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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 42..pdf
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and got his wife. She went on up to Normandale with him to get the stuff for Bill's mother to give to Paine's man when he called for it. I stayed with his father-in-law till he came back. I saw his sheep and was going to buy some. but he did not want to sell them very badly. I went into the house and waited for Bill. He arrived about 10.30 (the time he said he would be home) and we got right in and came home. I drove home from there. It was a beautiful night, moonlight and cold. Bill dozed all the way down. We got home just as the clock struck twelve and put our auto-mobile away and were in bed by 12.30 with out waking any bod except Nig (who would sooner stay here all night than walk home) Tige and the Grey kitten.
Windy and cool to-day.
Thursday July 13th
I slept an hour late this morning on account of being up late last night. (Stan)?} Just as I got through my breakfast Daddy and Bill came past with a load bound for Martin's. so I went out and helped Huby cock up. We were all through about noon and we came up and did the chores.
Daddy saw Wyatt Parsons who is cutting Alfred Ryersie's wheat and he said he would be over to cut ours this after noon.
This afternoon Huby and I went out and sat on the lawn for awhile and Daddy and Bill hauled the rest of Martin's hay. I cut some weeds till the sythe got dull and Huby went to sleep and dreampt he was in heaven but Bill came and woke him up fast as he was going in and he thought he had made a mistake and got into the wrong {few?}. We fooled around for awhile and then I went over to
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