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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 03.pdf

Revision as of Jan 14, 2022, 8:05:09 PM, edited by

{this appears to be records of sire service for the owner's and his neighbours cattle}

Hector 1844 - bro. form next page - 2

May 9 Spots 3 yr old Your 0 OZ -- YO/0
15X Anglin - Black & Wh. Heifer 0O "" P 01/U
20" Coumun -- Brindle Heifer 0X/"
28X W. Anglin -- Red -- 0/11
" Red --- " "
" X Cairns -- Red Cow -- rec this day ? 2/6 - D/11
29X J Peter Whaughton Red -- X/4 pd &/h
June 2X Beauty Y11/11 --- &11/"
4 D. Stewart -- Red Heifer YZ/"
6 Sandy Curar Red Cow YP/" P 10 Feb 45 P 10 feb 45
" Laird Stewart Black Heifer " "
" Gad Curtis Red Cow - white streak back YP/11
7X Ales brs small black Cow YO/11
"X Peter MNaughton Red Cow " "
8 D Stewart YX/"
"X Duncan Campbell/Sam'l Stewart P?6Z/11 " "
9 John Stewart Bell Cow, Red 07/-"
10 Laird Stewart Brown Black 07/-"
" X W.Anglin Bl & Wh. Heifer " "
12 Jm Stewart Red Heifer, some wh. on face {illegible} 0/P
"X Befsy 011/11 had a Heifer 01/22 011/__
16 Rankins Red Heifer 0P/--
" do Bl. & Wh. spotted Cow " "
17X W. Anglin Black & wh. Heifer sup. 2nd time 00/-
"X Cherry ride & P/P " "
"X W Anglin over Red Cow " "
18 Gad Curtis Red Cow 6X/-
21X P. M.Naughton White br. sides carried up 11 to Y/J
{Second side of sheet} 11E
June 22 Runkin Red Cow, wh. on back 0/&
29 P. MNaughton Red Cow - bro' by M Nichol X/"
July 1X Alex Black Cow Y1/-"
2 Jn Stewart Red Heifer vis Y0/0 Y0 - "
3 Don. Stewart Black Heif? Y" "
4 Runkin young black Cow Y& "
" Don Stewart Red Heifer " "
5 Conmans Brindle Cow YZ "
9 Gad Curtis 2 yr old Red Cow YX "
10X Abner Bullard Dunked Cow P Y11/11 0E- "
19X P. W.Naughton Red Cow wh. spots on forehead 0 /Z
" Gad Curtis Brownish Red & Wh. Cow " "
27X Cherry vis YP/4 - XP/Z p/Z - P -2 7 May - Heifer
John Stewart New Cow 24 or 25 {illegible} Z -"
Aug 25 do Red Z/A
Sep 15 do do 2nd time 0Z/ - '
24X Blacky A/P
1845 - over 2 Pages {Second Page} 1843 -- Hecr
Feb 1 W Tarquists Din. Brin
April 14 Runkins Brown w. bks
22 - 24 do do Oo
May 11 Gad Curtis Red
June 3 Peter MNaughton John Red Vis'd vi 27th ins
Jn Donald Stewart {illegible} all night not {illegible}
12 do same
15 Gad Curtis Red
18 Beauty xxxx xxxx 11E/11 - Had a Heifer 31 March
22 Rev? Mr Allan's Red & white N.1
23 do Red & white No 2 A/P
26 Jefsy xxxx P/& XXXX Blacky sup. {illegible}
27 John McNaughton 2 line Red - res? 2g brag 44
" Lyra XXXX &/& M sold to McCulloch
" Runkin Beauty
29 30 Gad Curtis Red, broken horn
July 1 Alexs Black
" W McNaughton Light Red, 3 yrs old no Calf
2 Coumans dark Brindle {illegible} Jan.44
3 W Anglins W 11th Jun 44
11 Rev'd Mr Allans White & Red W 1 Jan 44
14 Coumans Heifer A/P
" Wm Anglins Bl. & white P. 11 Jan.44
15/16 Will Blacky Blacky 0P/& mifsing for 2 days & came home with a Heifer
16 John Stewart Bl Heifer 00/&
" F Sargent Wh. faced Red " "
19 D'ld Stewart Black Y/2
" F Sargents Red " "
22 John Stinson Heifer 0/"
25 D'd Stewart Bl.Heifer YE/"
" do ( ab large) yearling " "
29 Mr Allans Guelph Cow (2 times) Y&/Z
30 Rankin Black Heifer Y2/"
Aug 13 Jn Stewart New Cow @ 0X/"
19 Rankins Red Heifer 2 tim. sup. not servd I/4
22 Cherry put in field sup not servd
Nov 11 Maccullocks Red Cow pd
March 11 Jefsy & 0X/4 sold to Wood
19 Maccullocks Cow Spotted pd
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