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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881


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1881. 30 DAYS. APRIL.

18. MONDAY. [108-257]

Took in all the turnips 6 loads we put them into snow in barn, as we do not expect frost to hurt them now. Afternoon Put on a load of hay to take to Owen Sound tomorrow. Got it on all right & drew it out into yard. It will freeze tonight.

19. TUESDAY. [109-256]

At O. Sound had very good roads dry & hard as summer Had 15.50 sold at $8 per ton = $7.00 Bought plough reins 40 c Oatmeal $1. Duck 6 yds at 25 c per yd. = $1.30 Spoool 13 c Weighting load & M.F. 22 c $3.25 Got $3 on hay & 2 to get. $1.75 on hand

20. WEDNESDAY. [110-255]

Got irons on to long whiffeltree & started to plough a piece of sod beside neww orchard for garden ground as it is sandy soil & so preferable to this piece beside the house. Started in sod field below barn at 10.o.clock it does not plough well as there has been no rian & it is loose on the top & dry. Willie harrowed garden ground afternoon for the first with third horse.

21. THURSDAY. [111-254]

Plouhing all day & have now a good piece turned near the houses walk so fast being the first. Willie had Chevy cow at Cochrane's Bull today. Had a call of two Cattle buyers I offerered cows at $105. They said would we give back $10. No Father was sowing clover on fall wheat today. I hope we mau have rain soon. Clear tonight again

22. FRIDAY. [112-253]

Ploughing sod all day getting over it pretty well. Fine dry day WIllie was building fences.

23. SATURDAY. [113-252]

Ploughing Ploughing Ploughing all day , all day, From morn till night with the wee intervals of eating time. a day & 1/2 will finish field now. Dry & warm.

24. LOW-SUNDAY. 1 after Easter. [114-251]

Attended Divine service in Presbyterian Church Keady the Rev H. Currie preached from the text Which shall know every man the plague of his own heart I Kings 8th & 38th

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