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William Beatty Diary, 1879-1880
William Beatty 1879-1880 Diary 1.pdf
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February | 1 | Ad went to Perth with Bruce McNiel for to look for a horse he sold Ad of his {illegible} drew 2 loads of wood left 1 home took the other to the road |
2 | Revd Mr McClean preached this morning for us & at night for the Methodists Hugh McKay took him to Fairfax | |
3 | I went with Mr McMullan along Mr McClean to see Mr Darling he is some better Malcom drew 1 load here {illegible} | |
4 | Malcom drew 1 load home & 1 to the road I took care of the cattle fine day | |
5 | Malcom went to the woods drew 2 loads of wood 1 home 1 to the road the Revd Mr Greacey moderated in a call in the church for Mr Matthews it was unanimous all the members & adherents signed the call there was a missionary meeting at night the church was well filled the collection was $5.30 | |
6 | Malcom drew only one load to the road fine day | |
7 | Malcom drew 1 load here he cut wood for me in the afternoon I expect the horses to go to Claton ran a load of Mr Matthews Furniture if Ad comes home | |
8 | Ad did not come home Malcom did nothing for us the horses was in the stable all day Ad & Bruce got home at night they got a horse at Alma {illegible} | |
9 | Ad took Mr Hutchins to Fairfax this morning there was very few Revd Mr Garret preached in the morning Mr Matthews at night | |
10 | Billie got some Ash stuff at the road got it to the mill for to be planed & grove & tongue | |
11 | stormy day snow & rain Ad & Malcom went to the 6 concession for to get out some logs | |
Billie & Jennie { rest illegible} | 12 | Billie got the stuff up from the mill still storming there is quite a crust on the snow |
13 | Billie made the stairs down the cellar way hung the doors on the woodshed & seller way | |
14 | storm some of the Staving around the kitchen | |
15 | he worked at the kitchen all this week Ad & Malcom came home from the 6 con they got in 50 logs cold weather with some snow last night {illegible} |
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