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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1925

Theobald Toby Barrett 1925 Diary 8.pdf

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Eventually Aunty come to the scene of action without arms or ammunition but relieved Aunty Alice of her hold on the prisoner while Aunty Alice went in search of the hatchet with which she presently returned and dealt the death blow almost severing the wicked head from the ugly body. No wonder theey are exultant after having triumphed so gloriously over the forces of evil the perpetrator of nocturnal destruction and predatory invasion. They can not rest secure and happy in the memory of their hard fought but well won field. I walked over to Jim. Jannisten to see a cutter which Mrs. Lamp kin told me he had for sale but there was no body home so we stopped on our way home and I asked Jim not to sell it until I had a look at it. Dad drove Euah down and left her at Aunty’s while I was there. They are taking in the revival meetings regularly I think, Frank says they had a poor house the night of the hockey match but that was to be expected, the first intermediate O.H.A. game of the season. Dover beat Brantford. 6-5. It began to snow while we were away and kept it up all the after noon Big flakes of heavy snow coming straight down. We are certainly getting plenty of this winter. It was dark

by the time I got back to the hamp kins with the {hane} and cutter after taking May: & the Niblits home and there I had to load qay up and haul her home. It was still snowing hard but very mild and she seewed to thoroughly enjoy the trip I was afraid all the time she would pitch her self out and when we turned into our lave where the track was not beaten the fresh snow came to the top of her sleigh box she gurgled with joy when she could stick her little mitt out and draw them through the soft snow until we got about half way up the lave either she gave a lurch or {que ranner} went suddenly deep a but over the sleigh went and qay went face down into a snow drift. I grabbed her up as fast as possible and tucked her under my arm, evidently none the worse, she seemed to take it as part of the fun. When we got to the house, she was as rosy, cosy and happy as any ten year old kid who has been jumping into snow banks. We put in an awful evening. Aunty Alice but May: his her new Sabitine book “The Gates of Dorm" and we started to read it out loud but I couldn't keep awake so we bath dozed far awhile and then May: sent of her book alone and read the whole thing. We got to bed almost half past two.

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