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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
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I have had Charly spliting wood in the woodhouse to day. I went out with the team to move Henrys things up to Mrs Coppways house. We had as much as we could do to get the job done. I wanted to have got home in time for meeting but could not. My soul longeth yea even fainteth for the blessing of the Almighty. The petition of my heart is continually going up to Him, and, thanks be unto his name the witness of my acceptance is not witheld. I cannot doubt His word.
THURSDAY, January 27, 1870.
My man has been spliting wood to day at the woodhouse. We had our Missionary Deputation to dinner to day Revd. John Wakefield {illegible}. W. German and George Ferguson. We spent also a pleasant and proffitable afternoon with them. Our Missionary Meeting to-night was quite a success. The speeches were good especially Bro. Wakefield's of Simcoe. Captain McFell was Chairman. He acted well in his office. The deputation are staying with us all night. I have been looking for F. W. Springer to night, but I looked in vain.
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