William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1857


William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1857


William Sunter


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington County, Eramosa Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Sunter Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript and Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

William Sunter (1831-1917)
1857 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers
WEDNESDAY, May 13th, 1857 Very fine warm day. I went down to Rockwood to day to meet Mary
Jane at the cars and when getting there I found that her Aunt Janet Robertson was with her. I also
saw Agnes McFarlane at the Train. I got the two Ladies conveyed from Rockwood to Everton by B
Lewis & Team, and I was very thankful for it, as I had only prepared myself with a horse and a
saddle. "Fanny" foaled last night a fine horse colt, both are doing well appearingly.
Monday, May 18th, 1857. Some frost last night, and a very fine day has followed, although again to
night it is coolish, I have been in Guelph to day, and purchased a Burew, and table, and other things
preparatory to the raising of the Barn I also got this Book, and the book entitled the "Tongue of Fire"
Business seems at present in Guelph to be exceedingly dull, the prevailing circumstances seeming
to be, no money and no work. along the road we could see that there was considerable sowing yet
to be done, and the Land still not more than ready - a very Backward season it seems to be all over.
John Francy to day has finished his chopping, so that nothing more will be done to it untill the Brush
is burnt, Eliza Hamilton is here to day on a visit, Robert Baxter brought her + she intends to be off
again tomorrow
TUESDAY, May 19th, 1857. A little frost last night, and the day has turned up very fine. There is a
fine bracing wind. Uncle Nichol has sowed five Bags of oats to day in the upper field. The 15 ridge
next the summer Fallow is of the Esquesing seed. The land is still rather wet, and the oxen have
been greatly fatigued plodding over it. They harrowed in the 15 ridge. Adams has come to night with
his stud horse this is the third night for him. Uncle Alexander took down Eliza Hamilton to Rockwood
with the waggon this afternoon Isabella went down with them and a shopping. the Framers have
been at work yesterday and to day in addition to four days last week.
WEDNESDAY, May 20th, 1857. {Written above date: {Foals} Coolish last night, although I do not
perceive any frost, the wind has been very strong to day, and the land is drying up very fast I
finished harrowing the oats to day. Jamie did it with Edward McDermaid's mare, we have had her
now 3 days, Edward has my oxen to day logging a peice for potatoes "Flower" foaled some time last
night, and the foal is very weak on its forelegs. we have had a great job with it trying to Bandage
them so as to strengthen it but it would not work well. Edward McDermaid came to night and took
away his mare. John Francy and William Dixon started this morning for "Luther." Uncles are Busily
engaged preparing the orchard for potatoes. Alec & I have been scoring timber in the woods this
THURSDAY, May 21st, 1857 Not so cool last night and to day has been very hot and drying, there is
also rather a parchy wind, the colt is still very weak although it seems to have more courage in
putting its feet to the ground, Alec and I have been scoring timber in the woo I drew out the timber to
the Framing ground that we hewed yesterday, and score packed it edgeways in the afternoon. Alec
is plouging for potatoes - Old Peter Rymas was buried to day he died last Tuesday morning
Friday, May 22d, 1857 {Written under typed date: F r i D a y 22d 1857} Rather smoky weather, and
very warm and drying, appeared something like a change, but it all went off again, Alec and I -
cleared off the remaining part of the last 5 acre fallow, and ploughed - about half an acre which he
gives me to put my potatoes in, the - colt is now gathering strength pretty fast,and I now see, and
have seen that it gets suck pretty regularly - John Francy has got back from Luther tonight, and not
bought any land after all, we had a visit of James Mitchell to night, and had a kind of argumentative
talk on religious matters, which did not prove very agreeable, I do not think there is any good in
arguing against sectarianism with one of a sect, they seem to delight so much in the theory they
have posted up for themselves.
SATURDAY, May 23d, 1857 Continues smoky and dry, the Sun comes out very strong these days
and a dry hot wind is parching up the ground very much, the colt has now got strong enough to be
stammering through the Field, although it certainly at best a very lame looking toddle. Jamie and I,
with the help of John Francy in the afternoon have managed to plant nearly all the potatoes
today.The seed is all composed of cups, with the exception of a Bushel of the early red kind.
Margaret cut those this afternoon and they take up a dozen of rows in the Patch, and beginning from
a stake which I planted on their western row. Hassett I think has moved off today Bag and Baggage -
Alec and Uncles have been working in the orchard today, getting out dung, ploughing, and and
preparing it for potatoes,
SUNDAY, May 24th, 1857 Very hot, with an exceedingly drying wind, there are a great many fires
round, and they seem to burn very wildly, it is rather singular that things should be so dry, the
country being so very wet such a short time ago. We have had a visit of Thomas Tolton he was left
all alone when over home and he stayed with us a good while. The colt seems to be getting stronger
though it is but slowly. I scarcely left home today, and had a little walk round seeing how things
were. Margaret and I at night took a walk down the line and called at Robert Mortons. It was rather
late, and we stayed but a few minutes.
MONDAY, May 25th, 1857. Continues still very drying - the wind has blown pretty strong all day,
finished planting my potatoes today. I set down the Plum trees. I helped to score a sleeper and
purloin plate this forenoon, and in the afternoon drew them up to the Framing ground. John Francy
got home to night from another Luther ramble, and did not succeed in getting Land. Martin Jestin
has been at Guelph to day, and has to night brought up news of a terrible fire that has been raging to
day at Rockwood and Everton and also the country round - he says such a terrible scene he never
saw of the kind. The fire has got into Alec's Fallow to day, and I see a great many Fallows that seem
to be burning. People should be very catious at this time, in the putting out of fire
TUESDAY, May 26th, 1857. A little cooler to day, but there is still a pretty strong wind. I have been a
good part of the day in Everton, watching with the rest , in case of the fire breaking out again. it did
not rise much it appears as if it had gone as far yesterday as it could well go. Mr. Evert's fences are
terribly burnt down. I was helping with the rest to right them as well as possible but very little could
be done, save putting up the very outside fences in order to keep the place from being a commons
altogether - I have been asking hands for the raising of the Barn and have to night about 35
promised. Alec and Uncles have been working all day at their Potatoe Patch. James {McDermd} has
got up from Esquesing to night all well down there.
WEDNESDAY, May 27th, 1857. Not too warm to day, and we have had a very refreshing shower,
the first since the dry spell commenced. it will do much good for the crops it will also make the fires
less dangerous in the country, a great deal of damage I beleive has been done already. Mr. Everts
Barn had a narrow escape. Martin Jestin with his oxen this forenoon helped me to draw in the stones
for the Barn foundation - in the afternoon I went down to Everton and brought up some scantling. I
also called at Jonathan Tovel's and brought along pike poles. Alec has been out the greater part of
the day asking hands. Mr. Adams has been here all night with his horse.
THURSDAY, May 28th, 1857. commenced to rain this morning after Breakfast, and continued on till
the middle of the forenoon when it kind of broke up and the rest of the day was made up of now and
then a shower and again a while of sunshine. we got the foundation of the Barn so far laid before
dinner as to be ready for the sleepers, and shortly after dinner, enough of hands had gathered to
raise the building. The heavy showers of rain were very dissagreeable, however it had not the effect
of slacking the energy of the men to get up the Building. Jonathan Tovel and Duncan Robertson
were the captains, and they showed themselves worthy the Post. William Jestin managed his part as
I thought very well, and the frame was up in good time without any serious hurt to any one, and
without any disturbances.
FRIDAY, May 29th, 1857. Quite a change to day from the fine agreeable warmth we have had this
week past. we have again the chill of a November day. I packed up the Pike Poles this morning and
took them home again. I also before coming home went down to Everton and as well as doing some
business there, brought home a load of scantling. The oxen are getting rather thin with the
management of them at present. too much work and too little feed. I have just been to night seeing
after pasture for them. The colt does not seem to mend very fast, we put on a pair of Boot legs tight
around the joint, but it seems to do more harm than good, and after wearing them from yesterday
morning, I took them off to night.
SATURDAY, May 30th, 1857 Much finer than yesterday, feels like fine growing weather, things are
now tolerably moistened up. I have been logging for James McKuchnie today in rather a rough spot,
he means it for potatoes. James Mitchell, Jonathan Cox, and James Theaker were helping him. we
wrought through the day very agreeably and got along very well with the work. The folks over the
way have just got finished with planting the Potatoes in the Orchard. The colt seems to do better
without the leather Bandage on its legs, though it is still very weak.
SUNDAY, May 31st 1857. Some little rain last night and to day has been fine though rather cool. we
have had quite a visit of the schoolmaster to day, Alexander Cambell. he is certainly a very
intelligent young man. he has a great store of information, and at same time is very communicative. I
think he is greatly inclined to be sceptical in regard to religious Matters, discarding everything that
does not seem to agree with the Cannon of Reason. This night we had a visit of Thomas and William
Tolton. We put the two mares into Dunbar's Pasture Grounds, with the understanding that we pay
one Dollar and half per month, for each mare. the foals included with the mares.
MONDAY, June 1st 1857 Very fine day, we had some rain last night, and things are looking bright
and fresh. I think this is the finest growing day we have had this season. I have been looking at the
meadow to day and was agreeably surprised at it. I did not expect to see it looking so well. The
spring wheat and oats though far behind what they should be at this season of the year, are looking
healthy. The Pears are doing very well. Alec has ploughed to day the last of the Peice left in his new
fallow. He means it for Turnips and I believe a small part of it for Potatoes. I was drawing rails and
heightening the fence at the house this forenoon, in the afternoon Uncle Nichol and I have been
building the Milkhouse, but did not quite finish it.
TUESDAY, June 2d 1857. Very fine growing day, warm and showery, with little wind. I have been
working this forenoon and till supper time at the milk house, and round it, fixing the ground so that
the water could get off. After Supper I went down to Everton with the oxen and brought home a Load
of lumber the roads are rather Slippry on account of the showers. when down there, I met in with
Duncan Robertson and he was telling me he was going off in the morning to the Black Doctor with
his son John he continues very poorly. the Ransom Adams is here to night with his horse all is well
with him, and he says he is getting along very well.
WEDNESDAY, June 3d, 1857. A little cool in the morning, but a very fine growing day, towards night
we had a very heavy fall of rain, and I think things will have to grow now if it keeps warm. I went
twice to Everton for Lumber to day., the load I brought in the afternoon was a pretty large one. Ben
Carr also had a load and we both got caught in the heavy rain in coming home. The road work is
going on to day in Everton. Alec finished planting his Potatoes to day in the new land. Uncle Nichol
shore the half of the sheep this afternoon. the colt is still pretty weak in the fetlock joints but I think
tonight it appears to be improving on it. Martin Jestin's Gipsy foaled this morning.
THURSDAY, June 4th, 1857 Pretty heavy frost last night. Appeared this morning dull and rainy like,
but about ten o'clock It cleared up, and we had a very fine day. I was digging a little in the garden to
this forenoon and doing up some little chores. After dinner I started off for Tolton's raising. Alec and
some other of the neighbors came on behind me. Margaret and Isabella went over in the morning.
We had all a share of dishes to carry. The building went up fine, and was finished so that supper
was over long before sun down. The hands were divided, and there was as tight a race as I ever
saw - we are called to the road work for Tuesday next - I have to take the oxen
FRIDAY, June 5th, 1857. Somewhat cool last night and a good part of this afternoon was dull and
drizzly, but it however cleared up to be a very fine day. I went down to Everton this forenoon and
brought home a good load of Lumber. in the afternoon Margaret and I shore the sheep, and were not
much more than two hours and a half over them. Alec went down after supper and brought home a
load of Lumber for me. The colt still continues very weak, its hind legs seem to be be getting greatly
bent. I think it is owing to the weakness of the front ones, and the consequent pressure behind. I
hear to night that Alec Stewart was shivereed last night. it seems that he and Mary Black have made
a match.
SATURDAY, June 6th, 1857. Very fine growing day, though it is rather drying. The wind having a
very dry feel with it. I hitched up the mares this morning to the waggon, and took them down to
Everton, got there front feet shod and brought home the last of the Lumber with them. I had 300 feet
of door stuff, for which we only pay for sawing, having had the logs ourselves. as we left the foals
behind, the mares were exceedingly fractious. we washed the wood to day. After coming home, I
tried the mares at the Plough but got fairly beat with them. they were so furious about there colts.
Alec went down with the cars this afternoon. he intends being at Brambpton before coming home. I
broke out a few lands in the summer fallow to night with the oxen.
SUNDAY, June 7th, 1857. Very fine day, not too warm and things I think are growing fine. we had a
visit of John Robertson Junr this forenoon. I went up to James Mitchells a little while, by way of
company to him. he had driven with us and then started for home. Margaret, Mary Jane, Beccy and
Betsy went down on a visit to Duncan Robertson, while William Jestin and I joined them there after
going to visit George Cutting, who is now very low. we started from there, after getting Supper and I
had quite a long conversation with the schoolmaster. we rather differed as to what constituted virtue
and vice. We have had a visit of Thomas and William Tolton this afternoon.
MONDAY, June 8th, 1857 Exceedingly misty day, with sometimes a sprinkling of rain, I hitched up
the oxen to begin to plough in the morning but had to quit on account of the rain untill near dinner
time. in the afternoon I ploughed quite a nice peice. it turns over very nice, and the oxen were soon
pretty handy. Alec got home from Brambpton to night. he gives a very poor account of the state of
the Fall wheat down by Esquesing. Betsy Stewart poor girl is I understand very poorly. she seems to
be very weak in both mind and body. William Jestin went down again this morning to Everton and
means to work there this week yet, I would like he would stay till finished.
TUESDAY, June 9th, 1857. road work Dull and warm with a little sprinkling of rain - toward night we
had a very heavy shower which made us quit our road work an hour before the time. this spell of
damp weather I think is the best growing weather we have had this season. we have been working
on the roads to day - our Job all day has been the bridge. we succeeded in laying one buttment of
large stones on the one side of the creek. Martin Jestin's oxen and my own together drew the largest
ones. I was at Everton to night and brought home my hat and stuff for trousers costing 8/9 15/7 1/2.
we have been asked to Henry Tablots {probably Talbot's} raising today, for {Thursy} there {illegible
phrase} Mr Adams is here to night all {night }.
WEDNESDAY, June 10th, 1857. road work Clear, dry and very warm - fine growing weather. we
have had a very long day at the road work to day. we took supper to night and then wrought till dark
- James Mitchell was desirous that we should leave the Bridge for the night so that teams could
cross over it without danger - I have been with the oxen all day, James Mitchell's and Martin Jestin's
oxen were there also drawing stones the most of the day - They are making a pretty good job of the
Bridge, we finished one Buttment and overlaid it to day - the colt I think looks stronger on its hind
legs to night although it seems to be loosing a little on the front ones - James Mitchell cut out my
checked Trousers to day and begun to cut the vest –
THURSDAY, June 11th, 1857. Rather dull this morning - but turned out to be a fine day after all. we
were working at the Bridge this forenoon and got it so that we could leave it in the afternoon and
attend Henry Talbot's raising. the main Bridge is now passible, and I beleive the next operation will
be to make another Culvert this way of it. at the raising there was a great number of hands and the
Barn was put up very smartly and without any accident. the shed was all up before we got there. I
saw Alexander Anderson and he was telling me that Peter McDougal was now in a very low
condition - the cancer had now worked down to his neck, and he suffered much. Mr. Rogers came
here last night –
FRIDAY, June 12th, 1857. Very fine forenoon with scattery clouds, in the afternoon it clouded up and
from about 4 oclock untill about 6 we had a terrible rain. some large hail stones fell in the midst of it.
the men at the roads betook themselves to the wood for shelter but soon found themselve in no very
enviable condition. after clearing home and getting supper we went back and finished our job, as it
cleared up to be a fine night. the oxen were working yesterday afternoon at the Bridge, and I have
had them along to day. this days work was for the folks over by, we are all now clear for the year, as
well as paying 3 days that lay over from last year. James Mitchell has not been with us to day.
James Theacker was Boss in his place, and I think managed very well
SATURDAY, June 13th, 1857. Fine, Breezy, Warm day, the air partaking something of the summer
warmth, a luxury we have not been much accustomed to this season - we hitched up the mares in
the Lumber waggon and Uncle Alexander drove Mr. Rogers, Mary Jane and I down to the Rockwood
Station, in the afternoon, on getting aboard the cars we had not rode much over twenty minutes
before we reached Georgetown, and there found my Father inlaw in waiting for us with the Buggy,
and Janet along with him. he gave me the girls to drive home while he took the stage to Norval -
when in Norval he chanced on another ride which took him nearly home. on arriving down I found
Mother very unwell with her hand, the Baby too troubled her much, the sore on her hand has much
the appearance of a thimble turned upside down on the back of her hand and the inside filled with
the tops of the cancer {threats or threads?}
SUNDAY, June 14th, 1857 Very fine day, Sunshine, and although pretty warm, still it lacks the fine
genial heat so much needed at this season. it is rather a remarkable season this. things seem to be
growing pretty rapidly notwithstanding. the cool weather there is a very good appearance for fruit, as
far as I could observe. I put on the saddle on Nancy the young mare and rode up to Aunts got dinner
there and started soon after, by the way home I called to see the Credit Bridge. It is really a grand
sight, after getting down I found quite a number of visitors there. after supper Peter and I went over
to James Menzies and saw the Lamb with the Fine legs
MONDAY, June 15th, 1857. calf Very raw and cold this morning and continued so untile near night
when it became {very?} mild. My Father in Law hitched up the Buggy and drove me up to
Georgetown - we were there more than an hour before the cars started - Mr Rodgers was waiting
when we got to the station, and he went up to Guelph in the same train with me. when I arrived in
Rockwood I found Uncle Nichol with Flower and the Light Waggon come to meet me. the train came
up very smart to night, when I arrived home I found that Jessie had a calf, a fine sprightly heifer - the
colt is stull very weak. I am beginning to have fears for its recovery –
TUEDAY, June 16th, 1857. Quite showery and dull all day. it is still rather cool for good growing
weather - George Gray has been logging yesterday and today for Alec. it is rather misty today for it. I
drew over to the Barn the Pine Plank and inch and piled it for drying. I expected to plough to day but
it was rather wet. Margaret had a visit from Mrs. Morton yesterday. to night it is very misty and there
is lightning flashing without any thunder that I hear. Mr Adams has come tonight with his horse - all is
well with him. Margaret has now a fine lot of chickens - she has had no luck with her turkeys this
WEDNESDAY, June 17th, 1857. Very misty this morning. and raining a little untill pretty well in the
forenoon. it then cleared up to a fine day - George Gray came to start logging to day but they got
disheartend and George went home again - I have been ploughing and got very well along for the
line - the oxen work real well in the Plough for the Practice they have had. Alec has hung his gate to
day. Margaret is on picking her wool in order to have it ready in a day or two for the carding mill - I
have been washing the colts joints with cold water and salt this day or two, and I fancy it somewhat
stronger - there has been quite a mist to night again, fine growing day.
THURDAY, June 18th, 1857. Very warm and occasional Showers. as fine a growing day I think as
we have had this season - George Gray has been logging today for Alec. I have been ploughing
today in the summer Fallow and got very well along. Mrs. Webb has been helping Margaret to day at
the picking of the wool. in the afternoon Mary Jane Jestin was helping too. they finished the wool
before night. I left the colt out to night, in order to see how it will do. it seems not to get suck enough
when shut up all the time - Dunbar has been working away at his outside fences this some time
back, and has finished to night I think. I got a letter to night from James Marshall by a young man,
now in Hamilton
FRIDAY, June 19th, 1857. Fine day, but not very warm - I think the crops would be better of some
continuance of warmer weather. I have been Ploughing at the summer Fallow all day - I see Mr
Vane is also busy with his. James McKuchnie and John Francy have been splitting rails for me to
day - they say that the cedar Timber down in the 25 acre Corner is remarkably tough to split. This
morning we found 3 dead sheep on the side of the line opposite John Webb. one I could see was
one of mine, another was Alecs Ram. The third we could not say was ours as it had not the proper
mark, not to count the last named one. there is still a sheep and lamb a missing
SATURDAY, June 20th, 1857. Very fine growing day. I think it is a little warmer than yesterday, in
the afternoon it was pretty wet, sometimes a pretty heavy shower, the rest of the time a drizzling kind
of rain. I have been ploughing in the summer Fallow and finished it to day - Uncle Nichol and Jamie
were in to Guelph to day, with Fanny and light Waggon. They foolishly left the colt foal in Dunbars
Pasture along with the rest of the wild colts, and it was like to get hurt among them. My Foal seems
to be strengthening up a little - I saw William Matthews to day - he seems to be in good spirits - his
artificial leg continues to give him satisfaction.
SUNDAY, June 21st, 1857. Very fine day. clear for the greater part of day, although we had two
heavy showers of rain, one was exceedingly so. I had a walk over the Place to day. Alec's spring
wheat looks really very fine. the Fall wheat has also gathered wonderfully round again. the meadows
are looking excellent. my oats are looking very well - but the spring wheat is rather inferior, the apple
trees I planted early in the spring are all mostly leafed out, and appear as if they might live. I was
rather surprised to night by hearing that John Francy had got Baptized to day. such is the case
however, we need not be surprised at any thing in this life - we have had a visit of William Jestin to
day, he and I had a walk out in the woods.
MONDAY, June 22d, 1857 Very wet and cold day, a steady rain from the morning untill about 4
oclock, when it kind of slackened off a little. I put the mare and weak foal into the old stable a good
while to day on account of the cold rain - the foal seems to be getting some stronger. I continue to
rub it with {salve?}, since I quit the cold water - I brought home three loads of Blocks and chips from
the Framing ground after the rain quit. I had intended to be drawing rails from the swamp today this
forenoon to the summer Fallow but the rain prevented me. in the after noon I was to be at the rail
cars with the team, but also for that, in the time of the rain I was reading away at the Turkish Koran. I
have just finished reading a small work entitled the "History of the Turkish Empire"
TUESDAY, June 23d, 1857. A very fine day, the morning was very cold but when the sun got up the
warmth came along with it. in the forenoon I cleared the way to draw the rails through Martin Jestin's
feild, and drew some rails on the summer Fallow. after dinner I hitched the mare and light Waggon,
and Uncle Nichol and Margaret drove down along with me to Rockwood and met Mary Jane at the
station - the roads, and especially through thirteen are exceedingly bad - they are rutted so. I got 20
dollars from Mr Vane to day part payment of his account - Adams is here to night again all right. got
at store to night 2 Pails 1/2 $, 1 lb Tea 3/¢, 4 1/2 yards Print {illegible}
WEDNESDAY, June 24th, 1857 Very dull this morning but cleared up after awhile to a beautiful day.
still having through it all the prevailing coolness, Alec and I started off this morning to John Gilles's
and helped to raise a Shed and Barn, it was very heavy Timber, and in the fore part of the day the
work seemed to go very heavily along - however after awhile the men got brisker, and got done in
pretty good time without any serious accident, and without quarrelling. I paid Rufus Everts 16 Dollars
to day as part payment of account. William Hassett paid 3 Dollars to day for the 500 {of?} Hay he got
in the spring
THURSDAY, June 25th, 1857 Very Fine day, and considerably warmer than it has been for some
time. I have been at Jonathan Cox's today helping him to raise a log Barn, and a pretty heavy job it
was. he had hardly hands enough and the logs were pretty heavy - Margaret has white washed all
the house to day - and had it all down before I got home from the raising - Duncan Robertson came
after the Light Waggon to day, he is going down to the Black Doctor to morrow with John - poor John
seems to be getting all the time worse - his Father has but poor hopes of him –
FRIDAY, June 26th, 1857 Very fine beautiful day and I beleive the warmest as yet this season. if it
should keep this warm I think it will make the crops grow rapidly - I have been drawing rails from the
swamp to the summer Fallow. Uncle Alexander went in my place to John Webb's to help to raise his
house. Margaret is still at the cleaning up to day yet white washing the outhouses and fixing up
inside. I was looking at the colt to day and I cannot say I see much improvemnt - it still falls over
when walking - the Folks over the way have been whitewashing to day.
SATURDAY, June 27th, 1857. continues still very warm indeed it has been quite hot - we are at last
getting summer weather. I have been drawing all day at the rails again, and as they are very heavy I
have had a hard job with them. however I finished to night, Margaret is rather poorly just now I think
it may be the warm weather that is doing it - Mrs. Mitchell was down visiting Margaret to day. Uncles
& Alec have been howing at their Potatoes to day, they are hardly ready yet. but they are very dirty.
William Jestin came on to go at the Barn to day, but as John wished his help to start John Webbs
house he went to him. I beleive he means to go at it on Monday. John Jestin is finishing John Webbs
house for 25 Dollars –
SUNDAY, June 28th, 1857. Very hot this forenoon, bright sunshine and a fine breeze which made it
more endurable. in the afternoon it was I think somewhat cooler, thundering a little and one smart
little shower. I had a fine wash in the creek to day for the first this season. we have had a visit from
James Menzies Junr from Esquesing - his sister Elizabeth is now up along with him and intends
staying a week - she will likely give us a visit. I hitched up the mare and light Waggon and took
Margaret down to her Uncle Duncan's toward evening. John poor fellow is looking very bad. I am
afraid that it will go very hard with him. he is swelling up so in the legs, his face too is swollen
considerably. I hear that George Cutting has got so far round again as to be able to be out to day
and take a walk.
MONDAY, June 29th, 1857. Very fine growing day, a little cooler than we have had it this some days
back, but still warm enough for fine growing weather - there was from 7 till about between ten and
Eleven in the forenoon a very heavy rain. William Jestin has begun his work today, at the Barn and
sided quite a peice. Alec & I cut and drew from the woods scaffolding and Ladder Poles for William's
work. I also drew all the Shingles and most of the siding from the old Lane to the building ground, we
have now these few nights back had the cows into the pasture - it is getting up pretty nicely now - I
saw to day the young cattle - they are looking real well to be running the woods. the Erin Village
court is held to day.
TUESDAY, June 30th, 1857 Quite a change last night - exceedingly cold this morning for the time of
the year. I put up a fence to day, the forty rod stretch from the Line to the back of Barn, Six rails high
and had it finished at between 4 & 5 oclock, Alec finished the Large Ladder for William Jestin to day.
William has been at work to day. John Webb's Framers having been at work to day for the first -
Adam is here to night all right - he intends making this his last this season, the Foal is better to night
than ever I saw it. this is the first real change for the better. it is able to go about without breaking
down. Margaret had a visit down at her Uncle Duncan's to day. John was very poorly when she was
there - Elizabeth Menzies come up with her - she is paying us a visit
WEDNESDAY, July 1st, 1857. Coolish this morning and very misty dull. the most of the forenoon
there was a drizzling rain, and sometimes it would break out pretty heavy - I drew the last of the
Lumber over to the Barn this forenoon - in the afternoon I went at the drawing of the stone to
underpin the Barn with. William has been at work a part of the day. Uncles and Alec have been
levelling up the Lane to day. Margaret & Elizabeth Menzies with Mary Jane and Beccy have been
paying a visit to Mitchells this afternoon - Elizabeth is staying with us to night as well as last night -
the foal continues to mend.
THURDAY, July 2d, 1857. Fine warm growing day - Showery and wet in the forenoon but cleared up
to be very dry and fine in the afternnon - we heard this forenoon of John Robertson becoming
alarmingly ill, and after dinner I hitched up the mare to the Light waggon and took down Margaret,
Betsy, Mary Jane & Becca to see him - after seeing him I could have no hopes of him. his legs were
fearfully swollen, and he was exceedingly restless, after some consultation it was agreed upon that I
should go after a Doctor, and I immediately started off. I had not gone farthur then McQueen's when
I met with Doctor Parker the very man wanted, and I persuaded him to turn back - all was of no use.
Poor John Died a few hours after, at about 1/2 after seven, leaving a mourning Family behind. they
were all present. Margaret and I were present.
FRIDAY, July 3d, 1857. Very fine growing day. pretty warm, thundering and a little rain in the
afternoon. William Jestin has to night got the front of the Barn all sided in the one end finished and
the - the north Gable. the west side of the Barn he has begun - I harrowed all the summer Fallow
with the oxen. it was a very rough job. Margaret has been down at her Uncle Duncans to day - she
came home with her aunt Mitchell at night in the waggon - her Father has come up to night with the
Buggy. Isabella was taken rather unwell, else her mother was to have been up with the Buggy - John
Francy is now peeling Bark for me. he begun yesterday morning
SATURDAY, July 4th, 1857 Very fine day, bright Sunshine and very warm. there had been wet
through the night which made every thing look fresh and pretty - Margaret's Father started off this
morning for Duncan's pretty early. I started down after dinner with the Horses and light waggon
taking along Bella, and Betsy, Mary Jane and Becca. Margaret had gone down in the middle of the
forenoon with Mitchells Team - after getting down we found an immense number there, and James
Black took up a very long time with a funeral Sermon, so much so that Margaret's Father would not
go to the Burying Ground, but started right off home taking with him Mary Jane & Becca, also theire
aunt Janet. I was not any more than Margaret very well pleased at the way he took off Mary Jane
with him - I think we should for the future try if possible to do without them
SUNDAY, July 5th, 1857. Very fine day, a little dull in the forenoon but cleared up to be a beautifull
day, nice and warm though not too hot, Alec went off on horseback on a visit to Robert Barton -
pretty late before he got home - we have had quite a long visit of the Schoolmaster to day, and he
was as able as ever to communicate a large fund of information - towards night we had a visit of
William Tolton. Uncle Nichol and I had a walk over the place a little and really the crops look very
promising. the Hay more especially, the Oats are also doing well.
MONDAY, July 6th, 1857. Continues very fine, pretty hot part of the day, in the afternoon there were
some very heavy thunder clouds but they and the thunder was roaring and grumbling, but it passed
all round us and left us untouched. the rain appeared as if it was very heavy away to the south. John
Jestin has been helping William to day - they put on the greater part of the sheeting. their Father
helped them to place it on the scaffold - Margaret had a visit of her grandmother as she was on her
way home. John Francy continues at the Bark. I have been to day drawing stone to where I intend
digging the well for the new house. AnaBella Jestin has come with the intention of staying this week
with Margaret to help her - I see a marked improvement on the colt. it is now straightening on all its
Limbs, and in better condition –
TUESDAY, July 7th, 1857 Pasture Very warm day. threatened rain considerably, but did not come
on, wind was pretty strong - I have been all day drawing stones. Making up a gangway to the Barn.
Uncle Nichol was helping me the most of the day. William has John helping him to day. they have all
finished with the sheeting and have on the roof 10 Bunches of shingles. William drove Margaret
down to Everton with Flower and Light Waggon - Margaret Bought 4 yards of Cotton. Neelands is
said to be selling off at Prime Cost - intending to give up the Everton Business. old Mrs Hill died to
day. I put in the oxen to night for the first into Dunbar - I bargained for a months grass –
WEDNESDAY, July 8th, 1857. Very fine day, with quite a good breeze, which kept it more cool than
it otherwise would have been - things are drying up pretty fast now. John Jestin has been with
William to day again, John Francy is laid off to day with a sprained hand. I have been working in the
summer Fallow all day, burning up roots, and drawing stones, and ploughing the strip of sod. A good
many round seem to be trying to burn their Brush. I beleive that Robert Morton's goes but poorly.
Alec and Uncle are now working in the Beaver Meadow - they have got the Potatoes all hoed. John
Webb has begun to work his statute Labour to day. the colt is now gaining strength fast.
THURSDAY, July 9th, 1857. Continues very warm and dry. the sun this day or two is drying up
everything to perfection. I wrought some time in the summer Fallow this forenoon, in the afternoon I
rode down the mare to Dolmidge and saw Adams with his horse. I went after to the Funeral of Mrs.
Hill, there was a great number at it. I think there was about 32 waggons. Uncle Nichol went down to
Rockwood with Betsy to the cars. this afternoon after coming home I fired some of the Brush heaps
near the fence in the chopping. the meadow really is looking very fine. to night I received a Letter
from John Scott from Hamilton. the Leith man - I saw Daniel Stewart and Mistress at the funeral to
day. they were both well
FRIDAY, July 10th, 1857. A hot day, with little or no breeze untile about 3 oclock - the sun has been
very strong and scorching. I finished the gangway of the Barn this forenoon - William has been
shingling to day but gets along but poorly. he has a boil on his sitting Place - I begun to hoe the
Potatoes this afternoon. they are considerably further on than I thought they were. indeed I should
have been finished them rather than beginning them. Mrs Michell has come up to night from
Esquesing. she says Margaret's Mother is to be up to morrow morning with the cars - James is to
oblidge me by going for her, as our waggon is at Everton undergoing repairs. the sun set very red in
the west to night - it looks as if it will be a dry spell –
SATURDAY, July 11th, 1857. Exceedingly hot day, the fore part of the day more especially was
most unsufferable. I attempted harrowing the summer Fallow with the oxen this morning, but pretty
soon the Tounge was lollong out, and I unhitched them right away, and hoed Potatoes untill noon.
After dinner we fired the Brush and it went off with great force. had it not been that a little shower
came on about an hour after we fired it, I beleive it would have made a clean sweep of the Fallow,
however as it is, it is a good burn as far as it went. I think there is pretty near 7 acres burnt.
Margaret's Mother has got up safe and sound with Catherine and the Baby. James Mitchell brought
her up. George Hamilton and the Mistress have also come on a visit to the other house. Uncle Alec
is away down to Esquesing with the light waggon –
SUNDAY, July 12th, 1857. continues exceedingly hot, the sun comes out realy most unsufferably
strong. in the afternoon there was a little breeze which helped to make it more bearable. Margaret's
Mother went off to meeting with the Mitchells this morning. she left the Baby behind - Mrs. Hamilton
was quite a while with us to day before starting off for Robert Barkers. they went off at about 2
oclock. we had also a visit of Daniel Stewart and Mistress. Daniel was reading in our hearing a small
Pamphlet in regard to the "Kingdom to Come" - Mr and Mrs Mitchell had supper with us as they were
on there way home. William Tolton and his Sister Elizabeth was also with us. I have had a little walk
round and the crops seem to be doing well notwithstanding the great drought and heat –
MONDAY, July 13th, 1857. continues intolerably hot - John Francy and I have been hoeing Potatoes
all day. And the heat in the forenoon was really too much to stand in the afternoon - we wrought
somewhat in the shade of the woods, and the heat could be better endured. William Jestin has gone
off to work with John to day. the Orangemen are making quite a fuss this morning, we hear them
firing and drumming away. they go into Guelph. I beleive there are six Lodges that meet at Hassetts
corner. Uncle Alexander & Betsy have got home to night from Esquesing. Margaret's Mother has
gone down to her Brother Duncan's to stay all night –
TUESDAY, July 14th, 1857. Quite a strong breeze to day and though the sun is very hot, it is still a
great deal cooler than it has been these few days back. after nearly finishing the Potatoes hoeing
this forenoon I went and fired the remainder of the Fallow. it behaved itself well enough till after
dinner, but after then it gave John Francy and I enough to do to save the fence at all. we got I
suppose over 30 rails burnt and the meadow badly trampt down. we had I think to lay down over
twenty rods of fence - however it is worth some trouble as there is a fine burn over the dirty burry
ground - Margaret has been down at her Uncle Duncans all day along with her aunt Mitchell and
mother. we had to board at the other house. William Jestin has been working here this afternoon
WEDNESDAY, July 15th, 1857. Much the same as yesterday in regard to heat. there was quite a
heavy thunder shower going round, but we got off with somewhat of the Tail of it, although as
yesterday the thunder kept rolling for a long time. I finished the few rows of the Potatoes this
morning. afterward fixed up the fence at the Fallow, and lighted the last corner of Brush. before night
I harrowed out the summer Fallow the second time. Uncle Nichol has been at Guelph to day, and got
the Carded wool home with him. he brought home a chip hat, and stuff for trousers - Linen at 1/1 per
yard. I laid out to term this the "Flea Day" for such a job we have all had with fleas I never saw
before. Alec's Barn yard is now as full as it can hold as far as I can judge. {the word 'judge' has run
over onto the next page.}
THURSDAY, JULY 16TH, 1857 A little cooler than we have had it for sometime, although it is still
pretty hot when the sun is out. I was down at Everton and got the Barn hinges, hooks and staples.
there is stile a few more to get, I also got a Bunch of shingles from Thomas Nichol yet to be paid for,
and 3 {Boards?} from Rufus for the Doors. James Mitchell brought me from Guelph 4 excuses for
1/2 Bunches of shingles for the ones he Borrowed. I was picking stones off the summer Fallow this
afternoon. William has been at work all day alone, as well as yesterday - over the way they are now
hoeing away at their Potatoes - James Mitchell is to take Mother to the cars tomorrow, and she is
away to stay there all night {The word 'judge' appears in bottom margin. It is the last word from the
previous page}
FRIDAY, July 17th, 1857. Still very warm, though not so much out of the way as we have had it.
there is very little wind. I finished picking the stones off the summer Fallow, and packed and fired the
roots and dirt that was on it. William Jestin has finished the roof to day before supper, and went off to
see and get 2 Teams to go after Lumber to morrow. there are a few shingles over. if the last ones
had been good the 20 Bunches would have covered the Barn. the water is now so low in Dunbar's
Pasture that we will have to see and get the critters watered some other way. Martin Jestin has
begun the hay to day, but I think the most of the hay is not ready yet. it is now only in the first flower.
SATURDAY, July 18th, 1857. Continues very warm, indeed where there is no shade, the heat is
pretty great. at one part of the day there was a fine breeze which felt very fine. I was this forenoon
piling Bark with John Francy. we piled about 8 1/2 cords. there was about 2 cords more to pile in the
afternoon I levelled about the gangway, and chopped out some roots in the way. William Jestin went
down to day to the sawmill. today a young Lad named James Allan was drowned at Acton while
swimming. I understand that John Gilles was present at the time he was drowned and William Jestin
saw the corpse when coming home.
SUNDAY, July 19th, 1857. Very warm, although not so intolerable as we have had it of late, but last
night must be excepted, as it was I think as hot a night as ever I felt in my life. it was a hard metter to
sleep at all. I was up pretty early this morning, washed in the creek and Margaret, Alec, Kitty and I
started away after Breakfast to Toltons. we found them at home, and shortly after getting there,
another batch arrived from Eramosa, 4 of Joseph Parkinsons Family, and 2 of Henry Toltons. we
had a fine walk over the Place. The crops look I think a great deal better than I expected to see
them, the Fall wheat especially. it was dark before we got home. Thomas is with us all night
MONDAY, July 20th, 1857. More cool to day, and less sunshine than we have had for a long time.
there has also been a good deal of rain which came in the shape of heavy thunder showers. I
observed some large hail stones in one of them. yesterday there was a heavy thunder shower and a
very strong wind accompanying it, which blew down some of the fences. I had to put them up this
afternoon. William Jestin has been here to day but the wet prevented him somewhat from getting on
with his work. I finished my Ladder this afternoon with a little help from William Jestin. Alec has been
mowing between showers - I gathered all the shingles together this afternoon
TUESDAY, July 21st, 1857. Cool, and continues still unsettled weather. last night we had more rain,
and to day though it has not been raining, the thunder has been grumbling away and it has a
threatening look. I thinned and transplanted my Beats yesterday - they were altogether too large but
they seem to be doing pretty well for all. the rain is saving them. Uncle Nichol to day cut the tops off
them, I cleared a road by the side of the Fallow to day and with Uncle Nichols help brought poles
and laid them in the Bay Mow. Uncle Alexander helped also after supper. William Jestin finished
siding in to day, and has begun to the inside work. Alec is continues to mow and Jamie is also at it.
WEDNESDAY, July 22d, 1857. Quite cool, and very showery in the forenoon, although it cleared up
pretty well in the afternoon. John Jestin came along this morning and we began the mowing, but quit
right off again on account of the wet. Alec and John Francy mowed in the afternoon. William Jestin
has laid the greater part of a tier of the floor today - I hitched up the oxen and brought them from the
woods a Load of score blocks, and after supper harrowed nearly the half of the summer Fallow cross
ways. Margaret has begun her spinning today. she has fine rolls she says. they were done in Guelph
by the new {beginer?} John Francy finished the Bark peeling today –
THURSDAY, July 23d, 1857. Quite as unsettled looking as ever, it was very wet all forenoon. Alec
has now cut about 5 or 6 acres of meadow and there it lies soaking in the wet. Martin Jestin has the
most of his in the same predicament and many others I beleive are in the same fix. I was lucky in not
cutting any. Martin Justin came down before dinner wishing me to go in the afternoon to help at
drawing stones. I took the oxen along, and we took in two tremendous stones, one especially we
had 3 yoke of oxen hitched to them. I staid on till night drawing at smaller ones. he was drawing to
where he intends building - it has been tolerably dry this afternoon but looks no way settled yet -
William is working away at the floor yet.
FRIDAY, July 24th, 1857. looks worse than ever this morning and it has rained a great deal last
night, it is rather sick looking hay weather. it has rained nearly steady all day, excepting at about 4
oclock, when it Slackened off a little, and at night it cleared up altogether. it looks tonight a little more
settled. I hope it may take up. William Jestin and I from about 4 oclock tore down the old roof of the
cook house and put on a new one, shingled it all before night. we had a visit of Thomas Tolton this
forenoon, and of John Webb at night. I mended my old Boots this forenoon in the time of the wet. the
Garden is now looking very fresh. the Beats have hardly drooped there heads with transplanting. the
oats are begining to look very heavy
SATURDAY, July 25th, 1857. The weather has now seems to have taken up, and this has been a
delightful day - the meadow was quite flat this morning with the late storms of rain, but to night again
it is pretty much all straightened up ay John Jestin, John Francy, and myself were mowing this
forenoon, and we had the addition of John Webb in the afternoon - after supper we all went and
helped Alec to doodle up what he had made, but indeed it was scarcely ready for that operation -
William Jestin is now making at the doors. this afternoon he was helping his Father at the hay. the
spring wheat is now nicely headed - I hear some little fears that the rust has taken the Fall wheat
SUNDAY, JULY 26TH, 1857. Continues fine, but it feels I fear rather hot to stand so however upon
the whole it is more settled appearance than any day last week - the Girls have gone to meeting
along with the Tolton's in their Waggon. Alec is away down to Esquesing with the mare and colt this
morning - I have written a Letter to day for tomorrow's mail for John Scott of Hamilton, and enclosed
a note for Nicholas Rogers. I should have written them immediately on the receipt of his Letter, as
they desired me to do so, but I did not understand so by the first reading of the Letter - We had a
visit of Robert Morton and wife to night - they went along with us on a visit to Duncan Robertson -
Mrs Robertson is very poorly from a hurt she got by a fall in the waggon
MONDAY, July 27th, 1857. took out the oxen this morning from pasture Very fine day, but
exceedingly windy. it is an excellent drying day for the wet hay. I took down to Everton 4 Bushel of a
grist, but did not get it home with me. I also took 14 1/2 Bushels of oats and sold them to Plewis at
2/10 per Bushels. it came to 8 1/4 $. I Paid Nichol for the Shingles while in Kennedy's store. Bought
at Plewis 10 lbs pressed nails, and at Neelands Pour Bolts and lock for Granary Door. I Paid for all. I
brought home a load of slats, and got them home a little after ten - John had the most of the hay
tedded out we cut on Saturday. we then put it in their rows. And with James' help at raking after the
Waggon we put in 5 good loads before spoiling- Warren Jestin helped to coke up what we did not
take in of the made hay - Warren was working with William today. he is just come from Lake on
Saturday last –
TUESDAY, July 28th,1857. Quite damp this afternoon. it began to rain after daylight and continued a
few hours, though not heavy. it spoiled the hay for taking in. John and I mowed in the afternoon
ourselves. in the afternoon John Jestin came along and brought Warren with him. it was fine and
cool and the 4 of us mowed a fine peice. I think there is now in all 6 1/2 acres down. the grass is
exceedingly heavy. William has got the Barn doors all hung today and nearly finished them. Alec has
been mowing this afternoon. James Neelands is up here to night - Mrs McKuchnie has had a young
Daughter to day. The quantity of Fleas about Alec's Yard and Barn is now terrible - we can hardly
live at present with them
WEDNESDAY, July 29th, 1857. Very fine day, the sun is out fine for hay making - John Jestin and
Warren with John Francy and I mowed all forenoon. John Jestin from noon owed me 2 1/2 days
work on the hay he got in winter. And he took the remainder of the mowing on the head of it - in the
afternoon John Francy and I with Jamie's help, took into the Barn 4 good loads - 2 of the Loads we
raked up after dinner. Alec has been busy drawing in the most of the day. William Jestin is away up
to his Uncle George's to help Martin James and Warren at the New Barn they put up - they are only
now beginning to close it in.
THURSDAY, July 30th, 1857. Fine hay making day, and we have taken the advantage of it as well
as we know how. I fear if the weather gets any way unsettled I will be in rather a bad mess with the
hay. it is not a good plan to take down too much at a time. it is quite clear to night but I can see at
the horizon the lightning flashing, and hear the distant thunder rolling - these signs I do not like -
Uncle Nichol and Jamie helped us in the afternoon to cock up the hay, and we got a fine lot of it up
in excellent order. John Francy and Jamie wrought together and Uncle Nichol and I –
FRIDAY, July 31st, 1857. Pretty damp this morning on account of a heavy shower through the night.
but when the morning broke out it became quite clear and drying though quite unsettles looking we
succeeded in getting 4 or 5 loads of hay together, and coking it up Just before a very heavy storm of
wind and rain at about 3 oclock. the cokes got considerably tossed about with the wind - John Webb
and John Jestin were mowing this forenoon and on account of the unsettled state of the weather I
am getting John Jestin to help with the making of the hay rather than mow any more as he took the
job. I was at the raising of Hassett's Driving house after supper
SATURDAY. August 1st, 1857. Still unsettled looking this morning, but it however cleared up to a
fine day. after about 8 oclock, I went down to Everton with the oxen and Waggon, and brought home
400 Feet of Hemlock Lumber for lining the Granary - I started early with the intention of being home
at the hay as soon as it would be ready for working, but I got delayed longer than I should, however
from 1 oclock we did good execution. we drew in 4 good loads which we had tossed out from the
cokes. we afterwards with Margaret, Kitty and Jamie's help raked in and put up 23 cokes as well as
a long winrow which we could not coke up. when at Everton I got an opportunity of sending into
Guelph for a Barrell of salt bothby William Plewis –
SUNDAY, August 2d, 1857. Very fine day after the unsettled weather, things in the hay Feilds are
looking and doing nicely to day - Alec and I with the help of the Boys put up quite a parcel of hay to
day - we thought that more rain on it must do it a great deal of damage, and we secured it in cokes.
Margaret and Kitty was visiting Mrs McKachie today - after 4 oclock I went for the mare hitched her
up and took Margaret and Kitty down to their Uncle Duncan's. their aunt is getting round from the
hurt she got - we had a good feast of Curns a good stay and our supper before starting home -
Dougald is getting stout again
MONDAY, August 3d, 1857. Alec done haying Very fine day with a nice drying wind that is doing
good to the hay that has been long in the cokes - I got up very early this morning and took Flower
with the Light Waggon to Everton, and brought home the Barrell of Salt before Breakfast. John
Francy and I then went at the drawing in with the oxen, Jamie raking after us, we drew in ten good
Loads. Alec finished his drawing in by taking in 5 Loads. they all afterwards came on to me and drew
in 5 good Loads for me - Levi Dingman has been mowing to day for John Jestin and has not finished
the peice - it is pretty badly laid down - John Francy is going tomorrow to Duncan Robertson.
Margaret is finishing a pair of Linen Trousers for him. I owe him for the day's work
TUESDAY, August 4th, 1857. Very fine this forenoon, but after dinner we had a little shower and it
remained damp and clouded untill night - Uncle and the Boys helped me in with 3 Loads of hay this
forenoon. Alec has begun to draw his Bark out of the woods to day. I helped to clean up a 12 Bushel
grist of wheat besides 4 1/2 Bushels we sold at 7/per Bushel - Uncle Alec settles with Plewis for the
salt also for a 1$ worth of Bran. he paid Richards for the new fellow for the Light Waggon also for
sash to Thomas Nichols - the Girls were over at Tolton's picking Berries this afternoon - they staid all
day till nine oclock, and I think that a little too late for decent people to stay out at night, but they
seem in high dudgeon to be spoken to about it –
WEDNESDAY, August 5th, 1857 young batch of Turkeys Quite a fine day, not too warm but a nice
drying breeze. I finished the mowing this morning, and in the forenoon got the greater part of the hay
together that was cut by Levi Dingman. Uncle Alec and the Boys helped me in the afternoon to take
in 4 Loads - there still remains about 1/2 an acre the Peice I finished cutting. Uncle Alec brought
home the grist from Everton this forenoon. Alec is drawing at his Bark. he reckons to have now up in
the lane about 10 cords for the 2 day hauling - William Jestin has come on to day again to the Barn -
Neelands and him have come to a settlement. Neelands goes out without paying any rent and gives
over the place to William
THURSDAY, August 6th, 1857 - Last of hay making - about 24 loads of hay without any wet -
Continues fine, the weather is now very pleasant, not too warm, and a nice breeze blowing. Uncle
Alec and the Boys helped me in this forenoon with the last of my hay - we brought it in in two Loads.
there is now 37 Loads in all. Alec received a Letter from Esquesing this morning intimating that
aunt's wheat was ready for cutting - Alec thereupon made ready and started soon after dinner. Alec
Turney goes along with him - he has had a stay of our a week I think. Sister Bella and Kitty is with
him. William Jestin and I cut out the hole for the new window from 3 oclock and got the Frame in. he
will case it up in the morning.
FRIDAY, August 7th, 1857 Put in the oxen - to the Pasture to night. Very fine day with a nice healthy
breeze. Uncles have finished hauling Alec's Bark from his side of the creek this forenoon, in the
afternoon they fired the remainder of the Brush in the his Fallow, it burnt very well - William finished
the window this morning. I Glazed it - I blocked up some sleepers this afternoon under the Granary
and chaff house. in the afternoon I begun to the summer Fallow by drawing out some dung on it and
begining cross ploughing it. I am in the custom these times of taking a bathe in the creek at night - it
is a little cool but it is very bracing. Jamie is along with me. I see that my oats are now nicely out in
the head area only now.
SATURDAY, August 8th, 1857 Continues very fine, but it has been rather hot. I have been ploughing
in the summer Fallow but got rather slowly along as the plough did not clean herself, and the day so
hot, one of the oxen had his tounge out a little while. William Jestin and Kennedy of Everton have
been talking together to day of the renting of the new store in Everton. William is away down to night
to see something in regard to it. I have been taking notice to the smut in Alec's wheat to night - it
really looks very bad, I understand harvest has begun up here. Duncan Anderson has begun last
Thursday to cut. Alec Stewart is also busy –
SUNDAY, August 9th, 1857. Weather still very fine, though much more cool than yesterday. to night
it has some what the appearances of a change. these nights this some time are fine and cool. We
have had this forenoon a fine picking at raspberries in Dunbar's Slashing - after dinner Margaret and
I paid John Webb a visit , both he and the Mistress were at home, and we staid untill after supper.
they seem to be a great deal more comfortable since moving into there new house, and besides the
new Barn being so convenient to them - the Misses Robertson called in as they went on their way
home from Mitchells to night
MONDAY, August 10th, 1857 Very fine day. Sunshine the most of the day, but fine and cool. there
was a very heavy dark cloud that went over us but no rain seemed to accompany it. there was some
wind. I have been ploughing in the summer Fallow to day and got a little better along than on
Saturday. the Plough kept tolerably clean. Jamie has been in the summer Fallow a good part of the
day burning up roots and stumps. Margaret Picked a few Pounds of Rasp Berries to day for
preserving out of Dunbar's Slashing - Martin Jestin has brought his new Family from Guelph to day -
the Fleas continue to bother us a great deal yet - although it will not bear a comparison with the time
gone bye
TUESDAY, August 11th, 1857. A very fine day, pretty warm but a pretty nice breeze. I have been
Ploughing in the Summer Fallow untill supper time, and got along pretty well - after supper I went
down to Everton on the mare on the hunt for preserve jars as Margaret's now at that work, but we
were too late, they were all gone. Alec got up from Esquesing at about 3 oclock - Margaret Rogers is
along with Bella and him, but no one from the McIntosh Family. they sent up some Currants for
Margaret - I see that Hassett has quite a number of hands cutting his wheat. Old Mr Theaker is also
at his. Benjamin Carr was into Guelph today and he tells me that the Fall wheat that way is very
badly rusted. Uncle fired Alec's log heaps
WEDNESDAY, August 12th, 1857. A very dull day, about noon we had an exceedingly heavy
Shower. it cleared up a little after dinner and though pretty dull we had no rain of any account. Alec
was chunking up his log heaps this forenoon I was helping - he got a good burn on them - John
Francy has had Ben Carr with and himself chopping up the old logs in my Fallow this forenoon. in
the afternoon they helped me to log. Alec was also helping us - and we got pretty well along after
getting out of the corner which is generally bothersome - I helped Martin Jestin with the oxen to take
a very large stone out of the his summer Fallow, just before dinner, we had 3 yokes at it.
THURSDAY August 13th, 1857. A very warm day, and though there was not a bad breeze of wind,
the heat was nevertheless very oppressive. I was ploughing in the summer Fallow but I did not do
much on account of the great heat. the oxen seemed to feel it much. I wrote a Letter after dinner to
Margaret's Father. I wished to have some of his Guelph wheat for seed, but I am almost afraid I have
been too late in seeing about it. Uncle Nichol took down the Letter and was in time for the mail - the
Folks over the way have been picking Rasp Berries over at {Maickens?} to day. they say it is a fine
place for them –
FRIDAY, August 14th, 1857. Another warm forenoon - last night I think was the hottest of the season
as yet. it really was unsufferable - after dinner to day we had an exceedingly heavy storm of wind
and rain. it lasted but a short time, it however laid down the oats and wheat considerably. I logged
this forenoon with the same hands as on Wednesday and after working an hour after dinner, the rain
stopped us, and we did not start at it again. I was sorry however that we didn't as it turned out a fine
afternoon - I sold a fat Ewe to Ben Carr for 5$. he pays as soon as he can. there is considerable
lightning about. these some days back, but this last storm has brought it quite cool again
SATURDAY, August 15th, 1857. Barn Burnt Continues very warm, although last night was very cool
after the great storm - I have been ploughing in the summer Fallow the most of the day, and got it
finished - I could not drive fast in the Plough on account of the heat. Jamie has now started to learn
the flute playing and seems to get along pretty fair - there is a Barn and Shed I hear Burnt over in
Erin by the Lightning of yesterday - hay, new Thrashing Machine & Fanning Mill, Waggon, and so on
were destroyed with it. I hear today (Sunday) that it is John Glen who is the Loser. William I rather
think owns the machine.
SUNDAY, August 16th, 1857. Very cool last night, and all day it has been cold - there has been
some appearance of rain this afternoon and at night it has been raining some. I have been up seeing
Samuel Stevenson this afternoon. he met in with an accident which has hurt him considerably. he
had been chopping lately, near his house, and a small tree fell on him that had lodged against the
one which he was taking down. the crops up that way seem pretty good - some place though
considerably tossed about. I cannot say that I think to much of that part of the country - George
Jestin I think has rather a poor Farm, very sandy with great hemlock stumps –
MONDAY, August 17th, 1857 Rain last night to all intents and purposes, A very heavy wind
accompanied it, and this morning the oats and Spring Wheat is laid nearly flat with the Ground - A
good deal of Fall Wheat is now in shock in the country and I fear there will be but a poor accounting
of it. after this Deluge, the coolness of the weather however may prevent the wheat from growing as
much as it would otherwise do. it has rained a good part of to day although in the afternoon it was
but slightly. William Jestin is again at the Barn fixing at the Granary. I have been mending Margaret's
shoes to day while it rained. I took out both the oxen and the mare from Dunbar's Pasture to day
TUESDAY, August 18th, 1857. Very fine day after the rain, the sun came out pretty hot, and it
appears as if things might dry up again a little, it has there is however very little prospect of steady
dry weather. I have been cutting poles for the Swing Beam of the Barn, and putting up the stakes
and Lumber over the Granary. Uncle Alec helped me awhile, William Jestin is still working at the
Granary. James Greive has come up to day from Hamilton. I beleive he was a night on the road - I
am troubled a good deal with Hassett's steers. they break down the Bars, and with themselves bring
in a host of cattle into the Peas –
WEDNESDAY, August 19th, 1857 Quite cool and Showery - not at all good harvest weather - I have
been working the most of the day at the swing Beam Poles and other fixings, and got them finished.
I have yet the scaffold Poles to get, William Jestin has got the Granary Bins all finished to day. Uncle
Alec & Uncle Nichol with James Greive and Betsy convayed Mayard Rogers down to the Railway
Station. James Greive was seeing after Dunbar's Farm to rent, but could not get it - the crops that
got thrown down have partially risen again, but I fear not enough to do a great deal of good
especially the oats –
THURSDAY, August 20th, 1857 sent a newspaper to William {illegible surname} - Very fine day after
the rain - the sum has been out very bright and altogether it was a good drying day - Alec and I have
been working with Benjamin Carr all day, helping him to cut his Fall Wheat - Alec cradled in the
forenoon and I cradled in the afternoon. some of wheat was growing in the Grain standing on its feet.
Ben has a very heavy crop of wheat both of Fall and Spring. Thomas Tolton is with us tonight - he
would have liked us over tomorrow to help him but he was too late, as William Hassett was before
him and got our promise of help.
FRIDAY, August 21st, 1857 Continues fine although this afternoon showed some signs of change. at
night we had quite a bit of a shower. Alec and I have been at Hassett's Thrashing to day. and it has
been a very unlucky day for Hassett. the Machine was delayed untill noon after having all his hands
from the morning on the ground. after they did get started there was very little done. the wheat being
very damp and shortly after supper the Machine breaking down. I think they thrashed 59 Bushels, a
good many People are hurrying in there wheat to day into their Barns although I hardly think it can
be ready for it.
SATURDAY, August 22d, 1857 Quite a heavy rain through the night. this morning and the most of
the it has also rained without intermission. there was some very heavy thunder and lightning towards
Evening, and one clap especially seemed very nigh. I have had to get another batch of Poles for the
scaffold in the Barn - the other ones I got being too short - Thomas Tolton has been over tonight and
wishes Alec and I to help them on Monday at the wheat. we promised to go if nothing occurred to
stop us. Uncles are now a good way on with the {found? Probably re foundation} for a root house - I
hear that a great deal of wheat is growing even on its feet.
SUNDAY, August 23d, 1857 Still raining and as unsettled as ever through the day - towards night
however the rain ceased and a very cold wind has got up. it almost feels as if it might bring frost. all
accounts of the state of the grain in the country is most sickening - Duncan Robertson I understand
has all of his Forty acres cut and none in the Barn - Toltons are very little better off. And Hassetts in
the same fix. Alec 's wheat Uncle Alec was saying is growing a little in the head in some spots -
Margaret has had a visit of the Misses Jestin to day - Margaret yesterday made 1 kettle of soft soap,
and another of hard soap. she also preserved some Berries she got in a present from Harriet Tolton.
she seems now quite strong
MONDAY, August 24th, 1857 sent a newspaper to James {Miller? or Mitchell?} The first settled
looking day we have had for a long time. Farmers are now looking very anxiously for the weather to
take up. Alec & I have been over at Toltons to day helping them to cut their wheat. I was cradling
along Thomas & William and we cut down about 6 acres of very heavy wheat. Thomas Hamilton,
George Tolton & Alec followed us and they had a very hard job of it. their oat crop over there looks
very ready and lying down considerably - the spring wheat looks to be a very fine crop. Uncles have
been branding in Alecs Fallow, and mostly finished it.
TUESDAY, August 25th, 1857 Another fine day, and quite settled looking. the new moon is as the
saying goes, "stands well up" and dry looking" - may it be so. it would be a great boon to the country
- Alec has begun to cut his Fall wheat to day. it is no more than ripe however. I have been harrowing
my Summer Fallow to day and before night came I drew out some loads of dung on it besides -
Margaret has had a visit of her Aunt Mitchell this afternoon. William Jestin has been working at the
Barn to day. Martin Jestin is now cutting oats. I see our Peas are now getting pretty ripe and the
spring wheat is coloring fast –
WEDNESDAY, August 26th, 1857 Continues fine, it is pretty warm and the Spring wheat is ripening
fast - there is some appearance of change. I hope it is not for wet, but there is no security in this
weather - William Jestin has rented his store to Kennedy to day. as soon as Kennedy got it, he
commenced moving into it. I have been drawing dung out on the summer Fallow all day. I might
have drawn a load or two more but did not like to put it out on account of the Canadian Thistle roots.
there was a few in what I took out, and I was afraid they might grow again - Alec has nearly finished
cutting his fall wheat. he cut 50 stoocks yesterday and 55 to day.
THURSDAY, August 27th, 1857 Barn finished Very fine this morning and forenoon, it however
became cloudy before noon, and it has rained the greater part of this afternoon. towards night it
came on very heavy with heavy thunder and Lightning - William Jestin has finished the Barn to day,
all that is to be done this season. he is to fix the floor in another season and leaves some lining to be
done along with it. Margaret and I went down to Everton after dinner in the Light Waggon. I opened
an account Kennedy, and got a few tools. in coming home we called at Duncan Robertson's - he has
just got in the last of his Fall wheat before the rain to day, and drawing in the last of his hay when we
were there, although it rained a little - the schoolmaster is home again –
FRIDAY, August 28th, 1857 Exceedingly heavy rain last night, with great thunder & lightning - the
holes in the feilds are filled with water to day, in a manner that I do not think I have seen this season
before. there has been considerable rain to day though not steady, to night it is quite as unsettled as
ever. Margaret and I cleaned and red up the Barn this forenoon. between dinner and supper I was
chopping in the timber Fallow at the old logs. it rained after supper that I could not go out again. I
had some unpleasant words with John Francy to day in regard to dissapointing me with the logging,
by agreeing to stay on with Ben Carr after promising me long ago. William Hassett has been here to
night –
SATURDAY, August 29th, 1857 very cool to day, and a little showery. there was little or no sun, and
consequently it was a poor drying day. I have been pulling Peas all day. Alec and Jamie came along
in the morning and helped me all day. we cut the greater part of them. they would have been
finished had they not been so grassy. John Francy came along to day and talked very saucily to me
today in regard to what I said to him yesterday - he says he will do neither Alec's job which he took,
nor mine - I think surely John has been put up to it by some evil advisor - what he professes to take
so hard is my saying that he was not a man to his word - Uncle Alec has been drawing the firewood
logs out of the logging
SUNDAY, August 30th, 1857. Very Fine day. the sun has been out, and it has been a beautiful
drying day - the very thing needed at present. Alec's Fall Wheat is in very good order considering the
very great wet that has been. Alec and I took a ride down on the mares as far as Daniel Stewarts
after dinner. we staid on till near night. Miss Scott is now there on a visit. we had not much exchange
of thoughts - Daniel seems a little troubled in regard to his wordly matters - after coming home I
found that Margaret had been visited by Mr & Mrs McKuchnie and Mr & Mrs Morton. John & William
Mitchell were still there. John is now getting a staid looking young man
MONDAY, August 31st, 1857. Another fine day, last night indicated it. James & I finished cutting the
Peas in the first half of the day - between dinner and supper I cradled in Alec's Spring wheat, Alec
followed me - after supper we helped Uncles to dig and load up a load of Potatoes which Alec
intends taking to Guelph to morrow. they are Mechanics and are taking the rot badly - the Grass has
taken excellently in the Feild of spring wheat - Alec is now cutting, but the wheat is a very poor crop -
a great deal of smut is in it and it is very badly tossed about . his oats are now about ready for
TUESDAY, September 1st, 1857 Pretty hot day and very fine. the sun has been out all day. I have
been cradling in Alec's spring wheat all day. Uncle Alec and Jamie were raking up after me. it is an
exceedingly hard job to cut it. it is tossed so much, and so thin - Uncle Nichol turned my Peas today.
they intended to take in the Fall wheat to day but it was not dry enough. Alec got back from Guelph
in good time. he loaded the Potatoes to Brown at 1/2 Dollar per Bushel. the horses were very warm
and sweating the afternoon being so hot. this is a beautiful moonlight night, and cool.
WEDNESDAY, September 2d, 1857 Another hot day, beautiful sunshine, and splendid ripening and
drying weather for the crops - the Folks over the way have untied the most of the Fall wheat to day,
tied it up again and have it nearly all in to night. it was growing in the heart of the sheaves. I have
been ridging up to day with the horses. Alec's mare is rather poor just now with that great colt
sucking at her, and she seems to be oppressed in the Ploughing of the summer Fallow. it is rather
wet and cloggy. Flower is in great heart at present and well up in Flesh, indeed rather much I fear for
the good of the colt.
THURSDAY, September 3d, 1857 Continues fine harvest weather to day has been very hot and
drying. the dews that fall at night are very heavy and it takes nearly two hours of sun to dry it off. I
have been at the ridging up this forenoon with the horses. in the afternoon I got Uncle Nichol and
Jamie to help me in with the Peas. I expected to take them all in at 4 loads but found that after taking
in 4 large Loads we left 2 more in the Feilds. Uncle Alexr and Alec have been working at the wheat
all day. Alec has to mow it. some are thinking that there is a change in the air to night. the Northern
Lights are beautiful to night
FRIDAY, September 4th, 1857 Peas all in Another beautifull harvest day, very heavy dew last night,
and the sun has been out very strong to day - we finished taking in the Peas this forenoon, and took
in a load of wheat of Alec's before dinner. I continued to help them in the afternoon at the taking in of
the spring wheat, and took in 5 Loads - Alec keeps mowing away and we have been taking it in
without stooking it up - the colt is mending up now very fast. it is losing its old hair and straightening
up on its hind legs and seems to be about as spry as the other - although it is a far way from being
as large
SATURDAY, September 5th, 1857 Colt weaning Quite a change again and for the worse. a great
quantity of rain has fallen to day and I cannot think that there was any need of it - one shower in
particular was very heavy. there was also pretty heavy thunder and lightning. I have been doing a
little at the ridging up in the dry spells between showers with the oxen - Alec had the horses at
Rockwood conveying Agnes McFarlane up, she is on a visit. they had a wet time of it - John Webb
got our Light waggon last night, his Father inlaw being very sick, and we borrowed Martin Jestins.
Alec has taken the colt from the mare to day and they are both in a bad way.
SUNDAY, September 6th, 1857 Esquesing Fine day after the rain. the sun is out pretty hot and
everything is drying quickly up again - I wrote a letter this forenoon for Nichol Rogers desiring him to
come and work for me. I take it down to Esquesing and send it off to morrow. I started after dinner
with the mares and Lumber Waggon for Esquesing - we went by Acton taking Agnes McFarlane
down as far as Alec Hills on her way home. John Mitchell is along with me all the road, we found the
road better than might have been expected after so much rain - we passed aunt's but she was not in,
and got down in very good time - the Folks are all well.
MONDAY WEDNESDAY, September 9 7th, 1857 a mistake of a leaf when writing {out of order} Very
heavy dew last night and to day has been very fine. Alec's Spring Wheat is finished drawing in to
day. John Mitchell has been cradling for me today and I raked after him. we could not make much
headway in it. it is so much tossed and beat down. it is not so bad a crop as I expected - the orchard
is looking very well just now. I thought in the spring that there was about 6 trees that would not. I
now see them all doing something except one. a good many are burning there fallows round and I
am very anxious about bagging so as to get in some seed.
TUESDAY, September 8th, 1857 Some frost last night, though nothing to hurt. it has continued cool
all day, but it has been very fine. I sold a sheep to Vane this morning. 6 $ the price if weighing 60 lbs
or over, if under 5 1/2 $. I have been cutting in the spring wheat to day for the first. it is greatly laid
down and tossed - I have been cutting, raking and binding myself. Alec is not through yet with his
wheat - his oats are now ready for cutting - he has a few down - I was over at James Mc Kachine to
night seeing if I could get him to help me today in the beginning of next week. James Mitchell was
there. they both think they may help me some
MONDAY WEDNESDAY, September 9th 7th, 1857 a mistake Shingles {out of order} Fine Morning,
and continues a fine day. pretty cool which made it a good travelling day - I got the wheat bagged up
- after breakfast, 12 Bushells - got other things ready and Bella and I started for home at about 1/2
after ten. we called at aunts, stayed only a little. I have had to milk Flower a few times, although she
is not so fractious as I expected - I bargained for 5 thousand of shingles at Balinaferd from Campbell
the store keeper, 3 months credit, 2 3/4 per thousand, we got home shortly after 6 and the mares
have sweat none I believe all the road. the roads were very good the most of the way
THURSDAY, September 10th, 1857 Another very fine day - heavy dew last night - And very warm.
John Mitchell staid all night and helped me this forenoon - we finished cutting the wheat, and bound
and stooked up 12 stooks. the rest we cut is so green, we thought it would better lay in the swarth
awhile. in the afternoon I hitched up the mares and finished ridging up the far side of the Lane. I
intend if possible to plough this side of the Lane to morrow. Uncles have been burning the Brush in
the Beaver Meadow. Alec is cutting away hard at his oats - they dont stand very well –
FRIDAY, September 11th, 1857 Fall wheat sowing Very hot last night, and to day has been very hot,
had it not been for the fine breeze that blew, it would have been exceedingly so. about supper time,
it came on some rain with heavy thunder & Lightning after dark there was a very heavy shower, I
have been ridging up all day with the horses - I think I Ploughed over the acre by supper time. Uncle
Nichol sowed 4 Bushels of seed, on the part of the feild beginning at the south side of the Lane ridge
to the fence next the orchard - about 2 acres. Jamie harrowed it in with the oxen the nigh oxe had
his tongue out the most of the time - I am wishing to night that I had taken in my wheat this afternoon
- Uncles have been tying up oats –
SATURDAY, September 12th, 1857 Very misty this morning, and damp. it however cleared up to be
a fine sunshiny afternoon. there was very little of any sunshine in the forenoon. I finished up
ploughing this forenoon by 11 oclock. got Fanny fed as Alec has her away down to Esquesing this
afternoon. Alec finished cutting his oats this forenoon. between dinner and supper Jamie & I finished
harrowing and water furrowing the summer Fallow. Uncle Nichol sowed the 8 Bushels of seed on the
feild as nearly as may be. I thought to bind up after supper some wheat that was left in the swath,
but found it too wet after binding a little of it. I took a walk down to John Jestin's house to night to see
him about logging, but he was not there - I beleive the young man is doing pretty well who got his
arm taken off last Thursday with the Thrashing Machine at old Mr Everts –
SUNDAY. September 13th, 1857. Very warm to day. the sun is out quite strong and hot, and it has
dried up the wet grain considerably - I raked and tied up some little wheat that was left unbound on
account of its greenness. after doing that, I had intended to start after dinner to the fifth Line to hear
a preacher, one of the "Plymouth Brethren" I believe, but the weather began to wear an unsettled
appearance thundering a good deal too - and as the wheat was ready to take in, we went at it -
Uncle & I - we got in 2 Loads, and had not the last quite in when the rain came on, and a very dark
dismal night followed - Thomas Tolton is over at the other house, and William Jestin here to night
MONDAY, September 14th, 1857 Very dark looking this morning. And all forenoon we have had
broken weather. there was one very heavy shower, in the afternoon it cleared up fine - I have been
on the hunt a great part of the day to get hands for logging. at John Jestin in the morning before
breakfast, after breakfast went over to Ben Carr, from there to James Mitchells, and on to John
Copland to see Arthur Hassett, and then to David Stewart's to see William Dickson. James Mitchell
and James McKachine comes tomorrow if well, Ben Carr a day when he can and Arthur Hassett
Friday & Saturday, if it keeps fine from this to then. William Dickson thinks he may come. I chopped
old logs in the Fallow after supper
TUESDAY, September 15th, 1857 last of wheat Fine day, much to be relished in this troublesome
time. James Mitchell and James Mc Kachine have been logging with me to day. we got along
middling well. Uncles have been binding Alec's Oats. After supper I hitched up the mares and Uncle
Nichol and Jamie helped me in with the last of the wheat - we made 3 loads of it - some of the
sheaves were a little damp in the heart. I notice some of the wheat shooting up above ground. to
night again is looking rather suspiciously dull - I'm afraid it bodes for more wet.
WEDNESDAY, September 16th, 1857 Very dull and unsettled looking this morning, and very damp
and inauspicious for harvesting. a great many oats are yet to cut in the country, and in a very bad
mess too generally. I have been all day helping Thomas Vane to thrash. I had the Mare along too.
he got very little done in the forenoon - the machine not going right. in the afternoon he got
somewhat better along - I was up at James Mitchell after dark, seeing if I could get him to log
tomorrow. Vane's Man is to come to help me. Uncles are preparing for the new land sowing. they
took in 1 Load of Oats to day for the first –
THURSDAY, September 17th, 1857 Very showery and unsettled to day, the morning was very
mistyand and it was not till some Thunder and rain came that it broke away. we logged from about
ten oclock this forenoon till dinner, but the afternoon looked so bad that we did not venture it again it
cleared up somewhat before night, and I fired a few heaps, they seemed to go pretty well
considering the wet. Vane is drawing out and selling his spring wheat to Plewis is at a Dollar bushel--
-- -- The Fall wheat is now getting nicely up in the summer Fallow.
FRIDAY, September 18th, 1857 Very fine day, it did not look very well in the morning but it cleared
away before long and we had a fine cool day for working. I had a fine peice logged to day, Arthur
Haskels, Vane’s hired man, James Mitchell & Uncle Alec were helping me, and we got along well,
Alec is sowing and harrowing in with the horses to day. John Francy has Ben Carr helping him to cut
logs in the Fallow to day. John was giving me rather over the coals in his foolish way again, I was
leaving it with James Mitchell to settle but as James did not take me up, I just took the job off Johns
SATURDAY, September 19th, 1857. Kept dry this forenoon although it threatened wet enough in the
afternoon we had some rain and a very cold wind along with it. my log heaps are burning very well. I
fired them last night , and they have burned very well considering the wet in the afternoon. I have
been picking up and firing what I missed last night - Alec drew in 5 Loads of oats this forenoon.
some were not fit. a great deal of them are still in swath. I never saw such a season. there is never a
chance for binding what is cut, let alone putting in the Barn. rain, rain rain
SUNDAY, September 20th, 1857. Pretty fine day, although the morning looked very cloudy and
unsettled looking. it has been rather cool, but some of the sun blinks were pretty hot. Isabella and
the girls are away over to William Toltons in Eramosa - the 3 Boys and Harriet have them away with
them in the Lumber Waggon. there is 8 in all and a pretty good load it is, they were home in pretty
good time - I kept at home all day - we have had a visit of Duncan Robertson and Wife - they were
on their way home from James Mitchells - the fires burnt pretty well in the Fallow today - I do not
think there will be much branding.
MONDAY, September 21st, 1857. Very hard white frost last night, the first frost of any note we have
had this season. it has been a very fine day. although in the afternoon it again threatens rain. Alec
has finished taking in his oats to night - I have been a part of to day in the Fallow. in the afternoon I
began to cut his oats. William Jestin has been cutting with the cradle but it is an ugly job. the ground
is very wet, and the oats are laid pretty flat although pretty much one way. Old Mr O Herran has
been reaping in them this afternoon. And I expect him until they are done. I also expect Edward
TUESDAY, September 22d, 1857. Some frost last night but not so hard as last night the night
before. the day has been very fine although in the morningforenoon it was a little wet. Margaret has
been very sick last night and part of to day. her Aunt Mitchell has been with her all last night, and to
day I had to go after her Aunt Robertson, as well as Mrs Lorree - she however got well before very
long again. Willian Jestin has been cradling this afternoon at the oats. Edward O Herran has been
reaping in them also in the afternoon. we have had a visit of James Mitchell to night, as well as
Duncan Robertson. they were anxious to know about Margaret
WEDNESDAY, September 23d, 1857. A little frost last nght again, and it was rather dull a part of the
day, althog little or no rain. I took home Mrs Loree and Mrs Robertson this morning after breakfast.
Margaret has been fine to day. I branded up the Fallow after coming home. Uncle Alec and Jamie
helped me. we cleaned the most of what we logged, of the large brands, a good part of the small
stuff is yet to pick up. Alec is harrowing the last of his Fallow to day. the Pigeons are harboring
greatly about it. they are shouting away at them now and again - the cattle have now full range of the
after grass.
THURSDAY, September 24th, 1857. Warmer last night. I think no frost. it has been a very fine day.
Alec and I finished branding the peice for fall wheat this forenoon and picked it up partly - Old Mr O
Herran has been reaping all day in the oats - Edward and him were both all day yesterday - I began
to cradle in them after dinner, but being asked by Martin Jestin to help to draw in his Peas. I did so
loading all the time in the feild, he had 2 Teams going - John Francy is now chopping up Alec's
Fallow logs and scattering trees - I notice the feild wheat now in the second leaf, considerable
fallows round are yet to plough
FRIDAY, September 25th, 1857. (Peter McDougall died to day) Misty this morning and not cold. the
day broke out beautifull an hour or two after sunrise, and it continued a fine drying harvest day. I
have been at the oats all day. the old man cut at them till about an hour after dinner. I cradled all
forenoon. Jamie also was a good while at them - Uncle Nichols was binding a good part of the day
and Jamie and I in the afternoon - pretty near the half of them is done - they are a fine crop and very
clean. Alec has been at James McKeachies raising - he did not get the walls of the house all up.
Uncle Alec is sick to day.
SATURDAY, September 26th, 1857 Very fine day. the sun came out strong, and it had been a fine
drying day for outstanding crops. Alec & Jamie have been helping me all day at the oats. Edward O
Herran and his father also in the afternoon. Edward from about 11 oclock, we finished both binding
and drawing in. we took in two loads after sundown. the oats seem to be in good condition, I think.
There is a 121 stoocks of them. I believe both the Toltons and John Webb have made a late finish of
theirs as well to day - I got "Flower" shod to day and agreed to let James Mitchell take her to Arthur
Village on Monday, for Lumber for James McKuchin. Margaret keeps pretty well. Uncle Alec keeps
sickly to day yet. Peter McDougal died yesterday at noon I believe. he had I understand a bloody
SUNDAY, September 27th 1857. Very warm and very fine day - there has been the most of the day
a heavy wind blowing and pretty hot. there has also been scattering clouds flying. to night it has
considerably darkened up and we have had very heavy thunder and Lightning. there was quite a
blaze got up in the South west. I was afraid it might be a building. Alec started off for the Funeral at
noon, 2 oclock was the hour for departure with the corpse. I left here at about 3 oclock, in order to
meet them. I called at Duncans taking the "Koran" home to Mr Campbell. I was on the Ground a
considerable time before the Funeral arrived, and before we got through and home again, it was not
far from night. William Tolton is here to night
MONDAY, September 28th, 1857. A little Showery to day. a pretty cool, not at all a drying day for
those that have crops out. Thomas Vane has a good many oats out yet. he is busy cutting to day.
Jamie and I have had the oxen and waggon on the Fallow cleaning and Picking up making ready for
sowing - we got about 2 acres all ready. there is a great quantity of trash left on the Ground on
account of the wet weather. nothing being burnt up but what has a very good chance. we got a
Letter from Esquesing to night. all is well. they have just newly got over their harvest, I think, the
same day that I did.
TUESDAY, September 29th, 1857. Very windy, but fine weather - somewhat cool frosty night and
occasional showers - Alec and Uncles are busy with the root house - they are now putting up the
Log walls of it. Uncle Nichol sowed about 2 acres of the Fallow to day - pretty near all that is ready.
he sowed 2 Bags on it - I was almost afraid it would be too thick but we will see - it was on the end
next the woods, and about 19 rods this way. Jamie harrowed in the forenoon and I dug tunnels and
hold Burs Mullin {illegible}, in the afternoon I harrowed while Jamie took the hoe, I shifted in the
cooking stove to night. it is getting pretty cool now.
WEDNESDAY, September 30th, 1857. Frost last night. everything seemed white enough this
morning for snow to be on them. I expected the mare home this morning but they did not get home
till 3 oclock. Jamie finished cross harrowing about an hour after dinner. I have been hoeing pretty
nearly all day at the dirt in the Fallow - Alec has been drawing off his firewood from the Fallow, after
Jamie got done harrowing - fine clear nights now, the moon is getting fine and large. we are
beginning to experience the days very short. after supper is now very short, and we cannot sit long
after it if we want any thing done.
THURSDAY, October 1st, 1857 A very disagreeable day. Very cold, and raining a little the whole
day. I was very anxious to make a finish of sowing to day, and so I did, but Jamie and I had to work
on through all the wet to do it. the wet though not very great was still enough to make it very
disagreeable. Uncle Nichol sowed it for me. it took all the seed to a few grains. Uncles and Alec are
working very constant at the root house - they intend raising the upper house on Saturday. I got Alec
to kill a Lamb this morning. Isabella is now busy making my shirts, and Margaret knitting mitts for
FRIDAY, October 2d, 1857. Last night was very cold and to day has been fine and dry also very
cold. I have been helping Alec all day, in getting logs cut and drawn for the root house. for the first
time this season I have worn my vest under my over shirt and wrought with it all with comfort. this
night is again blowing up extremely cold, at least so it feels now to me. Uncle Alec keeps poking
away at the fired stumps and they are burning wonderfully away. Vane I see is still working away at
his harvest - he is to day at his Peas/ John Mitchell brought to Margaret about a Peck of Plumbs to
day and she has preserved them
SATURDAY, October 3d, 1857. Rather dull today though somewhat warmer then yesterday - Alec
has got the roof house raised over the root house today. I have been there helping to raise. Martin
Jestin and son William, with James McDermaid & William Tolton took up the Corners. there was only
John Webb and Ben Carr with ourselves helping to raise the Logs. I went after getting through and
brought home a Load of Sand. I think Vane has just got through with his harvest to night. he is the
last I think of the neighbors although I believe there is considerable out in the country yet.
SUNDAY, October 4th, 1857 Very fine day, the sun has been shining all day and much finer and
warmer than we have experienced for some time - I have kept the house pretty close all day on
account of Margaret being alone. Isabella has been at meeting. Betsy accompanied her. Thomas
Tolton and his sister Jane has paid us a visit to day as also John Hassek, John Mitchell, and Jamie
and Duncan Robertson. I took a walk down as far as Robert Morton to night, and wondered on
coming back that Isabella had deserted Margaret for other company –
MONDAY, October 5th, 1857 Very fine day, and pretty warm. the sun has been out and it has been
altogether a fine day. I went at fixing up mortar for plastering but found the Lime not easily mixed on
account of standing so long. I then left it and after dinner went at digging out the found for a pit for
the Potatoes. Jamie helped me and I got it dug out nearly 2 feet deep - and a drain also dug first -
Alec has drawn 2 loads of Lumber from Everton and taken down a grist of 14 Bushels of wheat -
Alec got Fanny shod all around today.
TUESDAY, October 6th, 1857 continues fine, pretty warm - we have now such weather as would
have done a great deal of good to the country 2 or 3 weeks ago, however some People will get the
good of it, there is still a good deal of grain out in the country - Our horses have been all day at
Vane's Thrashing. Alec has been there all day - I was there in the forenoon and got Jamie to go in
the afternoon for me. I went down to Everton in the afternoon with the oxen and waggon and brought
home a Load of stakes for the root house. I wrote a Letter for Esquesing to day, and as Jamie was
getting the grist this forenoon, I got it sent to Rockwood by Simon Plewis –
WEDNESDAY, October 7th, 1857 Still very fine weather - this day has been rather more so than
ordinary fine. I have again been with Vane all day Thrashing - Jamie was there in the afternoon -
Alec went down to Ballinafad for my Shingles to day - brought a Thousand in the hay rack. Edwards
Father has been thrashing Peas for me to day - I have to be with James McKachie to morrow if all
well, to help to thrash. My horses have also to be there - Mrs Cox of Everton died last night at nine
oclock - we had white frost last night.
THURSDAY, October 8th, 1857 Continues very fine. it is really charming weather. I was this
forenoon along with Jamie and the horses at James McKachie's Thrashing. Vane thrashed for him
and got along very well. Jamie had 60 Bushels of wheat, 10 of oats - some of the Thrashers went to
Cox's Funeral after getting done - Jamie and I after coming home fitted and put up the rafters on the
root house and covered it with Slabs. Thomas Tolton with his horses have been at Thrashing
yesterday and to day –
FRIDAY, October 9th, 1857. Very dull all day, with the exception of sunrise when there was a few
minutes sunshine - there has been quite a mist all day. Alec & Uncle Nichol & Isabella have been at
Guelph to day . they had a Load of Potatoes with other things to dispose of. they saw Guelph Show
when in. I have got the most done to the skeleton of the root house to day. Uncle Alec helped me
with the most of the forenoon. After supper I was drawing somewhat at stumps in the pasture feild,
and fired them - the stumps burn real well just now. Isabella is troubled a little with toothache.
SATURDAY, October 10th 1857. John Born Continues beautiful weather - this day has been
exquisitly fine. Margaret took sick this morning before 5 oclock, and continued very bad untill about 2
oclock when the Baby was Born. before taking breakfast I hitched up and went for her Aunt Grace.
Jamie afterwards went down and brought up her Aunt Mary. after awahile again he went down and
brought up Mrs. Lorree, I took Mrs Lorree home after dark, and called at Robertson's to give them
the news. Alec and Uncles have been putting the Rafters and Sheeting on their root house, and I
fixing up for fattening the hogs - the two aunts are staying over night. Margaret appears to be getting
round again. she is as well as could be expected.
SUNDAY, October 11th, 1857. Quite misty this morning untill about 9 or 10 oclock - it then cleared
off to another very fine day. it continues to be pretty warm. Alec and Jamie started off this morning
by 5 oclock for Esquesing - with the Lumber waggon - he means to bring up a Load of apples to
morrow from Humes'. Margaret has been tolerably well the greater part of the day. towards night she
became very weak and faintish. the Baby keeps very quiet and appears to be doing well. we have
had quite a number of visitors to day all appearing anxious regarding Margaret & Baby. Grace
Robertson is with us all night.
MONDAY, October 12th, 1857. Very dull all day, and there was considerable rain in the afternoon. it
is rather a change from the very fine weather we have had for so long a time - for a week's fine
weather this season is considered a rarity. I have been fixing up round the house to day. plastering &
cc. I agreed with William Cutting to day for a weeks work, wages the same as he gets from John
Webb. Margaret is some better to night, although she has been pretty weakly throught the day. the
Baby seems to be doing pretty well - Alec and Jamie have got home before dark, with 22 Bushels
Apples price from 1/10 1/2 to 2/8 per Bushel. they were at John McIntosh all night and started from
there at 8 this morning –
TUESDAY, October 13th, 1857. hogs Fatting Put the hogs up to day to fatten - Very fine day after
the rain, it has been fine and warm with stready sunshine. William Cutting has come this morning
and been digging at the Potatoes all day. Margaret had a very uneasy night, and this forenoon I was
greatly alarmed about her, - having yesterday taken a Doze of Castor oil, and at night fall a Doze of
No.1 Pills, and not moving her - She desired me to give her a Doze of No 2. I accordingly gave her
them but she suffered most severely by them. indeed I was afraid they would make an end of her. I
think they are a Pill that should not be used by a very weak person - Margaret's Father & Mother
came up to day. they were up about 2 oclock - Margaret had got a turn to the better before they
came up –
WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 1857. Another fine day, with a pretty strong breeze. it has been
overcasting a little. Uncle Alec is away down to James Humes after a Load of Apples for me. he
volunteered to go for me as I could not well leave myself. Margaret's Father would liked to have
stayed over to day and gone to the Eramosa Show, but her Mother would not hear of it. they started
off home after dinner. Father had a walk over the Place before dinner, we were back to the stake.
Margaret has been a good deal better to day and the Baby seems to do well - had a visit of Mrs
Carr. I finished Plastering up the house to day, and William & I begun to cover in the root house after
supper –
THURSDAY, October 15th, 1857. Cloudy this morning, and continued rather dull all day but no rain.
it has been withal a very fine day. the Fall wheat is growing nicely by this weather. William & I
finished the root house this forenoon - in the afternoon we took down the waggons and dug potatoes
bringing home a Load with us. I turned them into the house by the spout after dark - the folks over
the way are now peeling apples every night - Uncle Alec has got home in good time with my apples
10 Bushels, 10 at 1/2 $. 6 at 1/4 $ - Margaret is gathering strength though it may be slowly. her
Breasts trouble her a good deal - she is applying Borax & sugar to them. Isabella is a good nurse,
and she gets pretty well tired –
FRIDAY, October 16th, 1857. Rather a change of weather - Cloudy and cold, looks like rain but none
as yet. this is the day of the County Show - Alec was at it. William Cutting and I have been digging
all day at the Potatoes, and pretty nearly finished them. we brought home two Loads. they are a fine
crop. the red merrinoes especially - the old Man across the way was helping us in the forenoon - the
Fanning Pedlar came along today and left a Fanning Mill for Alec. I gave my My note Payable 3
months from this date. 22 Dollars, without interest - Margaret is gaining strength slowly. she is sitting
up tonight. Uncles are busy at the Potatoe digging –
SATURDAY, October 17th, 1857. Rather gloomy to day, and very cool. it rained a little towards and
after night - William Cutting and I have been at the Dung drawing out to day, with both Teams - we
were covering the Orchard - we took out 21 Loads from about ten oclock. Uncles and Alec have
been at their Potatoes digging. Margaret is now so far better as to be able to be up the greater part
of the day, but she suffers severely with her Breasts. the Baby seems to be doing very well, but
causes Margaret much pain when sucking - she has been applying several notions to them but does
not seem to gain much benefit from them –
SUNDAY, October 18th, 1857 Much finer than yesterday though coolish. the sun has been out
shining all day - I have kept the house the most of the day, never off the Place. I gathered off the
Balsam Trees some of the Gum for Margaret's Breasts - she has been trying that mixed with sweet
butter. it seems to have a biting effect on its first application, but it might do good for all - we have
had a visit of Harriet, Jane and Thomas Tolton this afternoon also Grace & Catherine Robertson with
the Boys, James Mitchell and all the Family excepting Jamie. Margaret has been up the most of the
day but is still much distressed with her Breasts.
MONDAY, October 19th, 1857 A good deal of rain last night and this forenoon has been rather
showery. it however cleared up some in the afternoon and towards night got pretty cool. I took out
dung this forenoon to the orchard, and in the afternoon finished drawing in the Potatoes. I measured
them 28 Bushels in the two Loads, I reckoned that there would be nearly enough in the other three
Loads to make 80 Bushels altogether, or nearly so. the old man has been thrashing Peas all day.
over the way they have an apple paring Bee to night - the Toltons are there in a body at least all that
were in Erin. Margaret has had a severe headache all day - and sister Betsy is very sick.
TUESDAY, October 20th, 1857. Quite an appalling change of weather, we have this morning, winter
in no mistake, both the feel of it and the look of it are present with us - the wind is high and most
peircing. the snow also where it is drifted is half way to the knees. it has continued very cold all day.
but as the day wore on, a great deal of the snow melted way. the sun however went down with
considerable still on the Ground. the old man has again been thrashing all day at the Peas - William
Jestin has begun the Timber for the stable to day. Warren Jestin and Alec with myself were score
hacking. no Potatoe digging to day. Alec's are all out yet Uncles have been putting some earth on
the heaps to day for fear of the frost going through the Potatoe tops –
WEDNESDAY, October 21st, 1857. Though not so cold and stormy as yesterday still it has quite a
winter feel about it. it froze so hard that neither Uncles nor Alec tried today to dig the Potatoes. We
were again at the scoring to day and expected to finish but we fell short somewhat of it, we intend
finishing to morrow morning before going to John Webb's raising. William Dixon came along to day
wishing to take a job of chopping, but I could not give him a decided answer having before partly
engaged to see if Torrence's freinds could not come to terms with me when coming to this part. he
gives till tomorrow night to see about it and I must give him an answer –
THURSDAY, October 22nd, 1857. Frost last night, but much finer than it has been these two last
days. one might dig Potatoes to day. we finished hewing this morning. Alec and I have been with
John Webb helping him to raise 2 old log sheds. I quit at about 3 oclock and took down the mare to
Everton - got her shod in the front feet, found that Torrance had not got word from his Freinds. in
coming home I called at Robert Morton's and gave the chopping to William Dixon. Warren Jestin has
been drawing from the woods the shed timber - he got everything home but the sleepers - Margaret
continues to be much distressed with her Breasts. I wrote down to her Father to day, sent it by
FRIDAY, October 23d, 1857. Another tolerable fine day. I would have been digging Potatoes all day
with Alec, but could not go untill the afternoon. Uncle Nichol and I in the forenoon went to Vane's and
cleaned and Bagged as well as brought home 56 Bushels of oats - Alec had formerly got 20 Bushels
from him which made in all 76 Bushels - 1/4 $ per Bushel is the price and he owes 19$. we took up
the debt in oats for fear of losing all - Vane has made a very poor speck of that farm and does not
seem to try to make it much better. William Jestin and Warren are working at the framing of the
SATURDAY, October 24th, 1857. A very dissagreeable day although it has not rained very heavy.
still it has been pretty constant and uncomfortable. I took down this morning to Everton a grist of
chopped stuff. 14 Bags, 12 Bushels of Peas, the rest of oats - William Jestin, Warren & Alec helped
me last night to clean them. I went to Rockwood to get some things for Margaret and the Baby. they
are neither very well. Margaret still suffers very much from her Breasts. I called at John Stewarts in
coming home - got dinner, but did no business as I intended desired. it was very late before I got my
grist, and I had a dark uncomfortable ride home - the Thirteen road is now shocking bad –
SUNDAY, October 25th, 1857. Rather dull kind of day, though not wet as yesterday - towards night
there was some little rain. the two Isabella's have been away on horseback to see Mrs Glen. they
say she looks bad but seems to be in pretty good spirits - we have not had many visitors, Duncan
Robertson and part of family called in as they were on their way home from Mitchels. I was up
seeing James Mitchell - he has had a very sickly week of it. he has been Beadfast the most part of
the week - I suppose a very bad cold is the trouble. I have now a very bad cold. Alec the same and I
suppose others of the family - Margaret is not yet any better and the Baby seems sick to night –
MONDAY, October 26th, 1857 Paid Pasture Lumber Exceedingly windy and cold last night, the
greater part of the day the wind has kept up very high, and the cold is pretty severe. I had a very bad
night of it. the Baby has not been very well, and Margaret is far from able to work away with it when
it is fretful. I have brought home 2 loads of Lumber I borrowed from Martin Jestin. 36 scantling in one
the rough edge is yet to measure. the old man is taking up his Potatoes to day - Alec and Uncles are
taking home the Potatoes from below to day. 101 Bushels in about 3/4 of an acre –
TUESDAY, October 27th, 1857. Not so immoderately cold to day. the wind keeps pretty high. I
measures 12 Bushels of Potatoes for the old man and took them home. he owes me about 2 days
work. I had also 2 or 3 Bushels to add to my own pile. I was drawing the sleepers for the stable
home from the woods and they are a very hard job. I got their one end on the cart wheels, but still
they were heavy enough. Margaret and the Baby are both now very sick - they have fallen away very
much in one day - I have been over at Tolton's to night asking them to help to raise on Thursday. I
have asked other hands.
WEDNESDAY, October 28th, 1857. Much milder to day, but great appearances of a storm in the
sky. there has been a little snow falling - Warren Jestin and I have been drawing in the shed logs
and preparing for the raising tomorrow. I wrought the horses, William Jestin helped us awhile. we cut
9 rafters and drew them home - we had a visit of Mrs Avery & Harriet Tolton also of Mrs Mitchell and
Mrs Robertson - the Baby still continues very fretful, it seems to be very sick. James McKachie has
brought some things for the sick folks from Guelph. Margaret's Breasts are still very sore –
THURSDAY, October 29th, 1857 raised the sheds to day Somewhat misty in the morning, and a
little dull in the middle of the day. but a very fine day through all. we got at it pretty early this morning,
and got things ready for the hands when they would gather - we got up the frame shed in the
forenoon, and in the afternoon put up the other two , covering one with the big Basswood troughs
again. we had altogether about 18 hands and had enough to do with the Frame - it had to be put up
by peicemeal - Uncle Alec came near getting a very serious hurt, but as it was, it passed off slightly.
an axe fell on his head from the shed Beam while he was holding a stud below. John Rafferty is now
up seen about settling with Vane. he has been helping us the most of the day –
FRIDAY, October 30th, 1857. Very fine day, again misty this morning but it soon passed away, and
a beautiful day followed for the work I have been at. I have been down at Paterson's old mill for a
Load of Lumber for William Jestin - though the roads are pretty heavy in some parts still on the
whole they are not so bad as I expected. I started a good while before day light and it was nearly 8
oclock before we got back to Everton. William Jestin came home along with me and we brought
home a Load of rough {ed?} I borrowed from Martin Jestin. it was nearly 11 oclock before we got
home - Margaret and the Baby have both got a turn to the better now - I am pretty wearied with my
jostling to day over the rough roads.
SATURDAY, October 31st, 1857. Lumber Cool, raw sort of day - not much sunshine - with flying
clouds - William Jestin is on working at the stable to day. I have traded to day with George Gray the
white faced Heifer for a fat Cow. he at first bargaining for the little red cow, but on second thought
hemight would rather have the other, and I made no objections. I measured the Lumber I got from
Martin Jestin and there was 950 feet of rough edge - Alec took a grist for the hogs to day and got it
ground - he got 15 Bushels of Peas from me. Margaret and Baby are both getting better but the
Baby is very cross.
SUNDAY, November 1st, 1857 Pretty fine this morning but soon got up to be a dull cold sort of day -
toward night it rained a little but as the wind changed from east to west I think there will not be much
rain - I paid James Mitchell on visit this afternoon. Mrs Mitchell is very sick - she kept her bed all
yesterday and today while I was there. James is getting better though slowly - the girls have all been
over at Tolton's this afternoon - Uncle Alexander has been down at Mr Fife's with the light waggon to
day with the schoolmaster - I put in the Beats and Parsnips to day when it threatened cold and rain –
MONDAY, November 2d, 1857. (Vane cleared, hunting him up today Cold stormy day. the wind has
been high, and a sleety snow has been falling the most of the day - I cut brought home the
remainder of the rafters this forenoon and William cut them too short in the framing. 4 in number
spoilt. I shifted the fence about the Barn. I Bagged up 7 Bags of Peas & oats for chopping and took
them down to the mill. I got at Kennedy's to night 24 lbs of shingle nails. Alec received a Letter from
Aunt Ellen by Post to night. Margaret's Breasts are getting better fast now, but she continues weakly
otherwise. the Baby seems to be doing well –
TUESDAY, November 3d, 1857 Forenoon rather stormy - more snow falling - I took the opportunity
to half sole my Boots - afternoon I put up the fences about the Barn Yard. put the saddle on the
mare and went for hands to log tomorrow and after - I went across to Tolton's and Ben Carr, they
both promised to come as also Jamie McKachie on Friday & Saturday. William Jestin and Warren
have been closing in the stable. Alec has been ploughing at the sod with the oxen. the Baby seems
to thrive but is very cross –
WEDNESDAY, November 4th, 1857 Very fine but great appearances of rain - it can hardly pass off
without rain the signs are so great. we have logged to day, got but middling by along - the timber too
much crossed to get along fast - William Tolton, Warren Jestin, William Dixon & myself were the
hands - William Dixon Teamsters, we fired all the heaps to night - they are burning fine - there is a
strong breeze. Alec is dunging the Orchard. the Pigs are now not able to eat so much they did a
week ago. they are looking very fat for the time of being fed.
THURSDAY, November 5th, 1857 Threatening rain all forenoon but held off till after dinner. it then
began to rain and continued steady till night - we logged in the forenoon, did middling. the chopping
is not first rate. Uncle Alec & John Francy supplied the Place of the two Williams of yesterday - this
afternoon while it rained, Warren Jestin & myself picked the most of the half Dollar apples - brought
from the Barn a Bag & half to peel. peeled and cored a Bag - had the help of the other folks - we
also laid by in the cellar 2 Bags of picked ones, and a bag of small ones. wind getting up to night –
FRIDAY, November 6th, 1857. Fine day after the rain - sunshine with a nice breeze - the same
hands have been logging to day, as did yesterday - we expected James McKachie to help us but he
came and plead off as he wished to go and seize on some of Vane's late property - they are making
quite a great ado about poor Vane now that he is away - we got pretty well along with the logging to
day - better than yesterday - Alec is drawing at the dung and Uncle is with me in his place. we have
had a visit of Mrs Stewart & Mrs Scott this afternoon. they walked up through the mud –
SATURDAY, November 7th, 1857. Pretty nice day. great appearance of rain and about noon had a
little but none of any account - we have been logging again to day. James McKachie is place of John
Francy of yesterday - we got along but very slowly - the part next the fence was exceedingly hard to
do - there was so much old brands that had been taken out of the other fallow. old hemlocks and
one thing and another. John Rafferty has had a Plough Bee to day, Alec was there - they had quite a
fuss there between Perry and Rafferty but did not do much after all.
SUNDAY, November 8th, 1857 Some wet this forenoon but cleared up in the afternoon, it was very
misty in the morning we had John Robertson Junr. to dinner with us to day he was at James
Mitchell's all night. I took a walk down with him to Duncan Robertson, Mrs Robertson is very sick,
and in Bed, we had last night a visit of Martin James Jestins Friends from the west, Miss Mary Ann
seems to be a very nice young woman Campbell is their name the Baby is very cross these times I
do not know what can be the matter with him.
MONDAY, November 9th, 1857. An exceedingly disagreeable day all through rained the whole of
the day and sometimes pretty heavy, to night it snode a good deal but it melted nearly as fast as it
fell. I took down a grist of 6 Bushels of wheat, the last of the old wheat, I could not get it home with
me, but brought home the chopped stuff I took down the other day, I took down on the waggon on
top of the grist the Jaunting sleigh to Martin James to get fixed, it was rather shaky in the Box-- I
shifted the hens to night up to the Barn. the poor creatures had no shelter from the storm down here
TUESDAY, November 10th, 1857. Pretty hard frost last night, and this morning was very cold, the
frost gave way as the day wore on and we then had a very fine day, I have begun to plough to day
with the horses in the little field at the house Alec is ploughing the sod Warren Jestin has been
shingling and finds it very cold work, Uncle Ale- is away down with the cows this afternoon we have
had a visit of Mrs Stewart and Mrs Mitchell this afternoon, James Greive has come alone from
Hamilton he has a horse and single Waggon, with a Load of things I bought the {Gun?} from William
Mitchell to night, on condition that his father has no objections
WEDNESDAY, November 11th, 1857. Frost again last night pretty hard, it has been cold to day but
nothing so much as yesterday I went down pretty early this morning to Everton with the horses and
brought home the grist of wheat I took down on monday, I did not start the plough untile after dinner,
and it took till then to make it right for ploughing it was so much frose. Alec finished his sod to day,
he says it was pretty hard this forenoon, Warren Jestin is shingling to day he did not find it so cold as
yesterday, I find the little feild plough better than last year when breaking it out,
THURSDAY, November 12th, 1857. Some frost last night but little to be compared to the last two
nights - it has looked like rain since the breaking of the day, but it held off pretty well untille some
time after dinner when it then rained enough to make it dissagreeable to work though hardly enough
to make us qwit I ploughed all day in the little feild, George Gray came along in the afternoon but
qwit some time before night on account of the wet, the Baby is not at present doing well at all he
seems to be sick that make him so cross - the old man spread the dung in the orchard today
FRIDAY, November 13th, 1857. Light frost last night I got the little feild finished by noon to day
George Gray has been ploughing until nearly night when he qwit as it stormed pretty hard with snow
he ploughe this afternoon two rounds about each of the rows of trees, I ploughed there about two
hours in in the afternoon, after dinner I went to John Webb and borrowed some Lumber William
Jestin has hung all the doors to day on the stable, I got a Letter to day from below, James Anderson
keeps the waggon for his own use Isabella got a Globe sent her, the Baby stile is very fretfull and
SATURDAY, November 14th, 1857. Very heavy frost last night so much so that the Plough is shut
out of stable Ground a little snow lies on the Ground, I got at it qwite brisk this morning early and
prepared for the Pigs killing, the Old man and Uncle Nichol were helping us Alec was Butcher we did
them up pretty smartly, had them all 4 finished between 12 & 1 - excepting one which Alec had not
qwite through with Uncle Alec got home to night, got little or no money from Thom Reid, very hard
times every body feels the pinches the choppers have been on a day or two at Alecs underbrushing
the Baby seems a little better there is a rush {rash} coming out his skin
SUNDAY, November 15th, 1857. Still frosty at night, but the day though cold has been a very
pleasant one the roads are now pretty tough and hard but a little muddy in the heat of the day I had
a turn out with Margaret and the Baby for the first time as far as Mitchells, as it was near night, and
they were not at home we came right home again the two Isabellas were at centre meeting to day,
had some visitors towards night, and after all the rest had gone the two general sunday night visitors
came along William and Thomas Tolton, Alec has been down on a visit to Daniel Stewarts to day, he
has been away from an excursion to Toronto
MONDAY, November 16th, 1857. A real winter day some frost last night, and very dull great
appearance of a fall of something after dinner the snow came on, and by night it was two or three
inches deep, this afternoon I got the hogs out up and salted William Dixon cut it up for me it being
too stormy for him to under brush I am a little troubled to see such weather and the sheds not fixed,
we have been housing the colts to night for the first time the pulled pretty hard at the tie
TUESDAY, November 17th, 1857. As winter looking as ever the forenoon was somewhat milder but
the afternoon lightened up again snowing away now and again, we have had old Mr McDermaid
Butchering for us to day, he killed the steer of Alec's in the forenoon, the Cow I got from George
Gray in the afternoon, he was done in time enough for Alec to go up with the stillyards and weigh an
oxe they had slaughtered I took Isabella down to her Uncle Duncan with the waggon after dark, she
is away home again after a good long stay James Grieve has brought his wife up to day from the
cars, she came last night
WEDNESDAY, November 18th, 1857. Still qwite wintry looking the snow that has fallen still
continues to lie - it is a good deal milder to night but I am afraid it is for more snow - I cut poles this
forenoon for covering the shed in the afternoon Uncle Alec and I were at Ben Carrs helping to raise
a shed for him, Alec has been with John Webb helping him to thrash he is to be thrashing to morrow
and wishes one to go - we cut up and weighed the cow to night, she weighed 430, Alec's stere
weighed about 400, the Baby is still fretfull, Margaret is now alone, and I am glad she is getting
some stronger
THURSDAY, November 19th, 1857. Snow last night again and this forenoon it was leaving us qwite
fast I was almost beginning to hope that we would still have some open weather, the wind in the
afternoon however turned and it got up as cold as ever altogether it has been a stormy
dissagreeable day, Alec and I have been at John Webb's thrashing all day, they got but poorly along,
what with bad weather and poor teams - they just thrashed about 130 Bushels of wheat, we got
McKenzie's message to night, the first since he qwit for the 2 weeks rest, the Baby has some sores
under his arms and ears which makes him very cross
FRIDAY, November 20th, 1857. Strong frost last night again, to day it has been exceedingly stormy
and cold. the wind has been very high and considerable drifting and falling of snow, Alec and I have
been, at John Webb's to day again, we expecte at least to get through by noon, but we were nearly
till night fiddling away with it, it was Barley and a very nasty job there was about 130 Bushels I had
"Flower" then as John's colt seemed sick I went down to Everton to night to try and sell a Quarter of
Beef but did not succeed as I wished Sophia Jestin has come up to Margaret to day –
SATURDAY, November 21st, 1857. Snow drifting very much it has been a continued storm all day,
wind snow and drift, winter has come very early and very severe, all generally expect a slackening
after this tight weather as it is so early in the season. I have been down in the woods drawing the
poles for the shed that I cut before the snow fell, I had a job getting them I believe there is nearly a
foot of snow in the woods, I am completely caught by this weather having nothing done with my
sheds yet, the cattle are living on the old stock on straw of last year –
SUNDAY, November 22d, 1857. A continuation of snow drifting, but more mild than it has been for
two days back to night it is mild but I fear it looks as if gathering for another storm. I hope not, as I
am laying out to be at the sheds fixing to morrow if health and weather permit, Alec and Betsy are
both away down to Esquesing to day. they have the cutter and the span with them he means to bring
up the sleigh he bought at Rafferty's sale, James Mitchell has been in to night and {raths?} of
thrashing on Tuesday and Wednesday
MONDAY, November 23d, 1857. Qwite dull this morning and from breakfast to dinner time it snowed
very hard after that time the snow gave up but it became very windy and cold I have had James
McKachine all day helping me at the shed, Uncle Alex also in the forenoon helped me. in the
afternoon he went Jonathan Cox's to help him to raise a shed we shifted the Pea straw from the
Barn floor on to the Pole in the horse stable there was a man looking after ship timber to day. I had
him down at the woods, John Stewart was along to night to see after the steer but it did not suit him.
TUESDAY, November 24th, 1857. Cold and stormy as ever, some more snow - and so badly drifted
that it is hard getting along I think that in the woods it is a good foot deep I was asked for both
Tolton's & Mitchell's Thrashing to day, but had to refuse both as I had to attend Martin Jestin's
raising we got the shanty up in good time, but it was a cold job, Alec has got home to night with his
sleigh, James Grieve has been down to day I believe he has rented a house in Georgetown and
intends living there this winter. the old man is thrashing Peas today. the Baby seems now to be
thriving well.
WEDNESDAY, November 25th, 1857. Continues pretty cold though not as cold as yesterday, the old
man finished the peas thrashing this forenoon, I made ready this forenoon and Alec & I with James
Greive went down to the sale at Mrs Hiphants there was a pretty large attendance but people
seemed to be rather careful about bidding very high I bid on one thing I should not and it should be a
Lesson for the future, I was not aquainted with Henry Talbots old mare (a cripple) and I bid for her. I
bought a Ewe at 6 1/2 $, and a sow at 5 3/4 $, 14 months Credit Alec bought a colt from David
Stewart, for 25 1/2 $, the same credit.
THURSDAY, November 26th, 1857. Very fine day, this is the first settled day after a weeks stormy
weather Uncle Alexander and I were thrashing with James Mitchell and after dinner had to leave him
in a great hurry, Uncle Alex in going out at the door slipt his foot on a piece of ice and falling seemed
to fracture the bone of his arm - immediately behind the first joint leaving one of our horses at the
Machine I hitched up the other and drove Uncle down to Malcom McNiven and there got it
Bandaged, and splinted up, after giving it great pulling thinking it was only out of joint, I agree with
William Abbott to come and thrash for me on Saturday, and have called my hands to night
FRIDAY, November 27th, 1857. Another very fine day Jams Mitchell is thrashing to day again. Alec
is there John Webb sends a hand for me to day our team is again there, I have had Jamie helping
me to make ready for my thrashing to morrow we cleaned up and Binned 17 or 18 Bushels of Peas
put the straw into the horse stable, cut and drew logs from the woods for a straw pend and other
sundry fixings Isabella drove Greive’s horse in the Cutter nearly to Guelph thinking to meet uncle
Nichol but she came home without him Greive and him went into Guelph yesterday, and through
some misunderstanding left Uncle in the Town, he got home with Martin Jestin to night.
SATURDAY, November 28th, 1857. Another fine day, it has been very warm, and the snow has
melted away very much, we got up the straw pen before commencing to thrash, and before we got
the Machine and all else ready it was nearly ten oclock we however after getting started got along
very steady and nice, we had done and the machine loaded up some time before night, there was 45
Bushels of spring wheat and 180 of oats, 13 cents for the wheat and 2 for the oats thrashing after
getting supper Alec and I went down to Daniel Stewarts and got a saddle and two {shingles?} for the
ten dollars he owed us for the oats we had a visit last night of John Johnston from Norval Uncle's
hand and arm has been very painfull and much swollen
SUNDAY, November 29th, 1857. Very Dull this morning and had some appearance of rain or snow,
but it cleared up however to a very fine day - we have had a very fine sleigh ride to day. over to the
other side of the Township on a visit to Robert Barkers they were all at home and we had a pleasant
while there and got dinner along with them on the way home we call at William Toltons and had to
stay there a good while to avid {avoid} one of the Trains poor little fellow met in with a bad accident,
he got his arm broken yesterday while playing with one of his comrades the Doctor set it to day, he
is exceedingly patient under it, we got home after night awhile, Thomas Tolton had his sleigh with
Harriet and our Isabella we had Alec and Betsy, Margaret the Baby and myself
MONDAY, November 30th, 1857. Qwite a thaw last night it has been raining though the night, and
all forenoon, the snow was melting yesterday but to day it has fairly run away, to night there is but
little left, Alec killed his pigs this forenoon I was helping him. Martin Jestin came along and he staid
and helped too - Alec helped me to cover my shed this afternoon with old straw Mrs Grieve is away
down to Georgetown with the cars to night, Jamie took her to Rockwood with the Team James
himself went down on Saturday, he bought Jamie Mitchell's single sleigh and took his things down,
the Baby seems somewhat easier to day, but he has passed a bad week of it. Alec and I are asked
to Tolton's shed raising tomorrow
TUESDAY, December 1st, 1857. Rather dull the greater part of the day. some sign of rain, and
rather mild Alec and I have been over at Tolton's raising this afternoon. I was fixing up about the
Barn yard, this forenoon and find it a hard matter to get stuck at is long enough to get fixed up - the
sow has gone away yesterday afternoon and I am afraid I will be put to trouble with her the machine
folks left the fence down at the Line and she made out by that, the Baby is again very fretful it seems
to be much pained.
WEDNESDAY, December 2d, 1857. Very mild again to day I fixed about home till about 11 oclock
when I started off in qwest of the sow, I had a very hard job of it running untile after dark and made
nothing of it - I really was out of all patience with the nasty beast, but however that never mends the
matter, William Jestin raised his store house this afternoon, Betsy Peavoy took very ill last night Alec
and Jamie helped me to clean up 20 Bags of oats after between 7 & 8 oclock to night, I intend going
to Guelph tomorrow with them, if all is well.
THURSDAY, December 3d, 1857. Rather colder than yesterday and more windy and wintry looking,
I was early at it this morning preparing for a start to Guelph. it was however about ten oclock before I
got away. I found part of the road very good Waggoning, but through 13 was intolerable bad, I had
48 Bushels 27 Ib of oats sold at 15 1/2 per Bal, brought home a Barrell of salt, a Pound of Tea and
things from Hector Parker for Margaret & the Baby all the cry is now the want of money, uncle Nichol
is very unwell at present William Dixon is also off work.
FRIDAY, December 4th, 1857. More Mild to day again but not much sunshine I have had James
McKachie helping me all day fixing the cattle shed and stable. we chinked and plastered the shed
chinked the stable and nearly fixed up the stalls in it. Alec was helping us awhile in the afternoon.
Mrs Carr had a young - daughter last night Uncle Nichol is a great deal better to day - Henry is on to
day for the first, they have all the others under-brush if it holds on this weather and William gets
better they will soon get it done
SATURDAY, December 5th, 1857. Very cloudy and misty day, the damp mist freezing and causing a
feathery appearance to the trees, I covered the root house over with dung and had qwite a hard job
to get it, it was so much froze, I got ready as soon as possible after doing my chores, saddled the
mare and went off for Esquesing, I paid ten dollars to Mr Campbell store Keeper, in Ballinafad, as
part pay for 6 Bunches of shingles, $6 1/2 I yet owe him I got down to Fathers by nine oclock, after
calling at Greives and George Hamilton's it was about 3 oclock before I left Eramosa
SUNDAY, December 6th, 1857. Esquesing A dark, damp dissagreeable day, it did not rain much this
forenoon. but it rained a little in the afternoon all the time, I left for home at about Ten oclock, and got
home about 4 in the afternoon all my stoppages were a call at George Hamilton and one at Fieldings
to get a dry, the roads were very slippy and the marenot being to sharp shod, made it very hard on
her to get along, the Baby I think continues this day or two to improve a little
MONDAY, December 7th, 1857. Very fine day all through it has looked very much like a "pet day",
fine sunshine and qwite mild Alec, has taken a grist to the mill to day. He borrowed 8 Bushels of
wheat from me, I have been on the hunt all day for the lost sow again, and came home at night as
wise as ever as to her whereabouts it is really a most disheartening job to run round as much as I
have done and make nothing of it I brought home the young dog from Daniel stewarts to night with
me –
TUESDAY, December 8th, 1857. Exceedingly fine day more like spring time half gone than any
other thing, it has been very warm, I have been fixing up the sheep pend to day, Uncle Nichol fixed
on the door, William & Warren Jestin were along this afternoon and would have finished the
shingling to day, but I got disappointed by George P. Peavoy who promised me the shingles Nichol
Rogers came along this morning he had been at Hassetts all night, Alec had a great job taking the
sow to Hassett, he had to take her on the sleigh, the Baby seems now to be doing well
WEDNESDAY, December 9th, 1857. A good deal of rain last night, and to day has been very misty,
and wet a good part of the time. I have been choring round some to day. I covered the well working
some at the cattle stable. and Alec and I went over for the sheep at Toltons we got them home
before it was down right dark, but we had nothing to boast off John Francy has got down from the
woods he has bought a lot of Land. Margaret is very sick these times, she seems to have got the
cold. the Baby however keeps well –
THURSDAY, December 10th, 1857. Pretty cold but not a dissagreeable day. my forenoon was put
off at James Theakers Alec and I expected to be thrashing there the machine however on account of
a break down did not come along, and we all had to go home again after dinner I fixed up the stones
and thrash about the Barn yard. and then went down and measured off the fallow for the men we
went 6 rods further back in the south corner of the Fallow then I had been in the habit of thinking was
the Line,
FRIDAY, December 11th, 1857. Rather mild to day - there was considerable snow last night, but to
day's sun has taken it away nearly as fast as it came, it is nice weather for getting around noon the
snow is no impediment the ground being nearly bare in many places, William Dixon and Henry have
been sawing logs all day - I have to pay for one of them, I poled and drew the sheep pend to day
and fixed a rack, I was drawing out a few saw logs but find it too soft for the oxen it goes very hard
when there is not frost and snow, Margaret is bothered with the Toothache
SATURDAY, December 12th, 1857. The frost was a little hard last night, and it has kept harder than
yesterday, Alec and I drew over a Load of oat straw to the old Barn, Alec is wishing the thrashing
machine would come along I rigged up the sleigh and begun to draw out the Bark, I had to qwit a
little early the shoeing of the sleigh going wrong. the men have to day again been sawing all day
Nichol Rogers had the horses into Guelph to get his things - - Edward and his Father & mother have
moved to the shanty to day. they have had a long wait for it –
SUNDAY, December 13th, 1857. Very fine day though rather cool, I have had a very bad night last
night, been attacked with something like a flux. and had to be up a good deal through the night,
much pained I am a good deal better to night after taking a table spoon full of Ground Pepper, Alec
McFarlane came last night to the other house and has been with us to day. he means to be off home
in the morning - I kept the house all day, not feeling strong enough to go abroad - the Baby. Uncle
Nichol and Betsy are now both in the sick Just as well as myself.
MONDAY, December 14th, 1857. A little frost last night but it has been quite a mild day. the snow is
going very fast. there is now only a little in the woods the greater part of the roads being bare and
muddy. Alec McFarlane started for home this morning I have been opening roads into the Bark and
saw logs, and drew out a number into the cleaning Alec and Nichol are now busy chopping firewood,
Jamie took a Load to the school there was a meeting of Electors hearing Dr. Clark up at Drumhill,
Dr. Parker was there and called at Peavoys in going home. I took down Margaret and the Baby and
let them see them he will not say too much for the Baby.
TUESDAY, December 15th, 1857. Quite misty and mild to day looked a good deal like rain the snow
has mostly gone to day. I have been working in the Bush, took out a quantity of saw logs and Alec
and Nichol helped me to skid 18 logs, William and Henry are busy at the underbrushing the Baby
has had a bad turn yesterday and to day I have got medicine to night from Dr Parker sent out by Mr
Peavoy I also got a Bottle of Godfrey's Cordial at Everton, but will use the Dr’s first. ---, Mrs William
Green died this morning, Uncle Nichol has had another bad turn last night he is greatly failed looking

WEDNESDAY, December 16th, 1857. Very fine weather, this day has been more like spring than
this day of the year, the snow has now all but gone away and the frost is leaving the Ground, Alec
got a Load of hay from me to day, I drew out 4 saw logs, 3 large ones, but as the road got soft I left
them for another time. - in the afternoon I stuck at the Bark drawing, it is with the iron shod sleigh
and it runs hard without snow, the Baby seems somewhat easier than yesterday, but still nothing to
boast of. I have began this day or two back to feed the cows hay once a day.
THURSDAY, December 17th, 1857. Rather dull to day, some frost last night - which made the
ground a little hard untille noon I drew out all the saw logs but 4, those I left till it comes snow, it is so
very hard on the oxen, after dinner Alec & Nichol helped me to skid 12 logs, there are now 30 on the
skids, after getting done, we all went at Alec's we managed to put up about a dozen in the woods, it
was rather ackward work, I would rather have them out in to the clearing like mine the men have left
the underbrushing there is still a little to do but they think it will be easier done in the spring, I have
written a Letter for below to night
FRIDAY, December 18th, 1857. Very wet morning, and has continued so all day, a good deal of rain
has fallen this forenoon I cleaned up the Barn floor somewhat, filled 2 Bed Licks, one oat chaft the
other half straw & chaff in the afternoon I gathered all the Lumber about and laid the floor for the
horses to stand on this winter untile the stable is finished for good and all, this is rather a bad day for
the Elections, the roads are also very rough at the present time the Baby is now a great deal better,
the medicine we got from the doctor seems to be doing him good, Margaret same also doing very
well we are somewhat encouraged with the present look of things
SATURDAY, December 19th, 1857. Quite a hard frost last night and everything is dry and hard this
morning, Alec and I with Nichol Rogers were early at Robert Mortons expecting to thrash, but on
account of the ice on the roads William Abbott could not bring the seperator along in time to thrash
before noon. Duncan Anderson was there and got Alec and I coxed along with old Wm Theaker to
go and vote, we did so thinking it too bad to let doggery and villainy get the upper hand if we could
do anything concientiously to keep it down. James Theaker telling one in the morning there was a
stray sow at Portis's Alec and I came that way, from here, and brought her to Robert Mortons Robert
Morton to night operated on Henry Turner in the mesmeric sleep before a good number, it is really a
very strange thing in our nature, that we can be brought so much under the power of another by
such an operation - - -
SUNDAY, December 20th, 1857. Continues a pretty light frost the day has been pretty fine but I fear
that the fall wheat will become no good from the hard frost and the ground so bare of snow, Nichol
Rogers and I went down to Robert Mortons this morning and led the sow home with a rope at her leg
the people over the way have had a visit from Harriet Tolson and her two brothers William & George.
we had a visit of the two Misses Robertson towards night, Margaret & I with William Jestin and
Sophia convoyed them down as far as Peavoy's corner, and before coming we went over to see how
Elizabeth Peavoy was doing, she is yet very poorly. the Baby continues to do fairly but sometimes
bothersome at night.
MONDAY, December 21st, 1857. Strong frost last night again through the day it became more mild,
and it has been very dull all day, having the appearance of a storm a brewing, it kept fair untile after
dark, when the snow came down in night earnest. I believe then fell 2 inches in about an hour I was
again this forenoon with Robert Morton Thrashing. we got finished before dinner, he had a good crop
of Fall wheat for this season, 56 Bushels off 2 acres, he had 8- Bushels spring & 80 Bushels oats,
the machine left there after they got dinner and was again all ready for action at 1/2 past two. they
thrashed 82 Bushels spring wheat from that time till night, I was there and Nichol Rogers was also
there for me. Alec was there too I tied up the cowe to night for the first time, the snow comes down
for certain.
TUESDAY, December 22d, 1857. Windy and cold, although fine weather for working, Nichol Rogers
and I were again with Martin Jestin this forenoon - thrashing, after dinner they quit with him and
came down to Alec, they got a start at between 2 and 3 oclock and been through the largest part of
the spring wheat, it is turning out but poorly, - at Martin Jestin's they thrashed 98 Bushels spring
wheat, and 79 of Barley, it was in good order for thrashing, and they managed to put through a good
deal of straw - the Baby seems to be doing fine and Margaret looks better than she has done for a
long time - Janet Mitchell has been with Margaret all day getting a M Bonnet made - Alec's mare is
so lame he will not put her on the machine to morrow, I am afraid it will bother her yet - -
WEDNESDAY, December 23d, 1857. Very cold day, and the wind has been very high and most
unfavourable for Alec's Thrashing we tried to thrash and put the straw out at the door but found it no
use, we then had to shut up the doors and put the straw up in the swing Beam mow - and when liter
to choke up cut a hole out of the side of the Barn and push the straw out at it but for this we would
have had to stop, in the day and half. there was thrashed 66 Bushels spring which 74 of fall wheat
and 95 of oats - they staid all night men and horses, and intend to be at George Gray in the morning
- this has I think without exception been the dirtiest thrashing that ever I was at. the smut was terrible
among the spring wheat, and no wind to blow it away.
THURSDAY, December 24th, 1857 Another cold day, but more sunshine than there has been for a
few days, Nichol, Alec And I have been with George Gray, thrashing. the wind was pretty strong but
more favourable for George than for Alec, they thrashed for George 60 Bushels spring wheat, & 5 of
Fall, and after Nichol and I 7 left put through 18 of oats. Nichol and I left a little before dark, and
came home and clean up 2 Bags of wheat, got out suppers and Jamie came - along with us to
Everton, we waited about 2 hours there and got the grist home with us, we also brought the pleasure
sleigh after its repairs and the 1/2 Bunch of shingles I got from William Jestin.
FRIDAY, December 25th, 1857. Not so cold to-day, we are all at home and feel rather dull after so
much thrashing it is only one day’s rest however—we must be at it again tomorrow if all is well.
Nichol, Jamie, and Henry Turner have been away this forenoon on a shooting Excursion this being
Christmas. I believe they shot a woodpecker-- I have been working away as usual to night I salted
the pork again the second time. I believe it should have been done long ago, and there was a fine
chance too of soft weather but I overlooked it, not knowing enough about it. the Baby has taken
rather sick to day. Betsy has been very bad but is to day rather better again, great time of sickness
this some time back.
SATURDAY, December 26th, 1857. A little snow last night which will help the road a great deal, this
day has been pretty mild, and a very little snow falling. Alec Nichol and I have been at Theackers
thrashing all day. Mr. Theacker had a very good crop of wheat and got a good day's Thrashing 239
Bushels altogether 85 of it was spring wheat—the rest fall. William Abbott is now going out of the
neighborhood with the intention of coming back in a week of two, to thrash again the Baby is still
very cross to night, but I think is not so sick as last night. Margaret has knit me another pair of mitts,
we intend if all well to go down to Esquesing tomorrow
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William Sunter, “William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1857,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/88.
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