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Courtland Olds Diary, 1870
Olds, 172.pdf
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Charley is helping Tisdale plough now. I have been busy tinkering at different jobs for Winter. The storm last night and yesterday has passed away without the weather becoming any colder. How, says Dr. Clarke, can that family expect the blessing of God, when the worship of God is not daily performed? No wonder their servants are wicked, their children profligate, and their goods cursed! What an awful reckoning shall such heads of families have with the Judge in their great day, who have refused to petition for that mercy which they might have had for the asking.
My man is ploughing for Tisdale yet. I have been hoeing away grass and rubbish from the apple trees. Found quite a number barked this fall several of them past help. The mice are very bad this year worse than I have ever before seen them that I remember of. I have not yet grown weary in well doing, for my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. I feel that I am less than nothing without Him, but I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
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- Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
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- Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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