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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 119.pdf
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MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1870.
Charley has been helping Alex. Man thresh this to day. Will and I got in a couple loads of oats this forenoon. We had one load to upset with us -- the first upset this year. This afternoon we went over to help Tisdale thresh and had a very dirty time of it too. Howr--{however?} got done for this time for which I am very thankful. The kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Hence it is that they alone who hunger and thirst after righteousness can be filled.
The past has been a prosperous day in my work by the blessing of my Heavenly Father. We have succeeded in geting in our oats, of which we had twelve loads in all. Charly has been ploughing. In spite of all I can do, my thoughts are much upon that matter which has so long been the desire of my heart-- viz. a companion in Jesus. Some days my faith is strong and I feel that the matter is safe in His hands; for I have not ceased to ask, in it, His guidance and blessing for years. Then I am at other times well nigh discouraged when I think of the fact that there is no prospect of this ever coming to pass.
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