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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 52..pdf

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Monday July 24th

All hands wished me a happy birthday this morning, this being the sixteenth anniversary of the day when I first made my appearance in the world. On my plate I found piled at breakfast a nice pair of pants from Enah and just about all the contents of a barber shop from Daddy and Dick. A razor and brush from the former and soap and strop from the latter. All that is required now is a few whiskers to try them on.

It was very windy this morning too windy to draw alsike so Bill plowed all morning. I picked up all the broken glass that had been under the old house and Daddy and Dick went down town to get some oats and feed. This after noon Huby and Mr. Winky Smith came over. Mr. Smith took a look at the house and sized it up for painting. We hauled wheat all the afternoon and got it all in but a little more than a load. Huby trimmed trees over by Coleman's while they were putting on a load and I cut some lawn and botherd Enah. Dick went down to the lake for a swim as the waves were so big. When he came back he brought me two nice letters. One from Roy containing all kinds of good wishes and some pictures he had taken when he was up. The other was a good fat one with epistles from Aunty Win and Aunty Alice with a dollar bill from both Aunty and Aunty Alice.

I got a ring and a nickel out of the cake to-night.

Vyse came up after his cow and calf to-night. Enah, Daddy and Dick have gone over to Martin's to look at a piano to-night so Tige and I are the only ones home.

There has been a strong and quite cold sou'west wind since last mid-night and it seems just as strong as ever to-night.

{Margin note} Daddy said he was awake most of the night last night shutting doors and windows. Huby said he never saw the water so high in the marsh this time of year.

Transcription Tips

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  • Click Edit when you’re ready to start transcribing.
  • Click Detach to move the transcription box to a convenient location.
  • Copy the text as it is, including misspellings and abbreviations.
  • Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
  • Use toolbar heading options for any headings in the text, i.e. diary titles.
  • Use toolbar table generator for any tables in the text, i.e. finance records.
  • Use toolbar comment option to add your own comments, i.e. illegible text or uncertain names or description of drawings.
  • Use toolbar stroke through text option to transcribe crossed-out text.
  • When done press "Save Transcription" to save your work.
  • Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
  • View more transcription tips.(Opens in new tab)

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