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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Feb 15, 2022, 1:08:28 AM
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Revision as of Feb 15, 2022, 1:09:34 AM
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Wednesday, January 21
Wednesday, January 21
Sept 29th. Drew 2 loads of hay to the stable at the cement works.
Sept 29th. Drew 2 loads of hay to the stable at the cement worke.  
Oct 2nd. Went to Galt Fair having dinner with Mr & Mrs Buchanan Took a dog skin to the tannery to get a pair of gauntlets made.
.. 3rd Went to Uncle Charlie Stewarts funeral in the afternoon mother came up from Brantford and went with one.
Oct 2nd. Went to Yalt Fair having dinner with Mr + Mrs {last name?} Took a dog skin to the town any to get a pair of {illegible} made.  
.. 4th Went to Anniversary Services in the Baptist church St. Geroge in the evening.
3rd Went to {name?} Charlie {last name?}s funeral in the afternoon Mother came up from Brantford and went with me.
.. 5.. Went to Brantford in the afternoon, taking a laod of apples etc. to Mrs Ritchier, brought a wash-stand home which mother gave me.
4th Went to Anniversary Services in the Baptist Church St George in the evening.
..7.. Finished picking stones off Lueerne meadows (north hill) about 8 loads of small stones in all. Went to Prayer meeting at R. Aitkins in the evening.
5 Went to Bronferd in the afternoon, taking a load of apples etc. to Mrs Ritchies brought a wash-stand home which moter gave me
..8.. Bought J. W. Crates 6 hyacinth bulbs 25c (& 1  {day?} narcissus etc. 25c
7 Finished picking stones off {name of meadow?} meadow (north hill) about 8 loads of small stones in all. Went to Pragen meeting at R Aithins in the evening.
....9.. Helen Franklin started to cut the corn with the binder
8 Bought of W. Crates + {illegible} bulbs 25th {illegible}. {illegible} etc. 25¢
.. 10.. A very heavy rain in the afternoon.
9. {first name?} Franklin started to cut the corn with the binder
..12.. Thanksgiving Day, the weather was ideal. Mother Hatie and Gordon & the baby came after the day. had a little calf Black cow (Susie)
10 A very heavy rain in the afternoon.
.. Started to fill the silo and finished about ten {?} on Tues. The silo was heaped up and a few loads left, besides an acre of can corn. The corn went in in fine shape, well matured and well cared.
12 Thankey wing Day, the weather was ideal. Mother hates Black cow ({name of cow?}) and {illegible} the baby came up for the day. had a little calf. Started to fill the sils and finished about ten Black on {illegible}. The sils was heaped up and a few loads left, besides an aere of on corn. The corn went in in fine shape, well matured and well eared.  
..13.. Helped R McDonald to fill his silo and drew in the citrus, from plums & squash. Helped H Rest to fill his silo.
13 Helped R. Mr Donald to fill his silo and draw in the citron, from {illegible} squash. Helped Mr Reed to fill his silo.

Revision as of Feb 15, 2022, 1:09:34 AM


Wednesday, January 21


Sept 29th. Drew 2 loads of hay to the stable at the cement worke.

Oct 2nd. Went to Yalt Fair having dinner with Mr + Mrs {last name?} Took a dog skin to the town any to get a pair of {illegible} made.

3rd Went to {name?} Charlie {last name?}s funeral in the afternoon Mother came up from Brantford and went with me.

4th Went to Anniversary Services in the Baptist Church St George in the evening.

5 Went to Bronferd in the afternoon, taking a load of apples etc. to Mrs Ritchies brought a wash-stand home which moter gave me

7 Finished picking stones off {name of meadow?} meadow (north hill) about 8 loads of small stones in all. Went to Pragen meeting at R Aithins in the evening.

8 Bought of W. Crates + {illegible} bulbs 25th {illegible}. {illegible} etc. 25¢

9. {first name?} Franklin started to cut the corn with the binder

10 A very heavy rain in the afternoon.

12 Thankey wing Day, the weather was ideal. Mother hates Black cow ({name of cow?}) and {illegible} the baby came up for the day. had a little calf. Started to fill the sils and finished about ten Black on {illegible}. The sils was heaped up and a few loads left, besides an aere of on corn. The corn went in in fine shape, well matured and well eared.

13 Helped R. Mr Donald to fill his silo and draw in the citron, from {illegible} squash. Helped Mr Reed to fill his silo.

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