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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
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TUESDAY, February 1, 1870.
This morning as soon as possible my friend and I left Thompsons for Hamilton. I left him there, at Dr. Ferguson's and went on to Nelsons. I got there in time for dinner. Spent the afternoon pleasantly talking with these kind friends. I felt myself highly favoured in the privelege of conversing with E. although not as private as I could have wished. I was glad to see her looking so well. Frank was home and we had an old-fashioned chat together.
WEDNESDAY, February 2, 1870.
This morning about nine I started for the Square where I promised to meet Rev. George Furgesson and take him up to Milton We had a prosperous journey and arrived at our destination about two o'clock. We found excellent sleighing most of the way for which we were hapily prepared. I left the buggy at Springers and took their cutter. I was quite pleased with George's father and Sisters. They are certainly a very interesting family. Spent the evening very pleasantly.