File #25134: "A1996-42_JamesRoss1914-1917_00025.pdf"


{INCOMPLETE} {Illegible, cut off} {Written in the left margins of the diary: "2H" "30" "97880"} {Written on the right page end of the diary: "60" "1625552179H6707990"} {...} for meat this morning {Im} in buggy. I cut G.S.hay this {illegible} cutting. Willi drove down for 7 {&?} M A.M. drive then down in evening again {illegible} in buggy both times We finished haying {t} day {illegible} raking(s). N.S. at all day hareing AM till {II} where we {part/pat} {unload} {hay} brought it over to this barn. PM we handled {illegible} brads to other barn and {illegible} small. {Reeves?} eggs 3 day 6 {illegible} Thursday Fine sunny day. N.S. eyeall day having I finished raking now and {illegible} them {illegible} these {illegible} haying 2 loads onto each bane {illegible} brought our here. N.S. helped with hay. Willi {illegible} cream down in morning I had fun mangels seemed time. Willi and girls went at 5h. {illegible} buggy got barks little after eight. {Next page} {Written in the left margins: "July (28)" "59" "978" "70" "10" "29") {Written in the right margins: table below} Paid
Ric H E J
217 / 94 1624 / 95 670 / 69 90 / 07?
Rosemead Diary Tuesday Fine sunny day not warm a slight shower last night N.D. {illegiblel} day he got {june}
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