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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-28.pdf
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52 Sat 23. Paul threshing to Tom McKeons Arthur rolling when I was watching the cows he tilled & furrowed out. Will basket brush he gathered up around. The minister came to stay all night to Wills. Marjorie baked bread she turned the cows out at night I guarded them she ironed her things she washed the other day I made 4 pumkin pies & swept the dining room she cleaned the kitchen. Paul got home early frost at night awful cold northwest wind Sun 24 very cold when I went to church the wind was west. When we came back it was south west & terrible high one could scarcely walk quite a number out to church. Hattie & Arthur over in the evening we had a chicken for dinner The old setter? picked her head Paul killed her & I dressed her Mon 25 cold west wind but a beautiful day nice sunshine Will went to Port to Mill. Marjorie, Hattie & Paul went after Peaches got a basket for 25 at Manbys Hattie got 3 for 85. 2 at 3 cts one@ 25 took 4 1/2 of butter @ 24 per lb for 50 cts worth of sugar & a box of hair pins. Arthur threshing at Ed Dells I picked a hen for dinner but she was so fat I put her in salt & water untill tomorrow I churned & worked the butter & boiled the last of our meat for dinner. Terribly cold & frost tonight. Will brought us 75 lb of flour I swept & dusted the school house Teu 26 beautiful day first day of Stamford Fair. Fannie & the Miller girls 53 over to the other house Fannie gave us a calf. Marjorie wached the cows so Paul could go the mash The first thing I put the hen on to boil the first thing. Marjorie fixing her hat over. I pealed 3 3/4 of small tomatoes Arthur went after Kirkly for his colt, we had him over to see Lucy she has a sore foot. Marjorie poulticed it with carrots & then put bran on at night she went in so she had to take it off frost on the forepart of the night. Turned warmer the hardest frost we have had last night. Wed 27 looked like rain on the fornoon when Hattie & her mother went to Chippawa. Hattie got a letter from her uncle Biller. butter raised to 24 on Chippawa after Paul guarded the cows he went to Hewsons to cut marsh grass I guarded the cows in the afternoon Arthur cut the clover in the school house field. Marjorie still at her hat; I dug some potatoes in the fornoon pretty hot, but a cool wind if it was not for that it would be awful hot & poor Clyde dont seem any better. Marjorie is poulticing Lucys foot with bran untill tomorrow Kirkly will bring a wash. Rose has great curiosity to know what is on Lucys foot. Thurs 28 Kirkly came befor dinner says his fever is so high depends on it going down if he lives. Frank Riexinger over in the evening & Hattie & Arthur
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