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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
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Friday, February 13
Nov 22nd. Drove to Simms in the evening to see Sadies wedding presents.
25th Went to Paris to pay taxes and insurance. Mr Farquharen came up to Prayer meeting at night.
26 Drew in the white turnips, about six loads after having been feeding them for several weeks. a beautiful warm day. went to Sharpe in the evening.
28th Went to Paris Mothedist Church in the evening.
30 A hard frost last night. Went to Brantford on the car Went to S.S. County Council meeting in Y.W.CA {illegible} Went to {illeigble} Moons for dinner. Miss Laine gave a fine {illegible} at our at our literary meeting in the evening Miss Patton gave a fine address on the Life of Sir Walter Scott.
3rd Went to the bush to gather up rails + bring some home
4th Drew a load of straw to pig-pen and went for a load of gravel for the chicken house.
6th Went to Simons threshing in the afternoon, and to a meeting of the Directors of the Farmers club at Kitchene School, to arrange porgrams for the winter. the meeting was held at h.m. Clumps.
7 Brought the {illegible} home from Clumps bush.
9 Finished threshing at Simons + started to draw out {illegible}
10 Went to Brantford with chickens + apples also went to Echo Place J. Mrs Donald came and help Burt to dispose of Fan.
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