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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881


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1881. 30 DAYS. APRIL.

4. MONDAY. [94-271] County Court Term begins.

Sawing & chopping all day. We have now a good bit of wood cut & quite a fallow chopped Uncle + Aunt Haverson + Mr Thom Evangilist came here forenoon on a visit. We had then at our Association in the evening. Mr Thom gave us a pointed & practical address.

5. TUESDAY. [95-270]

Cold & snowing alittle. Took in 2 loads turnips I was frozen by last cold weather that is on one side of pit which had only straw on it. At 11 oclock it began to blow & drift so thick that one could not see 4 rods. Had quite w fall of snow after sunset. O for some genial pleasant weather.

6. WEDNESDAY. [96-269]

Our visitors left this morning it being so stormy yesterday they could not start home. I ploughed & plained door to go on between barn & horses stable, & a lot of other chores. The Storm is over & the country side is white once more. Cold & cloudy so the snow did not go away much.

7. THURSDAY. [97-268]

Put door together & hung it hinges cost at Keady 10 c Screws 5 c = 15 c. After noon took in 3 loads turnips & one 1/2 load we got out below snow which were not gather last fall some were fresh & good others were rotten. We may cut some more where snow drift melts away more. Frosty to night. 1/2 past 10. P.M.

8. FRIDAY. [98-267]

Shifted one side of the lane so as to fence one side of sod field below barn. Afternoon cut 15 poles in bush across creek to fence the new watering place on creek below barn. & 19 in bush on this side creek for fence between here & Keady So we got a good days work done. Bright sunny day.

9. SATURDAY. [99-266]

Drew out all the poles across creek & gathered the 19 in other bush. Afternoon fixed cattle then dressed myself & got Wesley saddle and went up to Uncle Haversons to attend Tara church to-morrow. Fine clear afternoon.

10. PALM-SUNDAY. [100-265]

For the past sixweeks there have been evengilistic services in connection with the Presbyterian & Methodist Congregations of Tara conducted by G Thom & today the meetings were brought to a close by both Con {?} sitting down together at the Lords table. The Rev Mr Galloway preached from the text And Enoch walked with God. The evening Service was conducted by Mr Thom who spoke on the leading truths of the 13th 14th 15th & 16th Ch. of St John Mr. Curries text today was Psalms 85th + 6th.

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