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William Beatty Diary, 1879-1880

William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 1.pdf

Revision as of Mar 12, 2025, 1:22:44 AM
edited by
Revision as of Mar 12, 2025, 1:32:51 AM
edited by
Line 5: Line 5:
   <td>Ad went to Perth with Bruce McNiel for to look for a horse he sold Ad of his {illegible} drew 2 loads of wood left {illegible} took the other to the road</td>
   <td>Ad went to Perth with Bruce McNiel for to look for a horse he sold Ad of his {illegible} drew 2 loads of wood left 1 home  took the other to the road</td>
Line 11: Line 11:
   <td> Revd Mr McClain preached this morning {illegible} & at night for the Methodist Hugh McKay took him to Fairfax </td>
   <td> Revd Mr McClean preached this morning for us & at night for the Methodists Hugh McKay took him to Fairfax </td>
Line 17: Line 17:
   <td>I went with Mr McMillan along Mr McClain to see Mr darling he is some better Malcom Dre w 2 loads to the road for Malcom Drew Ad load home & Ad to the road I took care of the cattle fine day</td>
   <td>I went with Mr McMullan along Mr McClean to see Mr Darling he is some better Malcom drew 1 load here {illegible}</td>
Line 23: Line 23:
   <td>Malcom drew 1  load home & 1 to the road I took care of the cattle fine day</td>
Line 29: Line 29:
   <td>Malcom went to the woods drew 2 loads of wood Ad home under the road the Revd Mr Green moderated in a call in the church for Mr Matthews it was unanimous all the members & adherence signed the call there was a missionary meeting at night the church was filled the collection was $5.30 6 Malcom Drew only Ad load to the road fine da</td>
   <td>Malcom went to the woods drew 2 loads of wood 1 home 1 to the road the Revd Mr Greacey moderated in a call in the church for Mr Matthews it was unanimous all the members & adherents signed the call there was a missionary meeting at night the church was well filled the collection was $5.30 </td>
Line 35: Line 35:
   <td> Malcom drew only one load to the road fine day</td>
Line 41: Line 41:
   <td>Malcom Drew Ad load hear he kept wood for me in the afternoon I expect the horses to go to Clayton ran a load of Mr Matthews Furniture if Ad comes home</td>
   <td>Malcom drew 1 load here he cut wood for me in the afternoon I expect the horses to go to Claton ran a load of Mr Matthews Furniture if Ad comes home</td>
Line 59: Line 59:
   <td>Billie got some Ash stuff at the road got it to the mill for to be planed & grove & tongue </td>
Line 65: Line 65:
   <td>Billie got some ash stuff at the road got it to the mill for to be planed & groove & tongue 11 stormy day snow & rain Ad & Malcom went to the {illegible} for to get out some logs </td>
   <td>stormy day snow & rain Ad & Malcom went to the 6 concession for to get out some logs </td>
Line 83: Line 83:
   <td>storm some of the Shaving around the kitchen</td>
   <td>storm some of the Staving around the kitchen</td>
Line 89: Line 89:
   <td>he worked at the kitchen all this week Ad & Malcom came home from the 6th con they got in 50 logs cold weather with some snow last night {illegible} </td>
   <td>he worked at the kitchen all this week Ad & Malcom came home from the 6 con they got in 50 logs cold weather with some snow last night {illegible} </td>

Revision as of Mar 12, 2025, 1:32:51 AM


February 1 Ad went to Perth with Bruce McNiel for to look for a horse he sold Ad of his {illegible} drew 2 loads of wood left 1 home took the other to the road
2 Revd Mr McClean preached this morning for us & at night for the Methodists Hugh McKay took him to Fairfax
3 I went with Mr McMullan along Mr McClean to see Mr Darling he is some better Malcom drew 1 load here {illegible}
4 Malcom drew 1 load home & 1 to the road I took care of the cattle fine day
5 Malcom went to the woods drew 2 loads of wood 1 home 1 to the road the Revd Mr Greacey moderated in a call in the church for Mr Matthews it was unanimous all the members & adherents signed the call there was a missionary meeting at night the church was well filled the collection was $5.30
6 Malcom drew only one load to the road fine day
7 Malcom drew 1 load here he cut wood for me in the afternoon I expect the horses to go to Claton ran a load of Mr Matthews Furniture if Ad comes home
8 Ad did not come home Malcom did nothing for us the horses was in the stable all day Ad & Bruce got home at night they got a horse at Alma {illegible}
9 Ad took Mr Hutchins to Fairfax this morning there was very few Revd Mr Garret preached in the morning Mr Matthews at night
10 Billie got some Ash stuff at the road got it to the mill for to be planed & grove & tongue
11 stormy day snow & rain Ad & Malcom went to the 6 concession for to get out some logs
Billie & Jennie { rest illegible} 12 Billie got the stuff up from the mill still storming there is quite a crust on the snow
13 Billie made the stairs down the cellar way hung the doors on the woodshed & seller way
14 storm some of the Staving around the kitchen
15 he worked at the kitchen all this week Ad & Malcom came home from the 6 con they got in 50 logs cold weather with some snow last night {illegible}
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