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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
Revision as of Feb 16, 2022, 2:59:54 AM, edited by
Friday, January 30
Mar.13th Bessie and Marjorie went to their new home in Langford after having tried here for 3 yrs, we were all very sorry to see them go but they have all our good wishes in their new home.
" " Williamsons moved back again, having hired Bert for another year @ $3.00 cash, fruit, potatoes & vegetables, a pig in the fall and a cow kept while I pay them $2.50 for my board & 15 cents per meal for extra help.
"14" Called on Mr. & Mrs. A. Wolfe in the evening as they were about to move to their new home near Berlin.
"15 Drew 2 loads of hay to cement works
"16 Borrowed 2 jacks from cement works and raised a beam in the stable that had been settling to low.
"17 Went to Brantford taking Cornwells cows & calf also his seed oats and some turnips. met his brother at Brantford. Sent $25.00 to {Row?} C.R. Morr our being