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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
Revision as of Feb 16, 2022, 2:06:53 AM, edited by
Thursday January 29
Feb. 19th. and sent out the {refrost?} blanks for the S.S. Assocation. Mr, Walter came from Langford for Bessie's piano and Willie Galbraith went on for a Langford with him. Coming back by the Electric railway, we went to Simons for the evening.
" 21st Willie G. and I went to Franklins for the evening.
" 22nd Willie went to the Glen for a event.
" 23rd A very wet day, raining quite steady all day.
"24- Willie and I took dinner at Uncle Tom Sharps and I went to a S.S. executive meeting in the evening. {?} gave a fine report.
"26 - Willy G went home to St. Marys
"27- Went to County Executive Meeting at Brantford to arrange dates for our township Conventions and general business. Came home by Uncle Andrews and stayed for tea.
March 1st. A beautiful clear day, went to St. George to get a load of feed corn, and helped Frank Reid to kill a pig in the afternoon.