away.
Sunday 13
This is a wet day,d warm rain from the south, it has cleared off at noon. Mr. P. Holtby preached this
afternoon in Zion and took tea at our place. This is the third Sunday that I have spent entirely at
home this year.
Monday 14
Spent the day in reading. Am not yet able to work. Father was plowing sod in my place. Went down
to Mr. Robert Smith's after the turnip drill he is still using it. John and Susy Learmont came over and
spent the evening.
Tuesday, June 15, 1869.
The weather is very cold for the season and it is dull and cloudy. Mrs. Mathew Pearon and her son
Henry Isaac were over at our place for dinner. Spent the evening at home.
Wednesday 16
Was busy all day plowing the ground in drills for turnips, sowed about 2 acres. Mr. Hindle was here
with a letter from Aunt Anne she likes Missouri very well
Thursday, 17
Was very sorry to hear of the death of Herman Ferguson my cousin, he died last night by falling off a
fence and the sharp stick pierced his left lung Was helping John. Learmont build fence
Friday, June 18, 1869.
Went to Brampton this morning and Dr. Putallo lanced the abscess on my neck; it was a very painful
operation. Herman was buried today in the new cemetry in Brampton. Rev. W. McFadden preached
text II Kings IV Chapt. 26th verse
Saturday 19
Commenced crossplowing the fallow. The weather is turning a good deal warmer. Sold our wool to
K. Chisholm & Co for 38 cents per lb. there was 170 lbs. Emma Armstrong and Hattie Modeland
were up on a visit.
Sunday 20
There was a heavy shower of rain early this morning. Went to S. School our Supt. absent Lesson-1
Sam. XXVI. Took dinner at J.C.Snell's. Was at Sion this afternoon, Rev. Mr. Russell preached text-II
Cor. XII chap 9th verses. Spent the evening at J.C.S.
Monday, June 21, 1869.
Was at the same work as on Saturday. The weather is very favorable for the crops, the fall wheat
has been out in head a week and the clover is nearly in full bloom. Spent the evening at home
reading the May 16 of Ladie's Repository
Tuesday 22
Was plowing this forenoon. Went up to Edmonton and got the horses shod, father, mother and Lizzie
Burnett went up to Zion for to clean the church and put it in order, Sarah and Lizzie Snell were there
Wednesday 23
There was a very heavy thunder shower yesterday afternoon. Was plowing all day in summer fallow.
Spent the evening at home in reading the "Christian Guardian"
Thursday, June 24, 1869.
Spent the day in fishing at the 'lake', did not catch any at the lake but caught 30 in the Etobicoke.
Spent the evening very pleasantly at Mr. R. Smith's social, proceeds $45 for the Best S. School,
Bonsan, Mrs. J.C. S. and Sarah Snell spent the afternoon at our place.
Friday 25
Was plowing all day. Father was up at the lake this afternoon and caught 8 sun fish. The weather is
still cool, the turnips are just coming up and also the field potatoes there is some in the garden over
a foot high
Saturday 26
Was at the same work as yesterday. There was a man from Port Hope called at our place and
offered us $7000 for our farm but we did not take it. Spent the evening at home reading the
Sunday, June 27, 1869.
Very wet morning rain from the south. Went to S. School there was only about 20 present Supt. abs.
Lesson-Matt.XXI-33-46. Spent the evening at home playing the melodeon and singing. There was a
heavy shower this evening.
Monday 28
Was building the line fence between us and J. Learmont. Spent the evening very pleasantly at Mr. R.
Smiths party, we had strawberries and cream for a dessert, there was about 25 present. I got home
at 1.30 o'clock A.M.
Tuesday 29
Finished the job we were at yesterday. There was some rain again today and it was very warm. The
barley is just coming out in head. Father went to Brampton today and bought a grindstone for 90 cts.,
weight 61.
Wednesday, June 30, 1869
The weather this month has been very cool and wet, so cold that it has kept the crops back. but they
are growing very fast now and look well. Finished crossplowing the fallow. Went to Brampton this
evening and mailed a letter to Aunt Catherine.
Thursday, July 1
It has been a very pleasant day. I spent it at Mr. Snell's lake fishing and caught only two. There were
a good many there and among them was Sarah Snell. I was sorry afterwards that I did not talk more
to her but it is my old failing-bashfulness.
Friday 2
Was engaged in horse-hoeing the carrotts and potatoes they look well and are growing very fast.
Was hauling manure on the summer fallow that was plowed this summer. Joshua Modeland was
married yesterday.
Saturday, July 3, 1869.
Was a very warm day. Went to Brampton this afternoon and bought a light lustre coat for $ . also a
White leghorn hat for $1.25, we also bought a scythe and some rakes. I found quite a lot of wild
strawberries beside our line fence.
Sunday 4
Drove up to S. School this morning there were six in the buggy. Mr. Millard was present Lesson-1
Sam. XXX chap. Went to Zion in the afternoon and Rev. W. L. McFadden preached text-Acts XXIV-
25th. Was at Brampton W. M. Church tonight, Mr. McF. preached same text
Monday 5
Commenced cutting clover this afternoon it is pretty green yet but the season is growing late. Mrs.
John Snell and Mrs. J.C.S. spent the afternoon at our place. Spent the evening at home in reading.
Tuesday, July 6, 1869.
Was engaged this forenoon in hilling up the potatoes with the plow. Was cutting hay at Erastus
Bunting's this afternoon with our mower. Old Mrs. Trueman came up this evening on a visit.
Wednesday 7
It is very good hay weather now. Mother and Mrs. Trueman went up to J.C. Snell's today. Hauled in
2 loads of hay this afternoon the first we have taken in this year. Miss Elizabeth Heath spent the
afternoon at our place.
Thursday 8
It has rained nearly all night and a heavy shower this morning. Father took Mrs. Trueman home and
bought a horse hay fork. Was cutting thistles with the scythe in the pastures. John Learmont was
married today.
{written above July 9th
} John Learmont was married to Miss Elizabeth Armstrong yesterday
Friday, July 9, 1869.
{after a few lines of bleed through from previous page} We have a good many strawberries and are a
good size.
Saturday 10
{after a few lines of bleed through from previous page} it did not work very well at first but it will
improve with practice
Sunday 11
There was a very heavy thunder storm with wind early this morning Went to S. School Mr. Millard
was present and we had an excellent lesson 1 Sam. XXXI. Was at Zion No preaching. Jane spent
today at our place I drove her home this evening.
Monday, July 12, 1869.
Was a very warm day. Was harrowing the summer fallow this forenoon. We finished cutting 10 acres
of clover. Father was cutting clover for John Learmont. he was helping us to haul in hay. hauled 5
loads worked until dark.
Thursday 13
Was up at 4 o'clock this morning and started to haul in hay. Bought a fanning mill for $23 from Levi
Cossit, Guelph. Was horse raking hay this afternoon and worked until dark cocking it up.
Wednesday 14
James Bunting who is working for his uncle was helping us to draw in hay, the hay fork saves a good
deal of hard work but not much time. Father finished cutting Erastus Buntings grass today. There
was a light shower this P.M.
Thursday, July 15, 1869.
Was cutting hay on the other place this forenoon. Finished hauling in ten acres of clover and had 26
loads. It has been a very warm day. Spent the evening at Erastus Bunting's in jumping with the boys.
Friday 16
There was another heavy thunder storm during the night and the grain is quite flat. Was cutting grass
for John Learmont with the mower and I took dinner there for the first time had a feed of cherries
which are now just getting ripe.
Saturday 17
Was horse hoeing turnips this forenoon. Was cocking up hay on the other place, it is a very good
crop mostly timothy. Hauled in 2 loads, the horse fork works a great deal better in the timothy than in
the clover.
Sunday, July 18, 1869.
Drove up to S.School this morning Supt. absent. (Mr. Brooks preached school) lesson-Psalm XL.
Heard Mr. Russel preach at Zion this afternoon, his sermons are quite short-text. Pray for the peace
of Jerusalem. J.C.S. and wife spent the day at our place. I drove them home this evening.
Monday 19
We had new potatoes yesterday, they are as large as turkey eggs. James Sewell was helping us to
haul in hay this afternoon from the other place. Mis Learmont spent the evening at our place and
bade us goodbye. as she is going up home.
Tuesday 20
Was a very wet day with a good deal of thunder. Was thinning out turnips. Went up to John Snell's
this evening to repair their Melodeon but did not get it finished. Drove my Mother home from J.C.S. it
is a beautiful moonlight night.
Wednesday, July 21, 1869.
Went up early this morning to John Snell's and finished repairing their melodeon. I had a long chat
with Sarah Snell she does not seem to have much taste for playing although she seems a very nice
girl other ways. Spent the evening at home.
Thursday 22
Kezia Moreland came spent the day at our place. Was plowing the summer fallow it is in good order
considering that it was plowed the first time only about 6 weeks ago. We were hauling in hay and
broke one of the prongs of the horse fork
Friday 23
Started hauling hay very early this morning as it looked like rain. John Learmont was helping us with
his team, finished haying today having about 48 loads of 18 acres and spent nearly 3 weeks over it
on account of the wet weather.
Saturday, July 24, 1869.
The weather is very dull and quite cool. Was plowing at the same field as the other day it is almost
too wet to plow there has been so much rain. Mr. Cummerson was cutting fall wheat which is the first
in the neighbourhood.
Sunday 25
Aunt Mary & Lizzie Bennett started away early this morning to Henry Modelands on a visit. Went to S
School the Supt. present, had a very instructive lesson-Matt.XXII, 1-18 verse. Lavina and I went up
to J.C.S' and staid all night. It has been a very warm day.
Monday 26
Was cross plowing all day and plowed an acre and a half. It is has been a pretty warm day. We
received a present of cherries from Mr. A. Bunting he has a great quantity of them. Spent the
evening reading the {Ford Families?}
Thursday, July 27, 1869.
Was at the same work as yesterday. There was a heavy thunder storm today at noon. I spend most
of my noon spels in practising on the melodeon it takes a great deal of practice to make a good
Wednesday 28
It rained all forenoon from the west. We are engaged in putting up hooks through the barn roof for
the horse fork pulleys. Finished cross plowing Father and Mother spent the evening up at J.C.
Thursday 29
Commenced marking out the summer fallow into ridges 22 ft. wide. James Mason spent the day at
our place he came from Missouri this week, he has changed very little in his looks he is hired at Mr.
Hindle's @ $2 per month for harvest.
Friday, July 30, 1869.
Commenced cutting our fall wheat this afternoon it is a good crop and I think will yield well, it is Diehl
wheat very plump in the grain it shells out a good deal in harvesting. It was pretty warm today but
almost cold enough at night for frost..
Saturday 31
Was cutting wheat all day with the reaper and finished tonight we had 11 acres. James Mason was
binding for us today and our two neighbours so that it was bound as fast as it was cut. There has
been a great deal of rain this month with thunder and has also been very cold for the season.
Sunday, August 1
Went to S. School this morning the supt. present-Lesson II Sam. VII chap. Was at Zion this afternoon
Rev. W.L. McFadden preached Acts-II Chap.-37th verse. I went over from meeting and took tea at
J.C.S. and spent the evening there. It has been a warm day.
Monday, August 2, 1869.
Spent most of the day berry picking in Mr. Dyer's bush, E. Burnett, S. Bunting, Lavina and myself
and a good many from No. 10, we picked about 16 lbs. There was a very heavy rain this evening.
Uncle William Ferguson & wife were also picking berries.
Tuesday 3
The three of us were down at E. Buntings, with the reaper and 6 acres of fall wheat it is not so good
a crop as ours. Spent the evening in cutting roads around our barley field with the cradle.
Wednesday 4
Another wet day, showers from the west with thunder. We 'docked' our lambs and took them away
from the ewes and put them in a field by themselves, there 14 rams and 8 ewes. Planted out a bed
of strawberries.
Thursday, August 5, 1869.
Went to Brampton this morning and sold the iron belonging to the old threshing machine for $
Commenced cutting barley with the reaper cut about 5 acres. it is a very heavy crop and is knocked
down a good deal with the rain.
Friday 6
John Learmont and his hired boy and team were helping us to haul in our wheat there was 18 loads
on the 11 acres and there seems a good deal of wheat in it as it handles very heavy. The weather
has been quite cool over the last 2 days the wind in the North.
Saturday 7
Was horse raking wheat stubble commenced at 5 o'clock this morning and finished it at 9 oclock.
Was reaping barley this afternoon and hauled in the wheat rakings, worked until dark mowing barley.
The sun was eclipsed about 5 o'clock this evening it was half obscured and it was as dark as after
sun set.
Sunday, August 8, 1869.
Father, Mother and I drove over to Harrison's to Quarterly Meeting. Mr. McFadden preach text 43
Psalm, 3,4 and 5th verses the church was crowded. Walked up to the Baptist Church, Edmonton.
Rev. Mr. Lawrance preached a very good sermon text Acts XI 23 verse, I saw Jabez Heath for the
first time since his return from Great Britain
Monday 9
The three of us were over cutting J. Learmonts barley with our reaper this forenoon, he bound it all,
Was hauling in our barley this afternoon, it is all loose and we unload it with the horse fork which
works very well with it.
Tuesday 10
The weather continues very fine and quite warm. Was over to see Mr. Tuckers self raker working it
does its work well and saves a good deal of hard work. Was hauling barley with 3 teams this
afternoon hauled 18 loads, worked until dark.
Wednesday, August 11, 1869.
There was a light shower early this morning. Was hauling in loose barley this afternoon. Went to Van
Amburg's Menagerie this evening in Brampton there was a big crowd at it and all seemed well
pleased with the show. there was nearly 500 animals, birds, etc-tickets 50 cents.
Thursday 12
Was reaping barley this afternoon J. Learmont and J. Bunting were helping us in binding the barley
this is all we intended to bind. Was hauling in barley this afternoon hauled six loads, spent the
evening at home.
Friday 18
There was a very heavy thunder storm last night. Was reaping barley for Erastus Bunting this
afternoon, I was pulling off the sheaves from the reaper which I have done all harvest, there was
some huge thistles, nearly an inch in diameter at the lower end of stalk.
Saturday, August 14, 1869.
We had Samuel Bunting Sen. helping us to cut barley 2 of us were mowing it with the scythe it is so
badly laid that the reaper won't cut it. We hauled in 7 loads of barley this afternoon it commenced
raining about dark from the east
Sunday 15
It rained a good deal last night. Went to S. School this morning our Supt. abs. on account of the
sickness of his wife there was only a small school Lesson II Sam. 15 chap. Mr. Russel preached at
Zion a 2 1/2 P.M. text Spent the evening at J.C.S and staid all night.
Monday 16
Finished marking out the ridges in the summer fallow Was mowing barley with the scythe and horse-
raking and cocking it up. Was preparing 20 bush. of Treadwell wheat for market it is the last of old
Tuesday, August 17, 1869.
Mr. Thomas Simpson was threshing for us today with his new machine (Berwick) it does very good
work. threshed all the fall wheat and 1/3 of the barley the fall wheat is an excellent sample and the
barley fair.
Wednesday 18
Was reaping J. Learmonts oats they are a great crop of straw and are the tallest I ever saw being
higher than a man's head it was very heavy work pulling off the sheaves. We hauled in 19 loads of
barley today
Thursday 19
Our 2 year old colt 'Pollie' happened a bad accident by getting her foot cut and it bled a great deal.
We had a great deal of thunder this afternoon with some rain. Commenced cutting our oats, are well
filled and a good crop
Friday, August 20, 1869.
Yesterday and to day I think have been the warmest days this season Finished cutting the field of
oats nearly 4 acres. We hauled in the last of our barley having over 55 loads Took a load of new
wheat to Brampton, 51 bush @ $1.03.
Saturday 21
It rained all forenoon from the east. Was putting up the pulley for the horse fork in the new barn for to
unload peas. Was ridging up the fallow this afternoon. The land is in good order and nearly clear of
Sunday 22
Went to S. School this morning our Supt. present-lesson Matt.XXIV 1 to 28. There was a large
attendance. The local preacher disappointed us at Zion. Went to the Baptist chapel at Edmonton. Mr.
Lawrance preached test Romans I 18. Spent the evening pleasantly at Mr. Samuel Sewells.
Monday August 23, 1869.
It has been a very warm day. Finished cutting oats at noon they are a very heavy crop. Was reaping
oats all afternoon for Mr. Erastus Bunting, his oats are not quite so heavy as ours. Spent the evening
at home, it is beautiful moonlight.
Tuesday 24
Finished cutting E. Bunting's oats this forenoon. Was binding oats at home all afternoon. which is
nearly all the binding I have done this harvest. S. Bunting Sen. is half drunk most of the time and is
not much good.
Wednesday 25
Has been a warm day. Was ridging up, all day plowed 1 2/3 acres. Erastus Bunting was threshing.
Our 2 men went with the team Was reading the new 5th Book(School book)published by J.
Campbell, Toronto. it contains a great amount of interesting reading.
Friday, August 20, 1869.
Yesterday and today I think have been the warmest days this season. I finished cutting the field of
oats nearly 4 acres. Hauled in the last of our barley having over 55 loads. I took a load of new wheat
to Brampton, 51 bush @ $1.03.
Saturday 21
It rained all forenoon from the east. Was putting up the pulley for the horse fork in the new barn for to
unload peas. Was ridging up the fallow this afternoon, the land is in good order and nearly clear of
Sunday 22
Went to S. School this morning our Supt. present-Lesson Matt. XXIV 1 to 28. There was a large
attendance. The local preacher disappointed us at Zion. Went to the Baptist chapel Edmonton. Mr.
Lawrance preached text Romans 1 18th. Spent the evening pleasantly at Mr. Samuel Sewells.
Monday, August 23, 1869.
It has been a very warm day. Finished cutting oats at noon they are a very heavy crop. Was reaping
oats all afternoon for Mr. Erastus Bunting, his oats are not quite so heavy as ours. Spent the evening
at home, it is beautiful moonlight.
Tuesday 24
Finished cutting E. Bunting's oats this forenoon. Was binding oats at home all afternoon, which is
nearly all the binding I have done this harvest. S. Bunting Sen. is half drunk most of the time and is
not much good.
Wednesday 25
Has been a warm day. Was ridging up, all day plowed 1 2/3 acres. Erastus Bunting was threshing
our 2 men went with the team Was reading the new 5th Book (school book) published by J.
Campbell, Toronto. It contains a great amount of interesting reading.
Thursday, August 26, 1869.
We cut our Alsike clover 13 acres with the mower with a platform attached and raked it off in
bunches, it is too ripe and shells out a good deal. J. C. Snell & wife spent the evening at our place
they intend having a big sale of stock on the 30th of Sept.
Friday 27
Was ridging this forenoon with two teams. Arichibald Bunting and the other 2 commenced pulling our
peas, they pull very easy this year the ground is so loose. Hauled in the Alsike this afternoon there
were 5 big loads.
Saturday 28
A heavy thunderstorm early this morning. Was cutting J. Learmonts spring wheat with the reaper this
afternoon he had men enough to keep up to the reaper in binding. Spent the evening preparing for
Sunday, August 29, 1869.
Went to S. School this morning our Supt. absent the lesson II Sam. XXII chap. I took dinner at J.C.
Snell's. George Graham preached at Zion this afternoon text-CXLIV Psalm verse. Spent the evening
at home playing the melodeon.
Monday 30
Finished cutting J. Learmont's wheat this morning. Commenced hauling in our oats this afternoon,
we got in 6 loads, they are hardly dry enough yet. Spent the evening at home reading the new 5th
book(school book)
Tuesday 31
We have had some of the warmest days this month of the summer there has been a good deal of
rain and the harvest is later than for some years. We are half done ridging up and have half of our
oats and all of our peas out yet.
Wednesday, September 1, 1869.
There was a white frost last night, it is quite cold today Was threshing at John Simpson with team
and 2 hands their grain did not yield very well. Archd Bunting finished pulling our peas today which
job I have missed doing this year.
Thursday 2
Was hauling oats all day & finished to night. J.C. Snell and wife took dinner at our place today, he
took the names of our thorough bred Durham cattle and is going to put them up at their sale on the
Friday 3
Was hauling peas all day have in 12 loads, and unload with the horse fork, I met with an accident by
the rope getting around my hand and drawing it bruised my fingers badly.
Saturday, September 4, 1879.
Commenced sowing the fall wheat today and sowed ten acres, which is all we have planted yet, the
ground is in very good order. Nearly all the plums and pears in the garden are ripe, the trees are well
Sunday 5
Went to S. School this morning Supt. absent-Lesson-Matt XXV J.C.S. and wife came down to dinner
(green corn). Mr. Walker preached at Zion test-Genisis XXII 2nd. Kezia Snell took tea with us, went
to Bap. Church Ed.n text Mark I 15th.
Monday 6
George Adams & his son Joseph was helping us to haul in peas, I was ridging up with the other
team, they hauled 10 loads. I plowed 2 acres today in 9 hours. Mrs. J.C.S. spent the day at our place
J.C. being in Toronto. A very warm day
Tuesday, September 7, 1869.
Was plowing until 10 o'clock when it commenced to rain and has been raining all day from the N.E.
Spent the evening at home reading. Mr. & Mrs. A. McFaul of Caledon came home last week from
Ireland where they have spent the summer. Sarah Snell is now in Caledon at their place to spend a
Wednesday 8
It rained all last night and the greater part of today. Went to Brampton this forenoon and visited J.E.
Woods Barbershop. Spent the evening and all night at J.C. Snell's, he is now very busy preparing for
the Provincial Fair.
Thursday 9
Very dull and cloudy but cleared off this evening. Reaped 7 acres of spring wheat for E. Bunting. It
was a light crop for the season Spent the evening at home reading the Christian Guardian and social
Friday, September 10, 1869.
Was plowing and sowing wheat the ground is quite wet after the heavy rain. The wife of the Rev.
William Millard died on last Wednesday with the consumption she has been sick many years, was
buried to day in Township of Etobicoke.
Saturday 11
Finished the fall seeding today have sowed about 15 acres Received a catalogue of Mr. Snell's sale
with a portrait of "Duke of Bourbon" on it, and full pedigrees of the stock for sale. Spent the evening
reading the Globe.
Sunday 12
A warm day. Went to S. School our Supt. absent, lesson II Sam. XXIII Chap. Was at Zion this
afternoon Rev. D.G. Sutherland preached text-Hebrews XI, he has just returned from Europe where
he spent the summer.
Monday, September 13, 1869
Was hauling in peas all day, took in 8 loads. J.C. Snell called at our place this evening and asked me
to help them during the Exhibition with their stock which I intend doing. This was a warm day for the
Tuesday 14
Finished harvest today by finishing hauling in the peas there was 40 loads off 7 acres threshed 22
bush with the horses and stacked the straw out. Spent the evening at home Aunt Mary Peacock
went to Toronto.
Wednesday 15
Went to the Gore Mills today with a grist and peas to be chopped. Harvested our beans. Was up at
J.C. Snell's this evening they are not quite through harvest but will be to morrow.
Thursday, September 16, 1869.
Was hauling manure on stubble ground to enrich it for turnips, hauled 18 loads with one team. Father
was threshing at Gummerson's. The fall wheat is up nice and green.
Friday 17
There was a very heavy thunder storm las night. It rained a great deal Went to Brampton this
afternoon and started about 4 oclock for London on a freight train, arrived in St. Mary's at 11 PM.
Saturday 18
Spent the rest of the night trying to sleep but could not on account of the cold. We had breakfast
here and arrived in London 9 A.M. where we unshipped the stock and drove them to the fair ground.
We board in a private house.
Sunday, September 19, 1869.
Was very tired last night. Went to W.M. Church and heard Rev. Mr. Cookman text John I 29th It is a
very warm day Heard Rev. Mr. Hunter preach this evening, text- Hebrews
Monday 20
Was busy all forenoon washing the cattle in large pond called Lake Horn which is in the grounds.
Was picking the sheep and fixing them up There is every prospect of a good show.
Tuesday 21
Commenced showing the sheep this afternoon. We have a very nice boarding place at Mr. Christie's
and the time passes pleasantly. Spent the evening walking through the streets.
Wednesday, September 22, 1869.
Finished showing the sheep this afternoon we received 6 prizes on sheep and 10 prizes on cattle 5
first prizes, the Prince of Wales' prize for the best herd of Durham cattle.
Thursday 23
I saw Prince Arthur on the ground yesterday he is rather a fine looking young man (age19). My
father came up to the show to day, there is not many up from our part. There is a good show of
articles in the Palace.
Friday 24
The fair broke up to day at 2 o'clock and to night nearly all the stock has left for home. There are a
great many machines and implements showed. They had fireworks in the city on Wednesday
evening in honor of the Prince.
Saturday, September 25, 1869.
Was up early this morning and had breakfast about daylight drove all Mr. Snell's stock down to the
station, we got them shipped and started at 2 PM J.C.S. and I came on the express train. I got home
at 12 o'clock it rained nearly all day.
Sunday 26
Spent forenoon at J.C.Snells. Heard Rev. McFadden preach at Zion text Hebrews XI 16th. Spent the
evening pleasantly at J.C.S. in company with Miss Sarah Snell and Kezia and escorted them home
in the buggy.
Monday 27
Was hauling manure on the stubble ground it is quite soft after the heavy rains. Father arrived home
this evening from visiting his friends in St. Thomas they are are all prospering and intend to visit us
next fall.
Tuesday, September 28, 1869.
Finished hauling out the manure and the barn yard is clean once more. Drove our two Durham cattle
(cow&calf and bull) up to Mr. Snell's for to be put up at the sale tomorrow. J.G. Snell came home
from Kentucky last night.
Wednesday 29
Staid all night at J.C. Snell's. Was the clerk at the sale today, there was quite a number of people
present and the stock sold well, they realized over $3000, we did not sell ours but bought a heifer
calf for $95. Spent the evening with the girls and staid there all night for the first time in my life.
Thursday 30
Was up before daylight this morning and home before our folks were up. Took a load of barley to
Brampton this forenoon and got 72 cents per bush, 58 bush, sold 65 bush last week at 71 cents.
Washed our ram (10) lambs with warm water and soap.
Friday, October 1, 1869.
Mr. Thos. Simpson threshed for us today, barley and oats, it has been a fine day but a head wind
which made it very dusty. Uncle Adam arrived here yesterday morning from Missouri he looks rather
thin but is healthy his son Albert is along
Saturday 2
Finished threshing today, the grain turned out well. Mrs. J.C.Snell and Sarah Snell called here after
dark and seen Uncle Adam and Albert he brought hickory and walnuts sweet corn and papas
{pawpaws} a kind of fruit.
Sunday 3
Went to S. School this morning our supt. absent he is not well, his wife died 3 weeks ago,-Lesson II
Sam. XIX chap. Mr. J.G. Watson preached at Zion at 21/2 P.M. text John XII 32nd verse. Took
dinner at J.C.Snells. Spent the evening at home.
Monday, October 4, 1869.
Went up to Mr. John Snell's this morning and brought home the heifer calf we bought for $95.
Commenced cutting the clover for seed it is a good crop and the seed well filled. Spent the evening
at home preparing apples for drying.
Tuesday 5
Finished cutting our clover we have 10 acres. Was cutting clover for Erastus Bunting's. The weather
is quite cold with frost at night. Uncle Adam came here this evening from Amaranth the folks are
pretty well.
Wednesday 6
Went to Brampton Show this forenoon and some plums & potatoes to show but obtained no prize,
there is a good show especially among the vegetables. Was cutting clover this afternoon at Mr. E.
Thursday, October 7, 1869.
Went to Brampton Fair early this morning with 7 ram lambs and sold 6 for $10 each There was a
great crowd more so than any previous fair. It was late this evening when we got home and had the
chores to do after
Friday 8
Was digging potatoes this forenoon nearly half rotten. Was hauling in clover this afternoon hauled 6
loads, there seems to be a good deal of seed in it. Uncle Adam was away with our horse collecting
notes. J. Learmont spent the evening at our place.
Saturday 9
Was at the same work as yesterday hauled in 8 loads. J.C.S. bought a Berkshire sow from us for $5
(3months old) The weather has been fine there was some rain this evening
Sunday, October 10, 1869.
Was at S. School, very few present. Supt absent-Lesson John XIV chap. Went to the Dedication of
new church on 3rd line east at 2 P.M. Mr. Gooderham preached text II Corth. took tea at Henry
Modelands, Rev. S. Rose of Toronto preached this evening text John VI 53 to 56
Monday 11
Went to Edmonton fair this morning with six ram lambs and a Durham heifer calf received 1st and
2nd prize on the lambs and 2nd prize on heifer, it is a cold wet day and not many people present the
girls were rather scarce but select
Tueday 12
Commenced fall plowing today for the first, it is getting late. Spent the evening hearing a temperance
lecture from a blind man, delivered in Zion not many people out. Head a nice chat with Sarah Snell
Monday, October 13, 1869.
Was plowing all day with two teams. It has been a cold day and hard frost at night. Was at Brampton
this evening at Mrs. Truemans's. Uncle Adam is here tonight and is nearly through collecting his
Thursday 14
Was up early this morning and started for Caledon Fair @ 7.30 A.M. with a span of horses to the
buggy, Father, Mother, Uncle Adam and myself was a wet and disagreeable day, got home at 8 P.M.
They have a good show took dinner and tea at John Newhouse
Friday 15
Went to E. Bunting's to thresh this morning and the machine broke so we all went home. Was
plowing pea stubble land. Spent the evening paring apples for drying and playing the melodeon.
Saturday, October 16, 1869.
Was threshing all day at E. Buntings spring wheat and oats which turn out very well. Threshing is the
most disagreeable work about a farm. Spent the evening helping Uncle Adam arrange his business
and count money.
Sunday 17
Was at S. School a good number present. Supt. absent-Lesson- Psalm CIII. Mr. Holtby preached at
Zion text Isaiah XL-31st verse. Took dinner at J.C.S. he and wife Uncle William and Adam spent the
evening at our place.
Monday 18
Was threshing at E. Bunting's this forenoon and at John Learmonts this afternoon. It has been a very
cold day and some snow showers. Went to "Ebenezer" to night to practice singing for the convention
there was only a few present
Tuesday, October 19, 1869.
Cleaned up a load of barley this morning and took it to Brampton, 41 bush @ 65cts. Finished hauling
in the second crop of clover, had 16 loads off 10 acres. There was snow squalls today. Spent the
evening at home.
Wednesday 20
Finished mowing E. Bunting's clover. It is a very cold day. Spent the afternoon at the Township S.S.
Convention held in Ebenezer only a small attendance, there was a larger number at the evening
meeting, we had several speakers and music.
Thursday 21
James Mason and wife took tea at our place last night. Uncle Adam started for Missouri early this
morning, he took $3390 with him this is the fourth trip he has made thither. Was plowing all day.
Spent the evening at home.
Friday, October 22, 1869.
Finished plowing 10 acres of pea land, we have sold the 10 ram lambs for $89 and could sell more
there is such a demand. Spent the evening at Mr. John Hindle's and stayed all night at J.C. Snell.
Rev. A McFall also stayed all night
Saturday 23
A cold S.E. rain has lasted nearly all day. James Mason and I spent the day in Toronto changing his
Canada money into American and bought his tickets for St. Jo. Missouri. We missed the train in the
evening and did not get till 3 o'clock Sunday morning
Sunday 24
Was at S. School this morning our Supt. present. Lesson, Psalm XCI. Rev. W.L. McFadden preach
at Zion at 21/2 P.M. text Psalm LCXXVI 6th verse. I took tea and spent the evening at Mr. Samuel
Snell's. A very cold day and a snow storm.
Monday, October 25, 1869.
It froze nearly hard enough last night to stop the plow. Was plowing all day in the fall wheat stubble
land, done 11/2 acres. Very cold day for the season. Spent the evening at home in reading the
Tuesday 26
About 2 inches of snow fell this morning. Went to the Gore Mills with 22 bush of peas and oats for
chopping. It is a very cold night. Are 2 parties in the neighbourhood tonight and was not invited.
Wednesday 27
Was hauling manure all day out of the yard and on the stubble. The weather is some milder to day.
Mother spent the day at J.C.S. and I drove up for her and spent the evening there in reading and
Thursday, October 28, 1869.
Was plowing all day till 3 o'clock when I took Aunt Mary Peacock's trunk over to Mr. H. Modelands
who will take it to Toronto early to morrow morning.
Friday 29
Was plowing this forenoon Commenced harvesting carrots this afternoon, they are a good crop and
have grown large. It has been a cold day with some snow showers.
Saturday 30
Finished taking up carrots. Went to Brampton this after noon and bought a new felt hat for $2.25 and
a black silk cravat for 30 cents. Spent the evening in reading the newspapers.
Sunday, October 31, 1869.
Went to S.School this morning our Supt. present-Lesson-Prov.1 1-19, he read an address given by
Mr. Reynolds at the Provincial S.S. Convention. The local preacher at Zion dissappointed only 7
pres. Spent the evening at home.
Monday, November 1
The weather this month has been very cold and a great many roots and apples are destroyed by
frost. The weather is quite warm to day. Commenced the turnip harvest. Was at Teachers Meeting to
night in Ebenezer to arrange for a tea party.
Tuesday 2
Was hauling in turnips with two teams and five hands got in 24 loads to day and 7 yesterday, the
turnips are a good size and yield well. Spent the evening at home. Indian summer has commenced.
Wednesday, November 3, 1869.
Finished the turnip harvest today. we have about 1200 bush or 40 waggon loads. It has been a warm
and pleasant day. Uncle William and wife will spend to morrow at our place. Got a letter from Uncle
John in St. Jo
Thursday 4
Finished hauling in the carrots. Spent the afternoon at Mr. Wm. North's Auction Sale of Farm, stock
and Implements, the stock brought high prices. Mr. J. W. Main took tea at our place this evening.
Has been a fine day.
Friday 5
Was plowing stubble ground. A great change in the weather last night, a cold high west wind with
some rain, which continued all day and is a cold night. Spent the evening at home reading
Saturday, November 6, 1869.
Was plowing all day today with one team. Father and Mother were at Brampton all day, he sold
Uncle John T's. house for $425 to Mr. Jerry Harris. Received a pair of winter boots from J. Coyne @
Sunday 7
Went to S. School this morning, our Supt. absent-lesson John XIII 18 to 38. Took dinner at J.C.S's.
D.G. Sutherland preached in Zion at 21/2 PM text-II Corinth. Spent the evening which is very cold at
Monday 8
A cold day with snow squalls. Was shovelling the cross furrows in the plowed land it was hard work
on account of the frost. Spent the evening at Mr. John Woodhall's at No.18
Tuesday, November 9, 1869.
Willie Learmont commenced work at our place to day for a year @ $7 per month. Hauled 14 loads of
gravel from the creek to put on the paths around the house and barn. Spent the evening at home
reading "Pilgrims Progress"
Wednesday, 10
The weather continues cold and cloudy the ground staying frozen all day. Hauled 10 loads of gravel
today and put it on the lane from the house to the road. Father and Mother spent the evening at J.C.
Thursday 11
Went to Brampton this forenoon and sat for my photograph at M. H. Craigs Gallery of Art. Mrs. J. C.
Snell spent the day at our place. J.C.S. called here this evening. A very cold day for the season.
Friday, November 12, 1869.
Was engaged in hauling stones from the other place for building purposes next summer and burning
old rails left from the line fence. A great many are behind with the turnip harvest and cannot work at
them for the frost.
Saturday 13
Finished building the line fence on the other place between us and J. Learmonts. Father went to
Brampton this afternoon to the meeting of the Quarterly Board of the circuit. Spent the evening
reading newspapers.
Sunday 14
Went to S. School this morning our Supt. present-Lesson-Prov. IV chap. Spent the afternoon at Mr.
Samuel Snell's pleasantly with some young folks. Heard Mr. Torrance preach at Edmonton text 1
Sam. XVI 7th.
Monday, November 15, 1869.
Sold 5 Berkshires, 4 mos. old @ $8 to John Snell, he sent them to and started for Kentucky today.
Was building the line fence between us and J. Simpson. Spent the evening at J.C. Snells pleasantly
in social chat.
Tuesday 16
Cut down a large elm on the Simpson line this forenoon and commenced splitting it into rails. Was at
E. Buntings and sold him 2 tickets for our S.S. Anniversary. The evening set in with a cold east snow
Wednesday 17
Went to Brampton this forenoon and received $1.10 worth of photos from Mr. Craig, they are the
best I have had taken. Stabled all our stock today and commenced winter feeding. It has rained all
day from the East.
Thursday, November 18, 1869.
Was splitting elm rails and chopping cord wood and building fence. The teachers and scholars of our
S.S. met for practice to night in Ebenezer, it is a nice moonlight night and there were 3 sleigh loads
Friday 19
It has been snowing all day from the East and there is quite good sleighing. Was hauling stakes on
the sleigh to the line fence. Was in Brampton this evening and visited J.E. Woods Barbershop. spent
the evening reading the "Peel Banner"
Saturday 20
Snowing most of the day. there is tolerable good sleighing. Spent the evening at the singing practice,
there was a good turn out. I invited Miss S.H. Snell to wait with me at the party and she consented to
my great pleasure.
Sunday, November 21, 1869.
Went to S. School this morning our Supt. present-Lesson-John XIV-a large attendance. Heard Rev.
W. McFadden preach in Zion text-Mathew XXI, 23rd. Went to Samuel Westervelt's baptism at 4
o'clock. he turned from the P.Methodists to Hard shell Baptist.
Monday 22
Commenced a heavy snow storm from the E at noon and lasted till after dark. Spent the afternoon in
preparing the Church for the party. Took tea at J.C.S. had a nice sleigh ride to the church with the
girls. Gave one of my pictures to Sarah Snell and another to Nellie.
Tuesday 23
There is a foot of snow on the ground this morning. Went to the party this afternoon, an average
attendance. Mr. Millard received a present of $100 from his friends, it was a surprise to him. I got
along nicely with my partner S.S.
Wednesday, November 24, 1869.
Very hard frost last night. Clear and cold to day. Spent the forenoon in cleaning out the church it is
quite a heavy job. Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's, Miss S. Snell was there. I had the pleasure of
escorting her home.
Thursday 25
Commenced splitting rails in the other place' bush. Father and Mother came home today from
Oakville (they went on Monday) were visiting Uncle Taylor, he is doing well in his business.
Received a copy of Frank Leslie's Illustrated from Carthage.
Friday 26
Received a letter from Uncle John (St.Jo). Was at the same work as yesterday. It has thawed a good
deal to day. Spent the evening at John Woodhall's in social chat, and in 'Nature's balmy sweet
Saturday, November 27, 1869.
Was chopping cordwood and splitting oak stakes this forenoon Went to Brampton this afternoon and
2 pair bought of working pants at $2.25 & tooth brush. Took tea at Uncle William Ferguson's. Got a
turnip cutter from John Snell
Sunday 28
Went to S.School this morning our Supt. present-Lesson-Prov. XII. J.C. Snell and wife took dinner at
our place. Mr. Walker preached in Zion at 21/2 PM text-Psalm LXIII 3rd. Spent the evening at John
Snell's with the young folks.
Monday 29
Was chopping cord wood all day on the other place. The weather is quite mild and set in with rain
this evening. Spent the evening playing the melodeon and reading the Canadian Almanac for 1870.
Tuesday, November 30, 1869.
This has been a real winter month there has been good sleighing for two weeks, a great many have
turnips and potatoes and hay and grain unharvested. Spent evening reading newspapers and
Wednesday, December 1
Was chopping and splitting rails all day. Father and Mother were over at Wm. Heath's Sale of
Furniture and household goods, the articles sold for good prices. Spent the evening at home reading.
John Learmont spent the evening with us.
Thursday 2
Was splitting elm rails and chopping cordwood for home use this forenoon. Spent the afternoon in
Campbell's blacksmith's shop at No.10 getting a horse shod. I saw an Illustrated Newspaper
published in New Zealand.
Friday, December 3, 1869.
Spent the day-which was the coldest we have had this season at I.A. Modeland's Auction Sale of all
his Stock and Implements, nearly all the articles sold brought high prices. There was a large
Saturday 4
Was engaged in chopping cordwood. Father drove to Mr. Fraser's on the 6th Line west and bought a
patent car for the horse fork it is a great improvement. It cost $9.00. Was at Brampton this evening
and bought a "Canadian Illustrated News"
Sunday 5
Was at S.S. this morning, a large attendance, our Supt. absent-Lesson John XV. Rev. D.G.
Sutherland preached at Zion at 21/2P.M.-text-1 Kings XVIII 21st. Drove the sleigh to Edmonton this
evening Mr. Lorrance preached text-Philipians II-12,13 verses.
Monday, December 6, 1869.
A very cold day. Was threshing peas with the flail. Spent the evening very profitably in listening to
Philip Philips 'Sacred Songs', it was the best singing I ever heard. The concert was held in the
Wesleyan Church, Brampton there were { } present.
Tuesday 7
Was engaged in chopping cordwood cut nearly 2 cords, split and piled it in 5 hours(the two of us).
Spent the evening at J.C. Snell's reading the "Farmers Advocate". it is published in London, Ont.
Miss K.F. Snell spent part of the evening there.
Wednesday 8
Commenced chopping of cordwood in the lower bush today. Took a load of barley to Brampton this
afternoon and got 50 cents per bush for 70 bush. Received a Daily paper from Uncle John in St.
Joseph. Also a copy of Daily Telegram from Oakville.
Thursday, December 9, 1869.
Was busy all day chopping. Father went to Robert Gardeners Auction Sale of Farm Stock and
Implements, and bought 4 breeding ewes @$32.50. Spent the evening in company with Miss E.
Burnett at J. Learmonts.
Friday 10
Was butchering hogs to day, we only had 3 to kill, they averaged 250 lbs. each. Spent the afternoon
in Brampton, purchased 2 gal. of Coal Oil @ 40 cents per gal. Spent the evening at home reading
Saturday 11
There was a thick mist all day with some rain, it is quite warm and the snow is going fast. Spent the
afternoon trying to repair the melodeon in Ebenezer, but failed as the bellows is completely worn out.
Father and Mother staid all night at J.C.S.'s.
Sunday, December 12, 1869.
Was at S.S. this morning our Supt. Present (I received a present of the "New Standard Singer" from
him)-Lesson Luke XIV 41st to the end of chap. We had a disappointment at Zion, the preacher did
not come, there was short prayer meeting held.
Monday 13
Was engaged in chopping cordwood this forenoon. Was sawing a hemlock tree with the cross cut
saw into 2 foot lengths. Spent the evening pleasantly, it being the last night Miss E. Burnett stays
with us her time is out tomorrow.
Tuesday 14
Was at the same work as yesterday and splitting hemlock rails they are hard to split. J.C. Snell took
tea at our place this evening he starts for Montreal tomorrow to see Mr. Cochrane's stock. Spent the
evening playing the melodeon.
Wednesday, December 15, 1869.
A rain storm from the East commenced today. Father went to the Gore Mills with 11 bags of peas
and oats. Drove up for Mrs. J.C.S. this afternoon she is going to stay at our place till he comes back.
Thursday 16
The rain storm lasted 24 hours. Was chopping cordwood this afternoon in the lower bush, the creek
is quite high and the ice is all broken up. Spent the evening at home reading the "Christian
Friday 17
Father drove to Esquesing for a load of lumber. he got some pretty good quality at $3.50 per
thousand. Spent the evening pleasantly at Mr. E. Bunting's there were some young folks present.
arrived home at 11 o'clock.
Saturday, December 18, 1869.
Spent the day chopping cordwood. Received a letter from John Ferguson in St. Joseph he has
bought 40 acres of land from Uncle Adam for $700. John Hunter came home on Thursday from
Illinois, he intends spending the winter here.
Sunday 19
Spent the forenoon in the S.School our Supt. abs. Lesson-Luke XIX, 41st to end. Rev. W. McFadden
preach in Zion at 21/2 PM-text-Numbers XXIl. 9. I was at the Baptist Church this evening and heard
Rev. Mr. Lorrance preach text-Galatians-XI- 17th verse.
Monday 20
Was engaged in chopping beach and maple (dry trees) in the lower bush. Father went to the
Municipal Nominations but the same Councillors were re-elected. Spent the evening at home.
Tuesday, December 21, 1869.
Went to Brampton this afternoon and bought some presents for my sisters, and a pack of cards
(Quintettea) for amusement in the home circle price 30 cents.
Wednesday 22
An East storm all night of snow and rain, turned very cold and windy to night. Spent the afternoon in
fanning up peas. Spent the evening at home playing Quintettea. Received a newspaper from J.C.S.
in Montreal.
Thursday 23
Spent the afternoon at our school examination by the Teacher Mr. Samuel Westervelt the scholars
answered well and kept good order and sang well. Anderson Campbell came home from Illinois
Friday, December 24, 1869.
Was hauling wood from the bush on the other place with the sleigh. J.C.Snell came home this
evening from N.York state, where he bought some sheep. Drove him up to his father's this evening.
Saturday 25
Spent the day at home and had very little enjoyment. Was skating about 2 hours in the afternoon. It
has been a very nice mild day and pretty good sleighing. Mrs. Peacock came here this evening from
Sunday 26
Was at S.S. this morning, a very small attendance. Supt. pres. he brought a new library for the
school 16 volumes and a copy of the "British Workman" for each child. Spent the afternoon and
Monday, December 27, 1869.
It was foggy all day finished hauling the hardwood from the other place. Robert Nichols spent the
evening at our place, he was collecting school tax, our tax was $12.75
Tuesday 28
Received a letter from Joseph Pearson last night stating that Uncle Joshua Harrington was dead a
month ago. Father and Mother spent the day at Springbook. Spent the evening writing a letter to
Alex Campbell.
Wednesday 29
Was fanning oats and storing them away in the driving house for use next summer. H.S. Dolson's
clover mill came to our place this afternoon there are 3 men with it and 2 span of horses
Thursday, December 30, 1869.
Commenced threshing Alsike clover this morning, it turned out 6 bush. off 2 acres Spent the evening
driving Aunt Mary over to the 3rd Line east in the cutter Lizzie Burnett was along, the cutter was
upset but no one was hurt.
Friday 31
Was threshing red clover today it does not turn out so well as the Alsike threshed 71/2 bush. today.
The threshers drove home this evening. Went to Brampton and got the newspapers also a copy of
the Daily Telegraph from Uncle Taylor in Oakville.
Another has rolled away adding as it were one drop to great ocean of eternity which every one must
live or die. It seems but a short time since it was welcomed in with 'a happy New Year' yet when you
calculate the labour you have passed through spring time and harvest, summer and winter, meeting
with and parting from friends joys and sorrows, hope and fears and many other things, it is a good
while. The weather this year has been remarkable. During the whole month of January we had fine
dry roads almost dusty and bright warm days, but the afterpart of
the winter was cold and stormy and in March we had nearly 3 feet of snow on the level, it laid on the
ground until the middle of April when it all disappeared, raising the river Etobicoke to an unusual
height. Commenced seeding the last week in April. The summer was remarkably cool with a
considerable quantity of rain. There was a very bountiful harvest, barley yielded in many instances
60 bush. per acre, oats 75 to 80, fall wheat 35 to 40 and peas 40 bush. per acre, the root crops were
excellent, the potatoes suffered some from the rot, a great many apples were destroyed by the early
frost this fall.
The grain market has been rather dull, barley was sold from 371/2 cents to 75 per bush. wheat 80
cents oats 30 cents and peas .50(We have sold very little grain only about 1/2 of the barley.)
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Transcription Progress



John Ferguson Diary, 1869.pdf
John Ferguson 1869 Diary Transcripts.pdf


John Ferguson, “John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1869,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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