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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905

Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 21.pdf

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July 1898

16. Fine day, fine day, beef, pork, and mutton 83

17. I went to Lancaster and Cornwall in afternoon. Very large congregation. Mrs. Goods.

18. We went to Caledonia Springs.

19. All our young folk went for picnic. Got beef 10 lbs. Had Mr. Finn and wife and Mrs. Tate spent the evening here.

20. Hot day. 90 lbs. tea 30, sugar 25, 70 lbs. sugar 1.50. Canned the berries. Mercury over 90.

21. Very hot day. Mrs. Burton and Minnie Cameron spent part of the day here on their way to the Island.

22. A shower in the morning. 5 lbs. brown sugar. Paid subscription to Skymarron yesterday.

23. Fine day. Very hot. 5 lbs. 5 lbs. pork 60, beef 60, mutton 65, 1 lb. beef.

24. Large congregation. Rev. A. McGilloway preached in morning. Rev. S. Dummitt in evening.

25. Hot favorable evening. Had wind and rain.

26. Hot. Paid McEwen $50 for tailands? beef, had an evening 30 for balance due on Sunday last.

27. Hot again.

28. Jessie went to R.Y.'s meeting with Lizzie and Marvin.

29. Hot.

August 1898

1. Monday, Mary McIntyre was here all night. We think to go to J.R. Robertson’s today. 2 lbs. tea 48, sugar, 1 lbs.

2. Jessie went to Alexandria to a meeting to organize for the plebiscite. Munday went North yesterday. We paid $30 to McEwen for Saturday beef. Bismark died 30 July. Archbishop Walsh of Toronto died Sunday night - 31st July.

3. Minnie and Bruce McEwen were here last night until midnight.

4. Fine day. 2-3 lbs. steak at brown 30. F. McRae of N.P. took dinner here. Jessie Brown came too. Mr. I out in.

5. Baked in oven. Jessie and Marvin drove to Lancaster in afternoon. Had a shower.

6. Fine day, 2 lbs. tea, 60. Paid the sugar I got on the 1st 10 sugar 25, rice 15, cheese 5, 1 lb. soda 5. Sent cows to Smith's. D. McGinnis.

7. Fine day, large congregation. Rev. T. Dummitt conducted the evening service.

8. Mrs. John McGibbon was buried today. Funeral left from H. Calder and Lancaster.

9. 1/2 lb. tea 33 cents.

10. Fine day, 70 sugar 25.

11. Another fine day.

12. Munday left for Caledonia with paper.

13. I took the train for Caledonia. 70 lbs. tea 24 cents.

14. Fine day, Rev. R. Scott preached in morning and evening.

15. Fine day. Peter and Jessie went to the funeral of Mrs. Russell, who was killed by the car on Saturday. 78 lbs. tea 25, vanilla 40.

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