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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919

Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 20.pdf

Revision as of Nov 26, 2024, 2:30:14 PM, created by

Motored to the city in the after tea and spent a very pleasant evening.

Feby 7th Had Orme. Bush over wanting me to take over a mortgage for a party who wanted to buy a car but did not think I could handle it.

Feby 8th was down town afternoon and evening, nothing doing weather fair and cool.

Feby 9 Motored to Hamilton for tea went to church. weather cold. radiator of car froze up coming home. but no damage done.

Feby 10th Have a Sore thumb, tried to stop motor fan with it. but not on purpose. John and I motored to the city. got some Seeds at S.B. also bought 500 Empty Bags at 10¢ each. and tried to buy

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