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John Jeffrey Diary, 1877-1879

Jeffrey_diary 144.pdf

Revision as of Nov 28, 2022, 6:02:12 PM
edited by
Revision as of Nov 28, 2022, 6:03:57 PM
edited by
Line 33: Line 33:
{the next section of the diary entry is full of equations}
30 31 31 29 31{each one over the next, all over} 152
30 31 31 29 31{each one over the next, all over} 152
4<s>1.60</s>{over}6.60{over}82{over 742}
4{over} 1.60
75 {over} 60{over} 135
after one in Ben 8 weeks her the 3th of September
after one in Ben 8 weeks her the 3th of September

Revision as of Nov 28, 2022, 6:03:57 PM

No 1. Saw took the Bar Maay 25th

1877 Bushels 12 524 {written sideways} 7.20 450 {drawing of a hand}

No 1. Saw took the Bar Jan 27th + $61.20{over}780{over}5{over}40

No 2. Saw took the Bar March 26th {drawing of a hand pointing towards the equation}

Mr. Baggin Sent his catle her{here} July 9th

500 Lbs of Pea meall 4 Month Parler $4 I start to gave Joseph Monday 12th

November 19th 550 of Pea Meall

Sheep 80 146 Days

C.G. Cockburn

Saulte Ste Marie Beu

Goulas Bay Miill

Algima th

{Unknown what the next part says}

C.G. Cockburn $41.60{over}6135{over}1295

Saulte Ste Marie

Goulas Bay Miill


{the next section of the diary entry is full of equations}

30 31 31 29 31{each one over the next, all over} 152

41.60{over}6.60{over}82{over 742}

4{over} 1.60

75 {over} 60{over} 135

after one in Ben 8 weeks her the 3th of September

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