File #27778: "MaryAgnesCooperDiary_1902-1903ExerciseBook_032.pdf"


Sat Aug 9th_ Fine day, the men at Mr Horne's thrashing I went to Maple on the eve. train Sun Aug 10_ Rained heavily in the morning. We {between the lines it reads: F. N. died.} went to Church. at Mr Keys for tea Mon Aug 11_ Fine day and quiet cool. I was at Mr Knights for tea. and home in the evening. Aunties away picking berries Tue Aug 12_ Fine day. the men all here working Aunt Nellie and the girls picking berries Maud Troyer called in the evening. Wed Aug 13_ Fine day, the men over at Pa's, Aunt Mattie went up for Marjorie. Thur Aug 14_ Fine day. We took Marjorie home. Fri Aug 15_ Fine and cool. Aunt Nellie and I picking berries. the girls and I at Mr Leasdales for tea. We got word of Florence Nightingales death. Sat Aug 16_ Fine day. The men finished cutting at Pa's also here. Aunt Nellie and I at Mary Watsons for tea. Maud Ward died.
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