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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925
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Wednesday, March 4
Nov 17th. Quite a heavy snow storm last night. took the sleighs to Paris but being a warm day the snow was pretty much off the roads before night.
.. 20th Finished fixing new hen house in the pig pen and put 20 pullets in it , and got a new rooster from Mrs Johnson. Shut young rooster up to fatten.
.. 22nd Mr & Mrs. Robert Lowe came over for the evening.
.. 25th Brought 2 colts home from clumps bush. and Edith and I drove to Brantford to Executive Meeting, also to Mary B.'s
Dec 2nd Finished plowing corn & Turnip ground.
.. 3rd Will & Lullonette Miller came over for a visit.
..5th Went to McKinzus to get 2 calves $5.00 each Bert & Mrs Williamson drove to Brantford to see new place.
..6 .. Sold 8 fat hogs avge. 222 1/2 @ 10.75 percent.
..7 .. Went to Paris to have our picture taken and went to George Lees for dinner.
.. 9 ... Finished fall plowing, getting 2 bags of potatoes of potatoe grown & Banked up the rose bushes for the winter.
.. 12 .. Brought the cattle home from the hill, having been more snow last night. Edith brought Earl Depow home from Paris with her. Went to Farmers club meeting at Kitchens School, we had a good programe including a debate entitled "Resolved that the average Farmer had more general ability than the average business man of the city." the affirmative won.
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