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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 81.pdf

Revision as of Mar 29, 2024, 10:28:53 PM, edited by

1846 July

Wednesday 1 fine

a few drops rain 6 @ 7 pm & thunder

but soon cleard up
61 68
Thursday 2 fine 62 64
Friday 3 fine 50 64
Saturday 4 thunder storm 7@8 pm 55
Sunday 5 fine 67 66
Monday 6 Do 57 64
Tuesday 7 Do 52 55
1846 July
Wednesday 8 fine ex.a few drops morn'g 56 65
Thursday 9 60 4pm 90 77
Friday 10 fine till 2 pm thunder with hail & rain 72 noon 92 73
Saturday 11 Showers with thund'r & light'g 72 72
Sunday 12 misty morn'g got out fine 59 61
Monday 13 rain 5 @ 7 pm 47 58
Tuesday 14 fine 44 48
Wednesday 15 a few drops rain 5 @ 6 pm 40
Thursday 16 fine 40 50
Friday 17 fine 40 54
Saturday 18 Do 44 58
Sunday 19 fine 47 62
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