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James Cameron Diary, 1893
James Cameron 1893 Diary 2.pdf
Revision as of Jun 25, 2024, 7:41:59 PM, created by
Mr James Cameron Island 8th of January 1893 Fine Windy Wnnie B Day 1866 Spinks here Livinia Senior very unwell in Bed
9th Wind very cold Ligh snow Livinia very sick Leander went to Lewis
10th W Wind Very Cold and Frosty Livinia a Little Better to Day Stack to Day Tuesday The Boys making Buckshot avery cold and Frosty night
11th W Wind very cold and Frosty Drifting Livinia Better to Day as she is up the White-Backed Eagle Flying around Frosty colf tonight
12th East Wind Frosty Drew stove wood cut a Quarter of Beef On this Day of the onth our Mary Auntie Mary Departed 1891 Frosty
13th Frosty cold Drew some Wood
14th cutting stove Wood Leander to 7 Covington to get his boots fixed 30 cents Bought John {Illegible word} 3ll of Tea 1 a bottle of Harrys 25 John and Billy Morris Drove Leander Home stopt all night
15th Wind went to Dish eels got 1 Leander went with them put 2 shoes on the Mare as she will slip going to get her shod sent up a Tub of Butter Got 6 Dollars the Big Rout at Nicholsons about the Girl this week