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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905
Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 14.pdf
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December 1894
14. Coloured up 26 1/4 lbs. cod oil
15. Munday left this morning for Van Camp's Mill to see the temperance advocate, to take Chester to Montreal tomorrow if it continues. Horse will be alright tomorrow, I hope.
16. Fine day. Cold.
17. Munday went to Lancaster to meet the boys, Nills & Munday came home this evening with nothing to eat. George came home this morning from Chesterville. David got a team for Charlie tonight. Drove Charlie home.
18. Roads very bad.
19. Drove to Thos. Markell's along with the other stock. Snowed about 5 in. Snow deep.
20. Wrote to Miss Annie Chester.
21. Moved in the oven today, the roof today. Munday was at Mr. Brisson's yesterday. He drove past again this afternoon today.
22. Monday cold. Saw John Brown in the evening. I was trimming a boy's overcoat.
23. Several men were out this way. Mr. Robertson got a load of shingles, took the fifth to some other farm.
24. Mr. Connor's took turkey 18 lbs $2.65. Fine day for Christmas. All were at church except for the Donald & Louise. Paid $2.65. Ethel went for Edward & Kate.
25. Nice warm day. Not many in church. Victoria Duncan in Montreal (Mr. Rose) was sick this morning after a week's illness. Ruby paid 3 months' board.
26. Fine day for traveling, 12 inches snow at 2:10 a.m.
27. Done the washing. Very fine day.
28. Finished all at home. Had supper. Sold 2 1/2 lbs. 1.50.
29. This night was fine but a large number made a party from John's this day. Munday went to Bryan's with Munday.
January 1895
1. Saturday. Uncle Marion & Munday went to Maxville. I & Marion went up to Munday's room, comfortables & blankets, & talked New Year. Dr. Ferguson & James on.
2. Munday got some meat at the shop today, steak, some beef & pork.
3. Fine day. Snowing tonight. Munday went to church, Mr. A.C. Thomas & Ferguson for Massie. There is no meeting at the St. Andrew’s church.
4. Munday saw Miss Nellie Murray. Marked 26 ft. 1st. M.P. McIntyre, Douglas’ child did not get a chance. James Ferguson was born.
5. Fine day. Munday went up to Uncle Donald's. Mr. G. B. Tanner is reading. Some beautiful songs at Miss Mallory's.
6. This day Munday heard about Mr. A. Stewart, Postmaster of Mallorytown, who was there today. Ethel bought some apples. Mild, frosty. Moon good roads. Fine today. William, Elizabeth, and Mr. Gillard & wife in from Kenyon today.
7. Another fine day. Thomas Selling, Miller of Martintown was there here today.
8. Very nice day. A large congregation, Mr. Donahue preached a fine discourse. The meeting in the hall was very well attended.
9. Fine day. Good moonlight. Little longer in the evening.
10. Mild, fine day, but rough. The gable ends about added on to the corner of the house yesterday by Jim Glover. Snow falling.
11. Snowing very fast, and quite cold. Margaret & I did not get home from Braggards, but he gave me the ride home.
12. Mild day. A great crowd in attendance at the club meeting this evening. Snow deep.
13. Mild day with rain. More snow & drizzled all night. Ferguson got home from his drive about 9. Drove to Lancaster. 6/6.
14. Rain & frost. Came on 8:20. Munday went to the club meeting at 8 o'clock. The roads are in fair shape. Gray branches are standing.