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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905

Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-28.pdf

Revision as of Feb 27, 2025, 4:16:56 AM, created by

52 Sat 23. Paul threshing to Tom McKeons Arthur rolling when I was watching the cows he tilled & furrowed out. Will basket brush he gathered up around. The minister came to stay all night to Wills. Marjorie baked bread she turned the cows out at night I guarded them she ironed her things she washed the other day I made 4 pumkin pies & swept the dining room she cleaned the kitchen. Paul got home early frost at night awful cold northwest wind Sun 24 very cold when I went to church the wind was west. When we came back it was south west & terrible high one could scarcely walk quite a number out to church. Hattie & Arthur over in the evening we had a chicken for dinner The old setter? picked her head Paul killed her & I dressed her Mon 25 cold west wind but a beautiful day nice sunshine Will went to Port to Mill. Marjorie, Hattie & Paul went after Peaches got a basket for 25 at Manbys Hattie got 3 for 85. 2 at 3 cts one@ 25 took 4 1/2 of butter @ 24 per lb for 50 cts worth of sugar & a box of hair pins. Arthur threshing at Ed Dells I picked a hen for dinner but she was so fat I put her in salt & water untill tomorrow I churned & worked the butter & boiled the last of our meat for dinner. Terribly cold & frost tonight. Will brought us 75 lb of flour

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