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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 74.pdf
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TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1870.
This day is Queen's birthday, and we, of course, had to observe the usual custom. All hands of us went out to Dover. There was a great crowd present but all that I saw was the people. This I enjoyed a good deal as I came across quite a number of old friends. besides I became acquainted with several fine intelligent looking young ladies which pleased me even more. I took dinner with some of my friends, the Sovereigns on the Hill and had a pleasant time generally. I can still say and I hope I always may that my delight is to do the Will of God.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1870.
Charley has been ploughing the potatoe ground yesterday, or rather to day. The boy has been helping me plant potatoes corn beans &c. I went out to Dover this morning after my sister as our hired girl has not as yet made her appearance and mother cannot possibly get along alone, at present. Bro. German sent after his cow this after-noon. I am to have twenty five dollars for her. She is quite small but a very do good little cow for milk. I think that he gets her at a bargain But then it is to a minister.
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