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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905

Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-44.pdf

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89 Oct. 2. 23 lbs

    Oct. 6  50  of corn meal at Greens.     32 ct
    Oct. 6 2.00 of corn meal at Welland     70
    Oct. 31 1.00 of pea meal at Welland    2.40 82 mms\                   
                            barley meal                  120

Dec. 9 4314 @ 24 5.32 Dec. 9 4 @ 24 for our selves Dec. 14 4 1/2 @ 24. Kesters 1.05 Dec. 18 4 1/2 @ 24 Kesters 1.08 Dec. 22 7 @ 24 Kesters 1.68 Brown cake. Ten eggs (save white of one for icing) 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup molasses, 1 teaspoon mixed pastry spice, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/4 cup butter, 2 cups of flour, 3/4 cup sour cream in which has been stirred 1 teaspoon soda. bake in layers in moderate oven. ? whip white of egg in a stiff ? boil 1 cup granulated sugar with water enough to cover sugar until it boils, then pour one egg stir while pouring then add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla & spread on cake Ginger snaps. 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of lard, 1 cup black strap, 2 teaspoons of ginger 2 of baking soda, 1 cuo boiling water Jim jams 1 egg broken in cup, fill with sugar, 8 tablesppons shortening. 3 tablespoons water pinch sale: 1 teaspoon baking powder. mix stiff with flour & roll them and with ring and put jam between Prince Albert Cake 1 cup brown sugar, 1 heaping cup of flour, 1 cup chopped raisins. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon of clo ves 1/2 cup of butter, 3/4 sour milk, 3/4 teaspoon soda bake in two layers & ice

Marble Cake                                                                                       83

Light Part Whites of three eggs half cup butter half cupbul sugar. half cupful milk two cupsfuls flour. one Oatmeal wafers Two cups of oatmeal. one cup of brown sugar, one half cupful of lard. one teaspoon soda, pinch salt; dissolve the soda in half cupful of boiling water, and pour over the oatmeal, lard and sugar. when cool, stiffen with flour, roll them, and bake Jem-Jems 1 cup of butter, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 1 egg. 3 tablespoons of boiling water, 3 teaspoons soda dissolved in the water, flour enough to roll them. stick together with jelly while warm. Hulled corn. put 3 quarts of wood ashes & 6 quarts of cold water in a large kettle. let it boil 5 minutes skimming several times. Take from the fire and add a little cold water to settle it. steam. put 3 quarts of yellow field corn in a kettle, and pour over it the steamed lye Let boil 1/2 of an hour, or untill the hull will slip off when rubbed with the fingers. Skim out the corn & wash in several waters, rubbing with the hands untill the hulls are all off boil in clear water untill soft.

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