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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905

Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 47.pdf

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March 1900

1. Thursday, It began to snow last night. Then commenced to storm about 3:30 P.M. There are big drifts and will drifting very until it is through, and such a storm we have not seen for some years. 2 gallons coal oil 23.

2. It stormed and drifted all last night and what a night! The kitchen window to the north was covered on the house east and a point up to the roof. A large drift from the west through the gate to the south end of the wood shed. Murdy had to make a road between it and the shed before the cow got to it. Primary, from the front door to the road was one big drift, and one very large one in front of the church. The drift across the road is about 6 feet high. We got no mail today, and it is quite fatal that there was no movement on the road today. 2 quarts milk 10.

3. Still moving & blowing, no sleighs on our road 7.5 lbs sugar 25, 2 lbs raisins 20.

4. Snowing, not many in church.

5. Ladysmith was relieved on Feb. 28th by Lord Dundonald.

6. Storming, 7½ lbs butter at 24 cents.

7. Uncle Sandy and Murdy went to call on Dr. Band.

March 1900

7. Lard, meat, La plaire, Tartar paper. On the 8th got 100 lbs of flour from Mr. Cameron 1.90.

8. Uncle Sandy, Band, Murdy called to see Charlotte last night, and the will go off tonight. Mrs. Donald Rey came this evening to make a short call.

9. Lovely day, Mrs. D.R. went to see Aunt. The Masons Ed Foster stuck at Bruce. (Got over on the 5th)

10. Fine day, paid Herman 1.14 for butter, 10 for milk 1.20 yesterday. Mrs. Roy has today. The snow drift was dug out today from our gate to the Minister’s lane, and it took 3 men with two horses.

11. Fine, bright day. Murdy and I were at J.R.M.’s. A cold east wind blowing. A pretty large congregation.

12. Monday. Murd & I made a large washing. To F.L. butter 25¢ per lb. Sent the due bill. Got 10 lbs sugar 25¢, molasses 33¢. Cold wind, and drifts again. A wind through the barn yard. Had to drive wood with a shovel. A disappointment in the lane to the barn yard gate. Sent grain to the mill for provender. Had two cards from Annie, one on the 3rd Feb to be. The other on the 7th Feb. to Bridie, she was well.

13. Stormy, through tonight. 9 lbs steak 60¢.

14. Pretty fine day. Baked in oven. 7½ lbs butter 45¢.

15. Snowing most of the day and drifting. Wouldn't March so far that been wild & cold. Fine stormy. It looks like January weather more than March. I had a letter from Sandy on Saturday; it was mailed at Devon on the 20th. It was well.

16. Stormy, all our walks are filled up with snow and St. Patrick’s day never was as much snow before. Red D.D. broke shingle bars.

17. Sunday, not many in church. Think owing to the roads. Mr. Kenneth has a sermon today.

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