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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881
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JUNE.-6th MONTH. 1881.
6. MONDAY. [157-208]
We had a very severe frost last night. The potatoes & beans & tomatoes are badly blackened & the clover hangs itss head. We here at board fence to day got on all the boards we had & lock about 30 six inch boards, however it is cattle & pig proof, which is a great matter in the meantime. Evening drew the rails which board fence set freee & put them on old rail fence between heree & Keady which makes it a better fence than it has been since we saw it. This was a big days work
7. TUESDAY. [158-207]
Took off weeds off one land then ploughed & drilled it. Manured 14 drills 4 loads manure & covered in at night. This is to be sown with Mangold Wurzel tomorrow if all's well. They are alongside potatoes. Father sowed 3 drills Carrots today. That wee drilled today is good soil & splendid mould & I hope we will have some good mangolds. Like rain.
8. WEDNESDAY. [159-206]
Got out roller on turnip sow machine rather and rolled & ground drills Father Ann & Willie droped seed so we had the mangels sown by 10 oclock. The I was ploughing Afternoon at Bill Scarrow's raising a 50 x 60 barn. Willie was gathering stones. No rain cold & dry.
9. THURSDAY. [160-205]
Willie was at O.S. with Prince & light waggon had the wool along. 4 fleeces 34 lbs. 29 c for 26 lbs. I was ploughing with Fan & Brisk stoning and stumping afternoon Ploughing evening No rain yet cold & dry
10. FRIDAY. [161-204]
Ploughing forenoon. Fathre & Willie digging stumps & stones I was taking them off afternoon Evening ploughing with mare as Willie was away to Mill with 2 bags grist & staying at Unclde Haverson's all night. Looks to be dry & we had frost again last night Its dark
11. SATURDAY. [162-203]
Harrowing forenoon pretty good mould about 1/4 acre lody which I went over with planker. Afternoon ploughing got a good piece turned over & harrowed. There is now more than 2/3 of the land ready to drill when a few stones are picked off. Willie got home with grist right bought dung fork $1. Warm to day & I hope it will bring thunder
12. TRINITY SUNDAY. [163-202]
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