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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905

Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 34.pdf

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May 1899

26. Hope has been a new holy day, kept this summer for the first time in Canada called "Empire day" to be observed by schools & colleges, to teach children the history of their country and to be patriotic. The 26th to be kept on the 23rd of May. The day before the Queen's birthday. Their long been nothing said about the day, when Victoria dies it will likely be dropped the day before her successor's birthday. It was celebrated in fine style in Montreal on the 23rd, over 1000 children engaged, chiefly the Protestant schools. Mary came home last evening, heard Sousa's band.

27. Fine day, 2 lbs tea 25 cts.

28. Not a very large congregation.

29. Bird washed. I was cutting potatoes for Landers. Looks like rain. Got 1 gallon cod oil 18 cts. Afternoon rains, Dr. left.

30. Sold the white cow, the last of mother's troop, to Mr. Noustin from York for 34 dollars. Annie went to Lancaster with the bishop.

31. Fine day. Magnolias very bud. Mary went to North Lancaster yesterday morning. Got 2 1/4 lbs butter 26 cts.

Here is the transcription of the handwritten text from the image:

June 1899

1. Thursday. Fine day, high wind. I went to the T. meeting at John Dingwall’s. It was filled as far as long cattle come at the turn of the road when Mrs. A. Cocksworth met and gave me a ride. Paid off 25 cts for Willie to my presbyterial fee. Gave 25 cts to Mrs. Jim Dingwall for C. C. T. U. Called on Mrs. McGillis.

2. Fine day, 2 cabbages 26 cts. Lillian McLennan called at gate. Planted beans, pole & bush.

3. Fine day, looks like rain.

4. Not many in church. Heavy rain last night.

5. I am not feeling too well, Birdie is sick. Sold 19 ½ lbs sugar 53 cts, 2 lbs butter 32 cts.

6. Done a small washing.

7. Tackled some blankets. Went to Calvons for some things, 2 pair gloves, 1 pair boots, 2 pair stockings. Got a button for me 6 ½ cts, 6 cts in shop & rain yesterday. Killed a hen, had one die. Rain & storm.

8. Fine day turned very cool.

9. The L. T. L. gave a small picnic today in the grove. They report a good time. Got 2 lbs butter 16 cts, 5 ½ lbs bacon 12 cts, 19 lbs tea 30 cts, lemon biscuit 10 cts.

10. Fine day. I was in church. Rev. S. E. Lattison preached. Mrs. McDougald and Mary of Alexandria came to stay overnight.

11. Monday. Left at 1 A.M. for Glen Robertson. Mrs. McDougald & Mary left at noon. Picked raisins & carrots and salmon 35 cts. Canned tomatoes 10 cts.

12. Heavy rain last night between 7 & 8. Dr. D. D. and wife called at F. L. McR. Put out some turnips on D. Corn farm. Came home early to eggs in shackle.

13. Hot sun. Mercy hot, 86° in shade. Looks like rain. Got 10 flour at McEwenmill.

This name I had not caught at that time of the record.

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