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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
Revision as of Feb 19, 2022, 8:32:51 PM, created by
Feb 18th Held Prayer {meeting?} here, about {12 or 13?} present.
19 - Edith was quite ill and Dr. {Danton?} came out to see her saying that she must stay in bed {in?} four days.
- 20 - {Elline?} Johnson came over to help for the day.
- 25 - Took 4 bags of {illegible} to Paris @ 1.35 per bag
- 26 - A. {Robertson?} wedding day, a fine day, but some what cold.
- 27 - {Ms M.e?} Grimm of {illegible} came down to Prayer-Meeting
- 28 - A very fine warm day after a fine mild month
Mar 2nd {Will + Lellovette?} Miller came {illegible} for a visit
- 5th Took {wrething?} over to Mrs Reynols and bought a new {Rhode Island Rooster?} from Roy Collins farm,
-6 - Went to a Shower for R. {Robestom?} and his Bride who had just returned from their wedding {illegible}, those were about {as?} present and a very enjoyable evening {illegible}
- 9. {John?} McDonald and Mr + Mrs R. {Robestom?} stayed for tea after Sunday School.
- 11 . Went to Social Evening at Mr + Mrs Simons in the {illegible} these were {illegible} and there was a {illegible}
- 12 - Gordon {Griesem?} bought a horse {with?} to {illegible}
- 13 - Went to Will McCormicks {illegible} in the afternoon
-14 - A very strong east wind all day.
- 15 - Went to {illegible} {C. Potewell?} a {illegible} in the afternoon
- 17 . A very wet day.
18th Started to {illegible}. Still have {cut off}
- 19th {illegible} Lee went to the bush to tap the maple tree
- 20 - Edith, Leme + I went to Social {+ Cment?} at {Retefens?} School.