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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881


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1881. 28 DAYS. FEBRUARY.

7. MONDAY. [38-327]

Went to O.S. market with 16 bags oats. Got 34 c per bus. Had 53 33/34 = 18.35. The Oats weight very well. I think they are the best oats we have had this {?} the Atlantic The wheat is down in price only 95 for fall wheat today. So we have lost by taking the Feb price on fall wheat sold for seed. W. Maxwell paid his wheat 16 14/60 bus $15.42. Paid his Father balance of sewing $3.75. Spent 45 c Fine day

8. TUESDAY. [39-326]

Filled up 10 bags Oats to repay John Barber for 28 27/34 bus got in fall. for feed. Took them up got home after dinner Afternoon cleaned up 15 bags Oats + fed cattle. W. Oliver paid fall wheat $12.19. Today has been {?} soft The snow has gone down a good deal today

9. WEDNESDAY. [40-325]

Got my hair dressed this morning we then cleaned up another bag of Oats and dressed shilocks for chop. Afternoon at bush put down one tree and cut it up 4 feet lengths split + piled except 2 blocks. Thaw all day the snow is sinking fast. It had been raining since 4 pm. + is still raining at prayer meeting evening

10. THURSDAY. [41-324]

The thaw still continuing so there is no getting a horse on the roads. I had to take pig back to Devins on foot this forenoon Afternoon split some wood. Charles Bains called to ascess property Amount of agreement $1700. $15 less than last year The snow has disappeared rapidly patches of bare ground to be seen here & there.

11. FRIDAY. [42-323]

Took in potatoes + apples they are both keeping well. I then covered turnips pits with snow where it was thawed off Afternoon made road from Corn to gate fit for team to walk on This morning was frosty but through the day very mild so the roads are rather soft yet. I wonder if I can get to town tomorrow

12. SATURDAY. [43-322]

Willie and I were in bush sawing firewood cut 4 blocks forenoon. Afternoon we cut 2 logs of the 7 that were left on skid way of last springs sawing. We cut 18 blocks 9 we split + piled. This was a soft rainy forenoon got colder & harder afternoon. John Hall paid fall wheat 6.18 J Douglas paid also 13.70

13. SUNDAY. [44-321] Septuagesima.

Attended a prayer meeting in Presbyterian Church Keady Our minister being absent - assisting Mr Blain Tara. the Elders conducted the service.

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