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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913
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1909. Daily Record.
Sept 20 Monday. doing chores. tieing fodder corn up in shocks. drawed in pease. nice day. dry & warm. bot 1 ball binder twine at mill 40 {cents} paid.
Sept 21 Tuesday. doing chores. pickd 1 tree fall apples. & took some ties back to spring in woods. & cleaned some out & fixed it up. F.W.M. digging potatoes in orchard. Kids here for tea.
Sept 22 Wednesday. doing chores. went to wood & filled trough with water. also went to barrell factory & got 17. barrels. then started & dug & picked up potatoes in orchard. F.W.M. to mill with grain to chop. & little rain. windy.
Sept 23 Thursday. doing chores. started to cut ear corn. rain came on. & we quit the job. I piling wood in shed.
Sept 24 Friday. doing chores. cutting corn. Packers here packing apples. Recv (Received) $9.00 for same rain at night.
Sept 25 Saturday. doing chores. cutting corn. took 9 barrels apples to station down street at night. bot meat & Bread.
Sept 26 Sunday. doing chores cloudy & cool. went to Church morning and evening. sunday school rally & Harvest Home Rote letter to Hep. & posted same.
Sept 27 Monday. finished cutting ear corn & started to pick greening apples.
Sept 28 Tuesday. doing chores. picking apples & drawed some in drive barn. Father & Mother at grape social I had head. aches. & stayed home.
Sept 29 Wednesday. doing chores picking apples fore noon. rain.
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