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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
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Wednesday, January 28
Feb 3rd. The forenoon was spent in shovelling snow and breaking roads after the storm, in the afternoon the sun shine brightly melting some of the ice from the trees (which was caused by the rain on monday morning.) about four O clock in the afternoon it was one of the prettiest sights that perhaps most of us have ever seen, for the sun shining on the ice on the trees made them shine like diamonds whereever you looked.
Feb 5th Rained in the afternoon, and also recieved word of Uncle John Little's death in Bills will, we were all sad to hear.
..7th Went to the Glen in the evening and called for a little while at the McDonalds.
..9th Mr & Mrs Lewis left for England, having worked here for nearly seven mos. Willie Galhaith came down from St. Mary's for a visit and we all went to J Aitkins for tea and to spend the evening.
..10th. Willie G and I went to Brantford in the afternoon and I attended one of the sessions of the Brantford S.S. Convention.
..11.. Took a sleigh load down to St. George to hear Rev B Staffer lecture on the Pennsilvania Dutchman. Dehomed & {young locals?}
..13.. Sold 1 calf 3 mons old weighing 300 lbs @ 8c per lb $24.00 Took at to St. George station and brought home a load of branete
..14.. W. Galbraith and I went to Williams for tea
..15.. Drew out manure making sixty loads in all drawn out.
..16.. Started to out {ch?nut?} posts at the bush
18th & 19.. Stayed in the house most of the time with La Grappe.
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