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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
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{48 printed in top left hand corner of page}
Tuesday, February 17
Jan 13th. Went to congregational meeting at Presby. church St. George in the evening. the business was found to be in good shape. I was appointed trustee in place of J. Greenfield.
..14th Went to the Lake to skate, in the evening, it was a beautiful night and the ice was splendid.
..15.. A stormy day, went to Paris for shop and had dinner with Mr & Mrs W. E. Coates.
..16.. Drove Harry, Annie & Mildrod Williams up to their Grand mothers. Mr & Mrs. W. had new little baby girl. Doris E.
..17.. A very cold and stormy day, drove to Brantford in afternoon.
..18.. Drove to Galt in afternoon and had tea at Moffats.
..20.. Helped Griers to kill pigs, and in the evening we went for sleigh ride up to Simons where we were holding our monthly social evening, the evening was spent in games, music and a spelling-match, with lunchon.
..21.. Herb Cunningham came up with his cutting box and gasoline engine and we cut corn in the forenoon.
..22. Bert took his cow to Paris sold her to J. Scott. A very mild day taking all the snow and ice away.
.23. Went to the Glen in the evening to the young people meeting, giving a talk on "Amusement that is worth while".
..24th. Bus. Started to cut wood at the bush. Canvassed the road east for the Probilation Petition.
..25. Went to Debate at Farmers club at kitchens School. Resolved that the Franchise should be given to {illegible}
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