Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1867


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1867


Benjamin Reesor


Courtesy of Markham Museum


19th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Benjamin Reesor (1836-1917)
1867 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers
January 1. 1867 Went to JB's were not at home there went to S. Lehmans. W pretty cold
sleighing. poorly
2 Helped F Reesor saw shingle timber AM helped BR C kill a beef PM W. pretty Cold, clear
4 Cleaned barley W. pretty Cold
5 Finished cleaning barley AM drew a load of bolts PM W. Mild cloudy
6 Sunday 6 Went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke 2nd C by
Rev H Barkey Went to F Reesor's after service W. mild cloudy
7 Went to JB. and to Municipal Election at Mangolia (late Californiay) Voted for HP Crosby
for Reeve WM Batton and J Robinson for Deputy Reeves and W Eakin and P Wilmot for
Councillors W. Mild Clear Sleighing not very good
8 Helped CB kill Beef and hog W, pretty Cold Clear
9 Went to School Meeting in Scarboro AM in Markham PM W mild.
10 Went to Finlan's W. Some snow, sleighing pretty fair. W. mild
11 Killed pig and beef W. Mild a little snow PM
12 drew wood for RW AM. I and RW cut some Lim {limb} wood PM W. Cold
Jan Feb 1867
Sunday 13 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R. H Barkey sermon on {blank} by Br. C
Visitors after service Br inlaw M. Neighwards and family W. stormy this morning pretty Cold
14 took straw for RW AM drew shingle timber PM
15 drew 3 shingle lods W. very Cold froze my toe
16 drew 2 do do and 1 sawlog W. Milder Flavius here tonight RW. helped thresh at Hoover's
for me yesterday and Isaac today
17 Went to Michael {Foits?} and I got mare shod {wi?} village W. stormy snow
18 drew 2 shingle logs W. very Cold Sleighing good
19 Drew some wood and brought home some shavings from Pilkey's W. very Cold, Clear
Sunday 20 Went to Meeting at Widemans Remarks by Br C Sermon on St John 3rd C by Re
H Barkey went to J Stover's after Service. W. Milder .AM stong East wind coming home. very
21 Shoveled snow AM Went for Dr. Mc PM Flavius is sick Dr says he has Croup and
Diptheria W. snowy about 15 inches fell last night Roads heavy
22 chored Dr was here this evening baby is better W. cooler
23 Chored. F inlaw's were here. I went to JD's PM W. Cooler PH Kamer and family were
here this evening W. mild clear Daniel Schmau died last night of Cancer on the face
24 I went to funeral of Daniel Schmau with Br C Sermon on 7 C Rev. 13 V to end of chap. in
German by Rev H Barkey. in English by R. P Colier W. Mild
25 Drew a load of bolts JB and wife were here W mild Commenced to snow from East about
3 PM
26 Chored AM I and Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM W. mild a little soft
Sunday 27 at home Br S's were here W. mild. windy tonight
28 Helped Br. C thresh W. Mild
29 Helped Br.C thresh AM and awhile PM and drew a load of wood W. Mild
30 Took family to JD's and drew wood brought them home this evening W. pretty cold
31 drew some wood AM Helped Br S kill a beef PM W. mild
February 1 Helped RW Clean Oats AM Chored PM W. Some rain. and heavy thaw last night
snow soft
2 Candlemas day Cleaned Oats AM and some peas PM and I went to Cedar Grove Mild this
evening W. Mild Cloudy AM Snowstorm from East PM, sleet this evening
Feb 1867
Sunday 3 at home J Storey and wife were here W. mild, snow this evening
4 Went to Cedar Grove Mills this morning and to Meeting house to appoint trustees AM.
SImon Hoover and wife were here i took some straw fir RW this evening W. mild snow from
east [illegible]
5 Helped CB to thresh W. Mild, a little snowy
6 Took 38.10 lbs peas to dufins Creek Station @ 68 per bus. Went to AB's tonight. were not
at home W. Clear
7 Took my Mother to Br. S's this morning. Sorted some turnips in Cellar AM. Commenced to
rot took a load of bolts and brought Mother home PM W. fine clear
8 Chored Took Mother and Sissy to Br C's AM Split wood at Meeting house and CB sprayed
pigs PM Went to Ab's This evening W. very fine clear
9 Chored. W. Mild Storm of snow from north
Sunday 10 Went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 15C 21 V to end
of Chapter by Rev H Barkey. W wind from north roads drifted
11 drew 2 loads bolts W. Cold
12 drew 1 load bolts and 1 shingle log W. thawing went to JN Royman's cheese Meeting at
Peters Church this evening
13 Went to Br S's to help to thresh Machine did not come until noon rained PM did not thresh
14 I and RW Cleaned 86 1/2 bus peas. W, warm cloudy Rev T Moyer was here awhile this
15 Went to Meeting at Widemans Remarks by Rv H Barkey Sermon on {blank} by Rv T
Moyer Went to F inlaws after service W. Cloudy Mild
16 Chored and went to Funeral of R Burrowsat Scotch Church on 11th Con W. rainy AM
Clear PM
17 Went to Br N's W. Mild. Clear thawing sleighing going
18 Helped to dig grave for Lucy Stover at Hebron and attended funeral Sermon in German by
H Barkey and Revd T Moyer and in English by A Ranner W. fine clear
19 Helped Br. S thresh AM Took 12 bus grist to Major Mills PM W. Clear Old Cris Stover and
wife {Geanny and {Ulrey?} and Matty Shank were here tonight
20 Drew a Shingle log AM Went to Major Mills PM W Cold
21 Did not do much got bad cold W. Wind and some snow from East
22 I and Br S took 85 bus peas to Fmans bay @ 65cts per b W, pretty Cold Clear
Feb March 1867
23 Cleaned Wheat for Mother & R W. AM took it to Major Mills PM. W Cloudy AM heavy
squals of snow PM Br inlaw Saml. Hoover & wife come here to stay over night.
Sunday 24 at home JB and wife were here today We all went to CB's tonight W. pretty Cold
25 Went to Br inlaw MN.'s and to Oat Mill at Claremont and Tailor, but he was not at home
W. SHarp Clear
26 Chored and drew wood. AB's were here tonight W clear
27 I and my Mother went to JB's there I and JB went to Stouffville for my watch and a clock
for My Mother W. Clear
28 Helped Br C draw shingle bolts W. warm Clear sleighing going
March 1 1867 Helped Br C draw bolts am killed a calf PM Went to Br S's this evening W.
warm roads going. Some lightning and rain this evening
Sunday 3 Went to Meeting at cedar Grove remarks by Br C. Sermon on St John 3 hap by
Rev H Barkey W. very Cold snow from east this PM
4 Didn't do much AM Cleaned some tailings PM Flavius was taken sick yesterday afternoon
had fits last night Doctor was here this morning. was bad again this evening J R and wife
were here awhile this evening. Mrs Burkholder was here all night a little snow last night W.
5 Went to Cedar Grove Mills AM I and RW. sawed some logs PM W. fine clear
6 Went to Cedar Grove Mills AM I and RW Cut some logs and took him some straw PM W.
pretty cold
7 Cleaned Peas. W. Snow from east nearly all day
8 Had small bee to draw Sawlogs. drew 13 and 1 shingle log W. Clear thawing
9 I and Br. S took 77 bus 40 lbs peas to F mans bay @ 66cts per bus W. clear roads going
10 Sunday My Mother and little girls went to meeting at Hebron I and Nancy could not go
Flavius was not well yet, visitors Br inlaw Joh Hoover S Schman's Rvd Jas Barkey and wife
were here awhile W. MIld rained awhile PM
11 Went to Br S's AM drew home 3 cords of wood for my Mother PM W. Cool Clear
12 Helped Flavius Reesor to Move on his farm where {Sawyer?} {lived?} My son Levi took
sick with croup this evening. sent for Doctor this evening. W. Mild a little snow this morning
March April 1867
March 13. helped Isaac Davis put up his Shanty on CB's Corner he moved it from JD's W.
Cool squally Levi a great deal better today
14 I and RW Cleaned 87 bus Oats W. squally. pretty Cold
15 Cleaned some wheat for Br. N and Chored AM drew in 2 loads turnips out of pit PM W.
Cold Clear
16 Went to J B Millers Sale Lot 21 9th Con Markham W. colder east wind snow from east
Sunday 17 at home all day Brinlaw MN's were here W heavy fall of snow last night snowed
some today, cold
18 Drew a load of bolts AM 1 sawlog PM got horse shod at Copelands (late Bainbridges)
Cedar Grove W cold sleighing good
19 Helped Br. S draw sand W. Cold. clear
20 I and RW drew in Some turnips W. Cold nights, clear
21 Helped Br S's Saw up an Oak tree W. Strong east Cold Wind Commenced to snow from
east at 4 PM
22 Shoveled out lane and hitched up Colt and went to Cedar Grove AM {transcribers note:
he is driving the colt today because there has been a heavy snow fall. as the colt is just
being broken to drive, the heavy snow helps to slow down movement and softens any
potential accidents, making it a safer learning environment} Went to Flavius to visit and shoot
rats PM W heavy snow last night Mild today
23 I and Br C Went to C Stovers AM I and Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM. W. Mild Clear
Sunday 24 at home F inlaws were here. I started for Dr MC at 5 Oclock this evening CB is
sick W. Drissly Snow and rain nearly all day very soft
25 Chore. got Cold. W. pretty Cold
26 I and Br C went to Finlaws for spring wheat for seed W. Clear sleighing bad
27 I and Rw. Cleaned Oats. We all went to JD's awhile PM. W. snowed nearly all day
28 Took RW some Straw AM Took 25 bus. Chop to Cedar Grove MIlls PM W. Clear Cold
29 Chored AM I and RW drew in 3 loads of turnips PM W. pretty cold
30 Drew some wood AM I hitched up colt and took a drive to PD's PM. W. thawing Sleighing
about done
Sunday 31 At home. got dinner at Mothers JD and family were here AB and family were here
at supper W. warm clear thawing
April1 Chored. Sold Heifer to J Davis @ $30.00 W rainy W. Morrison Junr. Commenced at
noon Work @ $12.00 per Month or 8 months
2 Drew home wood and drew out to pine logs for kindling wood at Br C's bush AM threshed
oats with horses PM W Cool {Note did not use threshing machine like usual, so likely used a
horse powered treadmill threshing machine or "sweeps" big horse power to drive machine.}
3 threshed Oats AM I drew some wood for RW and went to JD's PM W. Clear
4 threshed Oats W. Cloudy AM rain PM
April 1867
April 5 threshed Oats with horses until 3 PM Snow AM Cloudy PM
6 Made door in colt stable went to B. S's and store this evening W. MIld Clear roads bad
Sundy 7 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks and sermon on {blank} by Br. C W. warm clear
8 Drew in 3 loads of turnips AM Finished threshing Oats 100 Sheaves and cleaned some
tailings PM. W. rainy
9 Helped to move John DIllon on lot 21 9th Con Markham W. fine Clear. roads, awful. about
the hardest days driving I ever done
10 Cleaned tailings and oats AM I and Nancy went to Flavius' after dinner. his Motherinlaw
Widow Barkey died suddenly about 11 OC AM. I started PM and went to tell the Friends W.
Cloudy mild
11 Was at Finlaws last night. started for home this morning. got home at 10 was back and
forth at Flavius' PM W. Cold this morning warm today
12 Went to funeral of Widow Barkey at Widemans sermon on Rev 14 C and 13 V by J
Macklin and J Wideman remarks by Br. C Went to JH Ramen after Service
13 Drew in Some turnips AM Finished Cleaning Oats PM W clear
Sunday 14 at home. Br. C and family were here W. fine Clear
15 Fixed some fence along north lane AM brought home some pine wood PM. W. cloudy
drissly rain. nearly all day heavy this evening
16 Got Dick shod and put in some sawlogs at SM
17 Chored, didn`t feel well W. helped RW chop fallen timber, W. fine clear
18 Piled lumber and too wooden plow to BS`s W. fine clear
Good Friday 19 Went to AB`s. W. Cloudy AM fine clear PM
20 Drew in a few turnips and Chored AM I and Br. S fixed cellar door PM and I went to BS`s
for plow W. cloudy showery
21 At home all day. W. fine Clear. Easter Sunday
Easter Monday 22. Went to W Morrison`s AM. at home PM JD and family were here. gave
Colt a drive in waggon this evening W. Soft snow nearly all day Cold tonight
23 Went to S Lehmans. My mother went a far as JD`s and we Called for her going home W.
pretty Cold sharp frost last night
24 I and Br. N Commenced to put new rails into tight board fence south of grave yard.
Commenced to snow at noon snowed all day brought some potatoes from D Hammonds
(JDs)(farm) after supper
April May 1867
25 Went to Br. S`s AM Worked at fence PM W. clear 26
26 Went to MIll with Chop AM I and Br. N worked at fence PM W. Clear, windy PM W. went
fishing this morning got 9 for his share
27 Chored and Cleaned seed peas AM I and W. went to Cedar Grove Mills twice PM with
Colt W. cold wind
Sunday 28 Went to Funeral of Daniel Shans Child at Hebron Sermon by R A Reemer on St
Mat 18C 1st to 4th Flavius and Br N`s were here at noon and CB`s at supper W. cool clear
29 Finished board fence and Drew home some wood W. cloudy
30 Sowed Plaster on new meadow and drew some turnips AM drew 3 loads turnips and then
W Commenced to plow behind Cider house and I went to Br S`s bought a set of chain trace
Harness off him at $18.00 PM W. Cloudy all day rained after supper
May 1 Chored AM Went to CB`s to help him to ring some pigs and went to Cedar Grove Mills
after supper W. rain AM cloudy PM
2 I Nancy and Flavius Went to Markham AM Plowed with Colt PM W. Cold squalls of snow
3 Plowed. I chored PM W. Cold. Froze hard last night
4 Both plowed in field behind barn W. Squall of rain AM. and after supper
Sunday 5 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Rvd Jos Barkey Sermon on ST Mat 18 C
by Br. C Brinlaw AB and Br S`s were here after Service W. rather cloudy shower
6 Took RW . to Stage Office at Rouge Hill this morning. he is going to the township of
Egremont to his sisters` chored and went to B`S`s. W plowed this Morning and after supper I
made a milk stand at end of lane this evening. W. Cloudy rain through middle of the day
May 7th 1867 Commenced to sell Milk to Cedar Grove Cheese factory @ 10cts per ga
plowed behind barn W. Cool clear
8 Sowed about 6 bus peas behind Cider House Am I and Nancy went to raising of AB's
driving house PM W. Cool. Windy tonight a little rain
9 I went to BSs AM rolled peas PM brought home Iron plowe from BSs after supper W
plowed behind barn W. Cool Clear
10 both plowed W. pretty Warm . Clear
11 Sowed field behind barn with barley Isaac helped to harrow he is working for flavius this
Summer W. warm Clear
12 Went to J Colers. W. fine Clear. rather Cool
13 Sowed grasseed on barley until about 9 AM when it commenced to drissle. drissly all day
W plowed PM in big field I and Nancy went to Cedar Grove after supper
14 I chored W plowed some in big field W. some drissly
15 Plowed in last years turnip ground W drew in turnips PM RW levelled pits W. Cool.
Cloudy, some drissly
16 W drew turnips AM plowed PM I cultivated in big field W Clear pretty warm
17 I plowed W. Cultivated PM W. Cool Clear
18 I rolled barley and sowed 10 1/2 bus peas in big field W Cultivated W. Cool Clear
Sunday 19 Went to Br N's W. fine, Clear, Warm
20 Finished Sowing big field with peas and 4 bus oats in hollow W. fine clear
21 coth plowed in last years root field . W strong East wind Commenced to rain at supper,
raining heavy
22 Fixed Some fence along Markham bush and I and Nancy went to Whitevale AM G. W.
Isaac, and Flavius went fishing to big Rouge PM Caught 37 Suckers PM. W Cloudy rainy
23 Chored Am fixed fence and I went to Cedar Grove Mills PM W. Drisly Cool Cloudy
May June 1867
24 Queens Birthday, fine Clear heavy rain at supper finished plowing last years root field and
commenced a little in field near hoovers. G.W. Simon Stover and P Spence Caught 45
suckers at Br S's tonight
25 Plowed AM. Cut seed potatoes PM W. Clear AM rained PM. ground very wet
Sunday 26 Went to Meeting at Cedar Grove. Remarks by Br C. Sermon on St Luke 15 C 1st
to 11th by Rev H Barkey W. fine. Clear. Cool. roads muddy
27 I went fishing with SImon Hoover Martin and {Minnie?} Neighswander about 3 OClock this
morning to the little rouge Caught 2 suckers. Water too clear for fishing got home about 10
AM Sowed about 3 1/2 bus spring wheat W. Clear
28 Sowed about 12 bus Oats in field back of garden Commenced to rain about 10 AM cloudy
drissly all day
29 Went fishing to Big Rouge with JB. JD and his boy A Stover and WM. Caught 139
Suckers W. Clear fine
Ascension day 30 at home. W fine, shower at supper
31 Chored AM, W plowed in Wheat field in Corner Sowed Oats back of garden finished field
PM W. fine warm
June 1 Sowed barley for Flavius. A.M. planted Some Corn and potatoes and went to P.O.
after supper W. warm clear Bush turned green this past week
Sunday 2 Went to Meeting at Hebron. Remarks and Sermon on [blank] by Br. C. JD and
family Came about noon W. rained nearly all day. very wet. Uncle C Burkholder has a slight
stroke of Palsy this evening
3 Wernt to Bs's and to Cedar Grove Cheese Factory AM received pay for Milk from May 7
amounts to $12.1 cts I and W. drew rails from Scarboro bush to north line PM W. Clear warm
4 Drew rails AM Sowed 4 bus oats in field at 11th Conc Cleaned wheat after supper.
Finished our seeding at last W. clear
5 Took 10 bus Wheat grist to Major Mills. Nancy went with me AM. Helped women wash
Meeting House Pm. W. fine warm clear Uncle Dans were here PM
June 1867
June 6 Went to Markham with Br. C AM. 1867 Marked out Post holes for RW to dig along
Scarboro townline West of line PM, sowed some {trees?} after supper below garden W. very
warm. Clear
7 Sowed barley for Flavius AM Uncle John Burkholder was here PM planted some Corn and
potatoes below garden after Supper W. very warm
8 Overhauled fence on north end of farm from Pickering townline to 11 Con put in mostly
new rails 8 rails high Flavius and RW helped Meeting at 8 Con today W. fine clear
9 Went to meeting at Widemans Rve T Moyer and J Hager officiated to nominate Candidates
for a Bishop and Deacon. All our Ministers were nominated Vise Br. Christian H J& os
Barkey & Jac. Wideman for Bishop and Jacob Grove A Hoover C Wideman David Roymier J
Koch Abraham Barkey and Uncle Sam Reesor or Deacon Went to Br inlaws Isaac Hoovrs at
Father inlaws they are living in part of the house. Lords supper was Celebrated today. W.
fine clear
10 Meeting and Sacrament at Hebron today Same Ministers as yesterday. Visitors Simon
Hoovers, Abraham Dowers and Uncle CB's awhile this evening W. fine clear CB is better
11 Meeting at Widemans. Decided by lots today that my Br. Christian be Bishop and
Christian S. Hoover be Deacon Went to Little Chris Hoovers after Service W. fine Clear
12 I and My Mother went to Uncle Joe's Aunt Susan is very sick with inflammation went to
{JBs?} for supper W. very warm, some rain last night. thunder showers on our way home W.
and Br C and his man washed our and Br C's sheep AM W pulled weeds out of wheat PM
13 Planted potatoes W. warm Clear
14 I plowed RW's garden AM Sowed it with Oats PM W. pulled weeds W. very warm. a little
rain tonight Br. C's daughter Elizabeth broke her arm above the wrist this evening
June 1867
15 I Commenced to Shear sheep this morning when JB. JD's and his boy Anthony Stover
Came at 10 AM to go fishing. went with them to little rouge Caught a horn Chub Came home
about 1/2 past 3 O'C finished Sheep. W, Clear
16 Went to Br. S's Mother and Lizzy went to Br C's W. warm clear
17 I and W. worked on road wi Scarboro with team W. clear
18 Took Wool to Whitevale Carding Mills AM Drew old rails off fallow PM W. Commenced
plowing fallow in field near Hoover's W. Clear fine showers this Morning Cool this evening
19 Went to BS's AM I and Br. N set 35 posts PM on Scarboro townline west of lane W. Clear
20 drew 2 loads of fence boards from SM AM Went to funeral of Michael Burkholdes Child at
Hebron PM Burned some brush in Markham fallow PM and this evening W. Clear
21 I and RW set some posts and finished burning brush in Markham fallow W. fine clear
22 I drew rails to make a fence between peas and pasture in field behind Cider house AM I
and Br S nailed boards on as far as posts are set on Scarboro townline PM Jacob Widemans
were here awhile this evening W. fine clear
Sunday 23 Went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke 16 M C 19
V to end by Rvd J Wideman Visiotrs Finlaws. JH Rawer and family were here too W. warm.
24 Rolled turnip ground and plowed some in fallow AM Took Milk Can to Markham to get
repaired and went to Town Clerks office Unionville for my Road List PM W. very warm
25 Warned hands on road for Friday Morning and went to WM Buttons AM Plowed in fallow,
PM W. very warm
26 Went to Cedar Grove AM drew home old rail pieces and fixed fence between peas and
pasture behind Cider house PM W. drissly AM. Cloudy PM. Cooler looks a little like rain
June July 1867 27 Harrowed Turnip ground AM W. finished plowing fallow I hoed some Corn
and potatoes PM W. Commenced to Making turnip drills PM W. Warm
28 Worked on roads. W. finished drills. Sowed some tonight. W. cool a little rain tonight
Sunday 29 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C. Sermon on St. Luke 10 C 30 V to
end of C by Rev H Barkey. Visitors after service S {Schwe?} and wife. JR's were here for
supper W. warm
Confederation Holiday July 1 Drew some soft Wood out of Scarboro fallow AM. W went to
Circus in Markham PM. I Chored went eel fishing at Br S's with Isaac and J and {C?} Davis
this evening John caught a large one W. Warm. Clear
2 Went to Cheese factory 4 Weeks income $20.39cts hoed potatoes PM. R and W drew
dung on pile. W warm, sultry, very dry
3 Finished hoeing potatoes AM Chored and helped to draw Some dung PM W. very warm
4 I and Nancy went to Markham. W. very warm I went eel ishing with I and J {Direr's?} I
caught a Small one the first one I ever caught
5 Heped Br N weed carrots hoes Some corn this evening Old Martin Neighswander's were
here at dinner W. shower AM, another this evening
6 Chored AM Harrowed fallow PM W. rained fine shower AM Clear PM Went eel fishing. I
Davis Caught one
Sunday 7 Went to Flavius Br. N's were here at Supper W. very warm clear
8 R and W drew dung on heap AM on fallow PM Br. C Cut hay for us with his Combined
Patterson Machine in Meadow east of damI moved fence Corners W. fine frosty Cool
July 1867
9 Drew dung on allow W. slight shower AM Clear warm PM
10 Drew dung on heap I shook out hay I cut some thistles in Oats, and helped Br. N put
some beans on his overlay in barn W. Cool Some Cloudy. bad hay weather
11 Drew some dung on fallow and turned hay AM Raked and Cocked a lot PM W. rather
Cloudy looked like rain AM Clear PM JD brought my Mother and Sissy home today
12 July. Raked and Cocked all the hay that was cut on Monday Br. C finished Cutting
meadow W. fine Cool rather clear
13 W. helped BR C stack hay I planted Celery and turned some hay AM took Dick and sent
to Walkeys to get shod PM turned some hay after supper W. fine Clear
14 Went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C Sermon on St. Mat 15. C 21st to 30th and by
Rev Jas Barkey Went to M Neighswanders Jas after Service W. fair warm Cool Breeze
15 Finished raking and Cocking Meadow W. fine until Supper when it Commenced to rain a
fine shower
16 I and my Mother went to Uncle Joe's to see Aunt Susannah W. fine Cool, Aunt is very
poorly. I and Nancy took rolls to Chris Stovers this evening RW. went to raising at Garlands
17 Drew in 12 loads hay W. fine Clear
18 Drew in 25 loads hay which finishes meadow except a little swail. W. fine, warm Clear
Flavius boys, Ceph and Isaac, helped
19 We all went to F inlaws for dinner and to JD's for supper. W. warm fine Clear
20 Drew a load of lumber to bay for B S. he had a bee. W. very warm. Clear
21 Went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br. C. Sermon on St Luke 18 C by Rev H
Barkey Went to AB's after dinner W. heavy squall of wind tonight
July 1867
July 22 I scuffled turnips AM Went with my Mother to see my Aunt Susanne PM she is about
the same W. very warm
23 Plowed potatoes this morning Plowed in fallow B N helped today I and RW drew in swail
hay out of meadow this evening then went to Br. S's to service W. very warm dry
24 Both plowed RW helped Br. C. W. very warm
25 Finished Plowing fallow AM and brought a load of shingle bolts to lane I took it to Pilkeys
and Chored PM W. Cut thistles in Markham fallow PM I went to Mrs Mitchels for a new hat
this evening W. very warm
26 All cut thistles AM I took Mare to Walkeys PM. R cut in swail in oat field PM. I and RW
went to Jesse Reesors this evening W. not quite so warm. I helped Flavius kill a sheep after
27 I and W finished thistles AM I went to Duncans and Majorville PM R and W. finishes swail
and Orchard W. very warm
Sunday 28 Family went to Meeting at Hebron I staid at home watching fire at Markham
fallow. very high west wind, very hot, pulled down a lot of fence on East Side JDs were here
and James Duncan at supper
29 Helped Br. C. cut 5 1/2 acres barley, and 4 acres wheat for James Craigie W. very windy
fence Catched again at Markham fallow
30 Cut barley for us W. fine clear Cut with Br. C's reaper we are not binding it put it in cock
31 Finished Cutting barley and began wheat AM Finished Wheat PM W. fine Clear fine
shower tonight and I was at Br. C's awhile his daughter Elisabeth broke her right arm this
evening at near the same place she done about 7 weeks ago
1867 Aug 1867
August 1 Helped Br. C to try to Cut rye and barley awhile this morning would not work to wet
Commenced to drissle about 10 AM R and W shocked wheat. Cleaned some wheat and
chop PM fine shower PM and went to WM's after supper boys hoed turnips
2 I took 28 bus chop to Majr Mills AM W was at Flavius AM and RW thinned turnips Flavius
Cut our rye with his reaper PM W. fine clear
3 Finished hoeing turnips Br. N and Isaac helped R helped Flavius fill dung W went to Major
Mils after supper W. fine clear
Sunday 4 Went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Rev J Wideman Sermon on St Mat 18C
23 V to end by Rev H Barkey. Went to JB's after service and to {Minnie?} Burkholders for
supper W. warm clear
5 I and W drew in 3 loads barley AM Chored PM W. warm AM drissly PM RW was at Br N's
6 Drew in 3 loads Wheat AM and 2 loads barley PM began to rain little shower about 2 PM
Cloudy until evening R pulled a few Peas while we loaded AM behind cider house
7 I went to Cedar Grove and drew in 1 load wheat and W harrowed in fallow AM Drew in 5
loads PM W. very warm Clear thunder Clouds in North
8 drew in 8 loads barley R was at Br C's PM w. very warm
9 drew in 5 loads barley till supper which finishes i. when W started for Dr. M. My mother was
taken sick with Cholera Morbus this PM. W very warm thunder Clouds in north tonight
10 I didn't do much but went to Cedar Grove AM J and W drew in rey 4 loads and 1 load
swail hay out of Oat field PM W. Cool, nice shower last night My mother is getting better. our
Susanna is sick too the Dr. didn't say what was wrong with her
Sunday 11 at home JDs Jb's and Br S's were here Mother and Susanna are getting better W.
Warm I and W drove home John Davis Cow after dark she got with our cattle today
Aug 1867
Sunday 11 continued When we got back I didn't feel well. went to bed, got up and vomited
occasionally through the night
12 Done nothing . pretty sick. went to B smith PM. very Weak. no appetites. pretty {sluir?} W.
13 Chored AM. Went to Chris Stovers and AB's PM W. fine rain this Morning. Uncle Jacob
Burkholder's wife died on Sunday and was buried today. Was buried at Wideman's
14 Chored Am W. Commenced plowing fallow third time. R and W helped Br C bind oats PM
I turned peas, W. fine Clear Warm
15 J and R drew in peas behind Cider house 5 loads and 1 load hay out of Oat field and
rackful barley rakings W. clear
16 I and My Mother went to Uncle Joseph's and to JDs got home about 3 PM I then went to
D Hoovers to get his horse rake to pull peas did not go well My Aunt Susanna is very poorly
W. earm clear
17 Pulled peas AM All helped Flavius cut and bind Oats with reaper PM W. very warm
Sunday 18 Went to Meeting at Cedra Grove remarks by Rev H Barkey Sermon on St Luke
[blank] by Br C W. very warm
19 All pulled peas W. Warm clear
20 I and W helped CB thresh with team W. warm
21 I and W drew in 8 loads peas out of big field R helped Br. C thresh W. warmer Clear
22 Drew in 8 loads peas R pulled while we loaded W. very warm Clear I killed a sheep after
supper and I and Nancy wnt to Cedar Grove after supper. I forgot to mention that I was at a
meeting at Cedar Grove on Saturday evening Called by Mr J Metcalfe Candidate for the
Commons of Canada. JHP Crosby. Candidate for the Legistlature of Ontario (formerly Upper
Canada) Meeting in favor of both Candidates. they being offered to J. A Milne and John
23 Had threshing Machine threshes 187 bus barley 65 wheat. W. very warm. Commenced to
rain stormy at dark tonight
Aug Sept 1867
24 I helped Br. C draw in Oats AM I and Nancy took Can to Markham to get mended and
went to J H {Reimers?} for supper R and W pulled peas W. cooler rained up north last night
none here
Sunday 25 Went to Meeting at Hebron. Rmarks by Br. C sermon on {blank} by R H Barkey
Visitor after service M. Neighswander JW. and family Sam Hoovver and wife John and their
girl {Lucy?} David Burkholder and family W. warm Clear Jesse Reesor and family were here
for supper
26 Started about Midnight with AB's team and buggy to Dr Mcs and to F. inlaws for Mother
inlaw got home about breakfast AB's have a daughter born this morning. All pulled peas
today W. clear
27 I and R pulled peas. W. helped W Sapp thresh W. Coller. Sharp lightning and thunder last
night fine shower
28 Finished pulling peas Am. W plowed in allow PM. fine shower last night. Cool today
29 Cut Oat field back o Garden Br. C drove Tailor from Belford helped W. fine clear
30 finished binding oats and Cut oats in middle of pea field Br. N helped PM. W. Cool Clear
31 Drew in [blank] loads of peas until supper time W drissly from 2 o clock got to wet had to
quit Isaac helped
Sunday Sept 1 We all and Mother and Lizzy went to CB's JDs were here for supper W. Cool.
rained all last night
2 Cut last Oats 2 acres in Wheat field and 2 acres spring wheat in fallow AM Cut oats for Br
N AM W helped to bind W. fine Clear
3 Drew in last peas 2 loads and 3 loads Oats until about 4 PM When it Commenced to rain
JB helped W. plowed
4 I went to Markham with My Mother Am Chored PM W finished plowing fallow 3rd time W.
5 I and RW Drew in Oats of of field behind garden W. harrowed fallow W. fine clear
1867 Sept
6 I and Nancy went to D Sch{?}'s they were not at then went to JB's I went to election voted
for James Metcalfe for the Commons of Canada and P Crosby for the Legislature of Ontario.
W. short shower this morning very heavy shower at Mongolia (late California) about noon
none here
7 Finished harvest by drawing in a few loads of Oats and 2 loads spring wheat W.
Commenced to ridge up RW helped Br N PM, great news this evening. Mrs. Metcalfe and
Crosby triumphantly returned with great majorities W. fine Clear
Sunday 8 Went to AB's W. fine clear
9 J.W. and Br N ridged up W. fine. Nice shower tonight
10 Plowed a little and then sowed fall wheat 7 1/2 acres W. fine cool
11 Drew Duncans hay he bought a swail from me W furrowed out wheat AM W. fine clear
12 Thanksgiving day. Went to meeting at Wideman's remarks by R Jas Barkey Sermon on
[blank] by Br C Went to F in laws after service W. fine clear
13 Went to C Stowers for yarn AM Cleaned a load of Wheat PM W. showery . all day
14 Took 44 bus 8 lbs Midge Proof Wheat to Major Mills @ $1.30 cts per bus AM Drew a load
bolts to Pilkey's PM. Went Coon hunting tonight with 8 Markham boys. Caught nothing W.
fine Clear
Sunday 15 at home all day Flavius and family were here W. fine clear
16 Went to See Aunt Susanna with My Mother she is very low yet W. rather Cloudy warm
17 got horses shod at Walkeys Am I and Nancy went to Markham PM. W. very warm, sultry,
18 went to Weaver at Mongolia and to D. Schmau's for dinner W. very very warm rained fine
shower coming home W Finished plowing spring Wheat stubble
19 went to Simon Hoover's and I went to Watson Tailor at Claremont W drew dung out of pile
on Pea ground behind Cider house W. fine clear Cooler
Sept Oct 1867
21 I dragged new land for Br. N AM W went in my place PM I chored at home PM W. fine
clear Went to Cedar Grove tonight
Sunday 22 at home. Meeting Hebron W
23 Took 45 barley to Fmans buy @75 cts per bu cool clear W clear
24 Took 43 bus 36 lbs barley to Fmans buy @75 W clear
25 Chored & Went to Cedar Grove AM fixed Scarboro brush @11 oc AM had splendid burn
Nancy had quilting today W. fine clear.
26 Took 42 bus 14lb Barley to Fmans buy @75ct W Cooler Some cloudy
27 Helped Flavius draw earth on his swamp road awhile this morning when Finlaws came
and I came home W helped him all day PM {Rumess?} were here for supper W. fine clear
this is my 31st Birthday
28 Chored AM Helped Br C cut his clover seed PM Took Pea & barley chop to Cedar Grove
Mills this evening. W plowed in Oat field W. fine clear
Sunday 29 at home all day Sacrement at {Wideary?} W clear
30 Cut clover seed Br C Helped. Plate on sickle bar got loose, had to get it fixed. W. fine
Cool. Clear
Oct 1 Went to Cedar Grove for Chop for Hogs & Nancy went along to store AM chored & cut
a little Clover this evening W watched fire PM it broke out Hard frost last night. grape vines
frose. W. fine clear
2 Chored AM tried to Cut a little clover this morning. too damp. Cohored {chored?} PM W.
rained some AM clear Pm. Made a new hog trough
3 Picked apples AM J & W Nearly finished cutting clover seed PM when the small bolt in
Boxing of Ptiman broke. W. fine Clear
4 Drove in 4 loads seed. W. Cool Clear Nbr C helped & R W. W has gone to Markham Fair
5 Cleaned few Oats AM I went to Dimmas and Cedar Grove PM W. fine soaking rain last
night & AM cloudy cool Pm
Sunday 6 I & my Mother & Sissy went to Br {H…?} Nancy & children went to Br Cs W. Cool
Oct 1867
Oct 7 Made 2 {bols?} Cider at Jonas Raymers W. fine Clear
8 Boiled Sauce AM finished Cutting & drawing in Clover seed 2 small loads W. Cool clear
9 killed a lamb & chored AM didnt do much PM D Silmans were here a while W Cloudy M
fine rain PM
10 J & W Cut logs & fallow AM chored PM W cloudy AM rained PM
11 Chored AM I went to drew a load of bolts to Pilkey & went to store PM W plowed W.
rained AM
12 Made small bedstead this Morning Commenced to log in Scarboro fallow about 10 AM
finished it & made a few heaps in the Markham one P Davis helped with Br Ss oxen J Davis
& S Spence helped W. rained this morning slight drissles today
Sunday 13 at Home A Bs were here W. Clear
14 Went to Cedar Grove & to Br Ss this morning Plowed until noon Picked apples PM JB
was here PM & Picked some PM W. plowed W. very fine Clear
15 Dug potatoes W. fine Clear
16 I went to {Claremont?} for my Clothes & W helped Br @dig potatoes AM. finished our
potatoes Pm W. Fine Clear
17 Drew dung on filed below house Uncle Jacob Burkholder was here PM. W. very fine Clear
18 Finished drawing dung A M Fixed fence that was burnt along Scarboro fallow PM W. very
fine day fire run in leaves in Scarboro bush like fence {illegible} hours
19 I went to Major Mills with 10 bus grist wheat AM I & RW took in winter apples PM W.
finished plowing oat stubble & commenced pea stubble behind {Acts?} house PM W very
warm distant thunder
Sunday 20 at home. Meeting & Sacrement at Hebron tonight J Stovers & family were here
this evening. W. warm fine
21 Chored & shot 2 squirrels AM Went to Major Mills for Grist PM W. plowed W, fine warm
clear raining tonight. P D Mc Phee died today
Oct Nov 1867
Oct 22 Helped Flavius kill pig and chored AM Went to Markham for landside for Iron plow PM
W cool clear
23 Drew 2 loads (1000) 2 in tiles from Petty W. Cool Clear
24 Drew home 4 loads wood A M watched fire in Scarboro bush & brought plow from
Walkeys shop 3 d Corn Picking PM W fine clear W plowed in rye stubble
25 dug a few potatoes in field below garden & cut & drew in some {tones?} W fine Clear
remarkable fine weather for the seasons J & W shot 3 black squirrels at noon
26 killed pig & chored A M PIcked apples PM W clear Fire bad in bush tonight. J & W down
at it near 12 o clc
Sunday 27 at home all day. W. fine clear
28 Picked apples. Susanna was scalded very bad on the neck & breast with hot coffee at
noon rests very well tonight. W Cloudy, raining tonight
29 Commenced a drain in NW corner field I R Gourley & R W worked at it A M. W. plowed I
had to stay in the house PM Susanna was restless W. went to Br Ss {his brother Simeon}
raising of shed PM W fine very little rain lot night
30 Travelled around looking for a girl today Nancy gave birth to a son last night. Can find no
girl W. very fine raods good
31 Went to Jacob Reesors. Brought his Daughter Anne to work AM. Went Chored PM W fine
clear Finlaws were here
Nov 1 Helped to lay tiles & filled part of drain Fire broke out PM fought until night W clear
2 finished filling drain to fire broke out worse fought all PM W heavy wind. We hear of fires in
the woods in all directions
Sunday 3 at home A B's PHRs & S Le Mourna's {these names may be incorrect. He often
uses ABr to refer to his brother-in-law} were here Br Ns {Br N = his brother Noah} awhile PM
W a little rain last night fine shower PM some thunder raining very fast this evening 9 oclock
4 Pulled turnips R W helpful. M Neighbars they {or Neighsarsdez } were here W Clear
5 Finished turnips J Bs were here W ground frose this mornng a little snow squall today the
first this season
Nov 1867
Nov 6 Chored in barn AM Drew 6 loads turnips PM JDs were here. W ground white with
snow this morning
7 Drew 14 loads trunips with 2 waggons. W ground frose this morning
8 Drew 2 loads turnips which finishes them very light crop with us & a great many this year
drew 2 loads wood & fixed fences that were burnt in Scarboro W warmer clear Failows were
here awhile PM
9 fixed fences AM W Harrowed spring wheat stubble PM & I went to Cedar Grove PM W fine
Sunday 10 at home, Simon Hoovers were here PM W clear
11 took 32 bus 40 lbs Peas to {Fmens?} buy @70 cts per bus W. Cool. Cloudy AM Clear PM
W plowed
12 Chored. Took 10 ewes to Flavius AM. Made about 120 gallons Cider at Bice's Mill 6th
Con Pickering PM W. Cold. Windy. Clear
13 Boiled Sauce. W. Milder a little snow last night
14 Boiled Sauce . Milder heary snow squalls PM W. Picked some apples PM
15 Went to Walkeys Br AM Made about 4 brs Cider at Bice's PM. W. pretty Cold Clear
16 Went to Special School Meeting in Markham AM to Consider the Propriety of building a
new School house. Decided against it. Went to Peter's sale P.M. W. very Cold north wind
squall of snow tonight
Sunday 17 Went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks by Br C {Br C = his brother Christian}
Sermon on [he leave a blank space} by Rev H Barky Martha Shank was here after service
W. ground white with snow this morning. Cold wind a little squally today
18 Boiled Cider W. & Br N set some cedar posts along townline PM W. Cold frose too hard to
19 drew home some wood & water. very dry weather Cold very Cold got ready for butchering
20 killed 4 hogs W Clear. getting very mild
21 Salted meat & Chored AM Went to Cedar Grove Mill with 4 bus grist & brought home a brl
of water from {ronge?} PM Water very scarce W. Mild Clear
22 I & W helped Br S thresh W. cloudy foggy
Nov Dec 1867
23 I & Br S went to Toronto. got new Sausage cutter &c W. foggy. bad coming home. dark as
dungeon. roads good as {Paly?}. mild weather
Sunday 24 at home A Br Br Ns & Flavius were here W. Mild, foggy. raining this evening
25 Cleaned Peas awhile AM Went Rabbit Shooting with Br inlaws Saml John &Jesse
Hoovers W M & Isaac. Shot one Rabbit & a few Squirrels W Cloudy some rain this evening
26 Helped Br C kill hogs W. fine
27 Went to Uncle Joes with My Mothers Aunt is still the same. W. Cloudy mild
28 helped Br N kill hogs W fair Mild Clear
29 Helped AB kill hogs W rain all day heavy blowing snow from north tonight
30 Chored & went to James Burrows PM my year old Cornet Colt got badly hurt at Br Cs
Pasture the first of the week shoulder badly bruised doing pretty well. W hard frost reely cold
Sunday Dec 1 at home all day. W like winter
2 Chored AM I & Nancy went to Markham & to Cheese Factory PM. W. snowed awhile AM
Mild PM
3 Went to David Barkeys to See D Strickler he was not there went to JDs for my dinner then
went to Stricklers house and engaged him to bore our well to find water very dry time yet. W
Cold roads pretty good
4 Helped Br S kill hogs W. Pretty cold
5 Helped Flavius Kill hogs W. Mild Clear
6 Chored AM Took 8 bus Wheat to Cedar Grove Mills PM. W Cold. some snow squalls thaw
7 I & RW Cleaned 871/2 bus Peas W. windy Cold
Sunday 8 at home. W. Some snow squalls a few inches on the ground
9 I & RW Cleaned about 80 bus Oats & I went to Cedar Grove Mills PM W. very Cold.
Coldest this season
10 Helped C B kill 4 hogs & beef W Milder
11 Brought Sheep home from Flavious & Chored all went to Br Ss tonight W. Milder
Dec 1867
12 Chored. W. Strong east wind very Cold about coldest day this season
13 Some milder drew some wood for my Mother a little thin sleighing
14 Drew Some wood & Chored S. milder
Sunday 15 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke 10 ! {?} C 57 V to
end of Chap by Rvd H {V?} Barky W. snowed a few inches last night showing nearly all day
mild tonight
16 got mare shod at Walkers AM Chored PM W. pretty fair sleighing mild
17 At home JDs were here. drissly rain from east frose where it fell. didn't amount to much
18 PB was here AM. I went to Majorville PM to show a receipt of payment of a bill presented
by the assignee to the Estate of Robert Porters {Porteus?} an insolvent
19 We all went to Failanes. I went to David Ramer's sale PM. bought Pidgeon net @$10.55ct
W. pretty Cold sleighing fair
20 Went to Unionville to return road list W. Mild drissly like rain. C Bs & Br Cs were all here
21 Killed beef Br S Br C & CB helpful W mild
Sunday 22 at home Br Ss were here all went to Br CB tonight W. snowed about 5 in last
night Commenced to rain towards morning rained untill about 8 AM thawed all day snow
nearly all away. Cistern nearly full of water
23 Went to ask ABs to help kill hogs tomorrow drew some wood & I & Nancy went to Cedar
Grove PM W very windy last night & today
24 killed 5 hogs W a little snow this morning. mild cloudy
Christmas day 25 at home all day. W. Mild drissly rain from East AM ice frose on trees
Commenced to rain faster PM raining fast tonight
26 I & Nancy went to ABs to help to kill a beef W. Mild heavy rain last night Plenty of water
Creek running full sleighing all gone except some ice.
27 Chored. didn't feel well. W rained some mild
28 Went to Cedar Grove AM & to R Carters sale PM W. Colder clear sleighing gone
Dec 1867 Jan 1868
Sunday 29 Went to Old Daniel Hoovers W. pretty Cold.
30 Drew fence out of bush Where WM is chopping AM Went to his bee PM. W. pretty cold
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Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1867.pdf
Benjamin Reesor 1867 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Benjamin Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1867,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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