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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
Revision as of Mar 14, 2022, 8:49:01 PM, created by
Thursday, May 14
Aug 10th Helped Simons to thresh rye in the field. Mrs Reynolds & the girls came down for a couple of days.
.. 11 .. Womens Institute Meeting held here in the afternoon
.. 12 . Scotts came to thresh 1/2 day 158 oats & 148 bus of wheat. Helped Johnsons to thresh in the afternoon
.. 14 Went to the Glen to church and called on Rev. Mr & Mrs Patterson who were camping up there. A fine rain last night
.. 15 Helped R. Atkin to thresh. Went to Dentists in afternoon.
.. 17 .. Finished plowing back ten acre field for wheat.
.. 19 . Picked Green gage plums, a heavy crop.
.. 23 .. Finished plow 3 acre field of sod for wheat, (Started to plow {illegible} corn to {illegible}.
.. 24 . Went to Farmers Picnic at Lucks flats a fine day and a great crowd about 3 or 4 thousand people there.
.. 25 Mayme and children came up for a few days from Brantford
. 25 Started Took 9 young cattle back to the bush.
26 Started to plow clover sod in centre east field very dry
. 25 Went with W.McPherson + J.Atkin to judge school childrents plots
.. 29 . A heavy but very fine rain (over 2 in's) which was badly needed
.. 30 . Leone's Birthday, her mother giving a Gradle Roll Picnic. Grandpa & Grandpa Lee, Aunt Jill ovette & family coming over Went to young Peoples Meeting at Mrs {illegible} in the evening.
.. 31 Andrews Birthday a very fine day.
Sept 1st. Mayme and 3 children & Edith, Leme, Andrew & I went to Woodstock calling on Nelson Franklins in the afternoon. went to {illegible} in the evening staying all night at Breins and going to St. Marys.