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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
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TUESDAY, February 1, 1870.
This morning as soon as possible my friend and I left Thompsons for Hamilton. I left him there, at Dr. Ferguson's and went on to Nelsons. I got there in time for dinner. Spent the afternoon pleasantly talking with these kind friends. I felt myself highly favoured in the privelege of conversing with E. although not as private as I could have wished. I was glad to see her looking so well. Frank was home and we had an old-fashioned chat together.
WEDNESDAY, February 2, 1870.
This morning about nine I started for the Square where I promised to meet Rev. George Furgesson and take him up to Milton We had a prosperous journey and arrived at our destination about two o'clock. We found excellent sleighing most of the way for which we were hapily prepared. I left the buggy at Springers and took their cutter. I was quite pleased with George's father and Sisters. They are certainly a very interesting family. Spent the evening very pleasantly.
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- Copy the text as it is, including misspellings and abbreviations.
- Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
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- Use toolbar stroke through text option to transcribe crossed-out text.
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- Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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