File #27765: "MaryAgnesCooperDiary_1902-1903ExerciseBook_019.pdf"


Wed Apr 30th_ Fine but cold, Elsie Tisdale and Annie Cooper here for a while in the afternoon. I went to Prayer Meeting. Thur May 1. Fine and a little warmer, Uncle out at Mr Gallanoughs Sale. Aunties out at the W. A. {Women's Auxiliary} Meeting. Mary and George Chapman here for tea. Fri May 2,. Dull and cold, raining in the evening. Will Riddell here patching the roof. Sat May 3. Fine and warmer, Aunt Mattie called over at Pa's, in the afternoon. At Marys in eve. Sun May 4. Rained a little. We went to Church I went to Fisherville, Jennie Clark and Lizzie here in the evening. Mon May 5. Fine and warm, had our lawn cut the first time; Uncle and Aunt Nellie out for a drive, I called up at Marys in the evening. Tue May 6_ Uncle planted Mangels, rained in the afternoon and cold. Wed May 7. Fine but cold, I went to Prayer Meeting in the evening.
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