File #27756: "MaryAgnesCooperDiary_1902-1903ExerciseBook_010.pdf"


Fri Feb. 21st Fine day, warm and thawing, roads very bad, the horses cut nut. Aunt Jemmies and Aunt Mattie came. Sat Feb 22.nd Fine and very warm. thawing very much, the fields are wearing bare. Uncle took us nut in the sleigh. Aunt J. and N. at marys, Aunt Mattie at Mr whites collecting , Mr Farrs called. Sun Feb 23rd, Beautiful day. very mild and taking the snow. Pa's all here for tea. Willie's had Charles Wycliffe chistened the morning. I was at church. Mon Feb 24th. Rained a little then came out fine. Uncle and Aunt Nellie at Thornhill, Made a road up to the corner, and drove down our lane. We cut our marmalade in the evening. Tue Feb 25. Fine day, beautiful and mild. I went to Toronto, seen Mrs Wallbridge, Fine and Sara Farr here for tea. Wed Feb 26. Fine day snow nicely. roads are getting a little better. We were all at home. pretty dirty. Thurs Feb 27. Fine day. the snow going nicely. Uncle and Aunt Mattie wwent to Mr. Alfred Farrs, very dirty and slushy, but no deep water.

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